• Published 31st Dec 2017
  • 2,119 Views, 12 Comments

The Enchanted Necklaces - TwilieTheFoal

Rainbow Dash finds 2 matching necklaces that she thinks will look perfect on Rarity and Applejack. But turns out, those necklaces make their wearers turn into foals.

  • ...

Chapter 4- From Foals to Adults

Sunlight started to peek through the windows. And soon the sun came blazing through the window, waking Dash up.

"Ugh." Dash groaned, she really wanted to stay in bed with her foals but she had to wake up, the sun was begging her to as more light shined through the window and onto Rainbow's half-awake face.

She lightly nudged Applejack and Rarity with her nose, trying to wake up the sleepy foals. "Rarity, Applejack, waky, waky."

Rarity's eyes opened slightly and she lisped "huh?" through her pacifier.

"Waky, waky!" Rainbow said louder, waking both herself and the foals up.

Aj yawned and then sleepily asked through her pacifier "is it mownin' aweady.?"

"It sure is. Now, before we go downstairs for breakfast, i'm gonna check your diapers to see if they're wet. Okay?"

"Otay mama." They said in unison, their pacis falling out of their mouths, before yawning again.

Rainbow laid the foals down on the floor and unbuttoned their onesies, taking them off. Once she did, they showed two soggy, yellow, heavily used diapers, the stench of urine going up her nostrils.

Rainbow gagged "Ew! You definitely need diaper changes."

Rainbow got up and gathered all of the needed supplies and then headed back to her foals and began the diaper change. She untaped both soggy diapers off of their bottoms and folded them up into a ball, throwing them in the garbage near the guest bed. Then she wiped their bottoms with some wipes, making the foals kick their legs from the cold feeling the wipes gave them, but Rainbow managed. After that she took out two new diapers and placed them under both foals bottoms. Then she rubbed on some rash cream and sprinkled a lot of foal powder on both bottoms. Finally, she brought the front of the diapers up and onto their bellies, and taped it up using the side tabs. She gave each of their diapers a few pats, sending small puffs of foal powder out from the leg holes of the diaper.

"There you go, nice and fresh." Rainbow said, having a slight motherly coo to her voice.

"Tankee Dashie." Aj said.

Aj and Rarity tried suckling on their pacifiers, not realizing that they fell out, but just suckled on air, making them ask "where's our pacis?"

Rarity was about to cry when Rainbow suddenly took the two pacifiers from the floor, cleaned them, and then popped them in their mouths, making them happy as they suckled.

"There ya go, there's your pacis."

Rainbow Dash placed the two foals onto her back and walked down the stairs and into the kitchen.

She placed the two foals in their highchairs and walked to the fridge. She pulled out the jar of applesauce and closed the fridge door. She took out a metal spoon and opened the jar of applesauce. She took out her foalified friends' paci's, making them sniffle and almost cry, but Dash was able to tell them something before they could shed a tear.

"You need to eat breakfast. And you can't eat when you've got a pacifier in your mouth, right?"

"Yeah, you awe wight. Bu, cawn we wave dem back afwerward?" Aj asked.

"Yes of course." Rainbow answered, tiredly smiling.

"Otay! Tankee!"

"You're welcome. Now, open wide for num nums." Rainbow cooed in a tired voice.

The foals obeyed her and opened their mouths, ready for their food. Rainbow dipped the metal spoon in the jar and fed the first few bites to Applejack, who gobbled it down like there was no tomorrow. Rainbow lightly scolded "now, now, you know not to eat your food so fast."

Applejack blushed and replied "sowwy mama."

"It's alright Applejack, just take it easy."


"Alright Rarity, your turn."

Rarity kept her mouth open as Rainbow fed her spoonfuls of applesauce.

"There. Now that your bellies are full of applesauce, here are your pacis." Rainbow Dash placed each paci in their mouths, making the foals suckle happily.

Rainbow dash took the two foals out of their highchairs and placed them over in the main foyer, letting them play. She ran upstairs and grabbed a few plushies for the two to play with. She came back downstairs and dropped the pile of toys on the foals, making them giggle at how soft the pile was. Rainbow Dash smiled and flew to the kitchen to quickly make some coffee. 'Hopefully the foals will be alright.'

