• Published 31st May 2017
  • 1,196 Views, 23 Comments

Friendship's Just the Start - Casswolf

Fluttershy helps Rarity get out of a creative rut, but how will she handle it when her friend's deepest running emotions get exposed?

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Ch 7 - New Beginnings

It was a bizarre sensation, having the air cleared after so very long pining for a love that Rarity had assumed could never be. Just to be free of that weight would have been enough, but to have it replaced with a blossoming, reciprocated love was enough to leave the unicorn feeling giddy, albeit suffering from emotional whiplash. It had been barely two hours between feeling as if her entire world was falling apart and the sheer bliss of having her lover's lips pressed against hers, after all. That latter sensation was the one that had been keeping her sane throughout how bizarre this afternoon had been, and had been aided by the stern lecture Twilight Sparkle had given Fluttershy and herself once she had returned with a mercifully repaired painting.

“Fluttershy, I've already told you this enough,” the alicorn had explained sternly, “but running away from your problems only makes things worse! This wouldn't have even been a problem in the first place if you had just stayed and talked things out!”

“S… sorry,” Fluttershy shrank back timidly, thoroughly admonished. Not that Twilight was finished, of course.

“And don't think you're innocent in this either!” The purple mare rounded on Rarity sharply. “You spent months playing the 'I can't possibly tell Fluttershy how I feel' card in spite of knowing she's not as fragile as you were making out, and as for today...” Twilight sighed, evidently having ran out frustration as her voice took on a gentler tone. Even if she was holding a hoof to her head as if she was getting a bad headache. “Rarity, it's been great to see you loosen up lately, but 'drowning your sorrows' is a dumb idea at the best of times, okay? Trust me, alcohol's a depressant, all it ever does is guarantee you drown in your sorrows. Please just stick to binging on ice cream when you're upset in future?”

“I… can only promise to try,” Rarity had winced, her head hurting a little itself after drinking so much wine so quickly. But in spite of all of this the three ponies had parted ways with the air cleared and smiles on all their faces. Particularly when Rarity had stolen one last kiss from Fluttershy before the pegasus left.

And so it was, a new morning, a new beginning. Mornings always seemed to alternate between being an exciting time and an item on Rarity's very long list of 'the worst possible things' depending on her motivation and sleep levels. Today as the unicorn went about the beginnings of her morning routine – jump out of bed with a start, furiously scrawl down the basics of an outfit idea before the dream that inspired it faded from memory, feed Opal before the grumpy cat decided to take her hunger out on the curtains – she was acutely aware that this one in particular was going to be the former of the two options. Her schedule was more or less empty today, in fact beyond Sweetie Belle staying for a few days later on and a catch up with Coco at some point the entire week was Rarity's for once. No wonder she couldn't resist singing to herself as she took a (relatively) quick shower then set about the task of styling her mane and applying her makeup. The task would have taken a lesser pony hours, but Rarity had gotten it down to a mere 45 minutes.

Of course, the unicorn had reasons other than lack of necessary work for her high spirits this morning. Today was usually spa day, where she would normally spend a pleasant afternoon with Fluttershy. Of course that was on the agenda still, but the two ponies had arranged to spend the whole day together, both eager to make up for all the lost time they could have been using as a couple. “I wonder if she's remembered to have breakfast this morning?” Rarity mused as she made her way through her kitchen, gathering bread, butter, milk, eggs and herbs along the way. A light knocking at the door interrupted her train of thought just as she was about to set the toaster and begin fixing herself scrambled eggs. “Ah! With any luck I'll be able to ask her myself! Coming darling!” The alabaster mare practically skipped through her showroom and threw open the door with a flourish. The pink-maned pegasus in front of her looked a little tired, but was wearing the biggest smile she'd ever seen.

“Rarity!” Fluttershy squealed happily, jumping forward to catch her in an eager hug. Truthfully it was nice to see the usually timid pony being so eager for once. If this is how it's to be from now on then I have no complaints whatsoever. “Are you feeling okay now? I was worried you might be feeling a bit run down after yesterday.”

“Fluttershy, dearest, I've never felt better,” Rarity chuckled as her marefriend pulled away finally. “But what about you? I mean, you're every bit as gorgeous a sight as ever, but you seem a smidgion tired yourself!”

“Oh, it's nothing,” Fluttershy replied, blushing slightly and scuffing her hoof against the ground. “I just had a little hard time falling asleep, and then this morning Angel Bunny was being um...”

“His usual charming self?” Rarity offered.

