• Published 13th Jun 2017
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My Brave Pony Starfleet Magic: Season III - DakariKingMykan

the Crystal heart is shattered, and it's a race ot gather the pieces, and protect Celestia from an assassin, and Lightning tries to propose to Starla

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Episode 21: World Warnings


Sombra and Melantha were admiring the sight of the Crystal Heart they had assembled, but they still needed that last shard to make it whole, and getting it would certainly not be easy. However, Sombra had recently discovered an alternative to help get what he wanted, namely his body back.

“I don’t understand sire.” said Melantha. “How can we possibly restore your body without the crystal heart?”

“You will see soon enough.” said Sombra “For now, prepare for deep space flight.” His eyes glowed mysteriously as did his flaming spirit, and his monstrous spaceship began to change its course and fly off into space.

A few days later…

Starla was star gazing through her telescope at the time, and she was surprised to longer be able to see Sombra’s ship anywhere.

She reported what she had seen to their majesties and all her friends immediately, and sure enough, when Goldwin peeked through his own telescope he couldn’t find Sombra’s ship either. “Do you think maybe he’s finally given up and run away?” he asked, but right then he realized how ridiculous that sounded. “I doubt Sombra would give up that easy.” said Lightning.

Grand Ruler and Celestia agreed, but in the meantime they had an assignment for all the team. As the final battle was approaching, they didn’t want to take any chances and had been alerting Starfleet forces all across the galaxy to standby for immediate call to arms. “But what has this to do with us?” asked Rarity.

“We have recently received word of trouble on a two of the planets.” said Grand Ruler “As you know, Sombra is not the only big enemy we ever face, and there are always other dangers and other foes lurking about in space. Hence, one of my reasons for sending many Starfleet units to live on other planets, to help protect other worlds and make the galaxy safer from evil.”

He then projected a magical map of the charted areas of the galaxy, showing the locations of the disturbances were happening on two worlds. The planets Herboss and El Mundo…

The Spanish twins recognized El Mundo as their home planet where they were born, whereas their father, General Alejandro Demetrio Hontaro La Guava was the exalted president, and Buddy Rose knew Herboss; a jungle planet and home to plantlike terrestrial creatures called Herbolites. He had only read about in books, but had always dreamt of visit it and studying the plant life. It was also where someone he once knew while at the academy had been relocated to.

The teams would be split into two groups, and were tasked to assess the situations, help in any way that they could, and to contact and gain assurance of assistance from the Starfleet units on those worlds.

The teams were divided-- heading for El Mundo were Lightning who would be in command, Starla, obviously the twins, Krysta, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack. The others would check out Herboss, and Buddy Rose was dubbed as commander, being a plant expert.

“We wish you all the best of luck.” Celestia said “We know that you’ll make us proud.”

Everyone bowed, and then prepared to leave, and soon the space-warp portal was ready. Lightning shook hands with Buddy Rose. “Good luck.”

“You too…”

Then, Lightning’s team leapt into the portal first, and once they were all gone, Buddy Rose’s team were next. “There they go.” Celestia said. Her husband nodded “They are all brave ponies, and they have to be. No one really can tell what waits for them out there in dimensional space.”

Across the dimensional pathways, the two teams soared and arrived safely at their destinations. Buddy Rose gazed around. “Herboss!” he murmured. The jungles seemed to stretch on for miles, farther than eye could see. “My goodness, it’s all green.” said Rarity.

“Oh, this planet is so beautiful.” cried Fluttershy.

Rhymey sniffed the air

“The sweet fragrance of air and dew,
It fills my heart with a joy or two.”

Pinkie bounced happily along and swung through the trees on a vine making Tarzan yells wearing a pretend loincloth and sash made from foliage. “Eee, hee, hee… this is wonderful.”

Spike almost felt like he could get lost under the giant plants, but as he walked past the growths, a terrible sight met his eyes. “Guys, over here, quick!” The others rushed to his position and could see what all the commotion was. “Look at that!” said Artie.

All around them was nothing but fast rocky deserts with signs of wilted plant life and old dead trees. There was hardly any green vegetation at all. Buddy Rose felt his blood churning “…But, this is impossible.”

“Maybe this is just a barren part of the planet?” asked Rarity.

“No, according to my research it’s all supposed to be covered in jungle.” said Buddy Rose.

“What could’ve happened here?” asked Pinkie.