Applejack crawled out from underneath the pile of toys, holding a teddy bear. She named him Mr. Snuggle Wuggle. Rarity did the same, holding a pink elephant. She named her Ellie. Rarity and Applejack began to play with them. Both talking in their stuffed toys voices.

"Hi dere. I am Mista Snuggawe Wuggwe. Pweasure ta meet ya."

"Hi. I am Ewwie."

"Hi dere Ewwie. Wanna pway hide an week wit me?"

"How awout Tag! I weawwy wove ta pway tag."

"Sure. Wet's pway tag! You it!" Mr. Snuggle Wuggle tapped Ellie on the shoulder and began to run.

"I gonna get ya!" Ellie said, running towards him.

"Not if I can hewp it!"

The two kept running for hours until Ellie finally caught Mr. Snuggle Wuggle.

"Ha! I caught ya!"

"Ya sure did. Wat do ya wanna pway now?"

"How awout bwockies! Whoeva builds da biggest towa wins!"

"Otay! You on!"

Ellie and Mr. Snuggle Wuggle started building their towers as high as possible, until half of Mr. Snuggle Wuggle's tower fell on top of him. Which meant that Ellie won.

"Yay! I won awain!"

"Ya, ya. Weww, how awout we take a bweak?" Applejack went back into her regular voice, suggesting that she wanted to play a different game.

"Otay." Rarity replied in her normal voice.

Rarity asked Applejack "Wanna pway pawwycake?"


Applejack and Rarity started chanting while bumping their hooves.

"Pawwycake, Pawwycake, baka's cowt. Bake me a cake as fast as a bolt. Kiss it and hug it, and mark it wit a E. Than put it in da oven for Ewwie and me!"

"For Ewwie?"

"Ya. It whyms."





Rainbow Dash swirled into the room and heard the argument between the two foals.

"Hey, Hey, Hey! What's going on in here?"

"Mama! Wawity and I were jus pwayin' pawwycake. And I was tewwing Wawity dat Ewwie don whyme wit me!"

"Ya it does!"

"No it doesn!"

"Ya it does!"

"No it doesn!"

"Hey! Break it up. There's no reason to argue over something like that."

"Ya. Though I was wight!" Aj shouted, which made Rarity tackle her with tickles!

Applejack kept laughing until she peed her diaper, making it squishy, but Aj loved the feeling and just kept laughing as Rarity kept tickling. Applejack later cried out "Wawity! Stop, stop! I weiwd, you wight I wrong, jus stop tickwing me!"

Rarity ceased her tickling and Applejack sighed, standing back up, her yellow diaper sagging.

Rainbow caught this and picked Applejack up "alright Aj. It's time for a diaper change."

Rarity giggled at Rainbow's sing song voice, but that caused Applejack to blush.

Rainbow Dash quickly placed Aj on the floor and changed her diaper, pulling the front up to her chest and taping it. Aj giggled as the new diaper was being secured. Applejack got up and ran to Rarity, tackling her with revenge tickles, making Rainbow D'aww at this.

"Now I da tickwe monsta!" Aj shouted, tickling Rarity with all her might.

Rarity kept laughing until a little stream of pee flowed into her now partially-yellow diaper, but Rarity didn't pay attention. She rolled over and on top of Aj, tickling her. The two kept at it for quite sometime until they were both worn out.

"What do ya wanna do now?" Rarity asked.

"I kinda want ta go outside to da pawk."

"Weawwy! But, won other ponies see us?"

"Yeah, but dey could jus miswake us fow two weawwy cute foaws dat Wainbow is foalsitting."

"Twue. Wet's ask Mama."

Rarity and Applejack ran up to Rainbow Dash and started pulling on her leg, grabbing her attention.

"Hey, cuties. What do ya need?"

"Can we go outwide, Mama?"

"You wanna go outside?! What if somepony sees you, particularly any of our friends?!"

"Dey could jus miswake us fow two weawwy cute foals dat you awe foawsitting?"

"True. And I could always make up a story...alright! It's settled, we'll go outside to the park!"

