• Published 1st Jun 2017
  • 1,141 Views, 27 Comments

The Pale Horsemen - C0yot3721

One hundred and sixteen displaced humans, six depowered kaiju, and a small band of pony rebels versus Empress Daybreaker, tyrant ruler of Equestria, and her forces. What could POSSIBLY go wrong?

  • ...

Bang Said The Lady

Twilight gawked at the ragged collection of ponies she was seeing, Spike huddling close to her side for safety. The young Magus was wondering just what she had gotten herself into as she looked around the room, mentally tallying up the population makeup of the village in her head. Most of them were earth ponies, which suggested that the town was primarily agricultural in nature when taken in with the rolling hills around the settlement. There were some pegasi, likely members of the local weather teams to assist in the growing of crops, and unicorns for logistical, government, and whatever specialized tasks the pegasi and earth ponies couldn’t do.

Unfortunately, all of that was a footnote to the fact that most, if not all the ponies in front of her were armed with some kind of weapon. Axes, clubs, a couple of short lances, if it could be used to cause some degree of physical injury, these ponies had it in hoof or mouth.

“Uh, Twi, are you sure we’re in the right town?” Spike asked nervously as a mare stepped forward, a pale tan coat with a rolled up scroll as her cutie mark.

“It’s going to be fine Spike,” Twilight whispered before straightening up. “Umm, hi, umm, I’m Twilight Sparkle, I was -”

“Why are you here Mystic?” the mare asked sternly. Twilight gulped, glancing to the collection of armed ponies behind her.

“I-I-I-I’m just here to look into something for the Empress, really!” Twilight stammered, slowly backing up to the door, keeping Spike at her side. “Please, I don’t want any trouble, really, you have to believe me!” Behind the mare, a cyan pegasus grinned psychotically, a prismatic mane draped over one ear as a miniature thundercloud formed between her hooves. “Please, I just want to make sure that the Mare in the Moon is just a myth, and then I’ll be gone, I swear!” Suddenly, the entire mob just stopped, looking at Twilight with shock and horror.

“...Dash, Mac, get rid of her and the dragon,” the old mare ordered, sighing in defeat. “Take them to the Everfree for all I know, just-,” she added, just as Spike cut her off.

“Y-You can’t kill her!” the young dragon blurted out, hugging his older sister/mother figure. “She’s the personal student to the Empress! I-If you hurt a hair on her… w-w-well, who knows what the Empress will do to you!”

The room by and large all recoiled away from Twilight as if she were a concentrated mass of poison joke extract. Still, a massive red stallion looked to the old mare. “He’s got a point,” he drawled bluntly. “All of us, against one Empress. Just don’t add up.”

“Oh come on, we all know the stories!” the prismatic maned pegasus snapped, zooming into Twilight’s face, a modified griffin gauntlet on her hoof, the blade just under Twilight’s jaw. “The Empress won’t notice or care if one member of her court goes missing! It’s a super crazy blood bath from what I’ve heard, isn’t that right, Mystic?”

Twilight was shivering, mostly out of barely restrained panic as she belatedly realized that she had failed (for once) to raise any of her normal wards before coming to this town. “P-Please, I don’t want to hurt anypony, I swear!”

“Well hey, tell ya what!” the pegasus said dryly, her grin widening uncomfortably far for Twilight’s tastes, “You just answer a couple of questions, and we won’t hurt ya! How’s that sound?”

Twilight opened her mouth, about to answer before she stopped herself in her tracks. She didn’t need to understand Doctor Hoovian Slip’s psychology theories to know that this mare was a little… unhinged. Still, the unicorn nodded, seeing no other choice in the matter. “Rainbow Dash, how about you… step away from the Mystic before you do something stupid again,” the older mare said dryly, stepping forward and moving the pegasus out of the way.

“Wha?! Aw, but come ooooon!” Rainbow Dash pleaded. “I wanna scare the crap out of her!”

“Well, any more scaring, and she won’t talk,” the other mare said back, pushing Rainbow out of the way. “Now go outside and patrol the perimeter or something.” Twilight watched as the pegasus was about to argue, but then hung her head low, grumbling to herself as the cyan mare departed. “As for the rest of you, head out and go back to work before the garrison finds out where you’ve gone, we can’t afford any slip ups now.” She looked pointedly at Twilight as the ponies began to file out, soon leaving only the three of them alone.

“Alright, listen, I’ve bought you a bit of time, but you better be giving me something to pay me back in turn. Now spill it.”

“Look, really, I am only here to investigate the Mare in the Moon myth!” Twilight told the older mare. “I-I’m not here to enforce some new law or anything! I just want to go to your library, meet your governor, and then be on my way!” The mare looked at her quizzically.

“You… aren’t going to have us summarily executed?”

Twilight recoiled at the sound of that. “What?! No! No no no, umm, it’s just, I mean, I’m not hurt, and I can gather that you’re all tense and, umm, living so close to the Everfree, I mean, I’m sure the Empress can understand and forgive if-!”

“Young lady, let me stop you there,” the mare told her. “I’ve been around longer than you, and likely your own mother have been alive. Let me tell ya… the Empress isn’t the forgiving type to anypony save those she happens to fancy. You yourself being in that ‘fancy’ department.” She sighed, shaking her head. “Now look. I will be more than happy to let you go out on your way, but please, please… don’t involve yourself any further with this myth. Multitudes before you have died trying to look into it, and I’d rather not see a promising pony like yourself join them.”

“Look, I know about the Lunar Rebellions of 122 CE,” Twilight said, eyes furrowing. “I know that every few years, some cult says they found some way to bring back the Mare in the Moon, and then they fail. Every single time, what they say amounts to superstition and folklore, and yet, the same basic story beats are present. Such as how when the time is right, the stars will aid in her escape, or how some artifact or another is supposed to power her up. All of this is telling me that somehow, someway, there is a logical, factual kernel of truth to these stories that can be found, recorded, cross checked, and analyzed. That’s all I want to know miss. The truth.”

The mare laughed, a hollow sound. “Truth? Child… if there’s anything I’ve learned as mayor of this town… it’s that the truth often hurts. And is horribly overrated.”

Twilight frowned. “Mayor, I’d rather the facts, and the evidence they provide, be the judge of the truth,” she said. “So… are we…?”

“Done?” Twilight nodded. The mayor sighed. “Yes, we are. I can’t stop you from doing what you want, Mystic, even I know the consequences of that. I only wish you safe travels and… good luck. I hope you find what you’re looking for.”

“Thank you. Come on Spike, let’s go,” Twilight said, pulling him along with her magic as the pair left the mayor inside, stepping outside into the bright afternoon sun. She waited until they were a good couple of blocks away before huffing. “Dear Faust, this day just keeps getting worse and worse by the second Spike.”

“I know!” Spike exclaimed. “First we wake up way too early, then we tore up half the Royal Archives for clues, and then, and THEN, you skipped lunch on the train, and now we’re still outside, walking, and on empty stomachs!”

