• Published 5th Jul 2017
  • 523 Views, 1 Comments

Business Tiff - TrixieLuvsMagic

A new drink shop opens up in Ponyville, and it quickly becomes popular. It becomes the go-to beverage stop in town, but AJ has her suspicions that the manager is trying to run her out of business, and she's determined to find out why.

  • ...

The Town Friend

Blue skies, hardly any clouds, and hard, hard work. Just another day for Applejack, the town's most dependable pony Ponyville's ever known. She had the morning off, but instead of sleeping in like a normal pony would, she decided to go out into the marketplace to get some more fertilizer. Making your own, let alone with or without hands is harder than you think, it's even worse when the farm in question is the only one in the town.

"My, what a darn gosh beautiful day it is. Maybe I should take some extra time off. Go to the lake, get a steam, relax a little." AJ said to herself, wondering how she would spend her morning when finished up with shopping. "I know I will sleep well tonight. I didn't get much shut eye yesterday, and it'd take too long to make something to keep me awake." She claimed as she bought two bags of fertilizer from a pony with a small stand, in exchange for about six bits.

That's when she smelled something that caught her attention, it smelled strong but delicate. She turned around and followed the smell, and some fresh steam in the sky to a small cottage-like building in the middle of town. It had blue-painted wooden walls, bushes full of flowers by the glass windows with colorful designs, and of course, leaves as decoration on the matching roof. A big wooden sign over the white double doors read 'The Bubbly Palisades'. AJ glanced by a small poster on the doors, covering one of the simple glass windows.

'Try one of our new and nutritious smoothies! Half price from one to four PM!' spread along the colored paper in big, bold black letters. Applejack pulled one of the doors open to reveal a beautiful drink shop inside. Pretty pictures of nature and art laid on a soothing brown background. The floor had marble tiles of all shapes and sizes, and the mahogany counter was glossy and modern, complete with an assortment of equipment, mixers and machines. Beside them was a small box filled with plain decorated menus, along with shelves full of colored trays, mugs, and ordinary glasses. Even Twilight couldn't resist the organization that was put into the room, couches and tables. Jazzy music could be heard all around. After hearing a small jingle, she let the door close behind her and stepped inside.

"Oh! I didn't see you there." A tall unicorn with a coat that was similar to Fluttershy's, a sky blue mane in a messy up-do, and soft pink eyes called out to Applejack. "Welcome to The Bubbly Palisades. I was just about to begin the morning rush that is my job, but I would be happy to be of service to you, on the grounds that you look like you've been working hard." The mare laughed.

"Well, thank you, whoever ya are." The farm pony replied.

"Hm? Oh," The mare at the counter smirked. "Aren't you a pony with a sense of humor. I just moved here from Manehattan, so I don't know very many ponies around these parts. Where are my manners? My name's Sweet Heart, how may I help you?" She replied with a grin. The mare seemed to have an accent that matched the one Babs Seed had, but it was more natural, if anything. Applejack noticed her cutie mark was some steaming brown liquid in a pink mug, and assumed she must be the manager.

"Well, Sweet Heart, I'm Applejack. I'm sure you've heard of me around town?" Applejack questioned. The mare nodded, subtly. "Do you mind if I try something here? I'm not a spy or anything, but just curious, mostly."

"Well, Applejack, for a nice pony like you, it's on the house. I find first impressions to be very crucial and important to one's social life, and you seem real kind. Drinks with alcohol or any of that junk aren't available until the late afternoon to evening, but I'll happily make anything you want! What would you like?" Sweet Heart waved her hoof to the large blackboard above her, where all of her beverages and little treats were listed. There were so many, it took a while for Applejack to find something.

"I guess I could try a, cinnamon twirl cappuccino. That sounds mighty nice." Said Applejack, pointing her hoof at the words on the blackboard. "And an apple fritter." She added, smiling.