“And what about any life forms that live here?” Fluttershy asked feeling worried. “That’s what I intend to find out.” said Buddy Rose and he picked up and examined one of the withered plants. There was no indication that it had withered in the sun, or was suffering from any poisons in the ground. “Talk to us, Bud. What’s the verdict?” asked Artie.

Buddy Rose guessed that the plants hadn’t been taking enough nourishment, but what really was bothering him was the Starfleet unit and why they wouldn’t be trying to locate the source of the problem. “Let’s spread out.” Buddy Rose suggested “We’ll cover the whole planet and then meet back here. You all know what to do if you get lost?” The others nodded, and they all split up, Spike stayed with Rarity and Pinkie, Rhymey and Artie flew off with Fluttershy and Buddy Rose took off on his own, not just hoping to find answers, but also to find that special friend.

Meanwhile, Lightning and his team made it to El Mundo. Dyno and Myte felt happy to be home one their birth-world and the others were amazed to finally see it having remembered the twins telling them the story…

Their planet was discovered over two centuries ago. It was a warm and prosperous world inhabited by Spanish animals. It used to be calm and peaceful, when, one day, Grand Ruler had received a distress message that the inhabitants of the planet were under the heel of a tyrannical dictator, a monstrous Minotaur, who had changed the calm and peaceful world into a tightly controlled police state, and slavery and taxes had gone way up. Grand Ruler wouldn’t hear of it and dispatched a large squad of ponies to over throw the evil dictator, and then remain behind to ensure the planet remain blissful and more peaceful than ever.

One of the officers had been democratically elected as the exalted new president, who only wished to ensure happiness again. This was the Twin’s ancestor, and as time went by, after spending so much time on the Spanish world, absorbing the culture, and getting along well with their new fellow creatures, the ponies developed a Spanish nature of their own, naturally as anyone would.

For all those centuries the planet was run smoothly and peacefully, and then Dyno and Myte were born to their mother, Lupe, and their father the General. They were raised and brought up in nobility. They looked up to their father as a role model and wanted to be everything he was… brave, strong, graceful, and to help keep the universe safe. When they came of age, they were sent to Unicornicopia to join Starfleet, it was also then that they discovered their talents in mining, and forging as blacksmiths. So, they decided to stay and make lives for themselves, just as their father always wished they would.

The rest pretty much was history.

Only, their first impressions of the planet didn’t seem very well. The farmlands off in the distant seemed dried up with hardly any crops, Applejack deemed rather uninhabitable, and a lot of the creatures were seen poor and thirsty and hungry for they had no homes or money. “I thought you boys said your father wanted to keep this place in balance?” said Lightning.

The twins were just as confused, and as they team continued to walk through town, they came across a giant poster of the president of the planet. “That’s your father?” asked Krysta “Looks more serious and stingy than kind and gentle to me.” said Starla.

“Just as well; that is not our father.” Dyno sneered while gazing at the poster. “No! It is his younger brother, our uncle; Colonel Victor La Guava.”

Both twins looked steaming mad. “Okay, I’m sensing some bad family vibes here.” said Rainbow, and twins explained how their uncle, unlike everyone else, was always jealous of their father seeing as he got to be president and had always wanted to have the job himself, but was defiantly not trustworthy as there seemed to be nothing but greed and lust for power in his eyes. He tried to fight his way in, but ultimately lost to his brother.

Though many had called for his exile, the kind-hearted General merely stripped him of his rank as Colonel and put him to work in the farmlands, but now it seemed he was in total power and ruling the planet with an iron fist, much like how Sombra ruled the New Crystal Empire.

And indeed… their uncle was very horrid as he sat in his office yelling at one of the sentries for interrupting him while he was counting up his collected taxes. “Pig! Son of a pig! Brother of the daughter of a pig! What do you mean intruders have come to the planet without my say so?”

“I tell you, Excellency, it is true. A band of strange ponies and a small fairy were seen flying in from a space-portal.”

“A fairy?!” barked the Colonel “Very well, but for your sake, be right, or I shall have you grounded into donkey meat!

The guard shivered nervously, but saluted and ran off leaving the Colonel to scowl in his office “Great men are always surrounded by fools. I am no exception! Fortunately, there is nothing that stupid brother of mine can do at this time. Thanks to the deal I have made, nothing will stop me from being the richest and most powerful in the galaxy!” he laughed wickedly.

The twins were worried about what had happened to their father and however their uncle managed to overpower him and take his place. “Well, that’s what we came here to find out.” said Applejack.

Lightning agreed. “Where’s the palace located?” The twins pointed to the west, and everyone could see the palace and a large pueblo-like city off in the distance. “All right, let’s go, but stick together.”

