• Published 11th May 2017
  • 692 Views, 18 Comments

Elements of Heroism Interlude: First Dates - Bahamut0

Night Terror Has been defeated, and Burst and the gang have some free time. What better way than for the guys who have girls to have their first dates?

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Date 1: Kind Hearts

Tyrannus was freaking out. But though his physical state would suggest otherwise, his mind was another story entirely. What was causing him such distress? The answer is, his first date with Fluttershy. What do I do?! What do I do?!, Tyrannus mentally panicked! I've never been on a date before! Man..I haven't even asked a girl out in my entire life! And I had the bright idea to ask one out now?! I'm such an idiot! How do I go about it? Tyrannus then set to work planning out how to ask out Fluttershy. She's a very kind girl, and also very shy. If I go too up-front with her, I might risk scaring her. She is easily frightened. But if I'm too subtle...I'll risk being forever in the friend-zone. AGH! Tyrannus let out a heavy sigh as he fell on his back onto the ground, and frowned as he looked at the sky. Why am I getting so worked up over this? She's kissed me on the lips, although that was pretty bold of her...but still. I've gotta find the right way to ask her. Maybe...maybe I should just try asking her as is? I mean, she'd be pretty nervous about something like this too, right? Tyrannus smiled slightly before he was hit with another realization. Now all I gotta do is think of a good date. Hmmm. She loves animals, and she's a nature fan. She goes into the forest a lot, so that'd be nothing special. Tyrannus scratched his chin in thought, and an idea finally came to him. That could work. I just hope she's home now. Tyrannus headed home, and knocked on Fluttershy's door. Fortunately, she was there to answer him.

"Oh. Hello Ty! Back so soon?", Fluttershy asked. "Normally you're out longer when you finish work for the day."

Tyrannus smiled. "Yeah. I just wanted to say...thanks for making the gala a nice time for me. You were my first kiss." Fluttershy gave a small smile as she blushed. Tyrannus's cheeks then blushed in kind. "And...there's another thing I'd like you to be." His heart started to pound. "If, uh, you're not doing anything tomorrow..." Tyrannus gulped as he tried to get the words out. "..What I'm trying to say is that..." Tyrannus took a deep breath and got out what he wanted to say in one rapid fire sentence. "I'dliketotakeyouotonadate!" Tyrannus shut his eyes awaiting crushing rejection. But then he felt a soft hand caress his cheek. He opened his eyes to find Fluttershy smiling up at him.

"It's okay.", she said sweetly. "Take your time."

Tyrannus breathed a sigh of relief as he placed his hand over Fluttershy's. "Fluttershy. You're the sweetest girl I've ever met, and...I like you. As more than just a friend. You were the first one not to run away from me just because of how big I am. If you want to be more too, I'd be honored if you'd consider going on a date with me tomorrow."

Fluttershy nodded as she answered. "Yes."

"R-Really?", Tyrannus asked. Fluttershy nodded, and used her wings to hover so that she was eye-level with Tyrannus.

"You're very sweet Ty.", Fluttershy said with a loving smile. "All the animals seem to like you, and you've helped me become a bit more confident. For the first time, I don't feel so scared anymore." Fluttershy then put her head to Tyrannus's chest. "Not when you're around. Your heart's as big as you are. And I'd love to know you better. Because I like you too." Tears of joy fell from Tyrannus's eyes as he hugged Fluttershy tightly.

"You don't know how much this means..."

Fluttershy stroked Tyrannus's back and smiled lovingly. "I do. Because it means just as much to me."

Tyrannus dried his tears, and smiled. "Well, what would you like to do for our date?"

"How about a picnic?", Fluttershy suggested.

"That sounds wonderful. I'll help get the food ready tomorrow.", Tyrannus said with a smile. He then leaned his face forward. "Um, you wouldn't mind?" Fluttershy slowly put her lips to his, and the two shared a kiss.

"My arms are always open Ty.", Fluttershy said with a loving smile. Tyrannus smiled. The rest of the day went by, and Tyrannus found himself dreaming about his coming date. It was a beautiful day, and there was a nice breeze blowing through. Tyrannus was resting with a full belly while Fluttershy snuggled up next to him. He then heard singing and opened his eyes to find that it was coming Fluttershy. With her around, everything felt so calm and serene. Tyrannus once again closed his eyes and smiled as his dream continued to play out. Morning came soon enough, and Tyrannus woke up with a yawn. He smiled once he saw the sun shining through, and stretched before changing in the bathroom. Fluttershy was just beginning to stir from her slumber, so Tyrannus set to work getting breakfast ready. He started frying some eggs, and got toast ready. Tyrannus then proceeded to make Fluttershy's favorite tea. I'm already handling lunch. I might as well take care of breakfast while I'm at it. Tyrannus smiled as his work was complete, and Fluttershy woke up. Man she's adorable with everything she does. "Good morning."

Fluttershy stretched, and smiled as she noticed the breakfast. "Oh my. You didn't have to do that Ty."

