• Published 10th Jul 2017
  • 6,572 Views, 77 Comments

Lovely Hands - StoryWeaverKP

You are Anon, and you have been hired to work at the Ponyville Day Spa

  • ...

Chapter 4 - The Horn Job

Chapter 4- The Horn Job

Well, it could be a lot worse. Since the whole ‘wing oil’ incident, the number of pegasi patrons had skyrocketed, and each one wanted special alone time with you, your hands, and a certain brand of warming oils. While Lotus had been resistant to the idea at first, the thousands of bits being generated in revenue shifted her perception quite a bit.

For the last two weeks, you had back-to-back appointments with both earth ponies and pegasi. Today had been strangely quiet, not that you were complaining. While it was a little weird to get used to at first, your commission cuts had been enough for you to put a down payment on a little cottage across the marketplace from Sugar Cube Corner.

You had just finished your lunch when the door to your room opened up. Starlight Glimmer waltzes in and she gives you a grin. Her eyes are laden with weariness, and she’s squinting slightly.

“Hey,” you say. “Are you alright?”

Starlight nods. “Yeah… Twilight and I have been working hard over the last few days, trying different magical experiments.” The smile on her face falls. “I’m sorry to say we still haven’t found a way to send you back home.”

“Don’t worry about it,” you reply. “I know you two are working really hard, and it’s much appreciated. So… would you like a massage?”

The purple unicorn perks up a little. “Actually, I’m here for your shampoo service. Rarity said they are to die for, and it might help me get rid of this massive headache.” She gestures to her temple with a hoof.

You pat the table. “Go on and get comfortable, while I get some warm buckets of water. We just got in some great shampoos. Would you want your mane to smell like cherries? Or Bananas?”

For a brief moment, Starlight’s brow scrunches over her eyes. “Um…. How about cherries!”

“As you command, my lady,” you reply.

Starlight positions herself on the table, lying on her back, while you fetch the buckets of water and the shampoo.
Instinctively, you open the shampoo bottle and give it a whiff. Yep… it smells like cherries, and it looks like normal shampoo.

You place the buckets of water beside the table.

Starlight smiles up at you. “So I hear you were quite popular with the pegasi as of late.” She giggles into her hoof.

In response, you groan a little. “There was mix up with some oils, and now, every winged mare in a fifty mile radius wants the same treatment.” Your stomach swirls for a moment. “Spitfire has been back twice a week since then.”

“Well, I suppose it’s a sign that you’re doing a good job,” Starlight replies.

You gently pour some warm water over Starlight’s mane, and she closes her eyes in response. She grins from ear to ear, but says nothing. Once you’re sure her hair is completely wet, you start squeezing the shampoo into one of your hands.
You lather them up, and then you start running your hands through her purple and blue-green mane.

Starlight giggles softly to herself, but she keeps her eyes closed. Your fingertips press against her skull, and you start rubbing in smaller circles. The purple mare’s chest starts rising and falling at an increased rate, and her lower legs twist together for a moment.

“How’s that?” You ask. “How is your tension level on a scale of 1-10?”

Starlight lets out a little moan before she says “um… I’d still say a 7, but it was a 9.93 when I first came in.”

“Would you like for me to massage a little harder?” you ask.

She simply nods.

Just as she requests, you start to really dig your fingertips into her skull, and you rub in bigger circles. Your thumbs start to work on the back of her head while you slowly let your fingers dance around her scalp.

Starlight breathes heavier, and she starts to let out pleasure-filled moans. She lets out another gasp of utter happiness when you start to rinse her mane with the warm water. You have to get several more buckets of warm water, and each one used on her makes Starlight coo all the more merrily.

She opens her eyes. “Wow… that was awesome.”

“How is your tension now?” You ask.

Starlight’s eyes go out of focus for a brief moment. “I’d still say six. I guess I just need some rest and a break from magical work.”