Since Applejack couldn’t fly, Krysta warped everyone closer to the city “Nicely done.” Applejack complimented. Krysta winked at her, but their moods as well as the others were spoiled upon seeing their first impressions of the city…

The streets were filled with poor creatures being marched along by harsh guards, being forced to pushed carts, and carry water. Others lay starving and thirsty in the streets and were being feed stale bread, mouldy cheese and other unhealthy looking foods, yet they ate them anyway for not having much else. Easily, the most horrifying sight was guards wrenching taxes from those were already poor enough. Mothers, with starving children burst into tears, and others were forced into eviction.

Rainbow’s blood was boiling, and she rushed over but Applejack roped her back. “Hold it up there....” she said “We don’t wanna make things worse than they already are.”

“Applejack’s right…” said Lightning “But first we’ve got to figure out some things, like where is the general?”

“Uh… guys…?” cried Krysta. Everyone turned to see a team of guards standing by them and holding their lances right at them. Something seemed very odd about these ponies, Dyno and Myte could feel it, and all the guards loyal to their father would never have bowed to their wicked uncle, even if it meant execution. “Get ready to fly.” Dyno whispered to everyone.

“What are you doing?” asked Lightning.

“Just trust us.” said Myte, and then he and his brother swiftly kicked the guards, slamming them into one another knocking them all over. “GO!!” and the team flew up, Rainbow carried Applejack. The guards sounded the alarms and soon a huge chase was on.

The Colonel could see the commotion from way over at the palace. “Shoot them! Shoot them down!” he shouted “A price for the soldier who brings them down! They have no right to come here and bother me!”

Lightning and his team continued flew out and away from the city, but the guards continued to chase them, and the ground forces were now in position and firing cannons and catapults. The team decided to try and scare them off or blind them long enough to get in the clear.

Starla fired her “STAR SHOWER” at the ground forces, blowing up their artillery.

“BOOM-BOOM ROCKETS” The twins fired back at the flying squad, hitting several of the guards and sent them crashing down to the ground, and in magical flashes, they transformed. “The shadowbolts!” snapped Lightning.

“That explains a lot!” added Starla, but in their distraction they got hit by surprise from more of the artillery below and they were forced to land, out in the wide open desert areas. “You guys okay?” asked Rainbow.

“We’re fine, but we need to find shelter so we can come up with a plan.” said Lightning.

Just then, they could see a hooded figure waving to them in the distance, telling them to follow her. Unsure if they could trust her but no time to think of anything else, the team took a chance and followed her to the entrance of a cave before they were spotted by the army.

The guards foolishly believed they were victories and shot down the intruders, while the team had safely hidden in the cave. They sighed heavily in relief and as they turned to thank to creature that helped them, she removed her hood to reveal that was a tannish yellow space-alicorn, and her Starfleet insignia code was NB4P. The twins’ eyes lit up with joy. “Mamá!” they cried, and jumped into her arms. “Dyno, Myte, Mis hijos.” Their mother, Lupe, pecked them each three times. “We knew that someone would answer our distress call. I am so happy you two have come.”

The others thought this was sweet, and a lucky break. After proper introductions, Lupe explained that any friend of her sons, and those who ran away from the deadly shadow-bolts, were truly friends of El Mundo.

“Mamá… tell us… what of Papá?” asked Dyno.

“Is he…?” Myte stopped when he and his brother could see for themselves, the tall, strong and masculine space-alicorn, codenamed OC5Q came from around the corner of the cave.

“That’s General La Guava!” Lightning whispered to the others “I recognize his pictures from studies.”

The twins approached their big father and saluted to him like proper soldiers, and he saluted back. Then they hugged each other warmly. “Father…!”

“Oh, Papá...!”

Their father chuckled happily ad he hugged them both, “Oh, my sons! It fills my heart to see you both. I send my two boys to join Starfleet, and they return to me as men.”

The twins were very happy to see their father was safe and well, and the general stepped forth. Lightning and the others saluted to him and he saluted back. “Ah, the famous Lightning Dawn. So much I have heard of you from my sons' letters."

Lightning saluted to him in greeting. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, General. I’ve heard much about you from your sons. They are fine officers and I’m pleased to have them serving in my unit.”

The general was pleased to hear of this. “We can speak of this later, but now we have important matters to discuss.” he said “I am certain by now that you and your friends are aware of what is happening to our world.”

“How did it all happen?” asked Starla.

