• Published 11th Jul 2012
  • 1,135 Views, 31 Comments

Look Who Came Trotting Back - AceOfSpades1309

Applejack is enjoying her life on Sweet Apple Acres, when an old school bully comes back to town

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Chapter 2

Chapter 2

On the train to Ponyville, one hour ago…

“I’m trotting on sunshine, woooah, and don’t it feel good!”

Trotter couldn’t be in a better mood. He was finally coming home, after ten long years. He couldn’t wait to see all of his old friends again, and how they had changed throughout the years. He couldn’t help but sing out loud as the train came into the station.

As the train came to a full and complete stop, he hopped out of his seat and headed for the exit. He waited in line as other ponies walked out of the caboose, his thoughts drifting to the one pony he was most anticipated in seeing again.

“I wonder how Applejack is doing? I hope she remembers me. I wonder if she has a special somepony in her life? I hope not, maybe she and I could…whoa, hold up there partner. Where did that thought come from? You gotta act cool, see how things turn out.”

Trotter walked out of the caboose, and as he walked towards the exit, he took a deep breath of the Ponyville air, ““Ah Ponyville, I missed this place. I forgot how beautiful this place was.” One last thought came into his mind as he breathed in the nice clean air. “I wonder what she looks like now? I mean, she was cute back when she was a filly, but who knows what ten years could do to…”

His thoughts were immediately interrupted when he caught the sight of an orange mare standing off in the distance, looking directly at him. “Applejack, is that you?” asked Trotter as he began to walk over to the young mare. “Alright, I was wrong,” thought Trotter, “She’s not cute, she is bucking gorgeous.”

“It is you, oh how have you been?”

Three Minutes Later…

Trotter was breathing heavily as he walked through the exit of the train station. “What the buck just happened?” Trotter thought as he watched the Apple Sisters walk off, leaving him alone. “Well, that was not the welcome I was expecting.”

When he finally recovered enough air, Trotter began to think of what exactly happened. “Applejack was never this aggressive as a filly. And what was that about something I did to her?” Trotter thought hard, trying to remember his childhood memories from so long ago, but couldn’t think of anything that could have warranted the attack from the orange mare.

“Ugh, I’ll figure this out later,” thought Trotter as he shook his head and walked in the direction of the town hall, “I need to purchase a new house.”

After talking to the mayor and acquiring both the deed and the key to his new place, Trotter walked back to the train station to collect his stuff. It was when got there, he saw somepony that looked very familiar.

“Rarity?” Trotter called out, which the white-coated, purple-mane unicorn turned around in response.

“Hello there,” Rarity said elegantly, “have we met before?”

Trotter nodded, “Yeah, we went to school together.”

“Well, things maybe weird with Applejack, but hopefully things will go much smoother with Rarity.”

“You’re going to have to tell me your name,” said Rarity, using her magic to hold what looked like a small cage, “I haven’t the foggiest idea of who you are.”

Trotter nodded and replied, “Yeah, I guess I do look a little different from my school days. My name is Trotting Guardsmen, but I would always go by the nickname Trotter.”

Rarity’s eyes widened for a split second when she heard the name before returning to normal. “Oh Trotter, how could I possibly forget you,” laughed Rarity, although her laughter seemed rather forced, “Can you do me a favor, Trotter?”

“Uh, sure, I guess,” shrugged Trotter, walking closer to young mare.

Rarity used her magic and gave Trotter a small stuffed mouse and said, “Just hold on to that for me real quick, if you please?”

“Ooook,” replied Trotter, holding the toy in his hooves. Rarity then used her magic again and opened the cage door.

“Opal, come on out, my pretty,” said Rarity with an evil looking smile on her face. And before Trotter could even ask who Opal was, the white cat was scratching all over his face.


Trotter ran back and forth in a small circle as he continued to try and shake Opal off his face. He didn’t know how long he had been running when Rarity finally said, “Alright, that’s enough Opal. You have an appointment with Fluttershy today.”

Opal finally jumped off the young stallion’s face, gave him a good hiss, grabbed her toy in her mouth, and walked back to her cage, Rarity closing it with her magic.

“Have a good day, Mr. Guardsmen,” said Rarity mockingly before practically skipping away.

“Ow…ow…….ow,” said Trotter out loud, praying to Celestia that there was no permanent damage. “What else could…ow…go wrong?” Trotter said out loud.


Trotter jumped up at the sudden appearance of one pink pony, with a puffy, messy mane. “Are you a new here to Ponyville? Oh my gosh, I love meeting new ponies. I also love throwing new ponies ‘Welcome to Ponyville’ parties. Do you love parties? Oh who am I kidding, what pony doesn’t like parties. Oh silly me, I haven’t even introduced myself. My name is Pinkie Pie, what’s your name?”