The foals cheered and couldn't wait to go outside to finally get some fresh air.

Rainbow Dash quickly grabbed the foal carrier and placed it on her back, she was getting the hang of this. She placed Rarity on the left and Applejack on the right. Before she walked out she packed herself a diaper bag. Then, she walked out of the castle and smelled the fresh air as the door closed behind her. Rainbow walked towards the big park on Green St. The two foals were excited to stretch their legs. Eager, the two foals began whining, making Dash smile as she took the out of the carrier, letting them roam around on the fresh cut grass.

"Be careful! And if you want to go on the swings come get me and i'll swing you!"

"Otay Mama!"

Rainbow sighed as she sat down on the nearest park bench, watching her foals play happily in the sunshine.

"Wow! Wowwing in da gwass feews gweat, don it Appwejack?"

"Ya! You wanna pway tag on da pwaygwound?"

"You on! Whoeva wuns to da swides wast is it!"

Rarity and Aj started running, both not wanting to be last. In the end, Applejack won and that means that Rarity has to be it. Rarity smiled and was about to tag Applejack right then and there, but Applejack was quick enough to run up the steps and into the huge playground. It was full of plastic slides and crawl tunnels. It was like a maze, but fun!

Applejack didn't waste anytime since Rarity was right behind her. So, she quickly crawled through the pink tunnel, hoping that Rarity didn't see her. But, she did and she heard Rarity coming after her, so she ran and made her great escape down a slide, running as fast as she could. Rarity saw her and followed her, making Aj run even more. But, since she was a small foal, she eventually needed a break, which was perfect for Rarity, who of which tagged her and started running towards the structure while screaming happily as Aj once again ran, but this time it was to catch Rarity.

"You neva gonna get me Appwejack!" Rarity yelled, crawling through the long purple tunnel, which was also connected to a slide. The slide was the longest slide! It spiraled around and around until you hit the sandy ground below, it was really fun.

"Oh yes I wiww!" Aj yelled back, crawling through the same tunnel that Rarity did.

Applejack raced behind her, ready to tag her. But, she missed and Rarity slid down a slide, sticking out her tongue and blowing a raspberry. That did it. Applejack ran as fast as she could and slid down that slide at a rapid pace. Rarity, who was still teasing Applejack, took a glance. What she saw was startling, she froze as Applejack tackled her, tagging her.

"Appwejack! Ya scawed me! How'd ya wun so fast?"

"Sowwy. Aww I did was wait tiww da wight moment ta get ya. And, since ya to buswy teasin' me, it was da perfect moment ta tag ya! But, I didn't mean ta scawe ya."

"Dat's awight. Jus, don't do it awain, otay."

"Otay. What do ya wanna do now?"

"How awout-"

A year old purple colt with a messy lavender mane and tail waddled up to them.

"H-hewwo." He shyle greeted. His bright blue eyes staring at the ground.

"Hi. I Wawity and dis is my fwiend Appwejack."


"Do-do ya wike ta pway hide an week?"

"Ya! Wanna pway?" Applejack asked.


"Gweat! Who gonna be it?"

"Uh. How awout, whoeva is wast ta da pwagwounds has ta be it?" Applejack.

"Dat's fair."

"How awout you? What's ya name by da way?"

"I-i'm Buwwy Taiw." Bunny Tail said, blushing at his girly name.

"Buwwy Taiw. I wove dat name. So, is dat faiw ta ya?"

"Ya. Wet's go!" Bunny Tail began running to the playground stairs, not wanting to be it.

"Come on Appwejack, wet's go before one of us is it."

Rarity and Applejack ran up the steps. It was obvious that Bunny Tail wouldn't be the one it.

While the foals were playing, on the park bench where Rainbow Dash sat, a young light pink mare with a bright red mane and tail had just sat next to her. Her cutie mark was a picture of a gold watch and bright cherry-red lipstick. Rainbow Dash took notice of the mare and started up a conversation as she saw her two foals playing with another foal.

"That foal yours?"

"Hmm? Oh yeah. His name's Bunny Tail. I'm Cherry Gold. Nice to meet you Ms.?"

"Dash. Rainbow Dash."