The General explained how he was working hard in the palace to maintain the peace and prosperity of El Mundo, with his wife, Lupe, when suddenly the palace was invaded by an army of shadow bolts led by his nasty brother, Colonel Victor La Guava, and he was accompanied by a mysterious demoncorn with long black hair and wielding and powerful trident.

“MELANTHA!!” the others all snapped.

She had teamed up with the colonel, promising to give him power enough to rule the planet in exchange for magical energies mined from ores on the planet, all for her King, Sombra. The deal was made. Melantha left with the energy, and gave Victor and army of powerful shadowbolts which he further empowered using Starfleet weapons and technology he had stolen from the real guards whom he had overpowered and imprisoned within the palace. Taking advantage of the unprepared people and armies of El Mundo; he became stronger and overthrew Alejandro, and usurped the throne of El Mundo, turning it into the miserable and starving place that it was now. Luckily, he and his wife managed to flee the palace and sought shelter in the caves, and sent their message back to United Equestria asking for help.

“So, you all see how it is. These are very dark times for us all. Our family are the descendants of noble ancestry. Yet, my brother behaves like a savage beast, and willfully uses his power to bring sadness and oppression to our poor people and friends all for his own benefits. I know that you are all fine soldiers, as am I, and I know that together we will stand hope of reclaiming the planet.

...Will you help me?”

The team immediately agreed to help; it was what they were sent for in the first place. “We’re at your service, sir.” Lightning said saluting “I guarantee you; the Colonel won’t know what hit him.”

At that moment, Victor was commending his soldiers for a job well done. “I declare this evening a holiday!” he ordered “Eat my friends. Laugh, sing, dance, for we are unbeatable!”

Meanwhile, on Herboss, the two teams had nearly completed their rounds of the planet, and indeed there were more mixes of jungle and barren areas, but still no signs of terrestrial life, and soon they would have to meet back at the rendezvous place.

Rarity was getting sweaty and irritable in the hot weather and wouldn’t stop complaining, much to Pinkie Pie and Spike’s annoyance.

Artie, Rhymey, and Fluttershy found nothing either, which Fluttershy deemed fine, almost as if she were anxious to leave in hurry due to her nerves, but the boys convinced her to stay by pulling her along as they flew.

While over another area of the planet, shadowbolts was gathered in one area and were gathering the energy from the plants which caused them to wither, and the jungle in the surrounded area was already turning barren. Melantha was supervising them. “Don’t miss a single drop King Sombra demands it all.” she ordered.

The shadowbolts saluted and continued to work as Melantha flew away, while in the bushes were two green humanoid creatures with pointed ears. One had a red rosebud for her hair, and a yellow and blue one as shoulder pads, and the other was covered in vines. “You remember what the colonel said, Iris?”

“Yes, we take them all out by any means.”

They readied themselves, and got the signals from their comrades they were all in position. They waited a moment, and then Iris stuck her head through the brushes of the jungle, straight at the shadowbolts. “POLLEN PULSE” and she fired a big blast like a cannon, hitting one of the shadowbolts and giving the signal. “ATTACK, ATTACK!” and at once, she, her friend, Moss, and several other plant like humans like them leapt out from the jungle and engaged in a fight with the shadowbolts, they did surprisingly well, almost as if they had been trained by Starfleet.

Moss lashed at the shadowbolts with his vines as Iris blasted them with her “POLLEN PULSE” while others attack with powers and abilities of their own…

…at the same time Buddy Rose was flying nearby and his visor-scan began to pick up traces of magic auras far up ahead, and he decided to investigate.

Meanwhile, the creatures had finally taken out seemingly the last of the shadowbolts, blasting them to smoke, but the area of jungle around them had already been shriveled to nothing. “We can’t keep up like this forever.” said Moss “Might have to consider moving on.”

“But to where?” asked Iris “It’s not like we wouldn’t run into trouble elsewhere.”

Suddenly, a couple of remaining shadowbolts roared leapt out from hiding in the brush of the jungle still intact. “Look out!” shouted Moss, but before anyone could react, Buddy Rose saw them from above, and got out his whip. “WHIPLASH STRIKE” and blasted the two evil creeps into smoke, unnoticed by the other creatures. “What happened?” asked Iris.

