• Published 17th May 2017
  • 1,600 Views, 62 Comments

The Best Man - Alaborn

Evan Sedmak was honored to be named the best man for his little brother's wedding. But his brother didn't mention that the wedding was taking place in Equestria, or that he would actually be the best stallion.

  • ...

Chapter 2: The Arrival

The Best Man

By Alaborn

Standard disclaimer: This is a not for profit fan work. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is copyright Hasbro, Inc. I make no claim to any copyrighted material mentioned herein.

Chapter 2: The Arrival

Tuesday, June 23, 2020
Indianapolis, Indiana

Evan Sedmak had followed the developing news as formal relationships were established between Earth and Equestria. Exchanges between the worlds were limited, mostly due to the magical energy required to create a portal. The big news was a plan to build permanent portals in major cities across the world. It even hinted at the possibility of traveling from New York to Tokyo in less than an hour, as long as one was willing to turn into a pony in between.

But Evan wasn't in some interdimensional Grand Central Station. Instead, he was in the living room of his brother's apartment.

“So, am I the first guest coming over?” Evan asked.

“John went over Sunday,” Jason replied. “Mom and Dad aren't coming until Friday.”

“I can't say I blame them,” Evan said.

“Being a pony isn't bad. Once you get used to it, you won't even notice,” Jason said reassuringly. “But being in the wedding party, you don't have the luxury of waiting. You have important best man duties to attend to.”

“I have no idea what to do,” Evan admitted.

“If you're worried about the bachelor party, Digger and Crusher will talk to you about that. For now, just focus on getting used to the world. We'll need your help when the others cross over.” Jason checked the clock. “Get ready.”

For the last time, Evan could think of this whole situation as a mass hallucination. Videos could be faked, after all, and the people claiming to be from Equestria could be actors. But then a glowing violet field of energy appeared in his brother's living room, and it was forever real. He saw the portal, heard its slight hum, and most of all, felt it in his bones. It felt strange, unnatural.

“This is it,” Jason said. “Princess Twilight Sparkle has worked on spells to help combat the disorienting feeling of moving between universes, but it's still possible you'll pass out.”

“Great,” Evan muttered.

“A tough guy like you, though? You're strong. You can keep it together.” Jason motioned with his hand. “You go first. Be sure to lean forward, since you're going to be on all fours after.”

Evan stared at the portal and gulped. He wasn't worried about any pain; he'd run marathons and half triathlons before. But he'd never changed bodies before.

He leaned forward and fell into the portal, steeling his mind against the effects of the change. At first he felt something in the pit of his stomach, like being on a roller coaster. But that feeling spread, and then changed to a numb sensation, as if his whole body had fallen asleep. He felt an itching all over his body, pressure in his sinuses, and strange twinges in his back.

Evan's vision cleared. Where he had seen only violet, he saw shapes, albeit still with a violet color. He blinked, seeing in greater detail the translucent violet crystal walls of his destination. Everything was impossibly bright and colorful. And then he fell forward. His new hooves impacted the smooth floor. He could feel things through these new appendages, but his brain was having trouble processing them.

He felt something bump him from behind and push. His hooves slid across the ground. He tried turning his head to see what was going on, and was surprised to find his head turning nearly 180 degrees. He saw a unicorn pushing him with his head.

“You're blocking the portal, Evan,” the unicorn said with Jason's voice. Just like in the videos, Evan thought.

“How do I walk?” Evan said.

“I explained this,” Jason said. He then pushed Evan until he was safely away from the portal. “Try moving one leg; you'll feel the instinct to move the opposite leg. Then switch to the other pair.”

Evan moved his right front leg forward, and just like Jason said, he felt a pull from his left rear leg. He repeated the process with his right rear leg, then his left front leg.

“As far as I can tell, the transformation process gives you normal adult muscle memory, so if you don't think about it too hard, you should have no problem walking or even flying,” Jason said.


“You're a pegasus, Evan.”

He turned his head again, finally taking in the details of his new body. He had a cream-colored coat, a tail that was mixed red and orange, and yes, two feathery wings that, intellectually, he knew should not allow flight. Yet he'd seen the videos of pegasi flying, moving clouds, and starting rainstorms.

Someone cleared her throat, and Evan looked up, noticing the other pony in the room. A violet pony with horn and wings, he recognized her as Princess Twilight Sparkle, the ponies' effective ambassador to Earth, though he was more used to seeing her human form on newscasts.