"Ms. Dash. Are those your foals?"

"Yeah...I mean, no, i'm just foalsitting for my out of town cousins."

"Oh. Looks like they're having a wonderful time. Looks like Bunny's playing hide and seek with them."

"Yeah. It does, doesn't it?"

"Indeed. Anyways. Do you think we should break up their fun?"

"Nah. Let them play. After they finish this round of Hide and Seek than we'll go."

"Wow. You are good. Bunny always hated when I broke up his Hide and Seek fun."

"Thanks." Rainbow blushed.

"No problem."

The two mares watched as their foals frolicked and played Hide and Seek.

Applejack was hiding behind a bush while Rarity and Bunny Tail were searching for her. Applejack giggled, which made the bush rattle with her laughter, which gave away her position. Applejack decided to run out of the bushes, but got tackled by Bunny Tail and Rarity. They all ended up laughing.

"Wow, you awe good Buwwy Wail." Applejack complemented, making him blush.

"Tankee Appwejack."

"You wewcome."

"What do ya wanna pway ne-" Rarity stopped as she heard her tummy making funny noises.

"Hey! Why my tummy makin' fuwwy woises?" Rarity inquired.

"I dun- Hey! My tummy makin' dose woises too."

"Wet's go teww Mama. Buwwy, awe ya comin'?"

"Ya. I tink my tummy makin' dat too."

The foals ended their fun and crawled on over to their Moms. Rainbow and Cherry took notice and went up to them.

Rainbow Dash and Cherry Gold bent down till they were at the same eye level as their foals. Rainbow was the one to ask first. "Hey guys. Something wrong?"

"Mama, our tummies makin' fuwwy sounds. Why?"

Rainbow Dash suppressed her giggles and answered her adorable foal friend. "Your tummy's making that noise to tell you that your hungry, silly. And from what i'm hearing, I think it's lunch time!"

"Yay wunch!" The foals cheered in unison.

"Hey, Dash?"

"Yes, Ms. Gold?" Rainbow Dash said mockingly.

"Heh. Very funny. Anyways, wanna have lunch with us. I'm sure your foals would love to see Bunny Tail more."

"Sure. Sounds great! Maybe after we can hit an ice cream stand."

"Ice Cweam!" Bunny Tail exclaimed.

"Yay! I wan' Ice Cweam!" Rarity and Applejack both said in unison.

"Alright. It's settled then."

"Great! Where do you wanna eat?"

"Hmm. How about 'Hayburger's Shack'?" Rainbow suggested.

"Good Idea. I love their vegan daffodil burger with side of Caesar salad."

"Great! Let's go!"

Rainbow Dash placed Applejack and Rarity in the foal carrier, while Cherry buckled Bunny into a stroller. The two Moms walked away from the park and to 'Hayburger's Shack'.

They made it to 'Hayburgers Shack' and were waiting in line to be seated. They were waiting behind 2 earth mares. But, finally, they made their way to the front of the line, where a bulky, white stallion stood.

"Bulk Biceps?" Rainbow Dash asked.


"How many jobs do you have?"

"About 15. Now, back to my job. Dine-in or Take-out?"

"Uh, Dine-in...I guess."

"Table for..."

"Table for...1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Table for 5, please." Rainbow counted.

"Alright right this way." Bulk showed the mares to their table. It was a round table with 5 chairs around it.

"Actually, Bulk. Can we get 3 foal seats?"

Bulk finally took notice to the foals and said "of course! I'm so sorry. I didn't even see them there. Here, let me push some of the chairs away." Bulk pushed 3 of the chairs to the side and ran to get 3 of their foal seats. He ran back with all 3 foal seats on his back. He placed them down and around the table, and allowed them to place their foals inside.

Rainbow took Rarity out of the carrier first and placed her in the foal seat on the right side of her. Buckling her in securely. She did the same with Applejack but placed her in the foal seat on the left side of her. Buckling her securely as well. Rainbow Dash took off her pink carrier and placed it on the floor. When she looked up she saw that Cherry already placed her son in the foal seat.

"Wow. You're really fast with this stuff." Rainbow complemented, actually surprised that a pony could be more fast than her.

