• Published 22nd Jul 2012
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Diary of The (Not So) Great and Powerful Trixie - Mitslits

What was Trixie's life like before and after Ponyville?

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Entry #1

Dear Diary,
I love you already. Wanna know why? Mommy gave you to me. She told me it might help later on. I don't know what that means yet, but I hope I will someday. Anyway, I love Mommy SO much, I couldn't hate anything she gave me. She is so amazingly beautiful. First we start off with introductions. You are a diary. A blank book filled with pages and pages all for me to fill up. Now that I know who you are, it's only fair you know who I am. I am the soon to be Great and Powerful Trixie! I'm not old enough to be really Great or Powerful yet, but I will be someday. Mommy wants me to be her little star, so I have decided to shine as bright as I possibly can. Oh, I completely forgot to tell you what I look like. I'm a little blue filly with an ice blue mane and tail. My Mommy is the greatest because she is so sweet and kind and smart and beautiful and my Daddy is the bestest because he is big and strong and handsome. I don't know exactly what handsome means, but Mommy told me that it was a good thing and nothing my Daddy does is bad. I want my Cutie Mark SO badly. Cutie Marks are SO important. Every filly wants one, and me most of all. I can't wait to see what it will be! I'm hoping for something related to magic, but there is just one problem. I'm no good at magic. Mommy's cutie mark is a swirl of stars with a spark at the middle and it is too pretty to imagine. Daddy's cutie mark is just a plow with a bunch of dirt, 'cause he's just an earth pony, but it looks good on him. Mommy and me are both unicorns. She says that she and Daddy were both really happy when they found out I was going to be a unicorn too. She always wanted a little filly to teach magic too. Mommy's sick right now, but once she gets better, she's gonna teach me how to use my magic and help me get my Cutie Mark! Daddy says she has a disease. I don't know what kind exactly, but she has to stay in the hospital for a long time. She got to come home a couple of months ago, but she had to leave almost as soon as she got back. You, Diary, live on a shelf in my bedroom. Mommy, Daddy, and me all live in a big house near the edge of a place called Canterlot. Canterlot is the place where Princess Celestia and Princess Luna live! Mommy says we are really lucky that we live so close to royalty, but I don't think so. There's ponies coming by all the time, and they don't help me get my beauty sleep. Plus, I haven't even gotten to meet them. Someday, though, I will. Someday I want to be a show pony and perform only for the princesses. Lots of show unicorns come by and do cool tricks with their magic, and I watch them all the time. By now, I know all their tricks. I just can't do them. Mommy used to be a show pony, until she got sick. She always loved performing. In fact, she met Daddy by doing tricks. He came up after one of her shows and asked her how she did some of her cool stuff. Mommy just said that a magician never reveals her secrets. They eventually got married and moved near Canterlot. Mommy used to live in a place called Baltimare, but not anymore. Mommy had me soon after she and Daddy got married. Then she got sick. So sick she had to go to the hospital. That was when I was really, really young though. Now I'm a whole year old! I visit Mommy every day in the hospital and I hope she'll get better soon. Mommy and Daddy both say it wasn't my fault, but I don't believe them. I feel bad every day, and someday when I learn magic, I will make sure that I can make her better. But, anyway, I have to go now. Mommy is expecting a visit. G'bye now, Diary.