• Published 21st Jun 2017
  • 779 Views, 11 Comments

The Heroes of Equestria; Season One - TechDragonX

Set in an alternate universe where everything is the same but not at the same time.

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Special; The Nightmare Trials, Part One

Twilight was about to rush out of the door, before Applejack and Rainbow Dash stopped her.

"We won't let you go on in there by yourself-," was all Applejack could manage to say.

"Not without us, we won't," said Rainbow Dash.

Twilight knew that the other six ponies wouldn't let her leave, so reluctantly Twilight allowed for the others to follow. As Twilight, Pinkie, Applejack, Rainbow, Rarity, and Fluttershy head out the door in a rush. Cobalt uses his magic to levitate the book back to its spot on the shelf. When Cobalt was about to close the door, he heard somepony call his hame. Only to find that Spike had awoken.

"Hey what are you doing here at this time, Cobalt?" asked Spike.

"I was helping, Twilight with some thing," responded Cobalt.

"Like what?" Spike asked. "Where's, Twilight?"

"I'm 100% sure she wouldn't want me to tell you," Cobalt said.

After hearing that before Spike could ask another question Cobalt quickly ran out of the door. Leaving a very curious Spike inside.

It looks like I'm going to have to follow him, thought Spike.

[At the edge of the Everfree Forest...]

When the group of mares got there Twilight asked for more info on the forest. When that was done she noticed Cobalt wasn't with them. Opening her mouth to say what she was thinking, but Rarity beat her in saying it.

"Where's, Cobalt?" asked Rarity.

"Maybe he got scared and ran home," said Rainbow.

"That isn't a nice thing to say, Rainbow Dash," said Pinkie defending the non present stallion.

"Pinkie's right, Rainbow, I did run home to get some things, you should do a head count," Cobalt said walking out from behind a tree.

Just then Spike jumped out of a bush from where Cobalt had come from. Everypony looked at him in shock.

"I... have... caught... up to you," said a nearly out of breath Spike.

Cobalt then looked at Spike in a unimpressed way.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"asked Spike.

"I knew that you were following me, Spike, you aren't great at sneeking behind me," responded Cobalt.

Spike looked around a saw that Twilight was glaring at him.

"Spike, I want you to go back to the house," said Twilight.

"No, I want to help, Twilight," replied Spike.

Before Twilight could say something again Cobalt stopped her.

"Just let, Spike come along, Twilight," sugested Cobalt.

"Fine, Spike stay behind us, or you can get on, Cobalt's back if he is good with it," replied Twilight, before asking Cobalt if Spike could ride on his back.

"Yes," responded Cobalt.

After walking in the forest for a few minuets Cobalt froze and looked around, snapping a stick at the same time. This caused the rest of the group to stop and look at Cobalt. Still eyes locked on the forest he silently told Spike to get on top of his head. This action caused a wolf that looked to be made of wood and magic to lunge at the unicorn and dragon. Spike then let out a fury of flames at the wood looking wolf. Which flew over the two and burnt away in a ball of green flames with a clear liquid flowing out of the creature. For awhile everypony else looked at them in complete shock. Until Rainbow Dash started to speak.

"That was so AWSOME!" shouted Rainbow Dash.

[At the castle of the two sisters...]

Nightmare Moon is talking to her hostage in the throne room of the castle.

"You can't do this, because you'll never get away with it!" yelled her hostage.

"Oh, so sorry, Princess Celestia, but you're unable to do anything to help them," said Nightmare Moon.

"They will come here and defeat you," said Princess Celestia.

"Not if they can't get past my eight trials, one for each of them," said Nightmare Moon with her eyes closed and a smile on her face.

When she didn't hear the white alicorn princess respond she opened her eyes and saw that Celestia was asleep.

[With our heros...]

"I don't think that Nightmare Moon would leave her castle and its path unprotected," said Twilight.

"I agree with, Twilight," said Cobalt and Spike.

Cobalt the stopped walking and started looking around. He noticed a dark stary mist fly into the ground ahead of them.

"Girls look out!" yelled Cobalt.

His words were a little too late, because the edge of the cliff gave away with a RUMMBLE. Cobalt ran towards the edge with Spike on his back.

"Hey, Spike reach in my bag and drink the potion that has a dragon label on it," commanded Cobalt.

"A dragon on it?" asked Spike, "What does it do?"

"Nothing bad, just drink it, Spike!" yelled Cobalt.

Spike then drunk the potion which caused him to grow taller and grow wings. Spike then flew to help the others after landing Cobalt down below. Rarity and Pinkie were saved by Rainbow and Fluttershy. Just then the potion gave out causing Spike to fall back to the ground. Rarity and Cobalt summoned a large pillow for spike to land on.

[On the cliff side...]

"Twilight, you're going to have to let go," Applejack said.

"What are you CRAZY!" yelled Twilight.

"No, trust me it's the honest truth, let go and you'll be safe," responded Applejack.

"Ok, I trust you," said Twilight, she let go and then was caught by Rainbow and Fluttershy.

The group made up of seven ponies and a dragon continued onwards.


While continuing their path towards the castle a loud ROAR was heard. This caused the whole group to stop, when they did a manticore jumped out of the bushes. The manticore lunged at Rarity, who swifty ducked out of the way and kicked the beast in its face, but only made it angrier. Rarity then ran back to the group and pass Fluttershy who was telling the others to wait. Then Applejack jumped on the manticore's back to try and do something that nopony kenw what. Again Fluttershy tried to get the others to hold up. Applejack then signaled Rainbow Dash to go on, she was later knocked to the ground by the manticore's tail. Everypony else was in shock and Twilight got ready to attcak the monster with the rest of the group, but Fluttershy walked towards it and pulled out a thorn with the help of Cobalt and Spike.

She later told the group that she didn't know about the thorn.

"Sometimes we all need to be show a little kindness," said Fluttershy.

[Twenty Minuets Later...]

We see our heroes inside a darker part of the forest. After Rarity said her eyes needed a break from the muck, and Twilight said that they could be able to walk pass the ancient ruin. Cobalt spotted Nightmare Moon's magic flow into a tree. Then he and Spike bumped into somepony. So did every other member of the group.

"I think I stepped in something," said Applejack.

Just then Fluttershy started to scream. Applejack was about to say it's just mud while walking up to a tree then looked at it and also freaked out. So did everypony else and Spike aside from Pinkie Pie who was laughing at one of the trees.

"What are you doing, Pinkie, run," said Twilight.

"Oh," said Pinkie, before she burst into song.

When I was a little filly and the sun was going down...

"Tell me she's not?" asked Twilight.

The darkness and the shadows

They would always make me frown...

"She is," replied Rarity.

I'd hide under my pillow

From what I thought I saw

But Granny Pie said that wasn't the way to deal with fears at all...

"Then what is?" asked Rainbow.

She said "Pinkie, you gotta stand up tall

Learn to face your fears

You'll see that they can't hurt you

Just laugh to make them disappear,"

Ha! Ha! Ha!

Everypony and Spike let out a loud GASP. As the strange and creepy face disappeared.

So, giggle at the ghostly

Guffaw at the grossly

Crack up at the creepy

Whoop it up with the weepy

Chortle at the kooky

Snortle at the spooky

And tell that big dumb scary face to take a hike and leave you alone and if he thinks he can scare you then he's got another thing coming and the very idea of such a thing just makes you wanna... hahahaha... heh...


[In Nightmare Moon's room...]

Four trials down, but four more to go," said Nightmare Moon before letting out a evil laugh.

Author's Note:

Here's the new chapter readers. The next part with the next four trials will be posted some time later this week.