"Gee, thanks. You're not so bad yourself you know." Cherry blushed.

"Ha, thanks."

Bulk came back with the menus. 2 Adult menus and 1 kids menu. "Here are the menus. I'll come back soon to take your order."

"Thanks Bulk, but. Do you got anything like Applesauce or Yogurt or something. Our foals don't have much teeth yet. They need something mushy and easy to swallow."

"Um, i'm not sure. Though, I think we've got some oatmeal laying around from breakfast."

"Oatmeal? I didn't know you guys did breakfast."

"Oh we do. For breakfast we have eggs, haycakes, and mini pies. As well as oatmeal. And i'm pretty sure we've got maple brown sugar flavored oatmeal."

"That's good with me. How about you Cherry?"

"Bunny loves oatmeal! I'm sure he'll be fine with eating it for lunch."

"Great! But, looks like I can't be your waiter. I'll get Pinkie Pie to-"

"DASHIE!" Pinkie Pie screeched.

"P-Pinkie? Y-you work here?" Dash asked, sweating.

"Yep! Say, those foals look a lot like Aj and Rarity. But, that's just silly! Who's the lucky mare?"

"No-nopony. I-i'm foalsitting for my out of town cousins."

"Ah. I see. So, i'll be your waitress for today. So, wanna start off with drinks or..."

"Yes! I-i'll have a large strawberry milkshake."

"Alright. How about you? Hey, what's your name?"

"I'm Cherry Gold, nice to meet you Ms. Pie. And this is my son, Bunny Tail."

"Aww, he's so cute! Anyways, what would you like to drink?"

"Thanks. I think i'll have a triple-berry smoothie."

"Ok. What size?"

"Uh, medium please."

"Ok. What about your foals. What would they like?"

"Um, I think they'd like some chocolate milk." Dashie said.

"Ok Dashie! How about your foal?"

"He'll have a bottle of chocolate milk as well."

"Alright. I'll have your order ready shortly!" Pinkie Pie said, running off to the kitchen.

"Mama. Can we pway sometin?" Rarity asked, who was already bored.

"Sorry, but this is a restaurant. And unless there's a playplace in here, you can't play. Besides, i'm sure Pinkie will be back soon with your bottles. You can afford to sit there quietly for a while."

"Otay Mama."

Cherry decided to strike up a conversation with her new friend. "So. How are things going?"

"Oh, everything's going great! I'm a Wonderbolt and i've got a lot of friends and everything's good. How about you?"

"Oh. I'm doing great too. So, you're a Wonderbolt?"

"Yeah I am!"

"Is it hard?"

"Nah. All I do is train, fly, race, and then hit the kitchen for dinner and then I go back to my house. It's a pretty fast day for me."

"Oh. So, what do you train for?"

"I train for Wonderbolt Aerial Relays and Races as well as Wonderbolt stunt shows, kind of like the ones that they perform at the Grand Galloping Gala."

"Wow, sounds awesome. Do you have a pet?"

"Yeah. I've got a pet tortoise named Tank. I love that little guy, and he loves me."

"Aww, how sweet. We have a pet dog."

"Cool. What breed?"

"Boxer. She's a great addition to our family, and Bunny Tail loves her."

"Cool. What's her name?"


"What a beautiful name for a Boxer dog."

"Thank you."

That's when Pinkie Pie strolled along, one hoof holding a silver tray, which had all of their drinks. The foals licked their lips as Pinkie placed their bottles of chocolate milk on their foal seats. The foals immediatly took their bottles and suckled, tasting the sweet, chocolatey taste of their milk, making them smile as they drank. Pinkie placed Cherry's triple-berry smoothie on the table and Dash's strawberry milkshake on the table, all smiled as the drank their drinks.

"Thank you." Cherry thanked.

"No problem Cherry Gold!" Pinkie Pie announced while giggling.

Pinkie Pie than asked "have you all decided what to order?"

"Um, i'll go first." Cherry said. Pinkie Pie awaited her answer as she took out her pad of paper and pen.

"I'll have a vegan, daffodil hayburger with a side of Caesar salad, please."

Pinkie Pie scribbled the order down. "Alright. What toppings?"

