• Published 30th Jun 2017
  • 1,235 Views, 9 Comments

Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V : Magic Duel Monsters - Cybers Link

Magic starts leaking out from the portal between the human and the ponies, at the same time zombies, dragons, fiends and more monsters appear out of nowhere attacking people. All appears to be connected to one thing, Duel Monsters.

  • ...

Shout the Raven

Author's Note:

Ho finally, To tell the truth, I didn't like much how this chapter ends up. I have it ready two weeks ago but every time I rewrite and rewrite it because I feel something was off. And still I think it does but I want it to be out already. I hope you enjoy it. Please tell if you find any error, I haven't found an editor yet but I'm doing my best.

Hope you enjoy, next chapter should be ready sooner than this one.
Drope a like and a comment and don't forget to subscr... no, no wait wrong media.

~Somewhere but at the same time nowhere~

It was a strange place. No dark but it wasn't light up either. Concepts like up. down, left or right where meaningless here as the only thing you can do was floating around. It will be boring if it weren't for the monster battle taking place.

A human with a very extravagant haircut was behind four monsters, dragons to be more exact, He has called them by their names but she has given up trying to remember what were they. Ther red dragon with different color eyes, the white dragon with green and clear wings, the dark dragon with intimidating fangs and the purple dragon with noxious substance emanating from its body, all were at the service of the red and green hair color human.

But all of this was nothing special in comparison to what they were facing An enormous dragon a hundred times bigger than the other four was battling them and it seems that it was winning. The human gives his signal for all to attack but they were quickly destroyed as two small dragons at the service of the bigger one came to protect it and destroy all the other dragons in the process.

The explosion of the attack should have pushed him kilometers away if it weren't for an another human, or at least it looks human, in his rescue. This female human's feet weren't visible, in its place was a flower arrangement, she also has no eye pupils and wears a withe and blue dress. She was followed by other monsters, a red fire dragon with horns, a big robotic warrior, a person with a superhero costume and a big metallic airplane with some semblance of a bird. All of them were prepared to fight the dragon who at seeing this was just laughing with an uncanny grin.

The last thing she always sees was the dark humanoid shadow in the head of the big dragon staring at her. That menacing shadow raising a hand and pointing at Sunset followed by a thunderous cry before she wakes up.





"Haa wha-- Hu? What happen?!" Sunset wakes up abruptly from the stairs in front of the school main entrance with dry saliva in her face standing up from in a kung-fu position pretending she knows anything about martial arts.

"Darling, calm down. we are at school. Classes haven't started yet and you are already slipping. Ho, and you got a little... Hum... let me just get it for you." Rarity explains to Sunset as she takes from her purse a handkerchief and cleans her face with it.

"Rough night?" AJ asks.

"Rough nights. Plural. Ough.." Sunset sight sitting back with a tiered look massaging her temporals.

"The same dream? ha"

"Yeah, this is stressing me out. This is the fifth time I got the same dream this week." It has passed a week since the incident in Whitetail Park. Luckily the destruction in the city where minor, relatively speaking of course. The news has explained this as an earthquake that makes subterranean gas to spread out creating hallucinations of monsters attacking people. It was the best explanation a race without the public knowledge of magic can came out with. You will be surprised of how humans accept this kind of explanation at not knowing that magic is real.

"Have you try to go to a specialist about this?"

"I don't think a psychologist will help Rarity. I am sure this has something to do with this strange magic." Sunset sight at a crystal bracelet around her left wrist. It was a solid crystal with no evident way to take it off. It looks like the crystal had just grown around her wrist, which in fact it did,

"Hooo, Yea that magnificent bracelet. Its red color with yellow sparks really looks good on you, you know. Haaa! This inspires new and fresh ideas. I can see it now, a black Tomesode with red and yellow decorations. Let me tell you, the wardrobe of this year theater show of Madam Butterfly will have the best wardrobe in all school history." Rarity squeak in excitement moving around Sunsets bracelet with sparkling eyes alongside Sunset's hand. Apple Jack and Sunset just roll their eyes at Rarity usual behavior.

"Wher are the other girls anyway. Is almost time for class." Apple Jack says looking the hour.

"Hold your horses A.J," A raspy voice says from behind them as Sunset, Rarity and Apple Jack looks at their friends closing by. Rainbow and Twilight walking together and Pinke and Fluttershy a little behind holding something in their hands.