“On behalf of the ponies of Equestria, I would like to welcome you to our world, Evan Sedmak,” Twilight Sparkle said. “I'll help you get used to your body and magic later, but first, at the insistence of your government, we're going to process your paperwork.”

Evan looked at his now nude body. “Where is it?”

Jason lifted a foreleg and tapped his neck. “You'll probably find your pouch here.”

Evan repeated the gesture, noticing how much flexibility his new leg had. He touched his neck, feeling the bump of a pouch under his mane, and at the same time wondering how he could feel anything through a hoof. He tugged on the pouch, and the string it was on rotated. The pouch fell, hanging around his neck.

He held up his hoof, seeing how much larger it was then the opening to the drawstring pouch. “Now what do I do?”

“Use your mouth,” Jason said.

Evan grimaced.

“Ponies manipulate things with their lips and tongue. Don't worry, they don't drool like humans.”

Evan was surprised how mobile his lips turned out to be. He was easily able to open the pouch. It contained the contents of his wallet; his driver's license and credit cards were unchanged, but his money had changed to gold coins. He also found his passport, which is what he suspected the princess was looking for. He pulled it out with his mouth, and just like Jason said, he didn't feel the urge to drool.

Twilight Sparkle led them to another room, where a unicorn waited with a bored expression. He looked like someone had borrowed a DMV employee and sent him through the portal. “May I see your passports?” he said with a flat tone.

Jason levitated his passport over. Evan saw an orange aura surround his, matching the color surrounding the unicorn clerk's horn, and it also levitated over.

The clerk looked at Jason's passport first, in particular pulling out the two-page addendum that was introduced by their respective governments to accommodate those who would be moving between universes. “Welcome back, Stone Arch,” he said.

He then looked at Evan's passport. “I'll need to take your picture now,” he told him. The clerk held up an old-fashioned flash camera in his aura.

“Okay,” Evan said. He looked at the camera. He saw the flash and heard the click.

“Now turn,” the clerk said.

Evan turned his head.

“No, he wants you to turn your body, so he can take a picture of your cutie mark,” Jason said.

Evan winced at hearing that. He'd certainly read the name in articles about ponies, but hearing that overly cute name bothered him. A tough guy like him should not have a cutie mark. But he could see it now, a trio of free weights, ascending in size.

Evan turned his body, and the camera clicked again.

“Have you chosen to use a pony name in Equestria?” the clerk asked.

“No,” Evan replied.

“If you choose one, please come see me, and I will update your passport.” The clerk's horn glowed. “Your passport is now ready.”

The clerk levitated it over, and Evan could see the final result. The top had his human picture, along with his name and a listing of physical characteristics. The bottom was the same, except with two pictures, his face and his cutie mark, and a different set of details.

Equestrian Name: Not Chosen
Type: Pegasus
Sex: Stallion
Coat: Cream
Pattern: None
Mane: Orange, Red
Pattern: Sections

“I don't know if I'm going to need this again,” Evan said.

“If you wish to visit, we can arrange it,” Twilight Sparkle said. “Friends and family of the Friendship Pioneers will have priority for visiting Equestria.”

“I heard the capital letters there,” Evan quipped. “What are the Friendship Pioneers?”

Jason spoke first. “That's the name given for the group of us humans who have been living in Equestria.”

“They show that, even in a world without magic as we understand it, the most powerful form of magic, friendship, remains strong.”

Jason looked away. He was blushing; how one could blush with a coat of hair was a mystery to Evan.

“Now what do we do?” Evan asked.

“Let's start with giving your body a checkup, and get you used to feeling magic,” Twilight Sparkle said. “That will help you as you try to fly.”

Evan looked back at his wings. He tried moving, resembling a human shrugging his shoulders, but his wings didn't move.

“Right. It's easier once we explain it,” Twilight Sparkle said.

Evan, Jason, and Twilight Sparkle went into another room in the castle, one that looked like a study. Jason took a seat in a plush chair, while Twilight Sparkle directed Evan to stand in the center of the room.

“Shouldn't we be seeing, I don't know, a doctor or something?” Evan said.

“We'll talk to Doctor Stable only if I notice any issues,” Twilight Sparkle responded. “The magic of the portal creates for an adult human a pony body of equivalent age, fully developed in all ways, including its magical core. The only obstacle to a human using this pony magic is in the mind, knowing how to process the signals and interpret the magic. As an alicorn, I have direct experience with the magic of the three pony tribes, and I've read up on the physiology and magic of other species.”