"Cinnamon Twirl Cap? Good choice, miss, coming right up! You can just hang out and have a seat, it will be ready soon." Sweet gestured to some colorful couches near a corner, forming a conversation pit around a wooden table with painted flowers. Applejack shrugged, and took a seat on a comfortable red sofa, which was covered in matching, fluffy pillows. She laid back her head, and felt really comfy. Slowly, she started to fall asleep from comfort, the quiet music, and so on, when Sweet Heart's voice rang out.

"Applejack, your drink and fritter are waiting for you!" She was smiling at Applejack as she handed her the food and coffee that was ordered. Applejack sat back down, lifted the fritter with her hooves, and ate it in a few bites, trying to get a firm grip on the taste. It was sweet, but had a bitter side to it, from some sort of creamy mixture inside the pastry. About average compared the Sweet Apple Acres' apple fritters. Then she moved on to the coffee. She smelled it, which gave her a face full of steam, a delicious scent of cinnamon, nutmeg, and so on. She licked the cream on top gently. It was flavorless, as most whipped creams were, but still tasty. All that was left was to taste it. She lifted the small, pale cup with her hoof, raised it to her lips, and took a nice long sip.

It was amazing. Oh, how that drink tasted amazing. The cinnamon and nutmeg, the sweetness, the espresso. She had never tried anything like it! Applejack kept drinking, and drinking, until there was barely anything but some remaining whipped cream at the bottom of the cup. She wanted to keep the taste of that first sip forever, even if she hated the idea of drinking the coffee of a possible business rival.

"This is great! Do ya think I could have another round?" Applejack requested from the couch.

"Why, I wish I could. But I have to save some of these ingredients for the rest of my customers today. I'm still glad you liked it. I make everything from scratch. And a recipe, of course. My father taught me to make these, he was the best coffee and smoothie maker in all of my hometown back in his day!" Sweet giggled as she was wiping coffee grounds off of the counter.

"Really?" Applejack questioned.

"Yep!" Sweet Heart proudly replied. "Do you think you'll come back tomorrow? If you do, be sure not to come until I actually open next time, okay? Okay!" Sweet Heart smiled.

"Uh, sure." Applejack smiled back. "Bu-bye now." The orange pony said, waving goodbye while leaving.

"Goodbye for now!" Sweet beamed and waved back.

Later that afternoon, Applejack wanted to see if this mare she recently met was really all that. She didn't know many ponies who were experts on drinks, but she did know one. As sophisticated as they come, without traveling to Canterlot. Rarity.
Applejack walked up the Carousel Boutique, and rang the doorbell. A frazzled Rarity stepped out, clearly hard working on some new dresses for paying customers.

"Why, Applejack. What a surprise! It's surely something seeing you here, do you need something, Darling?" Rarity asked in her piper tone.

"I'm doing just fine, Rarity. I just wanted to ask you something. Are you familiar with The Bubbly Palisades?" Applejack knew she might regret asking that, and she did. Before she knew what happened, Applejack was sitting on the floor of the boutique, sampling assorted tea cakes from the popular drink shop that Rarity recently purchased. They were good, but Applejack ignored the ones with coconut. Coconut and chocolate weren't always perfect together, for most ponies.

"You should've tried her cinnamon whats-its-name. It was more delicious than our fresh apple cider. It just had this, this flavor to it, this bang!" Applejack was in hysterics, and all over a coffee.

"Do you mean Sweet Heart? Oh, that mare is so nice! She moved here a while ago, and turned her new home into a quaint little store where you can get drinks. It's strange, but anyone who goes in comes out as if they're her best friend. Sweet Heart has a magnetic personality, it's to die for!" Rarity rambled, on and on, while working on a new dress for herself. "You know, just last week I tried one of her Tri-Pecan Surprise drinks, with just the most adorable design of my cutie mark on it with caramel. It was delicious, and she's been my go-to edible inspiration mare ever since!"

"She has?" Applejack wondered why every pony seemed to like her so much.

"But of course!" Rarity answered. "Was she not good to you, somehow? She seemed to be a wonderful pony since she gave you a free drink and all. In fact, the rest of our friends and I were just about to visit her for some rounds in a few hours. We invited her to join in as well, to celebrate a successful move for her. If you want to, you're more than welcome to join us." Rarity seemed oblivious to Applejack's feelings, as usual. Whenever Rarity got too far in the zone, you could hardly get her to talk right.