“Spike!” Twilight reprimanded. “We just ran into a lunar cult, don’t you get that?” Spike’s mouth dropped, shocked as Twilight continued. “Or at least, their behavior suggests that they’re affiliated with a lunar cult at the least. Without access to the latest security briefing reports, it’s hard to tell, but we’re definitely in some degree of trouble!”

“Okay, aaaand what are you going to do about it?”

“First, we’re going to the governor to get off the street,” Twilight answered. “After that? We’re getting some information about the Mare in the Moon myth, and then, we’re on our way to continue investigating!” Beside her, Spike groaned, facepalming in frustration.

“Twi, seriously, I love ya, but come on! The Empress is the Empress! You seriously think that she wouldn’t take this myth seriously? For all we know, she might have Shining look into it himself right now with Duchess Shadow or something!”

“Yes, but last I checked, he, Tempest, and everyone else are set to enjoy some time off together, so no Spike, I don’t think he’s looking into it for the Empress right now!” Twilight complained. “It’s up to us to figure this out!” Spike frowned, crossing his arms as they rounded a corner.

“Well, I still have to tell you, as your number one assistant, and as your ward, that this? This is a very, very, very bad idea,” he said, even as Twilight let out a sigh of relief as she caught sight of what could only by the Governor’s mansion.

“Well, no idea is ever truly bad Spike!” she said, lifting him onto her back and setting off on a fast trot to the mansion’s doors. “Poorly executed, sure, but no idea is ever bad!”

“The ‘Want-It Need-It’ Spell Disaster,” Spike deadpanned.

“...Grogar’s chin, dammit!” Twilight snapped, annoyed. “You have to bring that up?”

“When you’re planning something stupid? Yes.” Twilight sighed, slowing down as she approached the pair of legionnaires guarding the doors to the mansion, both armored mares looking at her sternly.

“Halt!” one of them ordered, lowering her spear at her. “What’s your business?”

“Oh, umm, I’m Mystic Twilight Sparkle, from Canterlot,” Twilight began, noting how neither legionnaire seemed to budge at the mention of her name.

“We’ve no notice of anypony from the College requesting business with the Governor,” the other guardsmare said. “Now, if you would kindly fuck off, we-”

“Excuse me?!” Twilight cried out, the day’s frustrations boiling over as she stood up tall and stared the guardsmare in the eye. “I don’t think I was quite finished, Corporal! As I said, I am Mystic Twilight Sparkle, and yes, I am affiliated with the College, but I am also the personal student of Her Radiance, Empress Daybreaker!” Without looking, she withdrew a sigil from her saddlebag and showed it to both of the guards, their faces falling and paling in horror as she continued. “Now, you can either let me in to see the Governor, and let me go about my business, or we can go ahead and play this game where I get in touch with our Empress, who yes, I have a direct magical line to, and tell her about a pair of guardsponies who clearly can’t be bothered to know who is who, and see how THAT goes!”

Twilight took a deep breath, trying to calm her frayed nerves as she cleared her throat. “So please, let’s just do the sensible thing, and let me see the Governor. Please?”

The guards shared a look with one another and nodded frantically to each other. “Of course, Mystic Sparkle,” the first guard answered shakily. “And please, f-forgive us for our conduct, we, umm, we don’t get many visitors of your, umm, well, stature here.” Twilight gave the guard a nervous chuckle as she was led in by the guard.

“It’s okay, and I’m sorry for snapping at you,” she apologized, drawing a surprised look from her escort. “It’s just been a long morning, and you just happened to be the poor mare who was in the wrong place and the wrong time.”

“Well, I… thank you, Mystic,” the guard said as they entered the mansion, and at once, Twilight was stuck with reminders of the Canterlot high society and its whim, the walls decorated opulently despite the rest of the town’s relatively drab appearance. Moving down a carpeted hallway, they stopped by what Twilight assumed were the office doors of the Governor.

“Governor Shine,” the mare called out into the office, knocking on the door, “You have a visitor from the capitol. Mystic Twilight Sparkle.” The trio heard a startled yelp, and then what sounded like a pair of bodies hitting the floor. The guardmare looked utterly embarrassed as the ponies inside the office moved around frantically before another mare dashed out, Twilight assuming that she was a maid based on what clothes were just barely on her.

“My apologies Mystic Sparkle,” the other occupant stated, clearing his throat as a breeze entered the office. “Please, come in.” Twilight did so, Spike hopping off her back as they looked over the Governor in full. He was lean, almost a fence post with muddy red fur and an off white mane due to age. Still, Comet Shine smiled, bowing respectfully to Twilight. “Had I known that you were coming, I would have made sure to be more presentable.”

“Yes, well, this was admittedly a bit of a spur of the moment venture for myself and my assistant as well,” Twilight admitted, pointedly ignoring the musty smell of the Governor’s indiscretions in the room. Comet Shine nodded.

“I understand,” he said. Twilight mentally groaned. What an ass, kissing up to her. “So, what can I do our Empress’ dear Mystic?”

Twilight took a deep breath and looked at Comet Shine.


One moment, Godzilla Junior, commonly referred to as ‘Goji’ by his closest companions, was in the human city fighting Xenilla. The next, he was falling through the air, and he was about to slam into something white, shiny, and made out of some kind of rock. Oh Tanaka, this is gonna hurt, he thought to himself just before he impacted the side of the rocks and crashed through to the other side. Slabs and chunks of formerly pristine marble and wood tumbled in with Godzilla as his bulk slammed into the floor, leaving a massive crater in his wake as his fall was suddenly arrested.

Groaning, Godzilla shook his head clear, rock dust filling his vision momentarily before he attempted to stand… and promptly fell onto his front, his arms stopping his fall. Godzilla blinked, absolutely flabbergasted at the sight of two decidedly furred legs connecting him to the floor. Admittedly, the fur was the same color as his scales, but still.

“Oh Daiei, I think I’m starting to get why Oji-san was so cranky back in Kyoto,” he muttered, just as he heard a collection of footfalls approaching him. Godzilla looked over his shoulder, past an off-grey spiky mane at a collection… horses. In armor. Why were the horses in armor, and why in Tanaka was he the same size as them? “Who are-?” Godzilla started to saw, just as several of the horses charged at him with long, thin lances lowered. In his daze, Godzilla couldn’t avoid them in time.

But it was still a sight to see a trio of hardened steel lances slide right off his fur and send his assailants stumbling, off balance. Godzilla narrowed his eyes. He raised his arm - leg? - up and sent it barreling into the chest of one of the armored horses. The blow sent the soldier flying down the hall, a massive hoof print embedded in their chest plate. The other two soldiers gawked in stunned horror as they watched their compatriot said through the air, not noticing Godzilla cock his leg back again.