“In other words, it's just like seeing a doctor, except without the paper-covered observation table,” Jason said.

“What I'm going to do is a standard magical reflex test. In past experience, we have found it triggers your brain to recognize magical input,” Twilight Sparkle explained.

Evan nodded. Twilight Sparkle concentrated, and eight sparks shot from her horn, each landing on Evan's wings. Evan's wings popped open with an audible pompf.

From his seat, Jason snickered.

“What?” Evan said.

“I didn't know you were so happy to see the princess,” Jason said.

Still confused, Evan looked to Twilight Sparkle, who explained. “A pegasus' wings rise as a sign of surprise or, er, excitement.”

“You'll see at the bachelor party,” Jason said.

Now Evan blushed. He looked back at his wings. “So how do I get them down?”

“The best approach we've found is to manually manipulate the wings, to get you used to the muscles involved. They don't have good analogues to the human form.”

Twilight Sparkle used a hoof to guide each wing closed. Evan noticed the feelings coming from muscles on his underside. It felt weird. While the sensation of standing on hooves was also alien, he could at least translate it in his mind. These sensations had no comparison.

“Now, I'll open your wings, demonstrating the basic strokes used in flying, and then show you how to position your wings for ascending, descending, and turning.”

Evan listened to Twilight Sparkle's lecture and focused on how each change in his wings felt to his body. The princess was a good teacher; Evan figured she had given this lecture before, to the first humans who crossed over and became pegasi.

“And those are the basics. The movement of your wings are what brings forth the magic from your core, and as an adult pegasus, you have a fully developed magical core,” she concluded.

“So like this?” Evan said. He opened his wings and flapped.

Too late, Evan noticed Twilight Sparkle shout “No!”. He rocketed up, heading straight for a chandelier. He tried to remember how to turn, but the way he moved caused him to spin out of control. He spiraled to the ground, only to have his movement arrested somehow. He felt a strange tingling all over his body, and noticed the glow of Twilight Sparkle's magic over him.

“I'll ask my friend Fluttershy to teach you more about how to fly.”

Evan and Jason walked down the streets of Ponyville. Evan marveled at the buildings, the timber construction and thatched roofs looking like something from English history. Here and there, odd-shaped buildings stood out.

Evan's stomach rumbled. “Hungry much?” Jason quipped.

“Of course I'm hungry. I listened to you, and didn't have my normal breakfast.”

“It's a good thing. When you go through the portal, the contents of your stomach go with you. And while ponies are biologically capable of digesting meat, it tends to create some, ah, digestive issues.”

“It's good they can digest meat, because I could eat a horse.”

“Better not say that. Horses are sapient, too.”

Evan shook his head. A part of him still wanted to believe this was all a dream.

“Okay, here it is,” Jason said. They had arrived at a restaurant with a small outdoor seating area. An olive-colored unicorn waved a green hoof. Jason led them to that table.

Evan looked at the new unicorn. “John Lockhart, I presume?”

“Right. Nice to finally meet you, Evan.” John raised a hoof to him.

Evan raised his own hoof, thinking it was some form of greeting, but unsure how to do it. John bumped his hoof to his.

“So, fist bumps?” Evan said.

Jason nodded. “Or you can shake after touching hooves, but that's more for sealing agreements.”

The waiter, a unicorn, soon arrived with menus and a tray with glasses of water in his aura. He expertly controlled the many items as he set the table. “Today, I recommend the daffodil salad,” he said. “We also have fresh bread bowls for our tomato soup.”

“Thank you,” Jason said.

Evan stared at the closed menu in front of him. It looked like a normal menu at a fancy restaurant, with a hard cloth cover, but how a species with hooves was supposed to open it, he didn't know. He placed one hoof on the menu, and felt it grab it. Slowly, he lifted it, and the menu opened.

He was about to ask how that worked, but when he saw Jason and John, other questions came to mind. The two unicorns were using their cheating magic, with John holding both his menu and his water glass in his magical aura.

“How did you get so good with your magic after only one day?” Evan asked John.

John glanced at Jason, who nodded. “This isn't my first trip to Equestria,” John responded.

Evan looked at John. He had digested every scrap of information about the humans living in Equestria, who had all become minor celebrities. But never once did he see the name of his brother's college friend.