"What took you so long? you were supposed to be here an hour ago to return the calculator a borrow you. I got a test today you know."

"Yea, yea sorry about that. but we get a little distracted."

"Distracted? with what?" A.J asks.

"Hi! girl!s want to see what we have in our hands" Pinkie stands in between Rainbow and A.J. getting a bit too close to Apple Jack face.

"What do you have there Pinkie" Sunset force herself to stand up to greet her friends.

"We found these two laying down on the side of the street and Fluttershy couldn't help it but to save them," Dash says getting to the side so her other friends could see better what Fluters and Pinkie were holding.

A.J. Sunset and Rarity get close to see two small birds with bandages in its wings.

"Aren't they the cutest, This one right here is Philip and the one Pinke is holding is Samantha. I could hear them asking for help and I couldn't ignore them." Fluttershy says while petting them softly in their heads.

"Hoo, cute pigeons what happen to them?" Sunset asks as the rest take turns to pet the little birds.

"I don't know, they said that something crash into them at high speed when they were flying but they don't know what it was"

"So what are you going to do with them?"

"For now, they need rest. I will create a comfortable space in my locker for them."

"Ho! let me help you with that." Rainbow says as Pinkie carefully give the pigeon at Rainbow. But before they get inside the school, Rainbow stop. "Ha, I almost forgot. Egghead, so I will see you later on the library to study, right?"

"Ho yea for calculus right, I will see you then."


"Wait! Rainbow, I will go too. I'm sure you already forgot you still have my calculator." Apple Jack says but it seems Rainbow didn't hear her. "Wait! Dash!" A.J. grabs her backpack and walks inside the school.

"I see Dash and you are all good again," Rarity says putting a hand on Twilight shoulder.

"Yea...well I guess. We really never fight actually. When we see each other again this morning, she actually apologizes. She just says I am sorry and that that day she wasn't feeling well. That's all."

"Wow really. That's... unusual for her" Rarity says almost feeling bad for thinking that way.

"I guess a week trapped in her house makes anyone think," Sunset says.

The news of what had happened in the park have freaked out the city. They even canceled classes and recommended to not get out of the house unless it was absolutely necessary as if the houses had a magic force or something that keeps toxic gases to enter. Parents didn't allow their children to get out until briefing it was safe to get out.

"I am just glad we can finally get out to breathe the fresh air. " Pinkie says inhaling deeply. "Haaaa sweet, sweet fresh air. It cures my soul." Sunset, Rarity, and Twilight giggle at Pinke's behavior. Probably the one who suffers the most with the lock in was the hyperactive Pinkie Diane Pie.

"Talking about healing..." Twilight's happy expression transforms into a small frown. "How is he... I mean have you visit him in the hospital?" The question has also put a frown on the others faces.

"You mean Snips right? He is ...fine. As fine as someone in a coma could be." Snips have been in a coma state since Sunset defeats him in the duel. Sunset has visited him in the hospital and the doctors have said that he was in perfect health physically with the exception of small burns but those aren't the causes of his coma. They didn't know what happened to him to be in that state.

" What did ...hum.. the pony princess says about all this," Twilight ask feeling uncomfortable in calling her pony contra part by her name.

"She hasn't answered back, neither the diary or the portal have worked since the crystal started to appear all around the city. Who knows how many of those crystals are already all growing in the city." Sunset sight in frustration taking the magic diary from her bag and looking at her. She didn't know if the diary wasn't working and Twilight turn off the portal by accident when Starlight cross, or if it was something worst.

"One thousand, seven hundred thirty-four," Pinkie says

"Hum excuse me?" Sunset ask.

"One thousand, seven hundred thirty-four, well more or less, but I guess is more. They seem to grow one every minute luckily they are very small and this is a big city."

"Pinkie, don't tell me you already count every single piece of crystal in the city"

"Ugh no, I have a life. No, someone else told me"

"Told you? But ho.."

"Yeah. He also told me where I can find them." Pinkie didn't let Sunset finish her question. "For example, here is one. and there. and there, there is a small one over there." Her friends follow Pinkie's movements with their eyes as she moves from place to place indicating where exactly the crystal formation was. Even some of them well hiding like under rocks or in between bushes.

