• Published 29th May 2017
  • 371 Views, 0 Comments

The Empire of Engines - Dusty Gears

I regret the moment I killed them and I wanted to redeem myself, and i did with my own life. Now I am given a second chance at living and redeeming myself but instead I took that chance to do what I did before but this time with a bigger goal in mind

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Ignition Point

All I heard was the sound of silence, everything I heard was non-existent. I kept my eyes focused on what’s ahead of me, every dirt, leaf and opponent in front of me. I had my hands and feet were relaxed as they will control the very beast that I use in these occasions. I calmed my breathing and lowered my anxiety to make sure I don’t get surprised and be ready for anything that might come my way because there’s nothing more important that what’s on the other side of that line. I saw the signal coming and waited and it blew.

I stepped on on the gas pedal, released the brake and sped off with a perfect launch as indicated by the green light on my speedometer. I continued on this road while watching out for other opponents who have don’t have honor in their vocabulary and civilian cars coming in all directions whether I crossed a red light or he’s coming from Walmart with a bag full of groceries.

I looked at every landmark and building I came across to have a better understanding where I am due to the fact this is a sprint match, meaning get to this place and take any road you want, I could use a GPS but they don’t know which fence and barricade is breakable.

“Speak of the devil there’s one now” I said as I smashed through a fence leading to a shortcut which is a construction site.

I swerved left and right, keeping my eye out for construction equipment because they can deal a more severe dent on my ride and speed. I went through a pipe just for the fun and entered the base of the unfinished building because when they build buildings they dig a big hole at the base for support and plumbing, and they also create piles of dirt which were perfect for jumps which was were I was headed. I shifted to a higher gear, now that there were no more obstacles, and flew out of the construction site and over the fence. I looked below me to find no opponent below and once I landed I found myself in the park.

“it may lessen my traction, but at least the path is clear.” I said to myself

I was nearly missing nearby trees but they were just so close together until I saw the entrance of the park ahead. I kept my hand steady and once I was out of the park I turned the wheel left then turned to the right with my feet on the brake and my other hand on a lower gear creating a drift and I was lucky I didn’t ram into anyone while there. Once I was aligned with the road I hit the gas and sped through the streets making sure I hit every green light on my way to victory.

At the far end I saw traffic and the train passing by, I knew I couldn’t make that in time. I looked around for someway to avoid it until I saw a glass parking garage. Unlike concrete or steel parking garages, the walls were made of a combination of glass walls and concrete pillars meaning I could easily ram into the glass and land on the other side without damaging the bumper or losing my speed which was what I did.

I went to the third floor and aligned myself with the glass wall, knowing I might not make this jump when I lost speed coming up here I hit the Nos causing my car lift from the ground but the front of the car was heavy keeping the car at a certain angle. Hoping for the best I crashed through the window and went flying, I looked down to see people seeing me jump over the train. Without the boost the car was leveling again until I landed the jump with all four wheel on the ground. I saw my goal ahead and pushed the gas pedal down.

I continued through this long stretch between me and my goal, with my foot on the gas pedal I crossed the finish line. With that finished I turned the wheel to the right while my foot on the brake bringing me to a screeching halt. I got out of my car and everyone surrounded me, celebrating another win for my undefeated winning streak. I looked around to find everyone yelling my name and patting me on the back but that time was shortly lived as the most fun part of the job was coming.

“Cops, cops, we got cops!!!” someone screamed

“Things are about to get interesting” I said to myself

I entered my car and sped off to my house, ready to outsmart the cops and hide in the shadows. I started the engine and left the area as I heard sirens wailing in the distance. The thing to know about me was that I’m load when I race but smart when I escape. I turned on my police radio and listened as they started doing perimeter checks for street racers.

“Dispatch, this is unit Bravo 9 I have eyes on a blue Porche. Beginning pursuit”

“Copy that, sending reinforcements to your position”

“Dispatch, this is Delta 10. Should we come and pursuit?”

“Negative Delta 10 continue perimeter check”

“Copy that”

“Looks like I’m in the clear, but I’m still in the perimeter check” I said to myself

I drove off silently, hoping to not catch attention from the GTR I was driving. I continued through the street until I saw blue and red closing in. looking around I saw a big truck parked on the side of the street. I parked behind the truck without a moment’s notice and closed my lights and waited. The lights passed by and I continued my drive.

