• Published 31st Jul 2017
  • 1,774 Views, 53 Comments

Need for Speed:Horsepower - bluekeldeo

Two Need for Speed racers trapped in Equestria. Not sure what to do since the only thing they know what to do is race, race with cars.

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Chapter 1: Prologue

Commotion was building in a alternative universe of Rockport. (like I said alternative universe, I hate it when people don’t get the point) More specifically in south-west Downtown Rockport, In a cross section, a airport was supposed to be built but was instead abandoned ever since. Now all that was left is only a roadway, perfect for drag races. As racers from all across town started to head to the location one racer completely oblivious to the event.

*Ring Ring*

“Who could that be?” said Mr.Oblivious, checking who it was, “oh, my brother.” he said answering “Sup.”

“Hey, I got some action for you. Head for the Downtown Rockport airport, people are about to drag race. Better head there before the cops come.”

“Aw come on man, how am I supposed to get there in less than probably 2 to 3 minutes. I’m in the safe house of Rosewood.”

“I don’t know? Just hurry up.” the caller said, before hanging up.

Letting out a sigh, he decided to try to get there since being a fully upgraded Subaru along with every custom part made it quite the beast. The only thing he never changed is the appearance, the hood, spoiler, and body kit are all stock. The only thing he changed are the rims to a BBS GT with a metallic gold to it, and the paint to a metallic blue. When it comes to the interior the dashboards are more neon and he got rid of the back seats for less weight. However, instead of a back seat there were now 20lb containers of nitrous oxide as well as a 20lb bottle of Nitrous Express and few pipes connected to it. He loved it that way and made him quite a surprise when people think they are racing a stock car.

Getting in the driver he opened the door of the safe house and started his engines. Hearing the orgasmic sound of his engine, he revved it up and took off to the abandoned airport. Picking the quickest route to the area he made it to the highway and was soon picking up speed.After some time he made it to the area, the road was blocked off but, that was natural since nobody is supposed to be there in the first place. As he made it to the entrance a racer blocked him from getting in most likely a guard.

“Wooh, there.” he said, blocking him. He then walked up to him looking at both him and his ride. “Ha, you really think you can win races with a stock car like that!? Hahaha!” he said, nearly mocking him.

“Oh boy, here we go again.” the racer thought. Stuff like like this happens often, but this early? Never.

“Oh really? How about a drag race in there to settle it.” he responded.

“Pfff, I’m not going to waste my time on you, but if it means free money. Then maybe I might go for it. How much you got?” he asks.

“How about 5 gram.” he responded.

“5 gram’s a good amount. Alright I’ll do it.”

After they’re little conversation the guard let him in. Soon the guard got his car, of which looked very similar to a car he seen before. Soon the two got to a free lane, a crowd started to form most of which were rooting for the Volkswagen, probably because it is more attractable to the eye when it comes to looks. After placing our bets, it was time to start the race.

At the start of a race it’s tradition to revv up the engine before it starts to show the opponent what they are facing. The Volkswagen revved up his engine causing a hear able whir in the engine. As the main protagonist revved up his engine it cause a loud whir while leaving a bit of Anti-lag in the process surprising both the opponent and the crowd. Soon a smug look was plastered on the antagonist.


The rest of this chapter will be in first person

Pressing the gas and the shot of nitrous to increase the acceleration, now approaching 4th gear. As I looked back I see he was way far behind. The chances be it that I don’t have to press the button on the steering wheel for the 20lb bottle boost, good thing too because I really don’t want to waste a bottle. Looking at the tachometer I see the meter is at the rgm range to shift gears pressing the clutch and lifting the leg off the gas I shift the car to 5th gear.

“Oh no, I will NOT lose to a stock car!” the opponent said pressing the nitrous oxide button on his steering wheel. Soon the exhaust was leaving behind flames of the nitrous giving him a big boost of speed.

Looking back I see he was catching up and fast. Probably used a bottle of nitrous, but the question is. Does he have a 5, 10, or 20lb bottle and, did he tune how much of the nitrous to be used a second. I really don’t want to risk wasting a bottle, but I really don’t want to lose. Ah screw it, I’ll take the risk, shifting into 6th gear. Looking back the car is getting farther away, did he reach his top speed? As I thought that the finish line was in view as I cross it. Letting go of the gas as I shift back down to 3rd gear while activating the e-brake for a second to loosen the traction as I made a 180 turn.

