• Published 6th Jun 2017
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The Legend of Friendship - Diary of the Storm Wings - Danieru

Cyclone Wing, Hurricane Wing, and Tornado Wing lived a hard life when they were younger. However, as long as they were together and with their dreams in mind, they were determined to change that. They decided to create the Storm Wings.

  • ...

4. The Storm Wings

Entry number Four

So this was it. We started our work as Storm Wings. This is probably the kind of entry that everypony would be excited for. The humble beginnings of this group. We traveled all over Equestria and asked around to find out if anypony had some trouble and offered our services to them.

It felt weird...we actually were also hired to capture thieves or criminals. Before we became the Storm Wings, that is exactly what we were. It did however, made us feel better, knowing that the thieves we were about to capture were just after money. They clearly had no problems surviving and just wanted more bits.

One of our earlier missions brought us to a little town named Ponyville. There was some kind of thief who was stealing apples from the local orchard. Our job was it to capture him of course. I think it was the first time when our work was appreciated and looked at in a better light.

It felt...good, to be honest. And it would change things for the better for us...

Some time ago in a little town named Ponyville...

One of the earliest missions of the Storm Wings led them to Ponyville. It was a quiet little town founded by Earth ponies. The mission was to find and capture a thief that stole some of the apples in the local orchard for quite some time. There was little to no information on where they could find the thief but they assured that they would do their best to find and bring him to Ponyville.

This was two days ago...and the Storm Wings haven't returned yet, making the citizens feel like as if it already was a lost cost.

Some ponies were waiting near the towns square and discussed the situation.

“You think this group that arrived a few days ago can capture the thief?” A mare asked a group of ponies.

“They better do! The Apple's will have a hard time harvesting if this thief isn't caught soon enough,” another mare replied.

The mayor of the town noticed the talking between them and joined in. “Don't worry. I am sure they will do just fine,” she tried to assure everypony.

“But, Mayor, can we really trust a bunch of ponies who showed up out of nowhere?”

“Yeah! Maybe they even work with this thief!”

“They also did look like a bunch of ruffians!”

The Mayor could understand why they were all worried about this situation but she felt a little bombarded by the panic of everypony. “Please calm down, everypony, I am sure those Storm Wings will eventually get the thief and-”

“Look! Isn't that them?” Another pony interrupted, pointing at the six ponies from the Storm Wings.

They were carrying another pony with them. Strangely enough, this ponies legs and mouth was tied up, making it unable for him to speak. This image only made the citizens feel more cautious.

“See? They are ruthless! They even tied up his mouth!”

“The horror! The horror!” Another mare exclaimed before she fainted.

The Storm Wings walked up to the crowd of ponies who already waited for their return and placed the pony on the ground who was shaking on the ground in an attempt to escape.

“Here he is...” Hurricane Wing said, dropping the thief down to the ground, much to his dislike.

“This is the thief who stole the apples from your orchard,” Breeze Flyer explained.”But I'm sure he can tell you that himself,” she said as she waited for the pony to confess but then she realized that his mouth was still tied up.
”Psst...Hurricane,” she whispered to Hurricane Wing, hinting that he should untie his mouth.

“Oh...yes...” Hurricane realized as he untied the mouth of the thief.

“Yes! It was me! Curse you, Storm Wings! I was destined to be known as the greatest apple thief in Equestria! The magnificent and great -” However, Hurricane Wing shut him up again after those boasting words.

“This guy sure loves to talk a lot...” he added while looking at the thief with narrowed eyes.

Cyclone Wing walked out of his group and looked for the Mayor of the town who was giving them the mission. He noticed that most of the ponies backed away from him as he made his way through the crowd.

“It's always the same...” he mumbled to himself as he looked around him.

When he finally spotted the Mayor of the town, she looked a little nervous. But Cyclone Wing tried to be professional. He saluted in front of her and reported the details of the mission to which the Mayor only returned some nervous nods.

“Well, I'm sure you are here to collect your bits for this “mission” right?” The Mayor asked in a nervous voice, feeling a little intimidated by the Storm Wings.

“You can keep your money...we're leaving...” Cyclone Wing said before he turned around, again walking through the crowd of ponies who this time, looked a little confused due to his words.

It was obvious that the Citizens felt a little unsure or even intimidated by him and the rest of the Storm Wings. This was not new to him. From an outside perspective, the Storm Wings were just a group of ponies who showed up in a random town and offered help in exchange for some money.
How could he accept money from those ponies if they looked at him with those eyes?

Tornado Wing quickly rushed towards his brother with a worried look on his face.
“Cyclone! We are not taking any money again?”

“No, we are not...” Cyclone Wing replied focusing his sight in front of him.

“You know, we will eventually run out of supplies if we refuse money on like every second mission...” Hurricane Wing pointed out.

“We just have to try our luck in the next town...” Cyclone Wing replied with a little worry in his voice.

When he was thinking about doing work for other ponies and trying to make Equestria a better place, those were not the pictures he had in mind for the ponies that he would help. But he was also aware that he wasn't doing all that for the money or the gratitude of everypony. Whether it was just catching a little thief in one little town, it was still helping a little. At least that's what he thought.

“We're leaving,” he said to the rest of the group before he took one last look behind, looking at the concerned faces of everypony in front of him. However, when he was about to lift off, a voice from inside the crowd could be heard shouting at them.

“Hold on, just a minute!”