“We haven't talked about it, but it's not just the princesses who can open a portal to our world,” Jason explained. “There are a dozen powerful entities in this world, and perhaps two dozen unicorns, who could theoretically create a bridge between universes. We think few would have the inclination, and fewer still would have the knowledge of our world, but we can't rule it out. We're trying to avoid a situation where every missing person case on Earth with a cold trail is considered to be caused by Equestrian meddling.”

“So your past trip was caused by one of these entities?”

“Trips,” John said. “Let's just say that I had a chance to study magic as an involuntary exchange student.”

Evan shook his head in disbelief. He then saw the waiter approach, and remembered he hadn't looked at his menu.

“Get the daffodil salad,” Jason whispered.

Evan did as Jason suggested. His brother ordered the tomato soup, and John chose a roasted vegetable dish. The waiter nodded and departed. A minute later, he returned with a small vase of flowers and silverware.

Jason lifted a flower out of the base and bit off the bud. “Appetizer,” he said.

Evan shook his head again. He looked at the silverware. A fork, a knife, and a spoon, just like in a human restaurant. He tried grabbing one with his hoof, but it fell down. “What do I do with these?” he asked.

“You hold them in your pastern,” Jason said. He demonstrated with his own fork, putting it in the joint that Evan thought of as a wrist joint, but probably wasn't. It fell out in short order. “Unicorn silverware isn't meant to be held.”

Evan blinked, and then looked at the silverware. Like Jason suggested, his was different, with a thicker handle. He picked it up, and it fit snugly in his pastern.

“This is just one of the many items that it makes no sense ponies would invent,” John said. “So much parallels our world.”

“Don't think too hard about it; that's what we always say,” Jason said.

However the silverware was invented, it worked, as Evan found out when his salad arrived. The flowers and greens had no business tasting that good, he decided. After that, he tried the last of the flower appetizers. Again, it was delicious.

The humans turned ponies finished their meals, and added ice cream for dessert. Strangely, despite the light meal, he was sated.

“Now what are we going to do?” Evan asked.

“We're going to meet with the rest of the wedding party.”

Evan and John followed Jason as they headed to meet the other groomsmen. They walked across town. The mixed buildings at the center of town became all residences, and then started to grow thin. Once they reached the outskirts, Evan saw a gravel road stretch out before them. He blinked and checked that he wasn't seeing things. In town, all the streets were dirt; this was the first real road he saw.

“Why is this road stone, and the ones in town aren’t?” Evan asked.

“This is the road to Canterlot,” Jason explained. “It was built for traveling merchants pulling carts. I guess the ponies of Ponyville don't feel the need to pave their roads.”

“We're walking to Canterlot?” Evan asked. In the distance, he saw the city at the top of the mountain, which, from what he had read, he was pretty sure was Canterlot.

“No, we're meeting two of the ponies working on the road.”

As they walked, leaving Ponyville behind, Jason spoke. “This is actually the first road I worked on when I came here. Because I had the cutie mark, I got a job right away. Now, we're expanding the road.”

“Why?” John asked.

“It was a direction from the bureaus in Canterlot about two years ago. As for why, there's no reason to do this, unless one were planning to add asphalt and make this a hard-surface road,” Jason said. “My suspicion is Princess Celestia is looking ahead to ponies building automobiles. Seeing our world is sure to spur ponies to build their own vehicles.”

Evan frowned, but more because the stone road was uncomfortable to tread. The rocks kept poking at some soft part of his hooves. He then noticed Jason and John had been walking alongside the road, and joined them.

“If you're walking those kinds of roads, you want horseshoes,” Jason said.

They had been walking a long time. Evan didn't feel any exertion at all, even as miles passed. Finally, they noticed figures in the distance. They were working on the road, but without machinery, the normal sound of construction was missing.

As they got closer, they could more clearly see the work going on. It looked like the road was being widened, with the new shoulder slightly lower than the main roadway.

“Hey, guys,” Jason said as they neared.

“Stone Arch!” they chorused.

“Great, now we need to look busy,” one quipped.

Evan thought they looked busy enough. They were moving around huge quantities of gravel without machines. One of them was even using a stone roller to flatten the stones.

“Digger, Crusher, I wanted to introduce you to the rest of the wedding party,” Jason said. “My brother, Evan, and my friend, John, or Strange Brew.”