Back at the start I got my prize of 5 gram(not counting the money I placed in). Setting my car in a free spot I looked to see if my brother was around, since he did tell me about this event he should be here. Unfortunately I don’t see him, just then another person approached me.

“Yo, I heard you were the one that beat the Golf gt.” said the stranger

“Yup, he underestimated me.” I said

“well, how about a race of companies.”


“Let me explain, you got a subie. I got a Mitsubishi lancer evolution the two companies are constantly competing with one another. So why not have a race between the two cars.”

“Hmm, seems like a plan. Alright I’ll bite, how much you wanna bet?”

“How about that that 10 gram you just got.”

“Alright, let’s do this.”

Getting into the car I set myself to the start. Looking at his ride I see that it again looks really similar to another car I’d seen. Not thinking about it I waited for the girl to signal us to go. Doing the usual tradition we both revved up the engine to compare. While his is more louder than the the Golf it still wasn’t as loud as mine.


Doing the same tactic I was pulling ahead of the lancer but wasn’t at a big lead like before. The chances are, I will have to use a bottle. Shifting into 5th gear I debate on whether I should press it now or wait until 6th gear, I didn’t have to decide as the lancer pulled ahead with flames coming out of his exhausts. Pressing the button the nitrous gauge fills up as I felt a big rush of speed pushing me back into my seat. Shifting into 6th gear I was starting to pass him but not for long, as another wave of speed hit the lancer pulling him ahead; he used another bottle.

“Is he crazy?! Using two bottles one after another? He could *POP* pop...his exhausts.” I said seeing him slowing down due to the slight explosion. Crossing the finish I didn’t just go straight to the start. I decided to help him out, stopping near him I see he just got rid of the fire.

“You alright?”

“Yea I’m fine, can’t say the same for the back.”

“Let me take a look” I say looking underneath the back bumper.

“Hmm, well the good news are the parts are alright just blew the exhausts that's all. The thing is...you need those things replaced.”


“I’ll tell you what” going for the backseat of my car “I’ll give my spare exhaust, granted it might be as pretty as your old ones but this will act as a substitute.”

“Wow, thanks man.”

After installing the new part we both made it back to the start. Collecting my prize money I found my brother with his Mazda with a bright metallic red paint with a Mazda-speed body kit. I wasn’t able to talk to him as I heard a sound I didn’t want to hear.

“COPS! COPS!” someone shouted

Everyone then scrambled to their car to get the hell out of doge. Running to my car I then went to the exit with other people as we all went in different directions. I went south in the direction of the spiral highway in the route of my safe house.

*Beep Beep* Channel 3 be advised we have a complaint of speeding vehicles one of which is heading south on the highway of downtown Rockport can we have party to go check that out

Do you have any detail of that vehicle

“Please don’t have any detail, please don’t have any.” I pleaded

Subject is driving a blue Subaru


OK now it’s a race to the safe house without the cops noticing me. As I went around the corner a cop was there.

“Oh fuck.” I said trying to drive normally, then the cop turned on his siren as he drove to me “oh come on.” I said speeding away

Yea I’m on that reported party...He’s running, we got a chase

Turning into the city I looked in the map to see if I can find any pursuit breakers. I found one but it’s near the police department. Ah screw it.

He’s heading into the police department

Hitting the base of the radio tower the tower fell down blocking the police in it’s track as I made my escape to the safe house entering cooldown mode

I lost my sight on him can we have a coordinate set up

Copy Robert 204, subject was last seen headed east past the police department can we a have a roadblock set up there this call is still code 3

Soon I made it to the safe house, opening the door I entered inside ending the pursuit. Relieved to see that no marks were made which was surprising.

“Brother? Brother are you around?” I called, checking the other parts, I see that my brother is nowhere to be found. “I swear if he got caught by the police. I really don’t want to bail him out, especially that I just evaded the cops.”

*Ring Ring*

Checking the phone, seeing that it was my brother I pick up. “Yo.”

“hey, You evaded the cops?”

“Yup…well not necessarily avoided the cops entirely...I got in a chase.”

“Heh, well I didn’t. I’m in the safe house of Rosewood if you want to know. Know I gotta go, need a fresh coat of paint, seeya little bro.”