It took a couple seconds before Trotter could process all the information that had suddenly came at him. But it was the name that caught his full attention. “Pinkie? Hey, I remember you,” stated Trotter, “You used to have a straight mane and tail. And you also seemed down all the time.”

“Oh that must have been before I got my Cutie Mark,” proclaimed Pinkie, never seeming to take a breath, “and that must mean you lived here before. That’s ok, we can have a ‘Welcome Back to Ponyville’ party. That’s just as cool as a ‘Welcome to Ponyville.’ So anyway, you never did…”

Pinkie suddenly paused, as Trotter just stared at the young mare, whose tail was twitching. All of a sudden, Pinkie pushed Trotter forward. Before he could ask what the deal was, a washing machine crashed right where they had been standing just a second ago.

“Sorry,” Trotter heard above him, and looked up to see a walled-eyed Pegasus floating them, “That thing is heavier than it looks.”

“No problem Ditzy!” smiled Pinkie, who waved at the Pegasus before turning back to Trotter and continuing exactly where she had left off, “…tell me your name.”

It took almost a minute before Trotter could find his words. “Uh…it’s Trotting Guardsmen,” finally said Trotter, finally regaining his composure, “but you might remember me by Trotter. And thanks for saving me just now.”

“Oh it’s no problem at all, I would help anypony…..wait, did you say Trotting Guardsmen,” asked Pinkie, to which Trotter nodded in response. Suddenly, Trotter heard a popping sound and her mane and tail suddenly deflated, giving the pink pony straight hair.

Pinkie Pie simply stared into the eyes of Trotter, as if she was staring into his very soul. Trotter could swear he could hear demonic music as he became more and more frightened by Pinkie’s stare. “Uhh…well what do you know,” panicked Trotter, trying to avoid the cold stare of the pink pony, “I really need to get going…gotta…um…unpack.”

Trotter finally broke off the stare, ran back to the train station, thanking Celestia that the train staff had put all his things into a cart, quickly hooked himself to said cart, and ran past Pinkie. “Nice seeing you again, bye!” yelled Trotter, not daring to look back at Pinkie.

Pinkie continued to stare at Trotter until he disappeared from view, which she then took a deep breath and smiled, her mane and tail poofing back to normal. She then looked at the screen and asked, “Um, excuse me, Mr. AceOfSpades1309?”


“I have a question, why am I giving Trotter ‘The Stare?’ Shouldn’t it have been Fluttershy who gave it to him?” Pinkie asked the fanfic writer.

Wait…what…when…where…who…how are you doing that? How are you talking to me?

Pinkie giggled and replied, “Because I’m Pinkie Pie, remember?”

I…I guess that makes sense…I think.

Pinkie giggled again and asked, “You’re so silly. Anyway, did you forget my question about me giving Trotter ‘The Stare?’”

Oh yeah, sorry. To answer your question, Trotter left Ponyville before you guys, the Mane 6, got your Cutie Marks. So that means Fluttershy, and for that matter, Rainbow Dash, and Twilight never met Trotter. Besides, I don’t think Fluttershy would ever give somepony ‘The Stare,’ even if she knew what Trotter did to Applejack. She might not talk to him, but she wouldn’t give him ‘The Stare.’

“Oh, ok. That makes sense,” replied Pinkie, after which she smiled and continued, “Well, have a good time writing your fanfic. I need to go prepare for Trotter’s Welcome Back party.” Pinkie began to bounce away.

Wait, why are you going to prepare him a party now? You’re not suppose to like him yet.

“Oh, I know, but I’ve already read the part where I forgive him and I like to be prepared for his party when that chapter comes out,” replied Pinkie, who continued to bounce towards Sugar Cube Corner.

You already read…I haven’t even written out that part yet…

But it was too late, Pinkie was already gone.

Sorry about that folks…..that has never happened to me before. Anyway, I guess we should get back to Trotter.

Trotter’s New House…

Five Minutes Before The CMC Arrive…

“Are all the mares in this town crazy?” Trotter asked aloud as he finished bringing in the last of the boxes into his house. He placed the last box onto the floor before looking around his new home. He took a deep breath, deciding to unpack later. He headed for the shower, taking off his shorts on the way, thinking about what Applejack had said earlier.

“After what ya did, I’m surprised you’d be stupid enough to show your face around here again.”

“After what I did? What did I do?” Trotter thought to himself as he washed his mane. “Think Trotter, think! What could you have done that could’ve ticked her off so much?” The stallion continued to wash himself as he tried to figure out this question in his head.