In moments, Godzilla was facing a mass rush of horses charging him, a few of them hanging back to presumably watch. It didn’t matter much, as he was busy laying them out on the floor. Bodies went flying in the air, falling back onto the floor or into the walls as the transformed kaiju fought. “Will you stop-?!” Godzilla growled, avoiding a lance thrust towards his head before he bit down and it, yanking the weapon out of its owner’s grasp before throwing both them and the ruined lance off to the side. “LAY DOWN YOUR ARMS FOR FIVE TANAKA DAMNED SECONDS!!”

The guards all looked at each other, uncertain. “Don’t just stand there, it’s… it’s just trying to distract you!” One of the horses in the back of the pack yelled, soft tones showing that it was a panicked female. “Keep attacking!”

“Are you fucking crazy?” one of them shouted back. Godzilla snorted. Finally, someone with sense. “Can’t you just shoot fireballs at him?!”

Godzilla retracted his earlier statement. These horses were clearly stupid.

The one who had shouted for her compatriots to continue attacking looked at Godzilla, a glow of what what he could assume to be magic forming over her head. Rolling his head, Godzilla pulled up his internal energy reserves, his mane flashing a brilliant white-blue as blow smoke poured from his mouth.

“Oh Faust, incoming!”

The horses ducked and dove out of the way of Godzilla’s Atomic Breath, the lance of superheated matter slicing into the marble behind the group with ease before Godzilla cut the flow. Godzilla’s eyes remained narrow, the kaiju’s new hooves sinking into the floor from the heat he was giving off. He turned to leave, only for the hairs on the back of his neck to rise up in a near instant. Godzilla spun around in place, his eyes quickly locking onto the new threat approaching him.

“So...,” the new arrival said with a sarcastic drawl. Godzilla’s eyes looked over the horse that was nearly the same size, if not slightly taller than her, the horse’s own flaming eyes boring into him. She was clad in a plethora of golden armor segments, her imposing form seemingly regal and defined… like Ghidorah. “How does such a… distinctive stallion such as yourself wind up in my castle?”

Godzilla huffed. “I fell through your roof,” he deadpanned. “After that, your minions decided to attack me without bothering to ask how and why I got here.”

“And where are you from, hmm?”

Godzilla’s gut clenched. The sneer this horse was giving him was almost a dead ringer for Ghidorah’s, even down to the forced dimple at the corner of her smile. Godzilla huffed. “...a land far from here,” he said simply. His opposition faltered for only a split second before narrowing her eyes at him.

“I’m sorry, but do you know who I am, peasant?” she asked haughtily. Godzilla chuffed.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t help you in regards to memory loss,” he shot back. “Because no, I don’t know, nor do I care about who you are.” The resplendent horse’s eye twitched as the air around her began to shimmer.

“...excuse me?” she growled. “I am the Empress Daybreaker, Holy and most Benevolent Radiance of the Equestrian Empire, and I-!”

“Don’t care,” Godzilla interrupted, taking a step forward, blue smoke trailing from his open jaws. “I am not here to quarrel with you, but if you get in my way, I will go through you.” Daybreaker’s body shook in rage as Godzilla continued to walk towards her. He had barely managed to get halfway down the hallway when she finally acted.

Her horn lit up, and a torrent of fire, nearly the width of the hall, barrelled down the marble corridor and engulfing Godzilla’s body in a blaze of fierce orange. A few of her guards let out startled yells of panic and fear before the fireball consumed them as well, and yet Daybreaker barely gave even a faint thought to them. Her focus was on the ash pile she would soon see in the hall.

The smoke cleared, and Daybreaker gasped in shock.

Smoking, but otherwise completely unharmed, Godzilla stood there, glaring furiously at her. “That… was a mistake,” he growled. Daybreaker watched as the tip of his tail flashed blue, the light travelling up his back, up his mane even as he inhaled, a bright light gathering in the back of his throat as he reared back.

“Oh F-!”

Godzilla let loose a blast of radioactive fire, the stream of energy slamming into Daybreaker’s chest and sending her flying backwards through the wall behind her. Marble shattered from having an alicorn go flying through the material at literally back breaking speeds, the Empress getting flung into a minor hall before coming to a stop inside of a support column. Growling, Godzilla looked over his shoulder at the surviving guards.


The guards didn’t hesitate, all of them fleeing the scene before Godzilla looked forward, just in time to see Daybreaker pull herself out of the column and snarl at him. “How… are you not DEAD?!” Daybreaker snarled, her mane going alight with flame as Godzilla snarled back.

“Stubborn family!” he exclaimed, just as Daybreaker charged forward at him, her wings flapping and propelling her across the distance. Training with Rodan proved to be time well spent as Godzilla reared up and slammed a forehoof into Daybreaker’s face, sending her flying into the corridor wall instead. A crater formed around her body, even as her horn lit up with magic, and fired yet another wave of fire at him. Godzilla ignored the flames, sprinting forward to slam his shoulder into Daybreaker’s armored chest.

Daybreaker swiftly retaliated, shoving a hoof into Godzilla’s chest and throwing him into the air, the kaiju flying through a wall and landing on the floor. Godzilla groaned, getting back on his hooves as Daybreaker’s horn flashed. Her body flashed, disappearing… only to reappear in flash, the alicorn hovering in the air for a moment before dive bombing Godzilla. Godzilla shook the cobwebs from his head just as Daybreaker crashed into him, sending them both through the floor, and into the floor one level down… and then the one under that. Pinning him to the floor, Daybreaker snarled. “Yield! And I might decide to sp-!” she started to order, just as Godzilla’s head snapped upwards, his head slamming into her muzzle. Something audibly cracked, and Daybreaker was forced to stumble back from the pain as blood gushed out of her nose.

“GAH!” she stammered, her mane nearly white in rage. “You… you BASTARD!!! YOU BROKE MY NOSE!!” Godzilla grit his teeth as he stood up, looking at Daybreaker furiously as her blood stained her fur a vibrant crimson. Without giving her a chance to recover, he charged, shoulder checking and carrying them both out of whatever room they were in to crash outside into another hall. Daybreaker snarled, then howled in pain as Godzilla’s jaws clamped down on the meat of her shoulder, bones bruising under his assault as he punched her in the gut repeatedly.

Daybreaker was beginning to wonder just WHAT this stallion was attacking her, even as she lit up her horn and teleported out of the male’s grip. No mere pony was able to survive her flames, much less ignore them outright as he spun around, catching sight of her. His tail flashed, light gathering in his mouth. Daybreaker threw up a shielding spell, stopping the rush of pure, wild energy from hitting her directly. However, much to Daybreaker’s momentary shock, the attack still made her slide backwards several paces from the impact on her shield.

“You’re quite the stubborn one aren’t you!” Daybreaker shouted, flapping her wings and rising up into the air, glaring at Godzilla. “Tell me, is your entire family line this rebelliously stupid, or is it just you?”

Daybreaker wanted to make the stallion’s face implode as he refused to answer. And then she swore in alarm as he threw an entire suit of armor at her, the enchanted golden plates smacking her in the face, aggravating her broken nose and adding a fresh layer of bruises as Godzilla huffed.