“He was being Angel Bunny, yes,” Fluttershy agreed awkwardly.

Rarity rolled her eyes. “You spoil that rabbit entirely too much, dearest. Have you even had any breakfast this morning?”

“Well I did have a glass of apple juice, but… um, by the time I'd finished feeding everybody else it was time to leave to come here. It's okay, though, really!”

“Nonsense! Come in, come in, I was running a little late myself so was only just getting round to making some food.” Rarity ushered the pegasus inside, “I'll gladly whip up a portion for you as well.”

“I wouldn't want to impose...” Fluttershy began.

“Not another word,” Rarity interrupted in a tone that wasn't taking no for an answer. “I couldn't possibly let myself be the only pony eating now I have company.”

“I could always come back later...”

“And then I would be sad and lose my appetite. Now stop being such a silly filly and let me spoil you a little.” Rarity paused as the two ponies approached her kitchen doorway and kissed Fluttershy lightly on the nose, amused to see both her smile and her blush grow in intensity.

Eventually Fluttershy gave in with an embarrassed giggle, hiding a little behind her mane coyly. “Oh… okay. Can I at least help you though?”

“I suppose so,” Rarity responded airily as she returned to her task of scrambling eggs, making sure to grab extra supplies along the way to make a plate for Fluttershy as well. As much as some called cooking an art, it was another that the unicorn couldn't quite grasp. The idea of wasting food seemed so much more galling than wasting fabric, paint or paper. And so whilst she could follow a recipe perfectly well, Rarity tended to shy away from experimenting, and her meals were surprisingly conservative for a pony who had a reputation for being evocative in her main areas of expression. “Could you maybe start brewing some tea, dearest? My breakfast tea is in the blue and yellow jar nearest you.”

“Of course!” Fluttershy began preparing a pot of tea for them both. “Um… so did you have anything you wanted to do today? Because I really don't mind as long as we can do it together. I… I mean..!” Fluttershy was practically squeaking as her unintentional double entendre finally sunk in.

Rarity found her marefriend's embarrassment entirely too adorable, and couldn't help but break away from cooking for a second to squeeze her tightly. “I know what you meant, my love,” she giggled before returning to her pan. “I was feeling the same way., but I suppose one of us has to be practical here. Maybe this morning we ought to call in on the rest of our friends? Certainly we owe Twilight an update, purely so we can let the poor dear relax, and it would hardly do to keep something like this from anypony else, correct?” A sudden pause. “Oh, the toast is ready, would you be a dear and butter that for me? “

“Of course!” Fluttershy carefully placed a slice of perfectly browned toast on two cerulean plates, divided them into triangles then began delicately spreading a thin layer of butter on each piece. “That sounds nice, Rarity. Do you think they'll all be okay with us being a couple? I... I mean... you know..?"

“If they aren't then they've done an awfully good job of hiding how cruel they are,” Rarity scoffed, turning the heat off on her stove and using her telekinesis to start depositing scrambled egg on top of the toast. “Oh, the tea should be ready by now, sweetheart. But I'm very confident that the worst we'll have to deal with is Rainbow Dash being a touch overprotective. I can hardly blame her, though, you are a true treasure.”

“I...I am?” Fluttershy came close to spilling the tea she was pouring at this point, only the idea of staining the well-scrubbed white counter keeping her from doing so.

“You are,” Rarity beamed, floating over two plates of scrambled egg on toast, plus cutlery and salt and pepper grinders. “After that perhaps a spot of lunch, then no doubt you may want to check on your animals before our spa appointment?”

“W… would that be okay?” Fluttershy paused as she was pouring the tea, as if she hadn't been expecting a suggestion that took her into account.

“Well you're hardly going to be able to relax without checking on your animals are you?” Rarity pointed out before gesturing to her partner to start eating. Fluttershy did so dutifully. “We do still have a spa session afterwards after all. After that… hmm...” Rarity levitated a hefty bite of her own breakfast to her mouth and munched on it thoughtfully. “I was rather hoping to end things with a meal out, an official 'date' as it were, yet we still have a few hours to kill. Was there anything you were hoping to include?”

“Um, not really. I mean, I do need to go buy a few bits for my animals – I'm getting rather low on a few types of grain, and one or two of the kitties need a change of diet soon...” A thought occurred to Fluttershy, and she grinned brightly. “Oh! I think there's a market on today in the town square, maybe we could have a look at that after the spa? Maybe they'll have what I need a little cheaper, and I know you like to browse things like that.”