You study her horn a little more closely. Just like when you were massaging Spitfire for the first time, you had never been this close to a unicorn’s horn. From this distance, you notice it sparkles a little, as if it is made of mineral or rock. You never noticed it before because you never took the time to actually stare at a unicorn’s horn before. It might have been received just as well as staring at a human woman’s breasts, so you decided to avoid it until now.

Starlight blushes. “Anon, what are you looking at?” she giggles.

You ask, “You mentioned that you’ve been doing a lot of magical work right?”

“Yes,” Starlight replies.

You gently touch the tip of Starlight’s horn with the tip of your finger. Starlight’s eyes go to pinpricks, and her cheeks become even more flushed.

“Do you suppose this might be the source of your headache?” You ask.

Starlight swallows hard. “Wh-what do you mean?”

You shrug. “I don’t know. If horns are supposed to be magical amplifiers, does that mean they can get worn out like muscles?”

“I have never thought of horns that way,” Starlight replies. “It has just always been a part of me, so I just took it at face value.”

You smile down at her. “I have an idea that might make you feel better.”

“Oh?” Starlight asks.

“Would you like me to rub your horn?” You ask.

Silence lingers between you two for a moment before a magical aura covers your body. Gently, you are lifted and placed
on the far side of the room.

Starlight’s horn is glowing, but several bags have started to form under her eyes. She rolls off of the table.

A nervous chuckle escapes her. “Um… you’re from another world, so I don’t expect you to know this… but ponies generally don’t ‘touch’ a unicorn’s horn… not unless they are … well…” her purple cheeks are reddened.

Your eyes open wide. “Oh…. This is like the wing thing for pegasi.”

Starlight averts her eyes. “Yeah…” she starts to move toward the door. “Thanks for the service. I’ll see you around.”

You call out after her. “So then I guess it wouldn’t make you feel better then?”

Starlight stops, but she isn’t looking in your direction. Her voice cracks a little. “I’m… um… certain it would make the 6 turn
into a -50 bajillion…. But um…”

You wince. “Listen, I’m not a pony, so I’m not trying to suggest such things to be nasty. I promise.”

Slowly, she peeks over at you from over her shoulder. Her wet mane looks surprisingly alluring, and you can’t help but feel a weird stirring inside you. Oh holy hell… you’ve been in this world too long. You drank the kool-aide, and now you’re
starting to get thirsty…

“I kn-know that,” Starlight says. “I j-just don’t want it to get weird between us.”

You say, “It won’t. I promise. I’m just trying to do my job, and besides…” you smile at her and step over to the table. “We’re friends.”

Starlight doesn’t move toward the door, nor does she come back to you. She just looks at you.
She says, “You promise this won’t get weird?”

You hold up your hand. “I promise it won’t get weird.”

You gesture to the table, and slowly, Starlight lays back down on her back. She glances up at you.

“So… what do you have in mind?” She asks.

A sudden, pervy thought flickers in your mind, but you push it away. Then you slowly drag it back to the forefront of your mind. Your eyes widen.

“What?” Starlight sounds nervous.

You let out an awkward giggle. “Oh nothing, I just figured out how I can probably help you.” You pause for a second. “Do you trust me?”

She winces, but after a moment, she nods.

As you move over to one of the cabinets, you can’t help but think “Celestia, please don’t judge me.”

You grab one of the bottles of lotion, and then you take your place back in front of Starlight.

“Okay, to make sure this doesn’t get in your eyes, I need you to keep them closed. Okay?” You say.
She nods and complies.

Before you do anything else, you reach out and grab her horn. Starlight Glimmer immediately gasps loudly, and she places her upper hoofs over her chest, crossing them. She squints harder.

Starlight’s horn feels so interesting. Whereas a pony body is warm, the horn itself is cooler, with a slight chill to it. It feels hard for the most part, but at the same time, it’s slightly squishy. A thin, sparkling layer of skin covers the bone of the horn… at least you think it’s some kind of bone or some other arcane material. There are four segmented areas on the horn, and the little creases remind you of the lines on your inner fingers. Granted, the horn doesn’t flop about or bend. The tip of the horn is the hardest, with the thinnest layer of skin and the sharpest part of the bone.

