• Published 30th May 2017
  • 1,371 Views, 50 Comments

Hot Wheels Acceleracers: Dimensons Collide; - SonicStreak5344

My outtake of the fan made 5th Hot Wheels Acceleracers movie. The Racing Drones are back and 3 different worlds including Equestria collide! Now buckle up for a high speed ride!

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Chapter 3: Drivers of Silence

Chapter 3: Drivers of Silence

Location: Planet Earth somewhere in the southern California Desert near the CA/NV State Border;

The desert is not a place to live in, but this particular desert had its share of events that the Earth didn't know about like a race to see who is the best driver in the whole world on a track built in a another dimension by an ancient alien race who loved racing. The second event that happened 2 years later is 2 street racing teams totally beaten a army of alien test robots that had a absolute obsession well actually 3 human racing teams. The other one was a highly classified top secret US military racing team called the Silencerz a squadron of highly trained drivers with cars that are equipped with advanced technology like holographic camouflaging, a driver and car return device, magnetizing car frame allowing the cars to stick to walls and on track, state of the art US Military grade EMPs that temporally shut down or damage cars, and other advanced gadgets and gizmos that give them a edge on their enemies. But the whole reason the 2nd event happened when the Wheel of Power fell into the hands of the Racing Drones that were trying to concur the Racing Realms and collect the powerful Accelachargers that each realm contained.

When they had all the Accelachargers they used a hologram of the wheel to reach the Accelarons the alien race that built the Drones and their former leader Galorium thought nothing could stop them from achieving their goal of destroying humanity. There was one driver who could beat her the winner of the World Race. After a heated race this human driver won the epic race against Galorium.

Then going underground a huge top secret USA military facility was active and busy. The base had huge rooms for advanced cars like secret stealth fighters make for the road instead of the air. One huge door lead to a light purplish hologram of the Wheel of Power. The map to the Racing Realms and the portal to them.

But that plan was foiled and the Drones were defeated by a 18 year old male human who went into the Realms and chased after Galorium and pasted the ultimate test. The test was to use all the driving skills that each of the Realms were based on without using any of the Accelachargers. That human who used his own driving skills to complete the test and became a Acceleracer a driver who has mastered all of the Racing Realms.

This human's name is Vert Wheeler and right now he's running to get the mission briefing. Matter in fact it's his first mission on his dad's squadron which is called the Silencerz. The team is a selected group of highly trained and equipped drivers from everyday people to members of the US military with cars that are equipped with highly advanced technology like holographic camouflage that can take the appearance of an enemy car. This capability is pretty effective in confusing enemies and take them by surprise.

Vert recently and unexpectedly found out his dad is one of Silencerz and is the leader of the squad. That was 3 months ago and along with 2 whole months of being grounded from driving again. Then a month later Vert was requested that he should join the Silencerz because the base and his Dad saw how skilled he was in driving and becoming an Acceleracer was a big honor. The Silencerz needed a driver with amazing skills to pull off something like becoming an Acceleracer and Vert was the kind of driver they looking for.

After 3 months of top secret basic training for the Silencerz Vert was now part of the team. He still is the bast driver in the world and he had gotten use to being in a military platoon. However, there are a few times he had trouble getting up in the morning thanks to working hard with drills and training. Sometimes he wishes he could sleeping a bit before missions, but that wasn't going to happen since considering what his dad's team handled while they went into the Racing Realms.

Vert was running as fast as he can and thank to basic training made him more agile than what he was than 3 months ago. Then he said to himself with worry, "Man, I hope I'm going to get to the briefing on time! This is my first mission too! I can't be late!"

Finally he got to the door of the debriefing room where the rest of the team wait were waiting for him. Vert's dad was in front of the team and they were just beginning the debifing. One of Vert's new comrades said as he came in at last, "Well we're all here now."

Vert sighed with relief and was glad he was on time. Then he sat down next to his new friend named Connor who was the squad's tech support. Conner was about to talk to him until Vert's Dad called out, "Aright team we have a new mission and this is my son's first mission too. Ok now lets get down to it. About 04 hours ago are scientists discovered the Wheel of Power reacting to a strange unknown energy that was never recorded before."

The squad looked at each other knowing something strange was happening. Vert was confused the Wheel of Power wasn't active for 8 months, but now it became active again by some strange power. Then one of the squad mates said, "Boss that can't be possible the Wheel of Power wasn't reacting to anything or became active for 8 months. So why now? It never did do anything like this when the Drones had it."