“Splendid idea!” Rarity beamed, taking a sip of tea. She was impressed, having actually forgotten that today was the fortnightly market day on top of everything else. “Ooh, maybe we should do that in the morning instead in that case, chances are we can catch Applejack there. Three problems solved at once, don't you think? Talking to her, checking the market and also getting some lunch – the Sweet Apple Acres stall is always so good for that sort of thing!”

“I didn't even think of that!” Fluttershy exclaimed, her hoof pausing as it was about to shovel more egg into her mouth. In the end it continued on its mission and she swallowed her last bite of a much needed breakfast. “Everypony else is going to be around there anyway aren't they?”

“More than likely,” Rarity agreed, starting to clear up their finished plates. “Then I propose we start at the market and cover the rest of our friends as necessary. If that's okay, of course.”

“That sounds… good,” Fluttershy agreed, leaning over to kiss Rarity on the cheek. “That sounds very good.”

“Hey y'all!” The two ponies had more or less headed straight towards Applejack's stall once they hit the market, and the cheery farm pony seemed glad to see them. “What can I do ya for?”

“Umm...” Fluttershy was already trying to get down to business, scanning all the Sweet Apple Acres produce. Apple tarts, toffee apples, apple fritters…

“Honestly we're just visiting,” Rarity cut in, “Although two apple and daisy sandwiches would be divine, darling.”

“Comin' right up!” Applejack beamed, then hesitated for a second. “You two okay?”

“More than okay!” Fluttershy exclaimed, then turned beet red. “I mean...”

“She means we're absolutely fine,” Rarity nodded. “Truth be told we had quite the heart to heart yesterday, and...”

“You finally told her, huh?” Applejack grinned rather evilly as she packaged up two sets of sandwiches.

“...and I finally… hold on, what???”

Applejack couldn't help but laugh at the two ponies who were both now blushing so brightly that they were starting to take on her brother's colouration. “Rares, you got an awful got of great stuff goin' for you, but subtlety? Not one of 'em. Think everypony but Shy here could tell you were sweet for her ages ago.”

“You… you could have said something!” Rarity whined. This was not how she had thought this conversation was going to go at all!

“Not my place, sugarcube,” came the calm reply. “You're always the one with the big romantic ideas, kinda figured that if you couldn't sort yourself out how was I supposed to do anything?”

“S… sorry Rarity,” Fluttershy stammered, taken aback by this bombshell of sorts. “I guess I'm. just..”

“Adorable in your innocence,” Rarity finished for the pegasus before she could start beating herself up. “I suppose this does make things easier, but are we to expect this off all our friends now?”

“Ask 'em yourself,” Applejack beamed, whistling loudly all of a sudden. “Yo, Rainbow! You around?”

“What's up?” A blue, red-eyed pegasus seemed to appear out of nowhere with an accompanying gust of wind. Currently she was halfway through a veggie dog loaded with so much onions and cheese that just looking at it could have given lesser ponies heart disease on the spot. “Finally change your mind about giving me a discount on some cider?” she asked hopefully before noticing Rarity and Fluttershy. “Oh hey Shy, Rares! How's it going?”

“Guess who finally hooked up?” Applejack answered for them.

Rainbow Dash turned to study the two blushing ponies carefully, before catching them both up an a hug that Pinkie Pie would have been proud of. “About time, you guys! Seriously, I was this close to just banging your heads together until you talked about it, but then I talked to Twilight and she said she'd turn me into a newt if I tried.”

“Aww, I bet you'd make a cute newt,” Fluttershy couldn't help but giggle. Rainbow Dash was one of the few ponies she seemed to feel comfortable letting loose around – the two had been friends since fillyhood, after all.

“Not the point, Shy,” Rainbow grumbled before addressing Rarity in particular. “Just… look after her, okay? Shy's my best buddy, I swear I'll get you if you hurt her with your… your...” Ranbow Dash faltered, before coughing out, “...notthinkingaboutthingslikeidookay?”

Truthfully Rarity found the display of protectiveness rather endearing, doubly so because of how embarrassed the pegasus got when she realised she was being something of a hypocrite. It was certainly true that the two ponies shared a common flaw in acting before they thought sometimes! “Darling, relax,” she smiled reassuringly. “I promise that nothing you could possibly do to me would hurt as much as I'd hurt myself if that ever happened.”

“Huh.” Rainbow's mood shifted in an instant. “No wonder you're like the queen of mushy, girly stuff, who else would even say stuff like that? Rarity, you're cheesy as hay sometimes, you know that?”

