• Published 24th Jun 2017
  • 310 Views, 0 Comments

Fall of the Fire Kingdom - Blaze Wings

Blaze Wings is forced to marry a Prince from the enemy kingdom to stop a war but when Blaze falls in love with another she has to make a decison that will decide the fate of both kingdoms.

  • ...

Being escorted

Baze scratched herself all over. She hadn't worn her dress and ages and she was beginning to remember why. Although she looked beautiful in it she sure didn't feel it. It was a very light shade of orange dress stopping below her flank and from the back of her front legs it poofed out into large frills that were a slightly drained red.

At luncheon Prince Light had arranged for Blaze to meet his parents even though she already knew they hated her. Light said it would be a clean slate and they'd love her but she highly doubted it. She opened the door only to end up tripping and falling into Prince Light who cushioned her landing.

She looked down at him with a hint of disgust which he didn't seem to notice.

"I know I'm hot and all but you don't need to literally fall for me" He said chuckling at his own joke.

Blaze laughed before realising who she was talking to. She got up composing herself.

"I thought I was going to meet you at dinner?" She questioned.

"I thought I might walk you to luncheon to give us some alone time to talk about what we should do on our honeymoon", he winked at her and she blushed which made her want to defenestrate herself.

** warning idk if this is smut or not**

Soon enough they began to walk to the eating hall and Blaze dreaded the conversation's destination.

"I was thinking we could do something wild and fun.. what do you think?"

"Oh you mean like a game?"

"Well you could call it a game of sorts. I mean if that's what type your interested in"

Blaze was trying so hard to avoid the topic he was leading up to but his mind was so far in the gutter he could make anything sound dirty.

"We could play hopscotch that'd be fun"

"I was thinking something a little more on the dirty side.."

"Soccer on a muddy day?"

At that moment Light snapped. He had obviously had enough of her evading. Light pushed her against the wall of the castle with his hoof and glared at her. She felt his hoof pressing into her chest making her pendent dig into her but she was too flustered to notice it. Their bodies were so close Light could feel the heat radiating from her.

"Oh for god sake Blaze do I need to spell it out to you?," his frustrated glaze turned to one a hunter might use when staring at it's prey. He moved his mouth so close to her ear she could feel his breath. "S..E..X"

A hot flush passed through her body and she gulped. Her nerves were getting the best of her and she didn't know what to do. Normally she'd tear a guy a knew one for pinning her against a wall let alone saying he wanted to have sex with her. But she didn't do anything.
He pulled his face from near her ear and moved it so close so that they could nearly kiss. Her face was bright red but only Light had noticed. He slowly began to kiss her. It was very gentle, he seemed to be making sure she wouldn't punch him but the more he kissed her the more passionate and hard they became. It was only then that Blaze noticed she was kissing back!!

She slowly withdrew not wanting to blow her cover by shoving him away.

"Well it was your fault for beating around the bush" she walked towards the dining hall slightly awkwardly not quite comprehending what had just happened.