The stallion turned off the water and stepped out of the shower, and thought, “Was it because I said Appleblank in the letter? I was just kidding around.” Trotter grabbed a towel and began to dry his mane as he continued thinking about Applejack. “Heck, I thought she would’ve laughed at the old memories. Nice job, Trotter!”


Trotter suddenly jumped up, startled when he heard a voice. He threw the towel off his head and looked around to find three little fillies, inside his home.

“What in the whole wide world of Celestia is going on?!” exclaimed Trotter, still in shock.

The three little fillies just looked at each other, before the pegasus filly stepped forward, cleared her throat, and said, “Hello there, mister. My name is Scootaloo, that’s Sweetie Belle, and I’ve heard you already met Applebloom right there. And we’re the Cutie Mark Crusaders!”

Trotter looked to each filly as their names were revealed, before realizing that Applejack’s little sister was among the group of fillies that had invaded his home. He was actually surprised to see her, after what had just happened an hour ago.

Before he could ask her anything, however, the unicorn named Sweetie Belle asked, “Um mister, why don’t you have a Cutie Mark?” Trotter never thought it would be this soon before somepony found out his secret, and he felt unprepared at the little filly’s question.

“Uh…uh…,” stuttered Trotter, trying to find a way out of explaining why he had no Cutie Mark, until he finally realized something. “Wait, how did you three get in here?”

Scootaloo didn’t miss a beat and answered, “You left the door opened, which in this town, pretty much means ‘Come on in!”

Scootaloo was lying, of course, but she hoped he would buy it. She was wrong. “Yeah, right,” said Trotter, glad he found a way to get out of telling why he didn’t have a Cutie Mark, “you three little fillies are in trouble. I suggest you leave before I tell the authorities.” Trotter couldn’t help but smile inside, feeling victorious.

The unicorn and pegasus both looked defeated, until Applebloom quickly jumped up and proclaimed, “Now hold on there, mister. I see what ya trying to do. But guess what? There are no a-torities in Ponyville. Maybe the mayor, but not any police ponies.”

“And also, ya might not want to send us away, we might accidently tell somepony that the new pony in town doesn’t have a Cutie Mark.” Applebloom would, of course, never do something like that, but right now, she’s was trying to get Trotter to talk. “Now, if ya don’t mind, ya’ll be telling us why ya don’t have a Cutie Mark.”

“This little filly was devious,” Trotter thought to himself as he looked at the youngest Apple sibling. He tried to think of some way to get out of this situation, but he failed. He took a deep breath, looked to the ground, and told them the honest truth. “I don’t know.”

“Apple sauce!” was Applebloom’s quick response, “In the letter ya sent my sister, ya said ya’ve been all over Equestria. How could somepony do that and still not have a Cutie Mark?”

Trotter didn’t look up, but replied, “The reason I explored Equestria was to find somepony who could tell me why I hadn’t earn my Cutie Mark. And trust me, I’ve done things that most ponies would never even dream of doing.”

Trotter picked up his head and looked at the young fillies, a smile growing on his face. “I’ve taken done a group of Diamond Dogs that was attacking a town of jewel miners, I’ve wrestled a Manticore and came out on top, I’ve even knocked out a tooth from a full grown dragon who was picking on a family of Phoenixes.” His smile then faded, a frown replacing it, as he finished, “but none of those adventures earned me my Cutie Mark.”

Scootaloo couldn’t help but laugh at that last proclamation. “You knocked out a dragon’s tooth? Really? You expect us to believe you took on a dragon?”

Trotter smiled at the young pegasus, before walking over to his largest box, opening it up, and lifting out a razor sharp tooth the same size as him. The three little fillies gasped at the sight of large dragon tooth. Trotter laughed at their reaction, before his frown returned, and he placed the dragon tooth back inside the box.

“As I said, I have no idea why I haven’t earned my Cutie Mark,” said Trotter, walking back to the three fillies, and laying down on his bed. “I gave up adventuring and decided to return to my home town, but I guess the one place I called home doesn’t want me back.”

The Cutie Mark Crusaders looked at each other and then looked back at Trotter. “Hey, it’s ok,” Sweetie Belle said, putting a hoof on Trotter’s mane, “we’ll be your friends, won’t we girls?”

Scootaloo quickly nodded, although Applebloom hesitated, thinking of what her sister would think, but then she nodded too, knowing that this stallion wasn’t the bully he used to be. At least, from what she could tell.

Trotter chuckled. “Thanks girls. What I really need right now is friends.”