“Rainbow, lay off the poor girl, would ya?” Applejack rolled her eyes. “Some folk actually use their brain before they speak, you know?”

“I appreciate the back up, darling, but I do have my moments as well,” Rarity giggled, correctly noticing that this was about to devolve into yet another bickering session between her two most stubborn friends. Their rivalry was almost cute in a way. “How much do I owe you for the sandwiches?”

“On the house,” Applejack beamed, pushing two paper bags towards the new couple.

“Darling, I really couldn't...”

“Nope,” Applejack shook her head, sounding surprisingly like Big Mac all of a sudden. “Won't hear it. Call it a congratulations present for figurin' stuff out.”

“We didn't really do anything to warrant a present though,” Fluttershy began, but was cut off quickly.

“Then if it makes you feel better call it a friend makin' sure her friends have a good lunch, okay? Now get, I just picked up a nuisance I gotta get rid of.” Rarity and Fluttershy got the hint, said their thank yous and goodbyes and moved on,the sound of a not-especially serious argument going on behind them. “How many times, no discounts!”

“Hey you just gave them free stuff!”

“Because they just got through a big thing and you're just bein' a moocher, ya gosh darned pest! I'll think about it once you're done with that show at the end of the market, okay?”

“Um… am I the only one thinking...” Fluttershy began, but she was already voicing the thoughts that Rarity had gone over earlier.

“They bicker like an old married couple? No, you're not,” the unicorn smirked. “Maybe we're not so clueless in comparison after all.”

Sugarcube Corner was another business that could usually be found with a stall on market day in spite of the building itself being only a few minutes trot away from the event. There was just something about freshly sugared doughnuts straight out of the fryer, or cotton candy twirled in front of your eyes in the open air that sometimes hit a spot that something with more effort missed entirely. Also, from the point of view of her landlords/ employers, the Cake family, there was also something to be said for getting Pinkie Pie out of their manes for a day so she could make them a small fortune selling what amounted to carnival food. As expected, when Rarity strolled up to the ridiculously balloon-filled stall she felt like putting on several pounds just looking at the merchandise.

“Darling, maybe we ought to just say our hellos?” the unicorn offered, but apparently her marefriend wasn't having any of this.

“Rarity, I know you like fresh doughnuts, one or two won't hurt. You don't have to be dieting all the time, you know. I… rather like you the way you are.”

“Well then,” Rarity sighed dramatically, “I suppose I shall have to eat the greasy… fatty… absolutely delicious things. But I… oh, who am I kidding? I'll make up for this by either letting Rainbow Dash goad me into something physical or taking up regular judo classes again, won't I?”

“I'm sure a day without calorie counting won't make you look any less gorgeous,” Fluttershy beamed, before blushing vividly.

“Point taken and accepted, my dear.” Rarity could see where this was going, so punctuated the conversation with a kiss on the lips before turning to the stall and addressing the grinning pink pony behind it. “Terribly sorry about that, darling...”

“Are you kidding me? Nothing to be sorry about you two!!!” Pinkie Pie shrieked gleefully “Here, here, I meant to give these to you!” She passed over two bags of doughnuts to the couple. “No, silly, I meant these!” Now a bag of cotton candy. “No, this!” Now a pool toy in the shape of a duck that had Princess Luna's colours. “No, no, where is it… spanner, yo-yo, half a slice of pizza? That's not even the sort of pizza I like!” Pinkie was pulling close to everything in existence out of her mane right now. “Bag of jelly babies, the kitchen sink… ah ha! Here you go! I was trying to keep this on hoof for weeks, and I had to redo it loads 'cause it kept going stale!” Pinkie Pie handed over a pastel pink box wrapped in deep purple ribbon, a less than subtle take on the mane colours of Fluttershy and Rarity. Opening it revealed a pair of extravagant cupcakes decorated in both of their respective colours and dotted with hearts representing the other.

“That's so nice of you!” Fluttershy gushed, although Rarity, more familiar with how long she had been pining for the pegasus and with Applejack's conversation still fresh in her mind, seemed a little more concerned.

“Pinkie, darling, these look delicious,” the unicorn admitted. “But… how long were you keeping cupcakes like these on hand for us, exactly?”

“Oh, just about half a year or so, might even have been a full one,” Pinkie replied nonchalantly. “Just until you said something and Fluttershy, like, fell into your forelegs or something because you two are so good together? I knew it was going to happen today by the way, you ought to have seen me this morning, my Pinkie Sense was going crazy!!