"Um. Lettuce, tomato, green olives, oats, and extra daffodils."

"Alright. Any sauces?"

"Oh, right! Just ketchup, please." Cherry added.

"Okie dokie loki! How about you Dash?"

"I'll have a double veggie hayburger with extra cheese."

"Ok. What toppings?"

"Um, lettuce, tomato, green and black olives, pickles, daisies, and hay fries."

"Alright. Any ketchup?"

"Yes! Ketchup and Mayo!"

"Got it!" Pinkie Pie said, scribbling the order down.

"What side?"

"Um. Horseshoe fries. Extra Crispy please!"

"You got it! And, how about your little foals?"

"Um. Bulk did mention oatmeal?"

"Right! We still have plenty leftover. What flavor?"

"Well. What flavors do you have?"

"Let's see. We have Maple Brown Sugar. Cinnamon Spice. Apple Cinnamon. And Regular."

"You have all those flavors left?!"

"Yeah. Not many ponies like oatmeal. I don't know why."

"Ok. Well what do you guys want?"

Applejack spoke first "Appwe Cinnawon. Pwease."

"Alright. 1 Apple Cinnamon."

"Mapwe Bwown Wugar, pwease."

"1 Maple Brown Sugar."

"An Ciwwimon Swice."

"And Cinnamon Spice. Ok! I'll be back soon." Pinkie Pie bounced away to the kitchen where the chefs were.

Rainbow Dash started the conversation this time "what do you do for a living?"

"Oh, me. I'm a Fashion Designer."

"Cool. What type of clothes do you design?"

"Fancy dresses. Suits. And foal clothes."

"Cool. Do you have a boutique?"

"Yeah, but it's in Canterlot. So, I have to get a sitter for Bunny Tail. He hates it when i'm gone for the day."

"Oh. What about his dad?"

"His father works for most of the day. He rarely spends time with him. "

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"Yeah, well that's what happens when you have snooty parents who hate their own child." Cherry said coldly.

"He had terrible parents?"

"Yeah. My husband, Perry Gold, had horrible parents. His mom, Jewel Gold, hated him because he didn't want to be a jeweler, he wanted to be a salespony for gold watches. And his dad, Barry Gold, hated him for being an earth pony and for having a golden watch as his cutie mark. He says that his parents NEVER loved him, and he was abused by them verbally, not physically, though it caused him to use his time doing work. He always buried himself in his work instead of playing with his son. But, to make up for it, he reads him bedtime stories. But, i'm the one who does everything else. And it's sad. If it weren't for his parents, I bet he would've hung out with Bunny more."

"That sounds really serious. I hope his parents are in jail for their harassment. He's their son for Celestia's sake! Why wouldn't the love him? Were his parents unicorns?"

"Yes. And they were really wealthy. They don't even like me."

"That sucks. If there's anything I can do-"

"No, no. I'm good. Bunny's good. And Perry still reads Bunny bedtime stories, so it's all good."

"Yeah! Dada weads me stowies in his siwwy voices! I know he woves me."

"Aww, Daddy does love you. Yes he does, yes he does!" Cherry cooed, making Bunny laugh.

Pinkie Pie came up not a moment too soon with her tray of food.

"Alright. Cherry, here's your vegan daffodil burger. With extra daffodils. And Caesar salad." Pinkie said, placing the order in front of Cherry.

"Thank you Pinkie Pie."

"You are most certainly welcome Ms. Gold." Pinkie giggled, and so did Dash.

"And Dash, here's yours. Double veggie patty with extra cheese! And Horseshoe fries!" Pinkie placed the order in front of her friend, Rainbow Dash.

"Who's got Cinnamon Spice?" Pinkie sing-songed,

"Me, me!" Bunny yelled excitedly, bouncing up and down.

"Here ya go!" Pinkie placed the food in front of Bunny. Pinkie reached into her mane and grabbed a bib, placing it around Bunny's neck.

"There ya go! So that you don't get messy!"

"Who's got Apple Cinnamon?"

"Me, me!" Aj cheered, bouncing up and down as it was placed in front of her. Pinkie Pie also grabbed a bib for her, placing it around her neck.