Moss didn’t know “It’s not like them to just blow up like that.” Then he gazed up. “Heads up; bogey at noon!” Everyone looked up and saw Buddy Rose flying overhead, but couldn’t recognize him and couldn’t tell if he was friend or foe, but didn’t want to take any chances after that last surprise attack. “I got him.” said Iris “POLLEN PULSE”

Buddy Rose didn’t see the shot coming, until it was too late. He got hit, and fell down to the ground, landing with a huge thud, and just lay there. The creatures all loomed over him, still unable to tell who he was. He did wear a Starfleet uniform with the insignia. “He’s not one of the colonel’s soldiers.” said Iris.

“Better take him in for questioning while he’s still out.” said Moss, but as he and his comrades prepared to pick him up, Buddy Rose swiftly kick tripped him up and flipped Iris off of her and cautioned the others to all stay back. He powered down his suit showing everyone that he was a regular pony, but still cautioned them with his whip “Sorry, but I don’t really like to wander off with strangers.” He got a good look at the plantlike humanoids, “You’re Herbolites. Are there any more like you around here?”

“Stick it in your ear.” sneered Iris.

Buddy Rose chuckled sarcastically at her boldness. “All right, now all of you listen up.

I’m tired!

My tail hurts!

I don’t like being shot out of the air by those I’m trying to help!

Now I want some answers, and I want them fast!”

Suddenly, he felt a weapon press up against his armor in back, followed by a feminine voice telling him “Freeze!”

“Turn around, invader. Let the colonel look at you.” said Moss.

“I’m no invader.” grumbled Buddy Rose as he turned and saw a pretty pink space-alicorn, wearing leaf-green colored armor, and her code was PD6R, and she lowered her weapon, smiling warmly at him. “…Lily Bud!”

Lily chuckled, “Why Buddy Rose-- You old son of a space-gun.” and Buddy Rose picked her up and twirled her round as they hugged warmly, much to the confusion of the Herbolites.

Buddy Rose quickly rounded up his team, brought them back to the place, and Lily lead them all to her base camp deep in the jungle, consisting of huts made of jungle-brush and foliage and mud. A few other Starfleet ponies lived with her, but the rest of the team were all Herbolites.

As for Lily herself, she and Buddy Rose were cadets together at the Starfleet Academy. They had many good times together and were always helping each other out, but upon graduation they were forced to part ways when Lily was transferred to serve on Herboss with her father and new commanding officer, for the plant life on it was rich magical qualities and energies that evil would love to harness for wicked plots.

It became obvious, and only recently, that Sombra and his forces were stealing all the plants energies, but exactly why they didn’t know. “What’s going to happen to the planet?” Fluttershy asked with worry in her voice. Pinkie Pie began to panic and shot off her mouth “Is it doomed? Is all the jungle going to fall? Will life cease?”

“Relax…” said Moss “The plant life will return in due time.”

“Moss is right.” agreed Lily “But in the meantime, Sombra and his forces are still afoot, and their making things very difficult for all the other inhabitants, and we need help to contain them, that’s why I called out to Starfleet.” She smiled at Buddy Rose “I’m glad that it was you that came.”

He smiled back at her, and the others could already tell that Lily was more than just an old friend of his. Still, they needed to plan an attack to get Sombra and his cronies off the planet.

The others and the Herbolites spent hours looking up maps of the planet, and it seemed that the way the jungles were falling were forming a patter around the planet, which gave them a clue as to what the next area the next invasion would be. “Do you think it will work?” asked Rarity.

“We don’t know…” said Iris “Thanks to Colonel Bud’s training, we have been taught to defend our world from invaders, but we’ve never faced anyone like Sombra.”

“We’ve been fighting him off as best we can, but some of our people have been taken prisoner by those monsters, and others refuse to stand up and fight for freedom out of fear.” added Moss.

“Well, you don’t have to worry about that, not while we’re here.” Spike said bravely.

“By working together, we’ll stand strong.
The evil will be gone before very long.” added Rhymey.

The others all nodded, and Artie asked “Where’s Buddy Rose?”

He and Lily had gone to Lily’s hut for a cup of herbal tea, and to catch up a bit. “It’s nice to see you’re still alive after these few years.” she said.

“You too.” he replied “I never thought I’d never see you again.”

They were suddenly gazing deeply into each other’s eyes, but the turned away and blushed softly. She knew of what happened to Unicornicopia, but had been away longer than that and missed a lot of things. “Your parents, are they…?”

Buddy Rose looked down a bit “They, were on planet Yale visiting my sister when it got attacked. All three of them didn’t survive.”

Lily felt sorry for him.

“What about your dad? I know he lead the expedition…but…”

Lily looked just as down as he did “He went back to help fight the clone swarm on Unicornicopia. He never came back. So…I trained and took over operations here.”