“Actually it was because she downed an entire jug of an energy potion we'd been working on yesterday and wouldn't stop vibrating for twelve hours.” Rarity's attention was drawn to a small group of horned ponies, a very familiar purple alicorn with a pink-streaked mane walking in front of a bashful lavender-coloured unicorn and a light blue one trying very hard to look uninterested. “I'm glad you two are doing okay!” Twilight Sparkle beamed, hugging both Rarity and Fluttershy in turn.

“Yeah,” Starlight Glimmer smiled nervously, still rather scared of becoming too involved with a friend group she was was the newest of. “You both seem happy. I'm glad. Right?” She nudged the third of the group, who seemed rather uncomfortable.

“Umm… quite. Trixie is...pleased for your happiness.” Suddenly the blue and white unicorn burst forward and clasped Rarity by the hooves. “Truly, Trixie is sorry, she doesn't deal well with awkwardness well. Um… you are still okay to make Trixie's new cloaks, right?”

“Of course, darling,” Rarity chuckled, knowing this was as close to an apology for past problems the illusionist was ever likely to give her. “That is still on, you are on top of your game after all, I'd be a fool not to!” Glares from Twilight and Starlight bounced off the unicorn's back. I know, I know… and if in the future I get hurt from encouraging her now I'll eat all the humble pie you want.. “I must ask one little favour in addition to our terms now - I would dearly love if you let me have an invitation plus one to the performance you debut the outfit in!”

“That is an easy task for the Great and Powerful Trixie!” the other unicorn declared, with just a hint of a tongue inside her cheek that gave Rarity more hope than she was willing to admit. Not many spoke her particular language of self-satire.

“Yay! We're all happy! Time for muffins!” Pinkie shrieked gleefully, diving from behind her stall to somehow hug the assembled group all at once in spite of this not being possible to do with four regular sized ponies and a growing alicorn. Once she pulled away somehow each pony had a different muffin in their hooves, ranging from blueberry to triple chocolate orange.

“How did you.?” Twilight began, but Pinkie Pie cut her off.

“I pressed the muffin button, duh!” the pink pony beamed, as if this was the most obvious thing in the world.


“MUFFIN. BUTTON!!!” Once again, Sugarcube Corner's stall had yet another group backing away with smiles and nods, still resolving to return next time because the food was totally worth the insanity.

After the hectic market Rarity and Fluttershy had said their goodbyes to Twilight Sparkle's party and finally shook off Pinkie Pie and her attempts to explain the benefits of muffin buttons before hitting a pleasant little cafe that Fluttershy had never really been to and Rarity had been meaning to visit for some time. The two chit-chatted over cups of herbal tea, mostly about their market trip and how the respective mares thought things had gone; it turned out that Fluttershy had been convinced that they were going to be blindsided by some disaster at any given moment, whereas Rarity was still rather annoyed at how bad she had clearly been at hiding her crush.

“I am sorry, darling,” she had moaned. “I must have been so embarrassing!”

“I only really noticed over the past week or two, and like I said, I just couldn't wrap my head around you showing interest in me until you spelled it out” Fluttershy admitted. “I think maybe I ought to be the one saying sorry for not taking the hint, really.”

“Shall we just officially call it us both being very silly ponies and be glad it all worked out in the end?” Rarity suggested reaching over to stroke her marefriend's hoof reassuringly. There were better times to have a heart-to-heart than a relatively quick coffee break, after all. “We still have the better part of the day to talk, after all.”

The two ponies soon took a diversion into a nearby park to eat their sandwiches plus at least a few of the pile of treats Pinkie Pie had dropped on them. Rarity had been all too happy to let Fluttershy bird watch somewhat during the meal. It made for a rather nice break, plus for once Rarity found herself truly drawn in by her companion's eagerness. How had she not considered nature as a source of inspiration? So many colours, and all so apt when you considered that clothing was often used in the same manner as animals used their own markings. The unicorn was sorely tempted to start shrieking about finding inspiration, except she was acutely aware of how much Fluttershy just was enjoying being in the moment, so for the first time in her life kept it to herself.

Next on the agenda was their usual spa session, and by this point Fluttershy's nerves seemed to have totally left her, the pastel pegasus now happily snuggling up with Rarity as the two walked into the immaculately clean reception. Apparently their friends had all suspected things would reach this point, and even more surprisingly been secretly willing them on! And judging from the expression on Aloe's face Rarity had been less than subtle during their previous visits, too; the masseuse's eyes shone with an 'at last!' expression that was becoming all too familiar.