"Humm where else... No, no silly, I already took that one home, it looks like a cupcake.... Hmm, you are right. Ho ho I know I know." She said talking to herself as she quickly moves behind a near by tree and asking the others to come closer to see. "Quickly come. Thes one is my favorite"

The other tree obliged at Pinkie request and stand on their knees to get close to see a small crystal forming at the bottom of the tree with nothing in special from any other crystal formation, at least one that they can't see.

"See. Just look at it and told me it Isn't the living portrait of Gummy." The three teenagers stand up sharing a look of concern and worry.

"Sure Darling. It looks just like him" Rarity gives Pinkie a supporting smiling along with all the others. Pinkie delight with the supported action smile at them with no signs of sadness in her face.

"So there are that many all around the city? Ough is worst than I thought." Sunset sets back again on the stairs with her head between her legs.

"Darling, don't tell me you still feel bad. This isn't your fault"

"Tell that to Snips... or his family"

"We have talked about this, you did what you think was right. If it weren't for you, the city will probably have become the first dragon's layer of the world."

"Yeah! with snips as the dragon leader. Do you imagine Snips as the ruler of the world?"

"I know," Sunset says in frustration. " But what if I could have done something more. Maybe if I have noticed before I should try to persuade him to give up and maybe he wouldn't be in the hospital right now."

Nobody tries to deny that. They really think what happened wasn't Sunset's fault but not a thing they will say will persuade Sunset to feel other wise.

"C'mon. Why the long faces? Nothing will change if we keep down like that. Tell me Sunset would you like to have a duel later on. I see you have a deck now and you know how to play." Pinke trying to uplift the humor in her usual bouncing attitude.

"Hum? you mean this." Sunset takes steps back and lifts her left arm in a horizontal position and a bright red light start to emanate from Sunset's bracelet blinding the girls for a few second only for that strange blade appearing on the side of Sunsets arm.

The strange device seems to be made of crystals like the ones that are appearing all around the city. It has a red blade in form of a triangle with a rounded side in which was connected to a rectangular clear block attach around sunset arm holding the triangle in place. The crystal block has some sort of screen with the words "Stand By" written in it.

"HO MY!. It is gorgeous. It will be the perfect accessory if it weren't for its size. it is too big to carry it around all the time." Rarity gets closer to the Duel Disk touching it with sparkling eyes probably wishing to have a piece of it as part of her gems collection.

"And it comes with its own deck too ha," Pinkie asks looking at the cards that were in a slot on the side of the crystal block specially made for them.

"Yea isn't that cool. It came with the knowledge and all. That reminds me" Sunset grabs the cards in her hands and passes it to Twilight. "You are the one who should know more about this game, have you seen these cards before?"

"Humm.." Twilight spread Sunset deck to see them better and give them a quick check with a thoughtful expression. " I can tell you I recognize some of this cards but not all of them. I just recently re-started to play the game too. I don't know some of the new cards, but they seem real Duel Monster's cards to me." Twilight stuck all the cards in a pile and give them back to Sunset.

"I see.I don't know how this game is connected to the equestrian magic or why it started to appear here or from where. Heck, I don't even know how this thing works," Sunset tries to put one card on the blade but nothing happens.

"Ha Silly. That is very simple," Pinkie says as she gets closer to Sunset. Pinke start moving her finger on the screen of the duel disk like a touch screen changing the words from a" Stand By" to "Summon mode". "There, try now."

Sunset confuse, do what she says and as soon as she puts the card on the duel disk a dog in fire appear in front of her." Woohoo!." Sunset scream in surprise. Luckily there weren't many people around at that time and the few that were didn't put too much attention on the flaming dog. "How did you....?"

"The voice in my head say it to me," Pinke answered with a smile.

"I KNOW IT!" Twilight scream pointing with a finger at Pinkie making all to stare back at her. "Ha hmmm mean what do you mean voices in your head Pinkie," She says while playing with her hair with an innocent smile.

"No voices, a voice in my head. He is the one that told me about the crystals"

"Pinke ho..." Sunset get quiet all of the sudden as she sees closer what was around Pinkes left arm with eyes wide open. "Pinke, Where do you get that?" Sunsets points at the light blue crystal bracelet around Pinkes wrist.

"What? this? I get it when Snips was trying to conquer the world. I bright Yellow light get inside my Geode turning it into this bracelet around my arm. isn't it cool."