Both of them now had more in common than ever, having lost families. Lily placed her hands over his “Stay on Herboss, Bud… with me. We’re both soldiers and ecologists, there’s so much more for us here.”

Buddy Rose didn’t know what to say, but Lily quickly apologized and was merely acting out of impulse. She knew he couldn’t just leave United Equestria, or Lightning’s unit, not to mention his little cousin DD; what would she do without him? “I can’t change your mind, can I?” she had to ask anyway. Buddy Rose was sorry to shake his head, but Lily was more than understanding.

The night seemed to creep up fast, but only because each and every planet had its own night and day; daytime to some worlds mean night on others, and it wasn’t exactly too safe to go wandering the jungles at night when it was dark and hard to see, even with their visors night-vision. They decided to rest up a bit and began their attack before dawn. “I… uh… don’t think too much of your… choice of luxury.” Rarity said, trying to hide that she was outraged that she had to sleep in a hammock of vines and sticks, and a pillow and blanket made of soft green moss. It was all that was available as everyone had beds and hammocks of their own in their huts.

“Come on, Rarity. It’s not so bad.” said Artie “I mean… once you get used to it.”

Pinkie Pie was more with Rarity, she was tossing and turning hard to try and sleep, but the moss was a little itchy for her, and some of it got in her mouth. “Poo…patoey…!” she spat. Fluttershy didn’t seem to mind. It was just like laying on the grass with animal friends back home, and she felt more comfortable with Rhymey sleeping in the hammock beside hers.

“We’ll need some rest
To fight at our best.” he said.

As for Lily, she slept in a bed made from rocks and wood and laden with moss. It was pretty hard, but she soon hoped to establish more for everyone, but she wasn’t sleeping, nor was Buddy Rose. He was making a few maps and taking down notes of the planet to study upon when he got home, and maybe try a few things out on his garden. “I still wish you’d reconsider.” Lilly called to him.

“You know I can’t, and besides… who would take care of my cousin and teach her how to be prepared for training?”

Lily stepped out from behind leafy curtains, wearing a lovely white formal gown. “What do you think?” she asked softly. Buddy Rose looked up, and he was speechless. “Lily...”

Lily felt a little embarrassed “I’ve been saving this for a special occasion. I wanted to wear it to the graduation prom, but I had to leave.” she giggled almost sadly “Look at me-- A smart and serious officer parading around like I belong in something like this. Talk about strange-case.”

She turned and prepared to go back and change, but Buddy Rose walked up to her and softly turned her to face him. “Lily…” he said looking her deep in the eyes “You look beautiful. More beautiful than any flower that I’ve ever seen or grown… and I’ve seen and grown a lot.”

Giving into their obvious deep feelings, Buddy Rose slowly brought her closer and captured her lips with his. She softly curled her arms around him, kissing him back.

Back on El Mundo, night had just fallen but the town was partying like no tomorrow in celebration of the colonel’s supposed victory of shooting Lightning and his team down. Even the colonel himself was sitting his office with wicked glee. “Play on my friends. Ha! Tomorrow I shall put the taxes up by half. Where is the sense of being a dictator if cannot make a profit out of ones subjects?”

Unbeknownst to him and all his sentries however, Lightning and team were ready to move out. They had talked a lot with the twins’ father, and discussed the best way to deal with Colonel Victor. While it was true that he had an army of stronger shadowbolts, that he powered up with Starfleet technology to make them stronger, it was believed that his one fatal flaw was the fact that he, himself, couldn’t stand up to a fight alone. So they decided to wait until nightfall and now they were ready to plot their sneak attack against the palace.

“You sure we won’t get spotted?” asked Krysta.

“Well, if my brother believes himself to be the victor, they will be feasting in the city like wild creatures.” said Alejandro.

“You mean there won’t be as many guards around?” asked Starla.

“We know the people of our planet well.” said Dyno “Si, at fiesta time it is a real sentry who stands to his post.” added Myte.

With that settled, Krysta warped everyone back to just outside the city boundaries. “All right, let’s move, and keep it low.” said Lightning, and they all proceeded on foot to remain hidden in the darkness. As they got nearer to the city they could smell the scents of good food cooking, and everyone laughing and dancing in the streets.

“Listen to all that ruckus.” said Applejack “Why they’re partyin’ more wild than the cows in a stampede.”

“Did we not tell you, Lieutenant Applejack…?” said Lupe “Our people can very festive. There should be few sentries for us to worry about.”

“Well, let’s go show them they’re celebrating too early.” Rainbow snickered, eager for a fight.

