• Published 9th Jun 2017
  • 264 Views, 0 Comments

The Chaotic Adventures of Misty and Grace: An Interactive Story - AstraPony

When Misty Skys appears on Grace's doorstep, things get pretty... chaotic...

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And With a Poof, She Appeared

"Hello. As you should know, this story is about a boring pegasus (Misty Skys) and a boring human (Grace Winters). 'But who am I?' you ask. WHO AM I?!? I am the almight, all powerful, all amazing... *ahem* sorry... Lord of Chaos, Discord. Well then, with introductions out of the way, let us start our story with our equine character."


Misty Skys awoke on her cloud bed. Her pink eyes slowly drifted open and became aware of her surrondings. She sat up and brought a sky blue hoof up to her mane and gave her head a scratch as she yawned. Doing so she realized her mane was an absolute mess.

Grudgingly, Misty got up from her fluffy spot and walked into her bathroom, looked into the mirror, and saw the damage. Her teal mane was a horrid mess. The single streak of pink, that was so light it was almost white, weaved in and out of Misty's tangled mane. Her tail was just the same.

Misty brushed her mane and tail, took a shower, brushed her fur, and then went out to the kitchen to make some breakfast. When she got there, Misty made herself a bowl of oats and sprinkled in a couple of daisy petals. As Misty happily ate her breakfast, she thought about what she was to do that day. First, she was to go to work at the Rainbow Factory (and no, all those rumors are false). Then she had to fly down to Ponyvile and go to the market to pick up a couple things. Misty also had to return a book to Twilight and check out another.

Misty sighed and shoke her head. Her day would be terribly busy. She finished her meal and set the bowl on the counter. As Misty prepared her saddle bags for work, she hear a commotion outside. Currious, she pulled her saddle bags onto her back and went outside.

There was a crowd of ponies, mares and stallions alike. They seemed to be crowded around something, no, somepony. Misty flew up into the air to see who it was. Who she saw rattled her feathers. It was Rainbow Dash.

Misty couldn't believe her eyes. She had never actually seen Rainbow Dash before. And now she was here outside Misty's house. Misty has so excited she could explode.

And that's when she passed out.


"Hello. It is I again. Real quick before we move to our next scene, I'd like to clear some things up. First of all, before you say I controlled Rainbow Dash, I didn't arrange for it to happen. Well, the crowd, yes, but not Rainbow. After all, I am reformed. Second, why is this whole thing happening? I got bored. Ok? Being the Lord of Chaos is fun and all, but I need to mix it up a little.

Celly never said I could have a little fun. Now before I explain more, I need to move the story along. I wonder if Misty's arrival was quite... Graceful. Oh! I crack myself up!


Grace woke with a start. She had a dream about a colorful horse showing up on her doorstep... then talking. In fact, it looked like one of the horses on that show Grace's little sister, Melody, liked to watch. What was it? My Pony's Magic? Oh well.

It made since. Grace had to watch Melody last night and she had insisted on watching it, so it made since Grace had dreamt about a colorful horse. Grace got up off her bed and looked over towards the other bed on the opposite side of the room. A smaller form lay under a pony comforter. Grace walked over to the bed to make sure her little sister was fine.

Sure enough, Melody's little chest rose up and down in shallow, rhythmic motions. Her amber hair lay on Melody's fair skin. Grace sliently tip-toed to the window and peeked out. The sun was already pretty high in the sky. The neighborhood was abuzz with cars and bikes cruising along the street. A lingering person or two walked along the poorly maintained sidewalks.

Grace then looked back. A bedside table sat snugly between the sisters' beds. On top of it was a clock. Grace then tip-toed over to the clock to read it. It read 9:13 a.m.

Normally, if Grace saw that time, she would be scrambling to go to school, but it was Saturday. Grace then proceeded to the small dresser on the end of her bed and got dressed. She then put on a plain light pink t-shirt and a pair of jean shorts. Grace then tip-toed to the door.

Being extra careful not to wake her sleeping sister, Grace gently opened the door then shut it after walking through. She walked to the kitchen where she proceeded to pour herself a bowl of Lucky Charms. Their mom was at work at the moment (and their dad left shortly after Melody was born) which meant Grace was free to eat on the couch. She picked up the remote and turned on the tv. After showing the start-up screen, Grace plopped down onto the couch and tossed to remote onto the coffee table in front of her.

To her dislike, that My Pony's Magic (or whatever its called) popped up on the screen. And to Grace's dismay, she had tossed the remote out of her reach and was to lazy to get up and grab it. Weighing her options, Grace desided to continue to watch the show (really, she was just too lazy to get up).

After watching an episode, Grace realized she hadn't even touched her cereal. She was to caught up in the show. After finally eating her Lucky Charms and puting the bowl in the sink, Grace got up to finish her morning routine. She went into the bathroom and brushed her braces-covered teeth. Grace then brushed her dirty blond hair. She pushed some hair behind her ear, revealing her green eyes. Grace's skin was the same as her sister's, fair.

Speaking of, Melody walked out of their room and looked into the bathroom at her sister. "Hi Grace!" Melody said with a joyous tone.

"Good morning Mel-Bell. Did you sleep well?" Grace asked.


"Are you hungry?"


"What would you like?" Grace asked even though she already knew the answer.

"Lucky Charms!"

"Of course," Grace said with a smile. "Let's go get you some."

And as the two sisters were walking past the front door to get to the kitchen, they heard a thud on the front porch. Curious, Grace walked toward the door, with Melody following behind, and reached toward the knob. Twisting it, Grace opened the door to find a sky-blue, pink eyed, teal (with a almost white pink streak) maned/tailed pegasus. It looked like one of those ponies from the show that was playing on the tv not 10 feet behind Grace. The pony looked up at the two and said, "Hi! My name is Misty Skys. I was wondering if you could tell me where I am?"

Grace almost passed out.

Author's Note:

Hello it is I again. If you couldn't tell from the title, thus is an interactive story. Yes, I know! Fun! Now our equine character wil be staying with our human "friend" for a total of 15 days. Now in order for Miss Astra to any more, she needs some help form you the Readers! I will be using my chaotic powers to impact and shape the lives of Misty and Grace (and I guess Melody, but she's a third wheel) during Misty's 15 day stay. Now some rules. 1. No killing our characters. It wouldn't be fun watching them lay dead on the ground for 15 chapters (oh yes! By the way, 1 chapter= 1 day unless said otherwise). 2. The mom must NOT find out about Misty. Well that's it! Miss Astra will pick the best suggestions from the comments, so remember to comment! Just because your idea wasn't picked in the first chapter doesn't mean it still can't be picked. Keep commenting, but limit each of your ideas to once a chapter (you can submit multiple ideas but don't spam one idea. If so, it wont be picked). Happy commenting and *puts on pink wig* May the odds be ever in your favor!

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