• Published 6th Dec 2017
  • 3,084 Views, 39 Comments

Equestria Babies - TwilieTheFoal

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Chapter 4- Rainbow Dash

Rainbow Dash was using her awesome necklace to check each upstairs classroom in the blink of an eye, leaving behind a rainbow trail as she did so. After she checked about 4 classrooms she decided to just walk a regular pace and look for out of the ordinary looking things. She first looked at all of the book shelves within the 5th classroom, which was social studies with Ms. Harshwhinny. None of the shelves had anything on them, not even books. And the chalkboard hadn't been in used recently. Dash knew this because all the chalk has been put away and the taste of the chalk board made it clear that it hasn't been used. She was just as random as Pinkie Pie.

But while she was slowly investigating the classroom, she heard a loud scream, kinda like Fluttershy's.

"Fluttershy!" Rainbow shouted, using her blue necklace once again to run as fast as the flash.

No one answered and the screams were silenced after she left the classroom. Rainbow became worried as thoughts went through her head, her brain telling her that everything will be fine. She then went zooming down the stairs and into the hallway. She saw nothing....yet. She then walked down the lit up hallway. That's when she heard crying, like a baby but it sounded like Fluttershy. Then she ends up running towards the sound, but into a dark, sketchy hallway, the light started to flicker for a sec, and then stopped. Dash liked an adventure and all but this, this was just too creepy. So she managed to walk out and near where the daycare is. But Dash didn't know that.

Then, when she was running down a corner, she slipped and fell, knocking over some janitor supplies that were left there carelessly. She then noticed that she was wet. Did she slip on water? She wasn't sure so she smelt it, it smelled like bubbles. Then she licked it. It was terrible, which means she slipped on soap. It was weird. Dash could've sworn that it wasn't there before. Which means, someone else is around, someone that shouldn't be here.

"HEY! Who did this!?!" Dash asked, as a shadowy figure came into view.

"W-who are you?" Dash asked, a little afraid.

He didn't answer.

"HEY! ANSWER ME! WHO ARE YOU!" Yelled Dash. She was more annoyed then afraid right now.

The figure didn't say anything. She was about to yell some more when she suddenly saw something glowing from the figure's cloak. It looked like Sunset's necklace. But that's impossible, she's at the library looking for-oh no! She saw that he was in possession of both Twilight and Sunset Shimmers necklace. And Fluttershy's.

"HEY! WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY FRIENDS!?!" Dash yelled, trying to stand up so that she could get him but she slipped and fell from the soap.

"DID YOU PUT THIS SOAP HERE!?!" Dash asked, still trying to stand up, but always ended up on her butt.

The figure took out something brown, and Dash could make it out as a staff. Wait a staff? He MUST be from Equestria, where else would he have gotten his staff. Then Dash witnessed something that made her thoughts about him true.

A blast of pink magic shot at her, making Rainbow Dash feel all tingly and weird, both the inside and out. Then, the magic lifted her off of the soap and onto one of the cleaner tiles beside it. Dash then saw that everything around her was getting bigger. Well, either that or she was getting smaller.

That's when she started crying like a baby,she felt her clothes on top of her, too big for her tiny body. That's when the mysterious figure came over and took the heap of clothes off of baby Dashie. And took her blue necklace off of the floor. Then he ran to one of the dark hallways again. One near the gymnasium. Once he was gone, Rainbow opened her eyes. She felt so abandoned and began to cry, really really, loudly. Just like Fluttershy.

In the daycare

Principal Celestia slept while Luna checked on the 3 babies. They were still sleeping peacefully on their pile of blankets. Fluttershy sucked on her light pink pacifier while the others simply slept. Luna decided to put pacifiers in their mouths as well.

Luna took a purple pacifier and placed it in Twilight's mouth, making sure not to wake her. Then she took out an orange pacifier and placed it in Sunset Shimmers mouth, making sure to not wake her. She succeeded, not waking either of them up.

While Spike heard a crying noise that sounded a lot like a baby. So, he bolted up and ran out of the daycare and into the hallway, surprised when he saw a crying baby Dash right there near the door to the daycare. It was strange but he shrugged it off and took her to the daycare.

Then, without saying a word, he presented Dash to Luna, who picked her up in a warm embrace. Then she fixed her up a bottle of milk. Once she did that, she put the amber nipple into Dash's mouth, Dash making suckling noises as she got her fix of creamy, cold milk. Once she was finished her bottle, Luna took it out of her mouth and burped her, Dash letting out a loud belch which made Fluttershy move an inch while she was sleeping, Luna thought it woke her up, but no. Then she placed a blue pacifier in Dash's mouth, cradling her afterwards. Then Luna placed Dash into the playpen. Dash then went to sleep as she suckled her pacifier.

What they still had no clue about was the person behind this. They don't even know who his next target is.