“Hmm, maybe I should get some vinyls on my car. I mean I love my car plainly stock but, maybe it’s time to get something new.” I thought, after replacing the nitrous bottle I decided it was time for a new makeover. Opening the door I noticed something strange about the door, actually really strange. The street and roads aren’t there instead all that is there is a purple swirling something.Driving a little into it so the front bumper hits the weird wall I see that it goes right through it. Then setting my car to reverse I try to get it out, but all that can heard is the screeching of the tires.

“Fuck, I guess it’s a one way ticket.” getting out of the car I decided I might need something to bring with me.Grabbing my first aid kit and my 9mm pistol for in case I need it. Grabbing a portal fridge filled a couple of things mostly cans of soda, and instant chicken noodle soup,securing it in the backseat I get back inside. “Alright, it’s go time.” pressing the gas my car is fully enveloped by the weird aura as I get transported to a location on a hill.

“Where am I?” I said, looking at my situation, I’m on the top of a hill with at the end a little slope to make a jump of which looks like a 20 degree angle, straight ahead is a small town. “So my only direction is down with a small jump at the end...great.

Once in neutral gear I revved up the engine for a second then proceeding to first gear. Because of the angle the hill, the car is accelerating a lot more faster than usual. Soon I was going to 4th gear in seconds, not wanting to use a bottle immediately after leaving the safe house I decided not to use one. Shifting up, now on to 187 mph and climbing. The jump getting closer and closer by the millisecond, as I approached it. The car then lifted to the air, the freedom, the adrenaline, everything that I loved being a racer.

“WOOOO,CATCH THAT AIR!” I shouted just before landing the car on a flat dirt road. Due to the jump the car lost some speed, approaching the town I skidded to a complete stop in the most over dramatic way. That alone probably scared off the inhabitants since I don’t see anyone there. Grabbing the 9mm pistol, I stepped out of the vehicle to see where I am.

The area doesn’t look anything I have seen, what kind of rural area has hay roofs and is constructed with wood? Looking around I don’t see anyone, nor do I see a mechanic shop around here. Just then something punch me in the cheek, and really quickly. A little distorted I look up and see some figure floating above, as it came down a high speed probably to land another hit. Quickly dodging it, I took aim for one of the wings as I shot a bullet. The figure then fell straight to the ground. Walking up to it with the pistol ready to shoot I see what the figure was.

The figure seemed to be a cyan blue pegasus with a rainbow mane. I felt kind of embarrassed, the fact this thing would’ve beat my ass up if I didn’t shoot was a little sad. Then again I really am not much of a fighter.

“Argh, That really hurts” the pegasus says

“Hold up, You can talk?” Disbelieved that the equine can talk I needed to set something straight. “Why’d you attack me?”

“You would’ve been attacking ponyville with that weird machine of yours.”

“I could see why. Um can I look at your wing to see the damage.”

“WHY?” the pony said with a hostile attitude

“Chill out, I just want to help you. The bullet could either be one, stuck in your wing or two, created two holes in your wing. Hold on let me get my first aid.” I then hurried to my car, grabbing the first aid I rushed back to see the damage I created. “OK phew, I thought it was worse.”

“What do you mean worse?”

“I meant I thought I would have to pull the bullet out but all it did was create one one hole but the bullet fell out somehow.” Grabbing some pads I placed them on her wing to stop the bleeding. Proceeding to wrap it around with a bandage. I tell her to go to the hospital to get it checked out.

“Thanks and um...sorry that I was a little hostile, I just didn’t want you hurting my friends.”

“Eh, it’s fine. Understandable.”

“RAINBOW WHO IS THIS CREATURE!” shouted a purple pony with a darker shade of violet for the mane.

Author's Note:

I apologize if this fanfic made any of you lose some IQ levels. This is my first fanfic and grammar is really not my strong suit. If there are any grammatical errors do please correct me.

And I would like to give a huge apology to Shiftylookingcow, I told you my fanfic would never be as good as yours. I let you down and if you want me to delete this fanfic I will because all I am is just some wannabe writer. :fluttercry::fluttershbad::applecry::raritycry::raritydespair:

Also a quick update chapter 2 (if you want it) will be delayed because I’m going back to Mexico:pinkiehappy:. This is my what...8th time going to Mexico and want to give you guys a heads up. I will post a couple of updates on my blog post when I can to tell you my adventures. On August 1st I’m going to the airport at 7 so as always this is bluekeldeo signing off.