One of the ponies with a shovel in mouth stuck it in the earth and walked over. The one on the stone roller unhitched himself and joined them.

“Digger,” the first said.

“Rock Crusher,” the other said.

John introduced himself to the two ponies, and they bumped hooves; Evan saw they were both shod. Evan looked at the two ponies. They were both earth ponies, and they were huge. He had noted his pony form was more muscular than his brother's, just like their respective human forms; he had lifted weights all his life. But these ponies were naturally huge. They didn't have the look of a bodybuilder, but powerful muscles rippled under their coats.

“So you're the best stallion?” Digger asked Evan.

“Yeah. And his big brother. I'm Evan.” They bumped hooves, Evan feeling their strength even in that quick contact. “You guys lift?”

Rock Crusher shrugged. “No need.”

“There's a gym in town if you're interested,” Digger said. “Owned by a pegasus, too.”

“I brought Evan here to meet you guys,” Jason said. “And now John and I will be going over there for a while.”

“Huh?” Evan said as they walked away. But Digger put a foreleg around his neck and pulled him into a huddle with him and Rock Crusher.

“Hey, we're not going to step on your hooves, but we're going to help you with that most important of best stallion jobs.”

“The speech?” Evan wondered.

Rock Crusher smacked him lightly with his hoof. “The bachelor party!”

“Oh, yeah,” Evan said, rubbing his head. Rock Crusher's light tap still stung. “I didn't even know ponies did bachelor parties. So, uh, what are they like?”

“The usual. Alcohol and dancing mares,” Digger said.

“Yeah. I'd better leave that in your hands. Hooves?”

“Don't worry about a thing. We're even bringing in a special guest from Canterlot,” Digger said.

“You staying at the castle?” Rock Crusher asked.

“I guess,” Evan said.

“Okay. You don't need to worry about a thing. Just find a reason to get your brother and his friend outside the castle at 8:00 PM Thursday night. We'll do the rest.”

Evan nodded and bumped hooves with the two earth ponies. He then left them to their work, and rejoined the others.

“Everything good?” Jason said.

“I guess.”

Evan, Jason, and John spent the rest of the afternoon walking around Ponyville. The more he saw, the more Evan felt it to be normal. It was just some quaint rural town, just with no cars, and no people.

The town's clock tower chimed 6:00. “We've got dinner at the castle in half an hour,” Jason said. “We need to pick up Rose.”

Rose's home was a cottage near the edge of town, Jason explained as they changed direction. A floral fragrance caught Evan's nose as he walked, and he started salivating. He swallowed in embarrassment. Continuing on, the scent grew stronger. And once they reached the cottage, Evan could see why. Hundreds of rose bushes, each full of blooms, surrounded the cottage on three sides. A rose-colored earth pony mare with a green mane was tending to one of the bushes; she bore a trio of roses on her flank.

The mare saw the stallions approach, and rose with a smile on her face. She rushed up and hugged Jason, the dirt from her hooves and fetlocks rubbing onto his coat. He didn't seem to mind as they shared a hug and a nuzzle. Evan had seen that expression in many young couples, but few were that lovey-dovey. And again, he saw the difference in pony types; Rose was the same height as Jason, but with her muscles looked like she outweighed him by a significant margin.

Rose finally noticed that her fiancé wasn't alone. “You must be Evan,” she said to Evan. “It's a pleasure to meet you.”

Evan shook hooves, then quietly rubbed his hoof clean on the grass. “How did you know?”

“Well, I know John is a unicorn, so that must be him. You humans make such cute ponies!”

Evan groaned. “I don't want to be cute,” he grumbled. “Wait, how did you know he would be a unicorn?”

“I met him in the human world, and I learned about his past travels,” Rose explained.

“Did everyone know about this before me?” Evan grumbled.

“I'm ready when you are,” Rose said. “I just need to get my saddlebags.”

“Wait, don't we need to get dressed or something?” Evan asked.

“Oh, don't be silly. This isn't Canterlot,” Rose replied.

“Princess Twilight Sparkle is very casual for a princess. We won't have to worry about clothes until the ceremony,” Jason said.

“Okay,” Evan replied.

The dining hall in Princess Twilight Sparkle's castle was something to behold. The long table appeared to grow directly from the crystal floor, its colors changing from the castle's normal violet where the legs met the floor to a sky blue on its upper surface. Silver candelabra provided a warm glow of magical light. Fine china, crystal goblets, and silverware were arranged at each seating.