"I was up before you. So I figured I might as well tackle two meals today while I was at it. I'll handle getting the food for our picnic ready after cleaning our plates", Tyrannus said with a smile. Fluttershy craned her neck and kissed Tyrannus on the cheek. "Thanks." Tyrannus and Fluttershy soon polished off their breakfast, and set to work clearing the table. Tyrannus grabbed the components needed to make sandwiches, and got the basket ready while Fluttershy grabbed a blanket. A few hours later, they wound a nice grassy area in the park, and got their area ready. "Sure picked a good day out for this, huh?"

Fluttershy nodded. "Well, best not let the food go to waste." Both got to work preparing their own sandwiches, and enjoyed the rare peace and quiet of Ponyville. "Moments like these really are nice." Fluttershy scooted close to Tyrannus and rested her head on his arm. Tyrannus smiled as he took a sip from his lemonade.

"Yeah. No crazy monsters, or magic incidents. No villains attacking. When you consider how crazy things can get in this little town, it really makes you appreciate quiet times like this." Tyrannus then nuzzled Fluttershy. "And the people you can share them with." Fluttershy blushed slightly before cupping Tyrannus's face and sharing a loving kiss with him. Tyrannus happily returned the kiss. The two broke the kiss and smiled at each other. However, the peace of the moment was shattered when thunder crashed across the sky! A single drop of rain fell on Tyrannus's head. "You worry about carrying the basket." Tyrannus then grabbed the blanket and used it to shield himself and Fluttershy from the rain. The two hurried home, and the rain started to pour down. It got so bad that it started to seep throught the blanket! Tyrannus ultimately had to bundle up the blanket and hand it to Fluttershy. She'd catch cold in a storm like this! Then, an idea came to Tyrannus. He then removed his tank top and used it to cover Fluttershy as they soon arrived at home. The two made it in time before the rain got even worse. However, the sounds of thunder and flashes of lightning going off made Fluttershy jumpy. Tyrannus took note of this and set her down on the couch as he wrapped his arms around her. "Don't be scared. Remember. I'm right here if you need me.", Tyrannus whispered as he held Fluttershy close. Fluttershy's nerves calmed and she sank into Tyrannus's embrace. Nuzzling his chest as she was lulled to sleep. "Sleep well butterfly." Tyrannus then closed his eyes. "When you wake up, the storm will pass." Tyrannus fell asleep himself, and he and Fluttershy slept soundly even as the storm raged on. As soon as the storm cleared, a beam of sunlight crept through one of the cottage's windows. Hitting Fluttershy's face. Fluttershy stirred, and soon woke up to find Tyrannus shirtless and holding her close. She blushed like crazy at first, but ultimately smiled before kissing his forehead.

"Wake up Ty...", she called out sweetly. Tyrannus stirred before stretching his arms, and waking up. He smiled at Fluttershy. "Thanks for everything today. Maybe it didn't all go like you planned, but it was still nice. Especially you keeping me dry and calming me."

"That's just how much I love you.", Tyrannus said with a smile. "We've got plenty of ingredients left, so how about we use them?"

Fluttershy smiled. "This time, let me worry about preparing the meal." Fluttershy set to work getting dinner ready, and the two ate happily before going to bed.

The next morning

Tyrannus's noze twitched before letting out a powerful sneeze! "A...ACHOO!" Tyrannus grabbed the nearest tissue box, and blew into a handful of tissues. He then broke out into a sneezing fit! Fluttershy heard the noise. "Oh..morning 'Shy.", Ty sniffled. "Just a little sneezy, but I'm good." Fluttershy put her hand on Tyrannus's forehead, and gasped.

"I don't think so. You've got a fever! You must have gotten a cold when you were shielding me from the rain. Come with me!" Fluttershy led Tyrannus to her bed, and got him tucked in. "There we go. This should be much comfier than the couch. Now wait right here. I'll get some soup ready for you." Fluttershy returned moments later with a tray of soup in her hands. "Here you go! This should help fix you up!" Tyrannus made sure to blow on the soup each time he took a spoonful.

"You know Fluttershy? You don't have to wait on me like this. I'm not that crippled.", Tyrannus noted.

Fluttershy smiled lovingly. "I'm just showing how much I love you too." Fluttershy then kissed Tyrannus on the forehead. "Now get some rest. You'll be better in no time." Tyrannus smiled as he tried to sleep. But he was pretty restless. "Let me help with that." Fluttershy then began to sing, and Tyrannus found himself drifting off to sleep with a pleasant smile. Fluttershy smiled as she put another blanket over him. "Sweet dreams Ty." Fluttershy then took care of Tyrannus for the remainder of the day, and fell asleep holding him close as the stars came out. Tyrannus had recovered, and pulled the covers over Fluttershy and holding her close. Fluttershy opened her eyes, and smiled.

"It's my turn to take care of you.", Tyrannus said with a loving smile as he kissed Fluttershy. "Good night." Tyrannus smiled as he held Fluttershy close and she held on to him and nuzzled him.

"Good night Ty."