“You talk too much,” he complained. “But if you really must know? My uncle is easily far, far more stubborn than even my sister!”

“Well then,” Daybreaker spat, throwing the armor off herself as she flared her wings out. “Let’s see how stubborn they can be after I put your head on a pike!” Both alicorn and kaiju snarled at each before charging at each other, a thunder clap echoing in the castle’s halls when their bodies hit each other. King of the Monsters versus Empress of Equestria, not that either knew of the other’s title. As Daybreaker threw Godzilla through a wall, as he blasted her with nuclear fire, burning off her feathers, as his hardened hide was torn, the inhabitants of the castle only had one thought.

Getting out of the way of the two forces of nature before they killed them in the crossfire.


Gabe groaned, sunlight stabbing through his eyelids. Blinking his eyes open, the soldier hissed at the sight of the midday sun, raising a hand up to block the infuriating globe up in the sky. “Aaaaah, fuck, fuckfuckfuck!” he grumbled, getting back on his feet and taking stock of his surroundings. He was in a wheat field of all things, a small crater under his feet as he looked around. “...this isn’t San Francisco.”

Gabe looked behind him, spotting a mountain… and what looked to be an entire city hanging off the edge of it’s summit. “Oooooookay, either I’m dead, or this is a really fucked up fever dream,” he muttered. “Cause that’s… that’s not normal.” Gabe raised a hand… and slapped himself in the face. “Goddamn sonuvabitch that hurt! Fuck! Okay, not a dream, not a fucking dream, fucking great!” Looking back over his shoulder, Gabe sighed, tapping his radio mic. “To any receiving, this is Private Monnot from Vanguard Fife-Bravo, does anyone copy, over?”

He released the mic, listening in for any response. All he got was static. “This is Private Monnot, Vanguard Fife-Bravo, broadcasting to any receiving, over.” More static. Gabe switched to what he knew was the GDF Command channel. “This is Private Monnot broadcasting to GDF Command, please respond, over.” Gabe was starting to worry as with every message sent, all he got was static. “This can’t be happening,” Gabe muttered, tapping the mic again. “I say again, this is Private Monnot from Vanguard Fife-Bravo, awaiting response from any receiving, over.” More static. Frantic, and on the verge of panic, Gabe turned the dial to an emergency channel. “Shit, this is Private Monnot, Vanguard Fife-Bravo transmitting in the blind! Anyone, please respond, over!”

All Gabe was getting was the wash of static, making him swear in frustration… and slightly rising panic. “Okay, okay, let’s… let’s pause for a sec and think this through. Just… step back, and think on this.” Gabe took a deep breath, pacing around the crater. “Okay, now, uh, let’s uh, let’s go over what we know. We aren’t in San Francisco, cause there’s no way in hell that the geography here is even remotely similar to there. Now, I can’t get a radio signal from my current location… which means that the reception down here is poor, at best.” Gabe looked at the mountain. “So… yeah… this is probably the dumbest idea in the history of dumb ideas.”

Gabe checked his rifle, looking it over for any sign of damage and sighed in relief. Thank God for small mercies, he thought to himself, slinging the rifle behind him as he checked his exoskeleton. None of the joints looked busted, the power lines seemed intact, and as luck would have it, the rig’s battery was still mostly charged. Slipping back into the exoskeleton, Gabe oriented himself to the mountain and started a fast march towards it, shaking his head.

“Get stationed back on Kwaj, be an easy posting,” he muttered to himself. “Be a perfect cakewalk, maybe even see a passing kaiju! But nooooo, fucking Spacy had to be all big and bad, and go and fuck up San Fran! Now I’m stuck in God knows where, running to a city on the side of a mountain! Oh, and I’ve lost radio contact with… well, everyone, cause of fuckity Goddamn course! Jesus, Mary, and fucking Saint Joseph, this is not my fucking day!”

Gabe marched through the fields, taking care to stay relatively low as he moved. It wasn’t until he got closer to the mountain that his radio finally crackled to life.

All re-ing units, this is Ma-ns,” the radio hissed, static almost making the message indecipherable as Gabe listened intently to it. “Do - head to-tain, I say- do-head to the mountain!

“Yes, finally!” Gabe hissed, tapping his mic. “This is Private Monnot of Vanguard Fife-Bravo, receiving last on ten-two. Repeat last, over!” Any joy he had felt on finally getting a radio contact evaporated as he got nothing but dead air. “Shit… okay. To any GDF units receiving, this is Private Monnot transmitting in the blind. I am receiving message, but communications remain ineffective. I am proceeding to the mountain, and ascending for clearer signal, over.”

As expected, he got no response. Gabe sighed. “Just my fucking luck…”

The soldier was quiet as he continued marching. Hours passed, and by the time Gabe reached the base of the mountain, he actually noticed something off about the time. He looked up at the sky.

The sun hadn’t even moved from it’s spot from when he woke up. Gabe’s mouth dropped.

“...oh now this is just bullshit…”

If Gabe was expecting a higher power to answer, he was disappointed. Still, the human rolled his shoulders, looking up the side of the mountain with trepidation. “Actually, I take it back. This might be pure weapons grade bullshit.” Gabe slung his rifle onto his back, shaking his head as he started climbing. “And now I’m rock climbing. Because of fucking course. I’m just a fucking infantryman, I ain’t supposed to be climbing Goddamn cliffs and shit. Hell, trying to climb up Godzilla would be easier than rock climbing! I mean… fuck!”

Most of the climb was quiet as Gabe focused mostly on not slipping on any loose rock, and when the mountain got steeper, well, he needed both hands to make sure he got up. Every once in a while, he would pause, pulling the nozzle to his hydration pack over his shoulder and sipping a bit of enriched water out before resuming his course. Time continued to pass, and much to Gabe’s distress, the incline was getting steeper with every passing foot. Soon, he’d have to start scaling the mountainside effectively barehanded, a prospect that he was decidedly not looking forward to.

The hairs on the back of his neck rose up. Gabe stopped, looking around for anywhere to hide. “Oh fuck me!” he groaned, rushing into a crevice and going still. And it wasn’t a moment too soon, as something flew overhead, it’s shadow briefly blocking out the sun as Gabe leaned just slightly to the side to get a good look. What he saw was… unusual, even for him at this point.

“...is that a pegasus? And… why the fuck is it pink? Or even wearing armor?” he asked himself, dumbstruck as the pegasus in question flew in wide, searching pattern, soon joined by an electric blue colored one before they both flew off out of sight. “Okay, you know what, fuck it, there’s… there’s no fucking way I’m dead, or having a mental clusterfuckup. I’m creative, but I ain’t that creative.” Pastel colored pegasi in armor? What’s next, my happy ass running into the Hyper Gyaos again?

Gabe slid out of his hiding spot, keeping his eyes up to the sky. Glancing down, Gabe hissed as he suddenly saw just how high up he was now. “Hooooookay, that’s a drop, that’s a long ass drop, holy shit, holy shit, holy shit fuck!” Looking around, the poor soldier searched for an easier way up the mountain and groaned. “Oh fuck me up the ass and back, this is getting more fucked up by the second!”