I followed behind the police car, as the saying goes ”they never expect their target to be right in front of them” or in this case, behind them. Following the police cruiser I turned the other direction. I continued on my path until I made a right, but just my luck a police helicopter’s search light spotted me. I pressed my foot on the gas and sped through the traffic.

“Dispatch, this is Gamma 7. We have a suspect on the bridge driving a black Nissan GTR”

“Copy Gamma 7, sending reinforcements to your location”

“Attention units we have visual on the top suspect. Location is 5th street”

“Copy that dispatch, we are on our way”

“That’s new, calling me the “top suspect”” I said

I really wouldn’t give myself that title but if that’s what they want to call me, then I have no objections. It’s kind of like how on the show arrow, whe Oliver was called “The Arrow” instead of “The Hood”, now that was an improvement. But now wasn’t the time to boost my ego as I have better thoughts to fill my mind with such as the fact that there was traffic ahead.

Looking at my options I turned to a more vacant street with the chopper above my head and cops following my tail. I turned onto another street and saw a narrow gap between buildings and a pile of dirt. I took the dirt on my right side which caused me to ski on my left side. Keeping my left side wheels on the ground I made it through the gap, leaving the cops behind me.

Once I was on the other side, I dropped my wheels to the ground and continued on, all that’s left is the chopper on top of me.

“Dispatch, this is Sigma 19, we have lost visual on the suspect”

“Copy that Sigma 19. Gamma 7 do you have a visual?”

“Affirmative Dispatch, he’s on Rockport Ave.”

“Copy that Gamma 7, sending more units to your location”

I continued on the road, watching out for more cops to come. I saw a red light in front of me but no one car was coming. Taking the chance I crossed but I didn’t enjoy that decision as a car bumped on the side causing me to go onto the sidewalk but what happened next was something I didn’t want. Once I drove on the sidewalk five kids were coming towards me. I wasn’t quick enough to react and rammed those kids.

“Dispatch this is Gamma 7 suspect has rammed into five children, requesting paramedics on the scene immediately!”

“Copy that Gamma 7”

“No” I whispered as I moved out of the sidewalk and onto the road.

This was something I was never expecting in my career as a street racer. I never meant to kill anybody with the car that kept me alive. This was something that could get me worse than jail time. This would get the cops to come after me with more ferocity that before. I can’t believe that I caused this on myself. It wasn’t the car-that-bumped-me’s fault, it’s mine for running. But that’s what I’m going to do. I deserve jail but not because I killed children. I stepped on the gas and entered the sewer pipe under freeway.

“Dispatch. This is Gamma 7 we have lost visual. Last location was under the 54 freeway”

“Copy that Gamma 7, units are approaching”

I know I caused damage to the city but those were objects, I damaged the bodies of children and the hearts of their families. I don’t even know whose child I killed, they could be people even powerful than the police. I could be in serious trouble with people I don’t know. I would be hunted down by more than the police force of this city. Even worse would be the SWAT team coming to this city.

“Gamma 7 this is Theta 2. Suspect has gone into a sewer pipe”

“Copy that Theta 2. Finding an exit”

I exited the sewer pipe and went to the road. This could be seen in the news, other racers would hate me for this, I’m no Toretto, whose members of team were killed but people still respected him. This was different, gangs killed his crew. I killed children by myself. I’d be a murderer and a liability to others, the police will keep a look out for me, maybe even call for more horsepower. I have to accept my fate. There’s no running from this crime. I have to…

Bright lights filled my car and the source was from my window. A semi rammed into me, rolling my car with it stopping on top of its hood. I smelled gasoline leaking out.

“Please. Let me live to receive my sentence. I don’t want to die knowing I killed children”

The sound of tires screeching on cement caught my ears. I opened my eyes to see a blurry vision of something round and black in front of me. I blinked many times to get a clearer image, only to see I was behind the wheel of a car I don’t own. I looked around to see the interiors of a car and the cement pillars of a parking garage.

“What? I thought I died?”

“You did die, but I brought you back” A female voice said

“Who’s there?” I asked

“Look at the display. Near the gearshift”

I looked at the gearshift to see a screen with a straight line vibrating. I moved my hand to touch the screen and it showed me the schematics of the car.

“Who are you?”