The more you feel her horn, the more connected the comparisons are in your mind. You, Anon, are going to Hell.

You release the horn, and Starlight’s muzzle sneers up a little, perhaps in anticipation. She looks so cute, laying on the
table, being all vulnerable and nervous.

You put some lotion into your hand, and then you grip the horn again. Once more, Starlight gasps, and this time, it’s louder and more impactful. She starts heavy breathing, and squirming on the table.

You place a hand on her chest, and immediately regret it. Your checks blush, and a hundred fruit bats start flapping in your chest.

“Calm down,” you say. “It’s going to feel weird at first, but I’m sure it will feel better soon.”

“H-have you ever done this before?” Starlight asks.

Is your face on fire? Because it sure feels like it’s burning up. You reply, “Um… more or less. Okay…. Let’s begin, shall we?”

Slowly, you start rubbing the horn with your lotion-lathered hand. Starlight’s chest rises and falls under your graceful touch, and your hand is still grazing her chest fur. You start to pull it away, but she wraps her hoofs around your forearm.

“No!” she says. “It’s comforting. Please…”

You rest your hand back on her chest to steady her while your other hand continues to pump up and down her horn.

Starlight writhes a little, and she’s moaning and twisting about in a twitchy fashion.

“oh… yeah,” she says. “I can feel the tension slipping out of me.”

Your back starts to hurt a little from being hunched over Starlight in that kind of manner, so you remove your hand. However, before Starlight can whine, you start scratching her behind one of her ears. That certainly takes it up a notch.

You switch hands and put on more lotion onto the horn.

You ask, “How is your tension?”

Starlight’s response is unintelligible, and her eyes are fluttering. One word slips out through the confusion though.

“Overwhelming…” Starlight says.

Overwhelming? Oh no! Are you making it worse?

You stop for a moment, and Starlight screams out, “No! KEEP GOING! My tension is almost gone! Please!!!”

You swallow hard, and do as she asks. You move your hand harder and faster.

Suddenly, the tip of Starlight’s horn starts to glow with the same light as when she does magic. As you have never really experienced magic this close up, you can only stare at it in wonder. When you rub on the tip, it feels both icy and hot at the same time.

Starlight’s back arches upward, and her head rolls.

The tip of the horn points directly at you, and the green light sparkle is within six or seven inches of your face. Before you can step out of the way, a massive green aura of energy slams into you. At first, it just feels hard…. But then it feels … sticky. Your back hits the wall with such force that all of the air is knocked out of you. You crumple to the floor, but manage to fall onto your knees. Everything is black, but you’re not unconscious.

Starlight starts screaming. “Oh my Celestia, Oh my Celestia, Oh my Celestia, Oh my Celestia, Oh my Celestia… I’m sooooo sorry.”

The door to your room opens up, at least, that’s what is sounds like.

“What is going on in here?” Aloe asks. “Why does all the chao-”

Some other pony gasps.

Slowly, you stand up. Your entire body feels wrong… mostly because you’re sticky all over your entire body. It’s only when you wipe your face that you can see again. Thick, green colored goo has coated your body, as well as a giant spread of the wall behind you. An anon shaped hole in the goo-covered wall reveals just where you slammed back.

Aloe and Lotus are standing near the doorway, while Starlight is on her knees on top of the table. Her upper hoofs are covering her mouth, but when she lowers them, she reveals a sheepish smile.

“Well,” Starlight said. “My tension level is a -50 bajillion.”

All you can do is laugh, which causes the other three mares to laugh as well. You spit some of the goo out of your mouth, onto the spa floor.

“Starlight,” you ask. “Did you have cake or something for lunch?”

“Yeah, how did you know that?” Starlight asks.

You start to laugh again. “I can taste it.”

Coming soon… the last chapter – The OTP