Vert's dad replied back to the platoon member, "Well we don't know for sure about the details, but it seems that the wheel has the power to travel to other worlds in different universes."

The squad looked at each other knowing the Wheel was able to open portals to the Racing Realms, but not to other universes. There were maybe planets that had intelligent life like humans hopefully peaceful ones. Vert just hoped he didn't have to deal with a new foe that was trying to take over the universe.

Then a another member of the team named Nick but the squad nicknamed him The Buster because he was from the army and his old platoon called him that because he was good at stealth and hits hard like brick wall. Then he said, "Wait Commander are you saying that the wheel is opened to a new planet?"

Vert's dad nodded in reply and Nick said, "Ok. So what's the objective of our new mission then sir?"

Vert wondered about the type of mission they were going on anyway. Besides the Silencerz didn't even know anything about the world they were about to enter. But what Vert's training taught him is be prepared for anything including unannounced enemy attacks. The blond haired male young adult racer just hoped he wouldn't have to face the Racing Drones again because that would be the last thing that he and the rest of the team needed at all. Countless numbers of evil alien robots bent on revenge and concurring the universe.

Vert's dad then said back to team, "Our objective is simple. We're ordered to capture 12 specimens from this unknown world and bring them back here for study. Also find out what made the Wheel of Power active again. It's a stealth, capture, and fact finding mission we don't want the natives to know about us. Understood?"

There was a moment of silence for a few seconds. The team was ready to roll even though this was something that NASA would have to do when they find a planet that is similar to Earth. Vert on the other hand wondered if the creatures of that new world they were going to were intelligent just like the human race and didn't feel comfortable about doing this and can tell his dad along with the rest of the team felt the same way, but orders were orders and they had to carry them out. The squad nodded in agreement and said in unison. "Understood!"

(Silenzer theme from Hot Wheels Acceleracers starts)

With that squad's put on their helmets and since they were in their advanced racing suits they were ready. Vert's was similar to his Dad's helmet, but made for his head size. The team walked out of the room and headed for a hallway that had shoots and car seats waiting for them. After the team sat down on the seats and the bottom of the shoot opened and the seats went down the tube.

Vert was on his seat as it reached the end of the tube and his seat landed on a silver car frame with colored purple tires with a dot in the center of the car's rims was waiting on a purple disk. After the seat automatically secured itself to the frame the shoot ascended into the sealing. Beside the disk was 2 cylinder containers containing liquefied sliver metal waiting to be activated.

Then the liquid metal started to be drained out and then out of the pipes the liquid landed on the disk which was magnetized caused the metal to attract to the metal car frame. As the liquid silver metal attached to the frame it's started to form a car body. Then when the body was finished the it sit for a second when in a purple flash the body was complete with purple glassed windshield and glass covering the back of the car. Vert's new car was called Metaloid and it was a fast car despite looking a bit bulky in shape.

After that Vert drove Metaloid forward off the disk as the technicians checked the cars for any problems in the bonding process. Every Silencerz car is equipped with a advanced military grade EMP, holographic camouflage, electro magnetic grip holders that allowed them to go up walls and stay on sealings, and a new gadget an Accelacharger activation device which allows a driver to use an Accelacharger. The cars had other gadgets that helped them in missions and they were inspected by the technicians too. After his car's check-over was complete Vert waited for the rest of the team for their cars' check-overs to be completed as well.

Then Vert heard his dad from his radio in his helmet, "We got the clear! Silencerz move out!"

hen Vert activated the car's holographic camouflage made the car a purplish see through object that no one could recognize except the Silencerz. Metaloid launched forward as it headed for a door leading to the portal. Then 12 other Silencerz cars came from behind him and went cloaked too as they headed for their hologram of the Wheel of Power. Vert knew this going to be a bumpy ride as he thought to himself wondering what was on their other side of the portal waiting from them, 'Here we go!'

As the group of 12 cars got closer and when they jumped the ramp the cars glowed purple and disappeared into the sphere of energy in the center of the wheel. But the race was just about to begin and two different intelligent races to about to meet. But Vert was about cross paths with a certain someone who was faster than any car in the world and is a hero of another dimension.

Author's Note:

Another long chapter we saw Vert, his Dad, and the Silencerz team and their cars. I put in a few of the newer Hot Wheel cars like Jet Threat 2.0, Super Tsunami, Shadow Jet and a few others. In the next chapter we'll be heading back to Terra to see Sonic. Pretty soon the Fastest Driver in the world is about meet the Fastest blue hero. The first real car will show up in the next chapter too.