This caused the group and the crowd of ponies to focus their eyes on an elderly mare, who slowly made her way through the crowd.

“Granny Smith?” The mayor said, most likely referring to the elderly mare that walked up to the Storm Wings.

“Now there you are, you little good doers! Now if it wasn't for you and your little Wing's group, then it wouldn't be all to pretty for the future of my orchard,” she said as she grabbed Cyclone Wing's head, petting him in the process and ruining his mane.

“Um, yeah, sure....” Cyclone Wing replied a little embarrassed, not expecting that somepony would have thanked him like this.

“I hope they were well paid for what they did?” Granny Smith asked turning her head to the mayor.

“Well, actually, they refused to accept any bits so...” The Mayor replied with a nervous smile. She obviously was glad that Ponyville didn't have to pay any money.

“Are you saying that ponies who work hard don't deserve to be rewarded for their deeds?” Granny Smith said getting now a little closer to the Mayor's face.

Cyclone Wing felt like diffusing the situation before it would escalate any further by explaining that there is no payment needed for what they did. But Granny Smith didn't seem to like this answer.

“Nonsense! You helped my orchard and you will get a reward for it, even if I have to pay it from my own wallet!” She insisted, making Cyclone Wing feel kind of intimidated. He had no idea how having parent would be like but for that moment he could swear that it was exactly like that.

“Yes, ma'am,” he replied out of respect and some intimidation, straitening his shoulders.

“No need to be so modest, sugar cube,” Granny Smith said, trying to make Cyclone Wing feel a little more comfortable. She turned her head around to face the citizens of Ponyville. She most likely was aware of how they were all mistrusting the Storm Wings and spared some words. “Now I don't know anything about them Storm Wings but I know when I see hard working ponies! These ponies offered to help in our time of need and that is truly something to admire,”

Those words seemed to have dug themselves into the minds of the other ponies who now looked at each other in regret.

“If you ever need some apples from our orchard, then I would be glad to give you some,” Granny Smith offered.

“Thanks...” Cyclone Wing replied a little hesitant.”But we were about to leave now unless there is any other work to be done here,”

There was silence. Nopony stepped up, meaning that there either was nopony who needed help or that they wanted the Storm Wings to leave as fast as possible. Whatever it was, the group, once again prepared themselves to leave until one little filly walked out of the crowd, walking up to the Storm Wings.

Cyclone Wing turned around to face the filly but instead of walking up to him, she walked around him and approached Breeze Flyer who looked at the filly confused. The filly did seem to struggle to get out some words but eventually spoke up.

“Can you help me to find my cat?” She said in a nervous voice, showing Breeze Flyer a picture of her cat.

Breeze Flyer was thinking about what to answer but looked at Cyclone Wing. He was always the one who decided which mission to take and which not. He nodded a few times indicating that he was ready to accept, making Breeze Flyer form a smile one her face. “Of course, my dear,” she said as she patted the little filly who also returned a smile.

The expressions of the other ponies around the Storm Wings quickly seemed to change after this display. They did seem to notice that the Storm Wings were good at heart. This caused another pony stepped out of the crowd.

“You know, I have to make a delivery to another town but I am stuck at work today...Do you mind taking care of that?”

“What?” Cyclone Wing replied boldly in confusion.

Then there was another pony.

“Do you do repairs? The name is Steel Hammer! Me and another pony are the only carpenter ponies in town but we need to do some other stuff on the other side of town. I wouldn't mind giving you a job for today,” he offered with a smile on his face.

And it didn't end there. More and more requests were coming in for the rest of the day. In the end, the Storm Wings left a good impression on the citizens. Needless to say, the Storm Wings were happy that they got treated this way.
It felt...good.
And it wouldn't be the last time.
This day turned out much better than they would have ever expected and they could leave the town with a good feel of satisfaction.

And that was it...
That was the moment when the name “Storm Wings” became something big. Something recognizable.

Before we knew it, other ponies wanted to join our little group. First, we ended up as ten, then we were twenty, thirty, forty...I think were are forty-two members right now.

Now every time when something needed to be done, ponies would say “call the Storm Wings” or “The Storm Wings can take care of it!”. We did get stuck with some pointless and not too noble tasks from time to time but there are also times when we have to deal with more dangerous jobs. But nopony minds with what job they get stuck to, as long as they could do something. Some members might also not join us because they share the same dream or ambitions as the original members and rather because of the seek for adventure or even the money but that is fine.

I ended up being the leader of the whole bunch. Nopony seemed to complain this far and nopony was questioning my actions or orders so I would say that I didn't do a bad job this far.

I was mostly happy, that I could finally do something. That I could do change Equestria for the better, even if it was slowly. Me and the Storm Wings would soon help to create a place in which everypony could be happy.

And no one would need to live a life like us...

I think that's it...
Yes, I summarized all the key events that would lead to what the Storm Wings would become.

A really short diary, in my opinion.

But who knows? Maybe some interesting things will happen in the future. If that is the case, then I would be more than happy to write something else into this.

But as for now...this is it...

Author's Note:

Another Chapter done!
As you can see, I am trying to get this story finished quickly so that I could return to the main story as quickly as possible.
But it's no problem since this story is much shorter and easier to write in my opinion.

I hope you have fun reading this story so far!
If you do, then please consider leaving a review or a like in FIMfiction to help this story to get known better, as well as The Legend of Friendship.

See you in the next chapter.
Bye ^^.