Moving along the edge of a shallow ledge, Gabe perked up at the sight of another crevice. This one was a fair bit larger than the one he had hidden in a few minutes ago, but still, it was a good place to at least rest. Shuffling in, Gabe sighed, sitting down on a boulder. A quick deactivation of his rig got him out of the exoskeleton, and his boots pulled off so that he could flex his toes and relax. “Jesus, my fucking feet,” he groaned, massaging a sore foot. “Boot camp is looking better and better by the second. ...and that’s a sentence I thought I’d never say during my lifetime.”

Leaning back, Gabe tapping his mic again. “This is Private Monnot transmitting in the blind,” he said tiredly. “I am… roughly a third of the way up the mountain. I have visual confirmation of the locals, and… local forces are pastel colored horses with wings. I say again, local forces are pegasi, over.” He let go of the mic, the hiss of static now becoming an annoying friend to his ears. “To any receiving, I will continue to proceed up the mountain to find a clearer signal. Private Monnot, out.”

He sighed, letting his helmeted head rest against the stone. “God, if it’s not too much to ask… can you give me a little help? It doesn’t have to be much, but… anything to get me the fuck off this damn mountainside would be much appreciated,” he said to the open air. “Just… I just want to see my little brother again, that’s all.” Gabe waited, letting himself rest as the wind blew by his face… into the cave.

“...okay, message received,” Gabe commented, slipping his boots back on. “Into the creepy ass cave I go. God, I really hope you know what you’re doing.” Getting his rig back on, Gabe turned the exoskeleton back on and started walking, though not before grabbing a loose rock from the floor and scraping an arrow pointing behind him to the entrance. “I really hope you know what you’re doing…”


Halls of the castle were in shambles. Scorch marks were practically burnt into the marble as Godzilla and Daybreaker continued to fight. Another wall burst into clouds and shards of white, Godzilla and Daybreaker crashing through it into the Solar Hall. Skidding along the floor, the two separated, standing back up panting in exhaustion. Godzilla was covered in bruises, his mouth bleeding. Each pant brought with it a searing lance of pain from a few broken ribs, though none had gone so far as to puncture a lung, or other internal organs.

Daybreaker wasn’t doing much better either. Much of her formerly pristine coat was caked in dirt and blood, some of it Godzilla’s, most of it hers. The feathers on her right wing were blasted off, skin stripped raw and exposing muscle. Her own breathing was labored, her cuirass digging into her side painfully as she glared daggers at him. “You… you fight well,” she said, spitting blood onto the floor. “Far better than most.”

Godzilla glared at her, the kaiju remaining silent as Daybreaker huffed. “You think the strong silent ploy will rattle me, peasant? I think not.” A rustle of hooves on stone made Godzilla glance around the room, multiple guards filling up the sides of the room, including one horse who was dressed differently than the others. “Now… surrender now, and I will be… amiable to treating you honorably enough, or fight. Your choice.”

Godzilla grimaced. Neither option particularly appealed to him, but with that glint of savage glee in his opponent’s eyes, well, he figured he only had one real option. Godzilla reared back, firing off another atomic breath at Daybreaker, which would have connected… had a barrier not popped into existence right in front of her and absorbed the blow. A quick glance around showed just who it was casting that spell. The unusually dressed horse, a horn on their head. White coat, golden armor, a flame colored half cape over their shoulders. Godzilla shifted his stance, ready to charge when Daybreaker spoke.


The guards charged at Godzilla, bodies piling onto him as he struggled to throw them all off. Hooves beat at his sides, adding more bruises. Spells flung by horned horses hit him, some of them sliding off of him as Godzilla fought. Even a few lances got lucky, sharpened tips digging into his flesh. The kaiju roared, stunning several of his attackers in place from the sheer intensity long enough for him to slam his bulk into them and send them flying.

Suddenly, a lightning bolt impacted Godzilla, momentarily stunning him as he blinked the flash away, ears ringing from the point blank thunderclap. Once more, bodies piled onto him, weighing him down. Godzilla grit his teeth. He let his power surge through him, before forcing the radiation out through his hooves. The nuclear powered pulse shook his assailants off, their armor smoking and melting in chunks as he finally recovered his sight… only to get what could only be a solid gold throne thrown at his face.


The seat slammed into Godzilla, sending him skidding on the floor for meters as the throne sat on top of him, pinning him down in place. Godzilla waited for some of the pain to subside before attempting to get back up, struggling to lift the throne off his shoulders.

“Oh Divine Empress… how is he still moving?!?” one of the guards cried out in terror. They were watching in collective horror as the stallion trapped under the giant golden throne of their Empress was lifted off the ground, if only by barely a hoof. Daybreaker grimaced, enlarged canines showing themselves as her horn lit up.


A wave of heat flashed through the room, guards too close to Godzilla turning to ash, armor clattering to the floor only to stick to the marble, melting. Godzilla himself felt the air in his lungs leave him as the attack consumed the oxygen, but worse yet was that the golden throne on top of him wasn’t blown away. It was merely partially melted, and it was now beginning to stick and cool around his body.

Godzilla would have howled in pain, had he not experienced far worse before in his lifetime. Instead, Godzilla closed his eyes, blocking out the pain as he pulled forth what remained of his energy reserves. His body glowed, flashed, and then the golden slag almost rose off the ground from Godzilla’s nuclear pulse being forced to the floor. Better yet though, the gold around him was still melted, giving the kaiju some room to move.

Daybreaker could only watch in slack jawed disbelief as Godzilla fired off another pulse. Her throne was still melting on top of him, but with each pulse, he was slowly freeing himself. She snarled, teleporting in close to him and bringing a hoof up.


Godzilla’s head snapped to the side as her hoof connected to his face. Godzilla looked up to her eyes, glaring balefully at her as he charged up another pulse. Daybreaker roared in frustration, her forelimbs flying upwards and hitting his face repeatedly. Each punch echoed in the room as the remaining guards pulled the injured away from the vicinity of the enraged Empress, the alicorn’s hooves starting to come away from Godzilla’s face with blood on them. “Why! Won’t! You! JUST! YIELD?!?” Daybreaker yelled, refusing to budge as Godzilla fired off another pulse.

Godzilla’s face was swollen with bruises, a cut under his right eye from getting clipped by Daybreaker’s hoof. “F-Fuck… you,” he spat out.

Daybreaker snarled, and then smashed her hoof down on top of his head. Godzilla’s head snapped down, rebounding off his golden prison as his eyes rolled to the back of his head, the kaiju finally going slack as the gold continued to solidify. Shoulders heaving, Daybreaker lifted Godzilla’s head up and dropped it, making sure he was actually out cold. “Captain-General,” Daybreaker stated, grimacing as the adrenaline rush of the fight left her.