And on the table, looking as incongruous as anything he'd yet seen in this world, Evan saw what appeared to be paper fast food bags. His nose picked up the smell of fast food grease, too. “That can't possibly be....”

“It is,” Jason said. “Well, it's hayburgers and hay fries,” he added.

Twilight Sparkle entered the room. “Stone Arch said you weren't big into fancy food, and since you'll get plenty of it this week, I thought you'd appreciate a casual meal. There's a bathroom just outside that door if you want to freshen up.”

Everyone went to wash their hooves, and then settled in to eat dinner. Twilight Sparkle pulled the burgers and fries from the bags and stacked them at the center of the table. “There's plenty for everypony,” she said.

Evan agreed with that statement. There were enough burgers that everyone could have two, and there would still be leftovers. He reached for one, and unwrapped it. It looked like a hamburger, save for the patty of fried hay, which resembled hash browns. He took a bite.

Fried hay tasted far better than it had any right to taste.

Evan polished off the burger, and then switched to the fries. “I get not having hamburgers, but why aren't the fries made from potato?” he asked.

“Most ponies think of potatoes only as an ingredient for stew,” Twilight Sparkle replied.

“With more exposure to Earth, I'm hoping somepony will put proper French fries on the menu,” Jason said.

Evan shrugged. The hay fries tasted great, too.

He grabbed a second burger, but though he could normally polish off two burgers as a human, he only got halfway through his second before feeling too full. Jason and John stopped at one each, and Rose had no problem finishing her second burger.

And then Evan noticed all the burgers were gone. The math didn't add up, until he looked over at Twilight Sparkle. Judging by the pile of wrappers, the alicorn had consumed nine burgers, and had large ketchup stains around her lips.

“Are you going to finish that?” she said to Evan.

Evan decided he had lost his appetite, and pushed his burger away.

Normally, after dinner, Evan watched television or listened to music. The former didn't yet exist in Equestria. Recorded music did exist, he noticed, but it sure wasn't in the form of .mp3 files.

“You're acting like you've never seen a gramophone before,” Twilight Sparkle said as she fitted a record and adjusted the needle.

“I have, but only in pictures,” he replied. He took a closer look at it. The gramophone used an old-fashioned horn for amplification, and certainly had no electric plug. There was a key that looked like it could be used to wind it, but when the alicorn blasted it with her magic, it started playing. The warm sound of a string quartet filled the parlor. Despite the ancient technology, the sound was surprisingly clear. “Can it work without magic?”

“You can wind it with the key, which pushes magic into the crystals, but it's far quicker to charge it directly,” she explained.

“Can it play an album from Earth?” Evan asked.

“Yes, sort of. Their records are somewhat different, but any form of physical recorded music turns into an Equestrian vinyl record by the same portal translation magic that reshapes you into a pony,” Jason said. “We're still trying to figure out what the spell is capable of changing.”

“I helped Jason figure out a way to bring movies over,” John added. “Record them from television with a VCR, put the cassette into an old video camera, and it comes through as a film projector. It's totally bizarre.”

“And I finally got to see the movies of the Harry Potter books!” Twilight said gleefully, clapping her hooves together.

“And now you know why she asked me to come over early,” John said.

“So, could we go out and see a movie, or something?” Evan asked.

“That might be a little hard, since the nearest movie theater is in Canterlot,” Twilight Sparkle said. “Why don't we spend the evening talking? I'm sure you two have a lot to catch up on.”

Evan looked to his brother, who was sharing a couch with his fiancée. Rose was leaning on Jason's shoulder, or whatever the equine equivalent of a shoulder was. “Actually, we've talked a lot more ever since I learned he was living in Equestria. I still had a hard time believing it was all real.”

“Well, you'll have plenty of time to experience Ponyville for yourself. I spoke to Fluttershy, and she agreed to help you learn to control your flight; she'll be over early in the morning. Much later in the morning, we're going to go to Rarity's boutique and get you measured for your tuxedos. Other than that, there's nothing planned until the dinner on Friday,” Twilight Sparkle said.

“I don't know how much there is to experience. This isn't a very large town.”

“Well, there are monster attacks, strange visitors, and song and dance numbers,” Jason mentioned.

Evan just stared at his brother.

“Suddenly, sitting around and enjoying the town doesn't sound that bad, does it?” Jason said.