"And I can guess who's got Maple Brown Sugar!" Pinkie sang as she placed the oatmeal in front of Rarity. She secured a bib around her neck as well. She then gave all the foals plastic spoons and Cherry a metal fork.

"There ya go! Enjoy!"

"We will Pinkie!" Dash called as Pinkie took a break.

"This looks delicious. Doesn't it?"

"Yep. Sure does. But, let's feed our hungry foals first." Cherry suggested as she spooned some oatmeal for Bunny Tail, which he ate immediately.

"Oh, right!" Rainbow dipped her plastic spoon in the goop and fed it to Rarity. She loved the Maple Sugar taste.

"Hey! Mama I wan some!" Applejack whined. Rainbow Dash sighed and started spoon feeding Applejack some of hers. Applejack ate it up like there was no tomorrow.

Rainbow Dash kept feeding the two foals their oatmeal back and forth until they were finished. They were burped and then seated. Same with Bunny Tail. The foals went to drinking their chocolate milk while the adults ate their delicious meal.

There was an awkward silence between the two until Dash finally broke the silence and asked "so, you live in Ponyville?"

Cherry stopped eating her burger and answered "yeah. We live in a large house in town square. House 214."

"Oh. I've passed that house at least everyday."

"Oh. I Can't believe I haven't seen you before."

"Yeah, Weird." The two mares went back to eating their lunch.

Rainbow Dash, Cherry and the the foals headed to the best ice cream parlor known to ponykind, 'Minty Fresh's Treats and Parlor'.

Once they entered they were greeted by a long lineup. This lineup could've rivaled Sugarcube Corners' line up when it's busy.

"Hopefully the foals won't be too disappointed if most flavors are out." Dash muttered.

The two mares waited in line for nearly 6 hours before their turn. And by now it was 3:30 pm. But, finally they were next.

"Ya! Ice weam!" The fouls shouted excitedly in unison.

"Alright you three, settle down." Dash said, barely keeping a straight face.

At the counter a young, minty green unicorn mare awaited them. Her mane was smooth like toothpaste. It was bright blue and white. Her eyes were pine green and her smile was cute.

"Hi. I'm Minty Fresh. What would you and your foals like today?"

"Hey Minty. Can I get two hard served ice cream cones?"

"Sure. What type of cone? We've got Sugar, Waffle, Regular and Chocolate dipped."

"They'll have Waffle cones. Make sure it's small."

"Of course! How many scoops for each?"

"Just one."

"Alright, is that all?"

"No. Cherry?" Rainbow bumped Cherry, causing her to stutter before fully talking.

"Uh, right. Can I also get a hard serve ice cream scoop on a Waffle cone?"

"Sure! That'll be twelve bits. Uh, are you two gonna be paying together or separately?"

"Together." Dash said, taking out twelve bits for Minty.

"Thank you Dash." Cherry thanked "you didn't have to do that."

"I know. But, I had enough bits, so I payed for it."

"Ok you guys. Go ahead and pick out your ice cream flavor, i'll scoop it for you!" Minty cooed, levitating her scoop and getting ready to serve.

Rarity and Applejack tried looking at the ice cream behind the glass, but they couldn't.

"Mama, we can't see. Can ya move use cwoser, pwease?" Aj asked.

"Of course." Rainbow Dash took Applejack and Rarity out of the foal carrier and pressed them against the glass window, behind it were different ice cream flavors. The foals licked their lips as they scanned the flavors of ice cream. Finally, after a while of scanning, the foals decided which ice cream flavor they wanted. While Bunny Tail was lifted towards the glass, he too made his final decision.

"Mama! I wan da wint wip one!" Aj exclaimed, pointing to Mint Chocolate Chip.

"Ok, one Mint Chocolate Chip." Minty said, scooping a big scoop of the Mint-Green substance onto the waffle cone. Hoofing it to Applejack using her levitation.

Rarity excitedly said "I wan stwabewwy. Stwabewwy-bwast!"

"Okie dokie!" Minty cooed, scooping a big proportion of Strawberry-Blast onto the waffle cone. Levitating it to Rarity. She grasped it with her hooves and started licking. So did Applejack.