"I guess I'm going back then? Fine. See ya soon, Rarity." Applejack snapped as she let herself out.

Applejack was lying on the couch, thinking to herself on why some random pony who moved here just a while ago, could make friends with nearly anyone she met? Sure, her drinks were good, but it was strange. AJ glanced at a nearby clock, which read ten o' clock in the evening. The rest of the Mane six must already arrived where Sweet Heart lives. Applejack thought to herself, and eventually decided to go and join her friends at The Bubbly Palisades.

Why not?
Applejack walked with reluctant pacing all the way to where the Marketplace usually stood in the mornings. For the time being, the stands were empty and nobody was around, but the store overflowing with a wonderful aroma was still buzzing with ponies. The doors were wide open, and bright lights showed six special silhouettes by the counter. Sighing, she worked up the courage to go inside and take a seat on one of the many decorative chairs at the counter, keeping her distance from her friends.

"Applejack, you made it! Rarity told me she invited you, but I didn't think you would actually go for it. You aren't the drinking type, at least not that I know of." A raspy voice cheered from the other side of the counter. Rainbow Dash flew over and bumped Applejack's hoof, with the earth pony being oblivious to the zealous Rainbow. "Come on, Applejack. Talk to me! I know just what will be up your alley. A good old-fashioned cider!" Rainbow Dash held a small jug of bright, fizzy cider in her hoof, and Applejack's head spun around like lightning to see Rainbow Dash drink Sweet Heart's cider. Guzzling it down like the traitor Applejack thought her friend was. Her orange complexion started to burn red, until she was startled back into the present by a loud burp.

"Can't believe I chugged down this whole thing. So, still think I'm a coward with drinks, Pinkie Pie?" She said with a smirk.

"I must admit, Rainbow, that was amazing. I'm actually proud to witness that, proud as... You, I guess." Pinkie giggled.

"Ha! I knew it. Did you be sure to time it correctly this time? I," Rainbow Dash hiccups. "Can't take much more of this in my system. My vision is already blurry."

"You took twenty seconds!" Pinkie Pie answers.

"Dang it! Why, why why why?" Rainbow Dash bangs her hoof on the counter in frustration.

"Honestly, Rainbow Dash. This is why we rarely take you out for drinks. You always turn a good night out into a silly contest or record breaking." Rarity commented after taking a sip of wine. "This wine is simply divine, it's great! Sweet Heart, where exactly did you get this?"

"I have connections. I remind you again, first impressions can take you places. And some of them are delicious, in my case." Sweet Heart intervened with Rainbow Dash and Pinkie's upset feelings, and smiled.

"Applejack, you've been awfully quiet. How about we get you something? Our treat!" Twilight asked Applejack.

"Huh? Oh, oh sure. Maybe this... What do you recommend?" Applejack glanced at Sweet Heart.

"Anything you want, Kiddo." Sweet Heart replied. A few minutes in the back room, and she comes back with a wide-rimmed glass full of a pink liquid. "This is one of my specialties! A few blueberries, strawberries, peaches, and some alcohol. I call it Boozy Fruity. Did you want that normal or on the rocks?" Asks Sweet Heart.

"Surprise me." Applejack requests.

"Sure?" Sweet Heart leaves, and comes back with her drink on the rocks, complete with a tiny umbrella. "There you go! That'll be three bits." Applejack took a small sip, and felt an overwhelming amount of sweetness on her tongue. It tasted nice, but she couldn't stand it, and not just because she wasn't the drinking type. Twilight hands Sweet the amount of bits needed, and continues drinking an orange liquid with a lot of fizz. "What do you think of that Citrus Twist? Taste good, Twilight?" Sweet politely asked Twilight Sparkle.

"It's great. What's in this again? I wanted something natural, nothing alcoholic."

"Just some oranges, lemon, and a touch of carbonated water. It's kind of like a frozen smoothie, nothing dangerous, Princess." Sweet Heart confirmed.

"Was that a pun?" Pinkie Pie laughed, and Twilight glared at her.