Alejandro led everyone around the city lines to an area where they could sneak into the palace by a secret underground tunnel-system, which he had built for just such emergencies. “My brother was never fortunate enough to realize of these caves. They will not be guarded.”

“That’s good…” said Lightning “It means we should be able to sneak in without causing too much trouble.”

“And my brother, Admiral…?” asked Alejandro “True, he has behaved very badly, but I do not wish for him to come to any fatal harm.”

“Don’t worry, General. With the element of surprise, this should be easy. All right, everyone standby, we’re going in.”

With the celebrations still going on, most of the guards were stuffed from over-eating, and some were passed out from dancing some much. The colonel was still sitting and gloating in his chair. “Listen to them, the fools! They will all be sleeping, and the people will have no permission to argue.” he laughed greedily “Yes! Tomorrow, I decree the building of a new palace. This place is only fit for stupid apes!”

All that while, Lightning and friends emerged in the palace courtyards in back by the secret entrance. There were only a few sentries posted around, but nothing they couldn’t handle. “On my mark…” whispered Lightning “One, two… NOW!!” and everyone leapt out from the hedges, surprising the sentries, and they began to fight.

All that noise disturbed Victor. “What do I hear?” he growled “What is happening? I wish there to be silence!” and he decided to go and investigate.

Lightning and friends managed to knock out the guards, who hadn’t put up much of a fight. Lupe and Alejandro proved to be very skilled fighters as well. “All right General, it’s all yours.” Lightning said.

“Do it, Papá!” cheered the twins, and their father stepped forth and called out loudly, “Colonel! Colonel Victor La Guava! It is I, your brother, returned!”

Victor had already burst through the glass doors on the large patio armed with a large and powerful cannon. “Get out!” he shouted “Get out! I have no brother!”

“Lay down your arms and surrender! Your president orders it!”

“Never…! Get out, before I make you sorry!”

Rainbow could hardly contain herself “Sounds like he’s going to need a little persuasion.” She got up and ready to charge, but Alejandro held her back. “No, Rainbow Dash! True, he is not fit even to wear the insignia of an officer, but I wish there to be no bloodshed.”

“But I wish it!” shouted Victor and he began to fire the huge cannon. “General, jump!” cried Krysta. Everyone took shelter behind large stone columns set up in the yard, but Victor continued to fire recklessly. “He’s gone completely insane!” cried Starla.

“We’ve got to draw his fire and get him out into open. Then I can freeze him with my capture-blaster.” said Lightning. The others agreed, and began to dash between columns avoiding the shots, and returning fire to distract him. Finally, Victor ran out of shots, and Applejack managed to lasso the evil colonel.

“Okay, that’ll be all from you!” Lightning sneered “And since the president declares you unfit to wear an officer’s insignia. Starla…”

Starla nodded, and aiming her bow carefully, she shot off Victor’s golden epaulets, and his cap, and now that he was wide in the open, Lightning got out his blaster and shot him. Victor screamed and roared “A-THOUSAND MANY CURSES ON ALL OF YOU!!” as he exploded and repapered encased in a blue sphere and with his vanishing, all of the shadowbolt guards in the town lost power as well, allowing all the angry citizens to gang up on them and chase them out of town.

Lupe felt so relieved, but her husband he hugged his sons “I am proud of you, my boys. You make your father proud.” He said, and he turned to Lightning and the others “And to you and your friends, Admiral, I thank you, and all our people will thank you too when they learn the truth. If you will all excuse me now, however… I have much to do; much to put right again.”

Meanwhile, on Herboss…

The team managed to get a bit of rest, and as dawn approached, and then they set out through the jungle. It wasn’t too dark to not see at all, but still pretty dark. The fighters had transformed and quietly crept through the jungle, using their visors and expert senses to walk through the blindness, heading in the direction of the prison where Melantha and the shadowbolts had kept the captured Herbolites.

Rarity didn’t like having to move through all the thickets and brambles as they scraped right past her, scratching her armor and staining her suit with green stains. “Keep it quiet, Rarity.” Spike, as the Dragon Knight, whispered to her.

“Shh…!” went Lily “Look...” She motioned for everyone to peak through the brambles and there out in the open stood Melantha and her shadowbolts, and many Herbolites being held in magical cages while their energies were being drained from them. They looked in really bad shape, much to Iris’, Moss’, and their other comrades’ hatred and worry, but Buddy Rose was easily the angriest, and clenched his fists.