"I wan Werry Warcia!" Bunny Tail shouted, pressing his purple hoof against the glass excitedly.

"Alright Bunny, calm down. Minty Fresh will give it to you." Cherry lightly scolded, giggling a little.

"Otay. Sowwy."

"Aww, that's alright little Bunny. Here ya go!" She scooped the ice cream for Bunny and levitated it to him. He took it with is hooves and started licking the delicious ice cream as he was seated back in his stroller while Aj and Rarity were seated back in their carrier. The foals just licked as the adults made their way out of the parlor.

"Wow. That was a great day. But, looks like it's 4:30! Oh gosh, I would love to stay and chat some more but we've got to go. I-I'm pretty sure that my cousin would like her two precious foals back." Rainbow explained to Cherry.

"Ok. I think Bunny's father gets home pretty soon. I should probably go home too." Cherry said.

"Alright, bye!" Rainbow waved goodbye as she ran to Twilight's home. 'Oh I hope Twilight, Starlight, and Spike aren't home yet! What if they discover the foal stuff in the guest bedroom!? I-I'd have ta tell them what truly happened. Including the necklaces and their regression!'

Rainbow literally raced home, hoping she'd get their before Twilight. While the foals face's dripped with ice cream. The foals couldn't exactly eat the cone part so they threw it on the ground.

Rainbow panted heavily as she opened the castle doors. After that, she found all the foal stuff she bought lying on the ground, next to Twilight, Starlight, and Spike! Who were all so confused.

"Rainbow Dash?" Twilight started.


"Why was there foal stuff in the castle's guest bedroom?"

"Um. What foal stuff?" Rainbow asked.

"Don't play dumb with me, Dash. I know what I saw. Where did all the foal supplies come from?"

"I-I. *Sigh*, I bought them."

"Why? And why did you bring them here while I was out?"

"I accidentally regressed Rarity and Applejack into foals. It's a really long story."

"Uh-huh. So, how'd ya do it?"

"I was flying in the sky yesterday morning when I came across two plain lavender necklaces. One had a diamond engraved in it, while the other one was an apple. I thought it would look great on Rarity and Applejack. But turns out, they turned them both into foals. And if you don't believe me, than look inside the foal carrier strapped to my back."

Twilight, not believing Dash, looked inside, and sure enough, two little foals with messy faces were inside. Both foals looked exactly like Applejack and Rarity. Wow, Dash really did regress them.

"Well, i'll be. Also, they're faces are messy from the ice cream they just had." Twilight pointed out, cleaning their faces off with her magic.

"Twi-Twiwight?" Applejack and Rarity asked, embarrassed.

"Yes, little ones. How was this...treatment?"

"It was weawwy wewaxin' an fun! I would wonsider doin' it awain." Rarity explained as she and Applejack were placed on the carpeted floor.

"Really Rarity? You actually enjoy being a foal?" Starlight asked.

"Uh. Yeah. tho, it wouwd be mowe bewwer if we were jus powwy twained toddwers in puww-ups." Rarity admitted, blushing a bit.

"Yeah. Well, was Rainbow Dash a good mother?"

"Yep. She took cawe of us weawwy weww. I wewwy woved today. But, awe we gonna stay wike dis foweva?" Applejack inquired.

"Um. I think you have to admit that it was relaxing and awesome. You know, something positive. Then you should turn back to normal."

"Oh. Weww, if I had ta descwibed today, I would say wewakin' or cawefwee. I weawwy an twuly felt wike mysewf as a foaw. An wike I said, I wouwd wonsider doin' dis awain wit ya, Mama." Rarity explained.

"Me woo! I woved today, In fact, it couwd be wonsidered da best day eva! Tankee Mama!" Applejack cried, hugging Rainbow Dash's front leg. "I won' fowet toway."

"Aww, neither will I you guys. Thanks for being the best for me. You really made this experience fun. I also hope we could do it again, even though that's weird. But, I really thought it was a great day, and you guys were sooo adorable!" Rainbow cooed.

Rarity and Applejack blushed as a bright white light surrounded them.

"Hey, what's happenin'?" Applejack asked worriedly.