"PINKIE!" The three friends say at unison surprising the pink puffy girl.


"Pinkie why have you say that early" Sunset massage her head with one hand.

"Yes darling, I think you could have said it in all this time we were sharing text messages between each other." Rarity says with sparkling eyes looking at the blue bracelet.

"At least you could say it to me, I was right there with you" Twilight exclaim.

"Sorry, I thought we have bigger problems with the dragons and all." Pinkie reply with a thoughtful face.

"So I guess the voice in your head..."

"Yep, Is a duel monster. A funny one too.He loves to make everyone smile, wanna see?" Pinke gets ready to manifest her own Duel Disk.

"No Pinke" Sunset says as she took the monster card from her deck and slide into the deck once again making the fire dog to disappear. Once she does that, the cards shuffle by themselves follow up by sunset consciously removing the duel disk and transforming it back into a bracelet. "No right now, we have classes"


And as if she had ringed it herself, the school bell makes its sound indicating there were 5 minutes left for everyone to go to their classroom to start their class of the day.

"Ough" Pinkie exclaim in disappointment. "Well, at least promise me to have a duel later on. I was dying to test this."

"What! have you hear what happen to Snips?" Sunset says almost angrily to Pinkie.

"Ha Sunset. you don't have anything to worry. Duels are meant to hurt people, they are meant to entertain and put a smile on people faces." Pinkie replay with her characteristic big smile that makes it harder for anyone that sees it get angry at her. "That is something Yuya always says."


"Yep Yuya. Is the name of some guy the voice sometimes told me stories about. I really want to see him in person, He says that he has a weird hair style all pointy with red and green colors. Wouldnt that be funny to see." Pinkie says trying to mold her own hair at the descriptions of Yuya hair style only to puff once again.

Red and green... pointy hair? Sunset gets lost in her thoughts. "... Wait Pinkie tell me mo.. Pinkie?" Sunsets Look around looking for her friend but she didn't see her, actually, she didn't see anybody. *Ring* "Oh, Horseapples!"

In a distance, the silhouette of persons that had been watching Sunsets and her friends from the shadow of a nearby ally sight in frustration.

"Tss, She is already gone."

"I told you we should have done it sooner. Is obvious she need it to go to her classes".

"Don't worry, we can approach her at lunch time."

"Wait? What day it is?"

"Monday, why?"

"Oh!, can we come tomorrow?"

"What? No! Why?"

"TACO TUESDAY!" She says with saliva dripping from her mouth. The sound of someone slapping her own face echo through the dark ally.

"Ms. Heartstrings"

"Here!" A raspy voice answer to the teacher within the classroom.

" Ms. Melody"

"Present" A female voice was with an accent was barely heard between the chitchat of the classroom.

Mrs. Cherraly was already taking assistance in the very loudly classroom. Students were greeting and chatting with each other. Luckily it seems Cheerly have already taken her pills and she wasn't bothered by this too much. After all, they get a week vacation from this even though they need to pay it by shorter Christmas vacations, it was a nice vacation free of the presence of annoying teenagers.

Twilight, Rainbow, and Pinkie were already sitting down in their seats. AJ, Fluttershy, and Rarity were in a different classroom than the others. The only one missing from the class where Sunset and another one. If Sunset didn't come before she calls her name, she will be late.

"Ms. Pie!"

"I'm right here" A sheepish voice answer out loud.

"Ms. Poe!"


"Ms. Raven Poe?... I guess she is not here again" Mrs. Sheerly says while putting an X next to her name on her list. "Mr. Sentury~ "

Pinkie looks sadly at the empty seat next to her all while holding a chocolate cupcake in her hands. But that sad frown turn quickly into an angry expression as she watches some of his classmates looking back at the empty seat and laugh maliciously at each other, She stares back at them throwing daggers with her gaze. The classmates just sit back and continue with their chat.

"Ms. Shimmer" The teacher calls but no one answers. " Um, I guess she is late too" Cheerly put her pen in her list ready to put a mark on it.

"Wait! Wait! I am here. I ...am here" Sunset rush into the classroom panting and with sweat rolling her face."Sorry I am late... I.. I got troubles with my locker and an..."

"No need for excuses Ms. Shimmer I already put you an absence. If you want me to change it into a tardy see me after class in detention, If I recall this is your third warning, isn't it?." Sunset sight in frustration.