“Wonderful!” Melantha hissed “We have almost gathered enough energy for King Sombra, and for once, Starfleet won’t be able to do much about it.”

The weak and weary Herbolites gazed up at her grimly but fiercely, but they felt too weak to even growl at her. She just gazed at them mockingly “Don’t feel bad. Your energy is going to good use. You’ve given it to the future ruler of the entire dimensional universe.”

“Not if we have anything to say of it!” shouted Lily as she and the team all leapt out from behind the foliage. “Get them!” she shouted at the shadowbolts, and her army dashed forth. “Let’s go!” shouted Buddy Rose.

“Let’s see how these guys like a little blaze!” snapped Spike but before he could do anything, Fluttershy screamed “Spike, No, you can’t use fire here; you could set the whole jungle a blaze.”

Spike skidded to a dead standstill just in time.

“Use your other powers.” said Artie, and they all jumped into battle with the Herbolites at their side. The shadowbolts were surprisingly stronger, having absorbed a lot of the energy from the creatures and the jungle plants, but the team refused to give up.

Rhymey swung his sword slashing at the evildoers, and Artie wielded his staff.

Pinkie bounced on their heads hard, one by one, and Rarity, using her telekinesis, lifted up one of the shadowbolts and sent him soaring at a gaggle of his buddies. “That was for my uniform being ruined.” she sneered.

The Herbolites proceeded to free their trapped friends, but Melantha stood in their way. “Oh, no you don’t!” she growled. The Herbolites fought bravely, but Moss was soon at her mercy. Melantha nearly skewered him with her trident, only to have her arm get looped n Buddy Rose’s whip. He yanked her towards him and then kicked her hard in the air. “Do it, Lily!” he shouted up. Melantha looked behind her and saw Lily soaring right at her…


…blasting her hard, with her powerful weapon, and while she was still up in the air, and away from the jungle below, everyone could use their fire attacks as well, even those of fire!




A big explosion blew, and Melantha fell from the skies and crashed hard into the ground, and everyone was glaring at her. “Uhn…! You… blasted beasts!” she roared as she got up onto her feet. “…No matter! I’ve gathered all I needed. King Sombra will be very pleased with all this energy.”

“Tell us, what does Sombra want with all this?” Buddy Rose demanded, but Melantha snickered wickedly “You’ll find out soon enough, and when you do… your end shall begin!” She disappeared, laughing maliciously, and was gone, much to the outrage of the team but at least it meant that Herboss would be safer, the Herbolites were free, and the jungles that had been withered would soon be restored to normal, naturally.

Lily was grateful to everyone for their help, and when she was told to remain on standby in case of any huge attacks expected on United Equestria, she, the Herbolites and her team agreed to help, no matter what, as a gesture for helping them save the planet.

For now, with their mission complete, Buddy Rose and friends had to get back home and report to the Grand Ruler and the Queen. “We thank you all again.” said Moss.

“We’re it not for you, who could guess what trouble we would have been in.” added Iris.

“Well, I might consider re-visiting you again, provided you upgrade your class of luxury a little.” Rarity said. The others all gazed at her grimly, but extended their friendships and thanks to their new friends as well. “It was so nice meeting all of you.” said Fluttershy.

“And thanks for all your help too.” rhymed Rhymey.

They prepared to leave through the space-portal in the Starfleet camp, when the noticed Buddy Rose was taking time with his goodbye with Lily. “You take care of yourself now, Captain.”

“You, too, Colonel.” He gently held her hand, shaking it tenderly, and she slipped him her dimensional interstellar address code so he could space letters to her, and she grabbed his face and pulled him into a kiss, much to everyone’s shock or delight.

Once back at United Equestria, the teams made out their reports, and their majesties were exceedingly pleased. “Now we know what Sombra was doing, but still have no clue as to why he wanted that energy.” said Grand Ruler.

It was only a wild guess, but obvious to everyone that Sombra was going to use it to power himself up and be stronger than ever. Until they knew for sure, they would all have to remain on constant alert, and at least many of the outer forces were prepared and on standby to lend any assistance if they could. The final fight was yet to come!


In our next episode, Lightning and Starla’s wedding is back on and preparations go smoothly and musically as well, but Sombra is on the verge of getting his body back and obtaining incredible power. Just as the wedding takes off without a hit, Sombra crashed it all with his forces, and kidnaps Starla, taking her aboard his ship.

What are Sombra’s true intentions, and will Lightning be able to get his bride back?

Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic”

(Next Episode: “Part 1: A Royal Starfleet Wedding”)