“My name is Eve, I’m here to help you adjust to your new living environment”

I looked out the window to see the environment but all I saw were ordinary cars that were oddly bright-colored. I looked around to see the elevator. I thought of getting out. I reached for the door handle but she locked the doors. I tried unlocking them again but she managed to keep them locked.

“I can’t let you leave”

“Why not?”

“Look at the elevator”

I looked at the elevator again to see the doors opening and people flooding out of it, but the most disturbing feature to me was that they were all colored. Instead of ordinary human skin tones, they were colored of different mixtures of the color wheel, even their hair was of different colors and styles.

“I see you noticed the people living in this new world are quite different but they do have similar cultures to your world” she stated

“Why are they in different colors?” I asked.

“They are people living-”

“I mean, where am I? Is this not Earth anymore?”

“It is an alternate world where people are different in colors and name choice”

“Why am I here?”

“You asked for you to live again”

“Yes but to live out my sentence in jail for killing”

“I understand the guilt you’re feeling but it’s that guilt that brought you here in the first place”


“You felt guilt for killing those children and the government of your world will kill you for that but I know you’re an innocent man you had too much fun and want’s to correct his mistakes and live an ordinary life. Even if you don’t get that death penalty, you can’t live the ordinary life because you will always be watched by the police at all times.”

“It’s the punishment I deserve”

“It may be, but this is another life you deserve. Give this life a try and tell me if you still want to go back, I know for a fact you’re a man who takes risks”

I thought about my options if I had any. I could live this new life with my privacy in check and be a normal civilian like I need to, I won’t get this chance after the death penalty. I’ve committed many crimes but killing wasn’t one of them. I could forget about my past world and live a new life without any worries of running away. Or I could go back and receive my sentence and die. I may have money to hire a lawyer but the crimes are documented and to enter them in the police’s computer just press Ctrl, F, U.

“I’ll take the chance of this new life” I said

“Good choice” She said as she turned on the engine

“By the way. What car is this?”

“2017 Ford Mustang”

“Okay so what now?”

“Now. you have to get a job” she said as the display showed numerous jobs that involved driving. It included delivery boy, taxi driver, personal driver, and much more. But the one that surprised me was…

“Police getaway test driver?” I asked.

“The job means that you will drive a getaway car and the police will have to stop you. Think of it as training for the police”

“I didn’t even know this was a job. Why can’t the policemen chase other policemen in their training?”

“Because they aren’t smart enough to drive like a getaway driver and they need a car that they can challenge”

“They don’t have their own cars to chase?”

“They do but they don’t want to scratch them, plus being a policeman means you the ways on how policemen will apprehend suspects”

“Do I get more money on how many times I evade the cops?”


“Sign me up”

With that said, she selected the job and the phone of the car went off

“Canterlot police department, how may I help you?” a woman on the line said

“I’m calling for the police getaway test drive position.”

“I see, what is your name?”

“James Volto Turismo”

“Come to the Canterlot Police Test Facility at 900 hours, there we will evaluate your skills”

“See you then” I said, then I hung up.

“Ready for you new job?” Eve asked me

“Ready as I’ll ever be, what time is it?”


“And how far is the CPTF?”

“A good distance away to make it on time”

“Works for me” I said as I placed the gear in reverse.

On my way to the field I noticed how bright the world is and how fresh the air smelled. Either they all have electric engines or they cured pollution and global warming, either one was good enough to be a perfect world to be in. I also noticed that the people here usually wear smiles on their faces as if they watched Guardians of the Galaxy or they met Mary Poppins with her large umbrella and dancing penguins, even a girl wearing white was strolling on the crosswalk and danced her way through three kids. Once i made it to the field I was stopped by the security guard.

“Name and business please”

“James Volto Turismo. I’m here for the getaway driver testing thing”

“Okay, welcome then”

He opened the gate and I waved thank you at him. I went inside the field and the first thing I noticed was how big this place was. I noticed rows of houses on one side of the path and a target practice on the other side and at the far end was a big building with the words “Canterlot Police Test Facility” on the top. I looked around for the guest parking and consulted Eve about what to do and not to do.

“Alright, anything I should know before entering the building?” I asked Eve

“No, their culture is not so different from what you’re familiar with, their just nicer”

“Okay, what do I do when I enter the building?”