Sunset had a bad luck with the locker she was assigned this semester. Hers was all the way on the other side of her classroom, It doesn't help that running in the hallway of the school is forbidden too. She had tried to change it but the vice-principal Luna keeps stating that she can't do anything about it. She feels this is some sort of punishment for what happened in the last fall formal.

"The same goes for you too," Cheerly says looking at the figure behind Sunset.

Sunset surprised, jumps away from the person that sneak behind her without she even notice. She was wearing black clothes with skulls on them and with a spiked wristband. She has black, short hair too with part of it covering her right eye. The most noticeable and the most out of place from her hole persona was the red, dog collar in her right wrist with the name "Lucy" carved on a bone plate hanging from it.

"Ms. Poe. Glad you could come here this morning, but I am afraid I need to meet me after class too. There is some stuff I want to talk to you." Raven just nod silently and walk towards her seat.

"Why is she even here. she had missed all her half of the classes this semester" "What a weirdo" *Giggle* "The gothic dog has not the brains to study with Humans *Giggle*" *Giggle*
" I bet she was late for chasing a bat she saw in her way" "May be she was occupied writing poems of how empty life is"

Raven didn't hear, or at least she pretends to not hear them, the whispers of the students while she was walking towards her seat in the back corner of the class.

"Good morning Raven, here I brought you these." Pinkie great her classmate neighbor all while putting the cupcake on her desk. The pastry was entirely black with bats, tombs and skulls decorations on it. The whole cupcake looks like a graveyard. It looks a work of a professional pastry chef. "Do you like it? I find how to do them in an internet video. It took me a while to get them right but..." Pinkie stop as she heard the splash of something hitting the ground.

"Ok, Pure dark chocolate cupcake with graveyard design isn't your favorite either. Not to worry" Pinkie says with a smile all while she takes a clipboard from her seat and crosses one of the many cupcake flavors listed on it with a pen. " You will see one day Raven Poe, One day I will find you a pastry of your like and then we will be friends." Pinkie finish saying with a smile taking off the clipboard and taking out a tissue to clean the pastry from the floor and eating the little she can save from it all while Raven didn't even give a glare to Pinkie.

"Ok everyone, Took out your history book to page 84. We will start today lesson with ancient cultures~" Mrs. Cheerilee start the class and while many students took out their books tho loud classroom only lower the sound just by a little bit.

"Hoo No! It seems I forget my History book in my home by accident. Raven can we share yours?" Pinke says with a tone of voice that clearly tell her true intentions by "forgetting" her book.

Raven sight slightly before raising up her book and pass it to Pinkie without even looking at her. Pinke stands up but quickly seats back at seen Ravan taking pictures with her phone to the book as well as taking out another book with the same color skin using them to pretend she had the book.

Pinke surprised by Raven's ingenuity stay still looking back and forth between the book in her hands and hers. "Hu..But.. You... That's... Ough" Pinke resigns and seats back in disappointment slamming the book on her desk and supporting her head with both hands.

"Pinkie, why you keep talking to that girl?" Rainbow says finish eating the sandwich in her hands.

"Ye sugar cube, I know you'had put yourself the challenge to befriend every student in E.H. but it seems a lost cause with that girl." Apple Jack, who was seated next to Pinkie on a table in the cafeteria says, munching one of her own apples she has brought to eat.

"No, no. You will see, I just need to find her favorite pastry and her favorite flavor. I am so close."Pinkie was seated without even graving lunch for herself. She just was seating there looking at the clipboard with several pastries names with differents flavors crossed with a line." I started with a banana nut muffin and I will go down off that. I already try every muffin and every donates flavors I could think off. Now we have moved to cupcakes. I truly belive I had it with the graveyard special this time. Humm"

"That doesn't sound very appetizing" Fluttershy replay graving her fruit salad and started eating it with a fork.

"Ho. that right you haven't seen her. Well, I guess you have. You must have. She is the new student with.. hum.. with~"

"Cmon darling you can say it. With a unique choice of clothing" Rarity beat Twilight to finish her sentence. "I have to say, That isn't my style but, I can judge her for her likings. I just wish she dispose of that red collar in her wrist. She is ruining her gothic style with that."

"Ho, are you girls referring to the gothic dog. Uhmmm!...sorry" Fluttershy squicks out loud at noticing she have called her with that demeanor way as every body seems to call her.