Coming up beside her, Captain-General Shining Armor trotted over and looked at the unconscious stallion with worry on his face. “Yes my Empress?” he answered.

“Take this one… take this stallion to the dungeons, now,” Daybreaker commanded. “I want him secured as best as we can. Make Grand Magus Neighsay ensure every magical lock and containment spell the College knows is on this stallion’s restraints. If he objects, then tell him he may complain to me personally.”

“Of course, Your Radiance,” Shining answered. “We will have it done.” He took another look at Godzilla and allowed his expression to soften. “My Empress… if I may, I’d like a moment of your time in private please.”

With a barely visible twitch, Daybreaker teleported herself and Shining to an empty room. Shining glanced at the decor, noting it to be from the opposite end of the castle from the Solar Hall. “Speak,” Daybreaker said tersely.

Shining took a deep breath. “My Empress… Daybreaker. Are you okay?” A scornful look from Daybreaker was aimed at him, yet Shining pressed on, moving to her side and looking at her wounds. “I’m just concerned my dear. That stallion… he reminded me of fighting Raishin there for a while. Only, I’ve never seen a unicorn fight like him before, save for maybe Tempest, but even then…”

Daybreaker sighed. “I was almost defeated by a stallion that literally crashed through our roof,” she commented. “Whoever he is… whatever he is, I want to find out.” She turned her head to Shining. “Shining, before this, there was a storm in the sky, and things fell out of it. Find them. And make sure they pose no threat.”

“Of course,” Shining responded. Stepping closer to her, he leaned up and kissed Daybreaker on her uninjured cheek softly. “Just rest my Empress. Your Empire will understand the need for rest after fighting an intruder to protect them.”

“Well, do not dally too long,” Daybreaker added, smirking before grimacing in pain. “Your Empress does have need of your talents after you take care of this issue.”

Shining nodded. “Would you like for me to help you to your quarters?”

Daybreaker paused. “...yes. Please.” Shining walked up to her side, letting her drape a wing over him as he supported her weight. Daybreaker’s heart fluttered at the sight of her most loyal servant helping her up to her quarters, the stalwart stallion having earned his place in her heart. From his first deployment in the Savannah, to the debacle in what remained in Gryphus, and in the years after, Daybreaker had come to rely on Shining Armor. Which was why he was currently her Captain-General, and not just some pony serving in her legions. She knew she could trust him with her weakness.

The pair soon came to her chambers, and Shining helped ease her inside to the bed. “There we go my Empress,” he said as Daybreaker laid down on her bed. “Rest up. I’ll make certain things are secure.”

Daybreaker smiled at him. “Thank you Shining.” Shining nodded, trotting out of the door and leaving Daybreaker to her thoughts. Now alone, the Captain-General’s face fell, the unicorn making his way downstairs. As he walked, another pony approached him, her soft blue coat barely visible under her armor.

“Sir, we’ve got th’ big one out of that mess downstairs,” Blueberry Frost reported to him. “He’s en route to the dungeons, and I’ve got a runner going to the College askin’ for Neighsay righ’ now.”

“Thank Faust,” Shining commented. “What would I do without you Captain?”

“Mmm, probably be dead many times over I ‘sume,” the Captain snarked. Shining chuckled at his subordinate’s comment, the pair continuing downward through the castle. “Still… any additional orders sir?”

Shining nodded. “Yes. I want all legions abroad on heightened alert status, lasting indefinitely,” he told her. “I want all Royal Guard units to patrol the walls and double down on all entrances in and out of every quarter, and a curfew.”



“Gotcha sir,” Blueberry commented as they entered the staircase to the dungeon levels. “Now, ‘bout that big fella and that storm thing…”

“Assemble the legion,” Shining ordered. “I saw a large number of them falling to the Everfree near Ponyville. We’ll start our search there.” The Captain-General paused, humming in thought. “In fact… it might be a good idea to get Mystic Sparkle involved as well, we could use her talents just in case.” Blueberry smiled, chuckling.

“Y’sure you ain’t just being a tad over-protective?” she asked. Shining gave her a flat look. “Jus’ sayin’ sir, you are a tad protective.”

“And the last three hundred assassins don’t give me reason to be worried?”

Blueberry sighed. “Alright, you got a point there sir,” she admitted. “Still though, her goin’ to Ponyville to set up something for the Empress is probably gonna do her good. She needs this sir, whether she knows it or not.” Suddenly, Blueberry blinked. “Ah Faust, Captain-General, what do we tell the ponies about what happened in here?”

“The truth,” Shining answered. “Just not all of it. The Empress fought an intruder in the heart of the castle, but subdued him, and that she is asking that everypony be on the lookout for anyone strange roaming around. Do NOT mention her injuries.” The pair stopped at the entrance of the dungeon, Shining looking at his subordinate. “Now go. You have your orders Captain.”

“O’ course sir.” Blueberry saluted smartly, Shining returning and letting the mare rush off to carry out his orders. Sighing, the stallion focused on what was in the dungeon, stepping inside and following the trail of guards and unicorn mages from the College to the most secure cell in the dungeon.

The cell was unnaturally chilled, both by being deep in the heart of the mountain, and from the sheer amount of mana being pulled into the room by the Grand Magus inside. Shining watched as Neighsay looked over the still unconscious stallion, and took the time to look the stranger over. He was huge, easily the same size as his Empress, though vastly stockier. Beyond his size, Shining took note of the crooked horn atop the stallion’s head, and the odd cutie mark on his flank, a small grey circle surrounded by three curved shapes.

“Captain-General,” Neighsay said, not looking away.

“Grand Magus,” Shining replied. “Do you need assistance?” Neighsay huffed, his horn lighting up and bringing up a series of magical wards into view, simultaneously lifting up a massive pillory.

“I do not,” the pale pony commented, a hint of venom barely heard in his words. “Your assistance would merely hinder.” Shining kept silent as resisted the urge to roll his eyes.

Arrogant bastard, he thought, watching as the wards burned themselves into the pillory, and Neighsay nodded as he cut off the spell.

“There. It is contained,” the mage stated, making Shining’s posture stiffen.

“Forgive me Grand Magus, but… ‘it?’ That’s a bit callous, don’t you think?” the Captain-General asked. Neighsay scoffed, trotting away from Godzilla as his cape trailed behind him.

“I think not,” the mage retorted. “Whatever it is, it is not native to Equestria, nor is it an Elder Kirin, like that-.” Neighsay was cut off as a blade was held up to his neck, Shining’s eyes narrowed dangerously.

“Finish that statement Neighsay, and you will wish that I turn you over to the Empress to deal with,” he warned. Neighsay’s eyes glanced down at the blade, his pupils widening by a fraction.

“Hmm. A nullblade. You were planning this?”

“I am the Captain-General of Her Benevolent Radiance’s Legions, and Lord Commander of her Royal Guard.” The tip of the blade lightly touched the other stallion’s neck. “I would be grossly remiss in my duties to our Empress if I fail to be prepared for any threat. Both outside the Empire, and within.” The air was still, as guardsponies watched with bated breath at the pair of stallions facing off with one another. Neighsay looked Shining dead in the eye, and then sighed.