“Ah, miss Rarity and miss Fluttershy!” the pink pony beamed, brushing a stray strand of blue hair back to the rest of her mane. “So good to see you both so happy! The usual today?”

“Actually I think just the seaweed bath wrap and scalp massage then a hooficure for us today, darling,” Rarity beamed, trying her hardest to fight back her growing irritation about being denied any kind of big dramatic reveal. “We don't have quite as much time as usual. And besides, I for one am feeling a lot less stressed as of late.”

“A… are you sure?” Fluttershy asked. “We don't have to go to the shops after, I could always go tomorrow, and I do like the treatments here.”

Rarity simply laughed good-naturedly. “I wouldn't have it! Let's be honest, sweetheart, you aren't remotely in need of half of our usual routine anyway, I'm not blind, and I wasn't kidding when I said I'm not stressed today. I'm fairly certain half the time we spend is due to poor Lotus trying to work the knots out of my back! But perhaps you'd be so kind as to let us have an extra soak during the wrap, Aloe darling. I do worry a touch about what my constant contact with paint as of late may be doing to my skin.”

“But of course!” the spa pony beamed, leaving Fluttershy relieved. Now that she had time to sort her feelings, it had occurred to the pegasus that the main reason she enjoyed these sessions so much was because they gave her some time with Rarity in a somewhat intimate setting. The times when they were left alone in a mud bath, steam room or jacuzzi were always her favourites. Had the white unicorn picked up on that, or was she just as lacking subtlety as her friend? Perhaps Fluttershy would never know. But at least… at least they still had this today.

The wrap treatment was as wonderful as ever, an exfoliating scrub expertly applied then rinsed off, followed by a fragrant mint-based lotion that was then bound in fresh seaweed as it soaked in. During which time the two ponies were carefully lowered into a jacuzzi pool on a low setting, the bubbles just strong enough to have an impact without disturbing their wraps. And as they lay there Aloe and Lotus dutifully worked massaging the head of each pony in relative silence… well, as much as any pony in the room could manage, anyway.

Eventually Rarity decided to address the elephant in the room. “Mmm, that's heavenly, darling,” she purred, causing Fluttershy to wonder if she could perhaps pick up a bit of massage advice from the spa sisters. “Just to cut through any awkwardness though… oh, you are okay with our being open now, correct, my dear?”

Fluttershy realised she was being addressed and resisted the urge to nod lest she disturb Lotus' ministrations. “Y… yes, of course!” She wasn't just okay with this, part of her wanted to sing from the rooftops about how alive she felt with this wonderful, wonderful unicorn, but it wasn't the part of her that was usually in control.

“Splendid!” Rairty beamed. “Then yes, we are, how you say, together now.” It was as if the slight tension in the room deflated in an instant. Of course neither Rarity or Fluttershy could see the knowing glance that the spa sisters shared upon this 'revelation', but that hardly mattered. The point was that now the words had been spoken the session continued as it ought to have done in the first place, with the usual banter that Lotus and Aloe normally provided two of their most regular customers. Even if most of it came from the two Haynish ponies asking for more details.

“Are you okay, my dear?” Rarity asked finally after the two had been left to soak a little in their spa wraps. Fluttershy could only nod. She usually wouldn't find conversation an easy thing if it didn't relate to nature, when her enthusiasm normally would override her awkwardness. Yet she could find a similar enthusiasm when talking about Rarity; the only downside being that there seemed to be only so much conversation the pegasus could make before feeling exhausted.

“I… I'm fine. Better than fine really,” the pegasus admitted as the two ponies stared at the ceiling's marbled patterns. “Um, I guess I find talking that much a bit tiring is all.”

“Just as well that I can talk enough for two ponies, no?” Rarity giggled. “Believe me, my sweetheart, I'll gladly make myself a target to spare you any discomfort.”

“Oh, I really don't want you to do that, Rarity!” A surge of panic shot through Fluttershy. No pony should suffer because of her, especially not the one she cared about above all else!

Apparently Rarity had sensed her change in mood, because she explained herself promptly. “Relax, darling! You know I'm prone to putting drama where it has no place being. The sentiment stands, however, and would have even if our relationship hadn't grown deeper over the past few days.” There was little arguing with that, not least because Fluttershy felt the same way about all of her closest friends. Just… now Rarity was something of a priority in her mind.

“I… I know. Sorry, I guess, well… you know what I'm like… you know?”

“I know indeed,” Rarity had replied warmly, “and I wouldn't have you any other way.”

Author's Note:

I make no apologies for any references that Pinkie Pie may have made in this chapter, we all know she's a law unto herself.