"Don't blame yourself, darling. She isn't the nicest person either. One time I try to talk to her about her style. I wanted to know where she gets those clothes but she didn't even turn to look at me.Could you believe it, how rude of her"

"Yeah but still I feel a little bad for her" Sunset says while she seats down on the table with the other girls. She took a little longer in graving her lunch since she needed to talk to her teacher about her detention. "I also try to talk to her, in fact, I think many people try to but she wasn't very friendly with anyone"

"I told you, she must be a natural jerk. You can't blame anyone for treating her the way they do it" Rainbow replay finish eating the last bite of fruit from her lunch.

"I don't know. For me, she seems sad. I have caught her watching that collar she carries around with a sad frown."

"That dog collar, That is one of the main reason people talk bad about her. ha, whatever Twilight are you done?" Dash asks with her food tray raising up.

"Yep, why?" She says adjusting her glasses.

"Well we have a few minutes, I think we can go to the library and study a little bit."

"Ho sure. We can do it."Twilight responds standing up with her food tray.

"Wait a minute. What are you girls studying" A.J. stop them.



"Hey, Can I come with you'all. I need some help too"

"Hu.. hmm well..."

"Sure, I don't see why not. Rainbow?" Twilight ask all well Rainbow stutters her answer.

"Hum. sure why not. Ough" Dash sight. "See you girls." The three girls walk towers the trash can. Leaving the other four still eating.

It was a cloudy day and something seems to have to alter the birds around. They seem to circle around the school but the only student aware of this must be Raven that was outside alone laying in a nearby a tree. She tries to think of reasons why she decides to go to school today, she has ditch school many times before why even bother. Maybe it was all the time she spends trap in her bedroom the past week but now regrets is the only thing in her mind. Nothing has changed since the last time she visits this school.

"Why am I even here. the world is full of sadness and idiots. And there is nothing that could change that." She said to herself with watery eyes while watching the bone shape plate on her collar.

"What if I told you you can" A feminine voice was hear next to Raven. Raven barely turns her eyes to see a person with a poofy hair standing up next to her.

*Sight* "Go away you pink menace. why don't you get it? I don't want any of your stupid sweets." Many times the pink girl had tried to speak with her but this must be the first time she actually responds to her.

"I am sorry. I think you are mistaking me for someone else." Raven took a closer glance at the person next to her. Indeed it wasn't the bouncy pink girl that seats next to her. Instead of a pink hair, hers was an orange one with Yellow details. She also recognizes the uniform she was wearing. those purple and white clothes were from crystal prep.

Ho great, you did it again Raven, Giving terrible first-time impressions. fan-freakin-tastic "Sorry" Ravan give her an apologetic gesture ready to stand up and leave but the girl reaches up to her graving her shoulder with her hand.

"No please stay. I have something very important to propose to you." The unknown girl reaches up to a perfectly rounded, red crystal attach to a collar around her neck and rises up next to Raven face. Raven feel strangely attracted to the crystal and couldn't help herself but stare at it.

"But ...wha... who are you?" Raven manage to say.

"Not worry your little head about such question. All you need to think is that this world is bad and unfear." the mysterious start saying in a seductive and hypnotic voice. " I can feel you understand this and I can help you change it. Come and accept my help." The strange girl with green glowing eyes says putting Ravan in a hypnotic trance. Raven keeps her sight close to the crystal ball staring at the dark creature reflected inside the ball.

"So tell me, Raven, are you keep letting them call you by names? Are you keep letting them make this world be as unfear as it is?" The strange girl took her crystal close to the dog collar. She touches it with the red ball what makes a crystal formation to surround the plate.

Raven stay still with closed eyes while the other girl took steps back. Skyes getting darker and darker. "C' mon Raven I haven't hear your answer. Would you let them transform this world into a sad world? into the world full of hate and sadness?" She asks with a fiendish smile in her smile as she sees Ravan being surrounded by a dark aura.

"No...NO! .....NO!" From the dog collar, a black crystal formation started to grow larger making a black duel disk with purple sparkles. Shadows start gathering around Raven taking an humanoid form with claws and eyes.The rattle of big birds stars surrounding her as well as the sky becomes darker and darker with lighting from above.

" Nevermore!" a loud scream was heard from her. the strange girl just turns around and start walking away laughing maniacally.