“Forgive me then,” he said. “In light of recent events, my mind is sadly… elsewhere. No offense was intended, Captain-General.”

Not intended my shiny white ass, Shining thought, lowering his blade. “You are forgiven,” he answered with barely gritted teeth. “Now, let us both get on with our duties Grand Magus. After all, in a time of crisis like this, we all need to be united.”

“Of course. A good day to you, Captain-General.” Neighsay walked off, leaving Shining silently fuming with his guards as Godzilla’s cell door was shut.

A moment passed.

“...what a prick,” a guard muttered, the suddenly stiffening up at the comment. Shining chuckled.

“Private… you have no idea…” Shining muttered.


“...and that’s why I need to get to the Everfree Forest to investigate these myths,” Twilight finished, Comet Shine nodding along with her as they finished talking.

“Well, I can see how you are concerned about this,” he stated, sipping from a cup of tea as Spike dozed on a chair. “If your fears hold any truth to them, then of course the Empress should be warned about this. After all, the Mare in the Moon is no mere mortal threat.”

“Exactly!” Twilight jumped out of her seat, pacing across the door of Comet Shine’s study. “If I can verify that the Mare in the Moon is a real entity, then the Empress can prepare for her, and we can make sure that everypony here can be evacuated away from the fight safely!” Comet Shine was about to speak up when the office doors burst open, a guardsmare out of breath and panting.

“Governor! We have a problem!” she shouted. Immediately, Comet Shine’s face went hard as he stood up, Spike yelping in fright as he was suddenly woken up.

“What is it?” he asked gruffly, passing by Twilight as she picked up Spike and brought him to her side. “Is it the rebels again?”

“Yes sir,” the guardsmare confirmed. “They’ve finally hit a major target.”


The guardsmare shook her head. “Armory. Several mage fire canisters.” Twilight gasped in horror as she moved Spike onto her back. Mage fire was dangerous, extremely so. Even Twilight herself never touched the stuff, seeing as the materials used in it would typically combust by simple exposure to air. “We lost track of the perpetrators, but we know that one of them was that tea shop owner.”

“Twi? Wha’s going on?” Spike asked groggily.

“Don’t worry about it Spike!” Twilight pleaded, watching as Comet Shine narrowed his eyes in thought.

“The kirin? Interesting… Sergeant, have your soldiers round up every pony in the village square, I do believe that now is a good time to snuff out the majority of them here and now. And get the axe-mare as well.”

“Of course sir,” the guardsmare answered, saluting him before galloping off. Twilight gaped at the Governor.

“‘Axe-mare?!’ Governor, what in the Empress’ name is going on?!” Twilight demanded to know, following Comet Shine as he began to walk steadily out of his mansion.

“Mystic Sparkle, as you should no doubt have surmised, this village, despite its proximity to our glorious capitol, is a bit of a haven for those who would be enemies of the state,” he explained. “As such, it is my duty, in the name of the Empress, to find such elements and dispose of them in a manner befitting their crimes. And the punishment for treason, is, of course, death.” Twilight felt Spike’s stubby claws digging into her skin, the young dragon making himself smaller and less noticeable.

“But a public execution?! Governor, we don’t even know who the guilty pony or ponies are, you can’t just-!”

Comet Shine spun around, shoving his face into hers. “I decide who is innocent, and who is guilty in this village!” he snarled. “This is my town, my province! MY kingdom! What I decree is law, Mystic, and my patience has been worn thin enough! For too damned long have these ponies plagued me with prank after prank, inciting rebellion and mischief in this village, and now they have gone too far! They will see the consequences of their actions, and no self-absorbed trollop with an above average magical talent, and no true authority in our Empress’ court, shall sway me from this course! Am I understood?!”

Twilight was frozen in place from the Governor’s rant, her ears folded back against her head as Comet Shine glared at her before grunting. “I shall take your silence as confirmation,” he spat, turning back around. “Now, if you please, follow me. I believe this shall be a good lesson for the Empress’ latest student on how the world really works.” Comet Shine continued walking, Twilight numbly following out of sheer shock and fear.

“Twi, are… are you okay?” Spike whispered in her ear. A distant, more rational part of Twilight’s brain noted that despite the words of comfort, Spike was utterly terrified as well, not that she could blame him.

“I’ll be okay Spike,” she answered, plastering on a fake smile. “It’s… it’s going to be okay, I’m sure.” Spike let out a nervous chuckle as the trio stepped outside. Unlike the relative calm from hours ago, Twilight saw soldiers everywhere, rounding up innocent ponies and forcing them to move around, several getting struck across the head or flank with the butts of their spears. Up above, Twilight saw a few armored pegasi flapping around, keeping a watchful, hawk-like eye on the proceedings on the ground.

It took a couple of minutes, but they finally made it to the village square, where both Twilight and Spike gasped in horror. Ponies were crowded inside the square, all facing a raised stage in front of what was likely the mayor’s office. Said mayor was there, and Twilight gulped, recognizing the pale brown mare standing there. Her eyes drifted over to the side, and the unicorn’s blood ran cold at the sight of the pale clad pony, the cold steel of an executioner’s axe glistening in the sun alongside the pair of guards standing there.

The town made a path for Comet Shine, Twilight meekly staying quiet as eyes fell on her, judging her. They made it to the stage, Comet Shine stoically stepping up as Twilight stood off to the side, watching the proceedings with dread. Once the crowd settled, Comet Shine cleared his throat. “Citizens of Ponyville!” he called out, his gaze sweeping across the crowd. “It has come to my attention that several of you have performed acts of treason against the Empress of Equestria! Acts that, while heinous in and of themselves, only serve to divide us more on the eve of our greatest celebration!” Comet Shine smirked, a facial expression better suited for a snake than any living pony.

“Tea Song, step forward.”

Twilight and Spike were momentarily surprised when a kirin of all beings started to approach the stage, the kirin mare’s movements graceful and flowing despite the situation. Huh, Twilight thought. She must be a kirin from Carrea. Her antlers must be the closest approximation to a baseline kirin’s horn, and she has far more in common with Raishin in terms of overall body structure and physical characteristics. If she survives, I’d LOVE to talk with her about her sub-species of kirin! Tea Song finally stepped onto the stage, her eyes narrowed at Comet Shine.

“Governor Shine,” she said, hints of her native country’s accent peppering her speech in soft, lilting tones, “How may I be of… assistance to you?” Comet Shine huffed.

“Stand there please,” he ordered, pointing a hoof. Tea Song glanced to where he was pointing, and sighed, reluctantly moving over to a spot next to the guards. “Now, I have confirmation that you were near this village’s armory, and that several containers of mage fire were taken. All I want to know is… who else was involved, and what are your plans for it?”

