• Published 5th Jun 2017
  • 1,255 Views, 32 Comments

Twijacked - Pozzo

Trixie gets her revenge on Twilight by stealing her body. Twilight is left as a brain in a jar. How will she get out of this one? A comedy story with multiple endings!

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The Worst End: Garbage Day

“Moment of truth, Sparkle! Ahahaha!”

Twilight felt herself being levitated out of her old jar and into the new one. Soon her vision was tinted ruby red as the faces of the Trixies peered in at her, wearing smug grins of triumph. They let her soak in it for a few minutes, absorbing some of the liquid to a noticeable degree, before getting to the questions

“Time for a test run.” Said Trixie 1, rubbing her hands together. “Sparkle, what is the name of your secret crush?”

“Rainbow Dash.” Replied Twilight, before gasping. She hadn’t even been aware of giving an answer. She had just blurted it out, almost subconsciously. “Wait, that’s…true! I mean, it’s definitely true! I mean…oh no, I really am telling the truth!” she finished, miserably. Trixie cackled with obvious glee.

“Yes! Yeees! Another victory for the Great and Powerful Trixie!” she said, drawing herself up to her full height. “Now, tell me everything. Everything, I said!” And so, Twilight spilled the beans. Her history with her friends, mentor, parents, and all of her personal secrets spilled forth like a tsunami of truth, flatly stated, with no emotion. The Trixie brain that was in the original Trixie body noted everything down in a notebook, in perfect detail, as the other Trixie teased every last scrap of information out of her nemesis.

When it was done, the Trixies looked at each other and nodded. Twilight, mentally exhausted after spending the last who knows how long spilling her metaphorical guts out, didn’t say anything as she was fished back out of the jar of truth potion. It was only when she realized that she wasn’t going back in her regular jar that she spoke.

“Where am I going now? What more can you do to me?” she asked.

“Nothing. There’s nothing more to do with you.” Said Trixie. It came out in a cheerful tone, but Twilight immediately heard alarm bells ringing in her mind.

“What does that mean?”

“…it’s Wednesday today.” Said Trixie, casually.

“What? What’s that got to do with anything?”

“Well, what happens on a Wednesday? Have you forgotten, Sparkle?” Twilight tried to think. Wednesdays, Wednesdays…2 for 1 muffin day at the bakery? Rainbow’s day off? Or…

“Trixie…you don’t mean…”

“That’s right! Garbage day!” Twilight felt herself dropped into something soft and cramped, and she had a horrible feeling as to what it was.

“Trixie, no! Don’t! I…I can-“

“Oh, sorry, but you’re just a liability now. Can’t have you escaping somehow, can I? Goodbye, Twilight Sparkle. Give my regards to the rats at the trash heap! I’m sure you’ll feel right at home!”

Twilight continued to plead, but soon she felt her telepathic connection to Trixie suddenly end, like a wire had been pulled out of a socket, and she was left alone in the darkness.

Trixie walked back upstairs to her other self, who clapped her into the room.

“Congratulations, Trixie. Or should I just say Twilight Sparkle from now on?” she said, which made the Twilight imposter laugh.

“Oh, I always was funny. As well as beautiful.”

“Don’t forget Great and Powerful.” said the clone, playfully. “Seriously, don’t.”

“Oh, of course not.” Said “Twilight”, moving towards her former body with a gleam in her eye. “Now, I say that we’ve earned a little downtime, wouldn’t you? Now, lose those clothes…but keep the hat on.”

“Whatever you say…Twilight.”

One month later….

“Now, let’s try this again. Wave. Your. Paws!...urgh, no!”

Twilight sighed, frustrated, as she sat on her lump of garbage. The crowd of rats in front of her continued to stare, blankly. It was, to be frank, still an improvement from when she was first dumped into the trash heap. Back then, she was happy to avoid the rodents altogether-they would either climb on top of her and nestle on her lobes, or nibble at her before running away. It had been a bleak few weeks.

Then, at some point, Twilight realized that her thoughts were, somehow, getting through to the little creatures. She wasn’t sure why, or how, but at this point Twilight would take any advantage she had. So far that just meant that her constant pleas of “Stop trying to eat my brain” were being respected. But given practice? Maybe-just maybe-she could go on to greater things. For now though…

“Okay, one more time. Wave…your…paws!” she instructed. There was a beat as time stood still. Then, slowly, the swarm of rats around her, with great slowness and care, slowly waved.