“There should be a receptionist when you enter the building, there you ask for the position and they will direct you to where you need to go”

“Seems easy enough”

“Don’t get overconfident, remember that” Eve reminded me


I got out of the Mustang, locked the doors and entered through the building. When I entered the building I noticed how clean, cold and busy it was. Cops were all over the place and some were probably recruits in training and few in orange vests and hard hats. This was a testing facility, could mean they build cars here as well. I looked around to find the receptionist’s desk with a woman behind the counter. I came up to her.

“Hello, I’m here for the position of getaway test driver. I’m supposed to be here at 9:00 for a skills test”

“You’re Mr. Turismo?”

“That would be me”

“Do you have a car?”

“Yes, it’s a Mustang”

“How convenient, kindly drive towards gate 3 for your test”

“Where would that be?”

“Go left from here, where the houses are”

“Got it”

I went through the station until I was bumped by someone and fell, I looked to see who did. I saw a brown man with messy dark brown hair with a lock of hair down his face wearing a white lab coat over a dark blue vest vest and maroon tie with an hourglass as a tie pin, brown leather shoes with noticeable stitches, a name tag with the name ” Dr. Time T. Whooves” and some kind of pen in his right breast pocket.

“So sorry Capital, I’m afraid I was in a hurry and didn’t see where I was going” he said in a british accent as he picked up his papers.

“No that’s alright” I said as I helped him.

“Thank you sir, now please excuse me as I take my leave” and he went of in a hurried pace.

“Strange” I said as I left through the front door and met up with Eve.

“I see you met Dr. Whooves” she said.

“How did you know that?”

“I hacked into the security cameras”

“You can do that!?” I asked in disbelief.

“Sure can” she said with pride

“That’s cool”

“Focus, we have to get a job”

I started the engine and left the parking lot. I went through gate 3 and saw multiple damaged cars in a row of one section, a squad of police cars on another section, rows of houses as fas as I can see and cars running around the houses with other cops waiting in line. And another building in the distance. I parked my car and went out. I walked to what I think is the drill sergeant holding a stop watch.

“Excuse me” I said.

The sergeant looked at me, he had red arms, black sideburns, white beard and hair that has two grey points at the top, for attire he was wearing a black bulletproof vest, grey pants and white shoes and the most noticeable feature was he was very buff, like “The Rock” buff but even stronger and he stood over 8 feet tall.

“What car does he use?” I said in my mind.

“I am in the middle of a routine mister, I suggest you keep moving” He said.

“I was told to come here to test my skills for the getaway driver position”

“You are James?”


“You look too weak to drive a car”

“Look man, I don’t like getting insulted”

“Oh yeah, what are you going to do about it?” he said as he sized me up.

“I don’t fight with fists, I fight with wheels”

“ you think you can beat our best driver? what car do you have?”

“That” I said as I pointed to Eve.

“A Mustang. It’s impressive, I’ll give you that. Alright” he says as he reaches for his radio.

“Captain Spitfire, could you come out?” he says.

A woman comes out of the building, she had fiery yellow and orange hair and yellow skin. For attire she was wearing a normal police uniform, a whistle around her neck and sunglasses. She came up to the sergeant then to me with a look of frustration and curiosity in her eyes.

“What do you want Sergeant Tirek?” Spitfire asks.

“Mr. Turismo says he’s for the open position. I was thinking you could do the test for me” Tirek said.

“Why don’t you do it?”

“I car isn’t as fast as yours, neither are my skills behind the wheel. Besides this guy doesn’t even look tough”

“Looks are deceiving Tirek, remember that. This is why I’m higher that you”

“You made your point now, do you mind” Tirek says as he motions to me.

“A pleasure to fight you” Spitfire says as she shows her hand.

“The pleasure is mine”

“Now, let’s test your ride”

Author's Note:

my name is Dusty Gears and this is my first story
I'm welcome for reviews and comments and what I can do to make this story better

this is supposed to be story on how James can interact with the people around him and I'll try not to make the characters 1 dimensional. I'm still new at this.

but this is also a story on how a man can build great things from a tragic and simple beginning with his hands behind the wheel.

I also added Tirek as a police officer because he reminds me of Hobbs from the fast and furious franchise, so is his vehicle. he may be in a lower position but I will explain why in a later chapter

Spitfire is also here because, if she can fly with style I thought she can drive with style. I don't how a pilot could be in this story about cars so I made he a police officer with the same rank.

finally doctor Time Turner Whooves. I needed him to more interactions with people. don't worry he has a use in the station and he is indeed an inventor

please review