“Governor Shine, please, this is wrong!” Twilight called out, stepping forward as she set Spike down. Spike’s eyes widened in terror as the unicorn stepped closer to Comet Shine. “This isn’t legal, and you know it! Every pony has the right to a fair trial, you can’t simply just accuse her of-!”


Twilight’s world span around for several seconds before she registered the pain of the back hooved slap to her face. And another second still to realize she was on the floor of the stage, laying on her side with her saddlebag filled with ink bottles and parchment digging into her side. Twilight’s chest rose and fell in panicked breaths as Comet Shine spat in her direction. “Shut up Mystic,” he snarled, “You have no authority over me, or over these proceedings.” Spike rushed to Twilight’s side, helping her up as he continued. “Now, Tea Song. You will confess to the identity and motives of your accomplices, and in return, I shall spare that which I know is precious to you.”

Tea Song frowned. “Like you’ve spared that poor, innocent couple you accused of thievery three weeks ago?” she countered. “I think not. Besides, I can always move elsewhere for my shop. You have nothing on me.”

Comet Shine chuckled. “Oh, I don’t hmm?” He looked at several guards in the crowd. “Bring the child and her parents.”

Tea Song gasped in horror, moving to stop the guards before the two next to her restrained her, holding her back as a pair of ponies were dragged onto the stage, a young filly clutched between them and kicking against her captors angrily. “No! No, please, let them go! Nwajwo, goemul a!” she shouted, a mix of Common Tongue and Carrean peppering her speech as a guard dragged the filly’s father to the block.

“Names, Tea Song,” Comet Shine quipped, almost sounding bored as he looked at her. “Names, and I shall let them go.”

“And what assurances do I have that you’ll keep your word?” Tea Song pleaded, glaring daggers at him.

“Hmm, what indeed,” he mocked, looking back over his shoulder to Twilight. “Pay attention Mystic, this is very important.” He turned back to the stallion on the block, the axe-mare holding her weapon at the ready. “Ready.”

Twilight heard the stallion’s mate cry out in terror, kicking and screaming as guards held her back, the filly wordlessly staring as the executioner raised the axe up. “Governor, please, no, don’t hurt them!” Tea Song shouted, the crowd on ponies fidgeting nervously in place. Had she not been so focused on what was in front of her, Twilight might have heard dull shouting from beyond the crowd from an unfamiliar voice. Comet Shine scoffed, twitching his hoof.

The axe began to fall.

The stallion braced himself for the pain.

And in a heartbeat, Twilight saw something jump from the top of the government building, land on the stage, and stop the swing of the axe with one limb. It was minotaur shaped, two legs, two arms, and yet she didn’t see any sign of horns or fur, not with the amount of fabric and armor plating on its limbs. It looked at Comet Shine, the grisly visage of a skull staring into his soul.


All Tartarus broke loose as several guards had their heads snap backwards, their brains flying out as even more strange bipeds emerged from the shadows, bowgun like weapons held in their hands. The one on stage with them threw the axe upwards, exposing the axe-mare to getting shot at with the not-minotaur’s own weapon. Twilight never saw a projectile leave the weapon’s muzzle, and yet hoof-sized holes perforated the mare in less than a second, her body ragdolling backwards with each hit. Twilight looked back over at Comet Shine, who was frozen in stunned horror before he attempted to get his wits about him.

“What are you waiting for?!” he shouted, “Kill them! K-Kill all of them if you have to!”

“What?!” Tea Song looked to the other ponies on stage, Twilight following her line of sight to the filly rushing to her mother, and up on the roof of another building, she saw the tell-tale glow of unicorn horns powering up. “Mystic, please, save them!” Tea Song begged before Comet Shine kicked her in the face, the stallion in a blind panic fleeing.

Twilight shook her head, getting to her hooves as she saw the not-minotaur look at where the mages were. It pointed its weapon at them, even as Twilight took a moment to recall a general use shield spell and cast it over them as the unicorns launched a multitude of fireballs at them. The Mystic grit her teeth, her horn itching as each spell slammed into her shield, draining the mana powering it and forcing her to keep her focus.

Suddenly, something flew over the horizon, a trail of smoke following it before smashing into the rooftop with the mages on it, consuming them in a ball of fire and knocking everypony flat on their asses to the ground. What surprised Twilight though was that she could see the direction of the smoke trail, and it… it was from outside Ponyville’s borders.

They can fire over the horizon like that?! the unicorn thought, letting go of her spell. Not even the best mages can do that! Twilight saw Tea Song rush across the stage, the kirin pulling the ponies into an embrace as the alien in front of them opened fire, bringing a pegasus skirmisher crashing to the ground.

“Shit, watch out!” another alien cried, pointing behind them. Twilight looked, yelping as a desperate guard jumped up onto the stage with a lance and stabbed it forward to the alien’s gut. The alien grunted, clutching the shaft of the weapon as it failed to get out of the way in time. Bile rose in her throat as Twilight saw the armor on the back of the alien bend outwards, and it was almost certainly a fatal wound, no pony could-

“That’s cute,” the alien grunted. “My turn.”

It dropped its weapon, throwing its right arm out while a blade of energy snapped into existence just over its wrist. It brought its hand up, cleaving through the lance and separating it from the weapon that had not even seconds ago impaled it before taking a massive step forward and punching into the guard’s face.

“Whoa, that’s-!” Spike exclaimed in amazement before Twilight interrupted him, pulling his face to her side and burying it in her fur as she stared in horror at the smoke coming from the dead guard’s face, the body falling limply to the side as the alien stepped back.

“Ah, fuck,” it grunted, grabbing onto the lance tip and then pulling it out, bits of flesh and armor still attached to it while the creature dropped it onto the floor. Twilight caught a glimpse of the wound as it turned to face the melee down below, and was stunned to see the wound already healing, organs and tissues knitting themselves back together the violence seemed to settle down. “Vanguard, this is Old Dog, sitrep, over.”

“Twi, what’s going on?” Spike asked, pulling his face away to stare at the alien as she desperately pulled him alongside her. “Who’s, or what is that?”

“That is trouble Spike, and we are leaving!” Twilight snapped back, moving to the stairs before she heard the alien speak up loudly.

“Miss Twilight Sparkle… I don’t think you’ll be leaving anytime soon,” it said. Twilight looked back, terrified as the alien reached up to its face… and removed what was, in retrospect, a helmet as it’s flat face looked at her sternly. “Not before I find out just how in the everloving hell Equestria turned into a damn hellhole.”

Author's Note:

Well, I still don't own any part of the Godzilla, Gamera, Pacific Rim, XCOM, or MLP: FiM properties, and they are copyright and trademark of their respective owners.

Gentle Leaf owned by Destinedjagold

Ki Seong owned by Tarbtano

And I'd like to thank LanceOmikron, Tarb, and others for helping proof read this revised chapter.

As an aside, if anyone would like discuss how well I'm doing with this story so far, please, give me a comment down below or buzz me with a PM, and I'll try to get back to you as best as I can!