"I'm sure it wasn't Pinkie. At least I think it wasn't, Sweet seems to be so well-read. She even has an entire rack of books by Hoofspeare, one of my secret favorite authors."

"Oh, well it's true, I do love my stories. Drama is a big part of my life, at least it was." Sweet Heart blushed.

"Enough!" Applejack intervened, slamming her hoof on the counter. Her friends sitting next to her recoiled, and Sweet Heart gasped.

"Applejack, what's wrong?" Fluttershy questioned.

"I'm fine." Applejack snapped.

"Are you sure?" Rainbow Dash tried to stop Applejack's behavior, to no avail.

"Sweet Heart, can I talk to you? Alone?" Applejack gritted her teeth. "I cannot count how many times this evening I've had to bite my tongue. Not just at my friends, but at ya, too. You're so... Perfect. Too perfect."

"I don't know what you're talking about, but if it will stop you from acting like a maniac in my store, fine. Let's talk." Sweet Heart escorted Applejack outside, her buttercream face starting to turn red.

"I don't know what you're all about Sweet, but it has to stop." Applejack paused, and sighed. "Why do ya feel ya have to be so perfect to every pony in town?"

"You really want to know about me? I didn't think some pony would be so desperate to learn the truth about me. I haven't had the courage to tell anyone. And I mean that." Sweet objected. "You really want to hear this?"

"Yes. I feel like you're trying to steal my business, and I wanna know why." Applejack stomped her hoof on the ground. Sweet Heart had a confused expression, until eventually she burst into laughter.

"WHAT?! You, you really thought I was doing that? Wow, that's a good one! I would never try to challenge Sweet Apple Acres. Everyone I've met has told me about your amazing cider, pies, and that you just grow the best apples in town." Sweet Heart complimented. "You could say I just have a lot of pressure on me." Her smile faded.

"Pardon?" Applejack tilted her head.

"As I grew up, my father Prime Primp, and my mother Social Butterfly pressured me to always have friends, and a large social circle. They were very important ponies where I lived and in some surrounding areas, and could be very influential. Their social circles were massive, and would always be welcome around town with their friends and business partners, mostly to guarantee I would have plenty of time to add more friendships to the family name. Apparently, I was destined to grow up a social pony. As was my mom, and her mother or father before her, and so on. It's a social family chain, and I'm generation fifteen." Sweet Heart explained.

"Wow, that doesn't sound so bad, but it must be kind of awkward. I could understand how that is, mostly from other ponies." Applejack looked at Sweet, and could see the misery in her eyes, spending her entire life with the weight of an entire lineage on her shoulders.

"It is that bad. What I said about my father the first time we met was true, but it was mostly my mother. She refused to let her husband help make the chain breakable. So when she had a daughter, she and my dad helped tutor me in the art of making friends. Not just friends, though. Coworkers, partners, you name it, they taught me it. I grew up having lessons on being likable. My angle is being the perfect little filly everyone adores. Sickening, isn't it?" Sweet Heart complained, but then smiled.

"Sweet Heart, you don't have any real friends, do you?" Applejack questioned Sweet, raising her eyebrows. Sweet Heart shook her head. "In that case, maybe we should change that." Applejack winked.

"Really? You would be friends with me? Not because I act so lovely and make good drinks? You would consider-" Sweet Heart couldn't finish the last sentence, when Applejack pulled her close, hugging her.

"Of course I would, you could use some real friends. Consider me and my friends a big part of your 'social circle'." Applejack beamed, and Sweet Heart let out a little laugh.

"Thanks." Sweet Heart played with her mane a bit, and then continued to walk with Applejack down the trail back to town. Applejack gestured to the building, and they walked back inside to enjoy the rest of the evening. Not as acquaintances, but as friends. But not long before Applejack said one last comment.

"And by the way, you owe me a drink."

Comments ( 1 )

Whew, finally got around to reading this!

Okay, so it was okay, but I have one big problem with it.

The dialogue is so damn stiff, they don’t sound like people having a natural conversation with each other.

Otherwise, you did great, keep up the good work!

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