• Published 15th May 2017
  • 1,938 Views, 49 Comments

Love is Stronger Than Chaos - fluttercordlover232

Did Fluttershy and Discord trespass into the human world? Or did the humans trespass into Equestria?

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Chapter 14

Author's Note:

Hey guys! I'm soooo sorry it took me so long to update. I wanted to write "Say You'll Stay" before the story idea left my head, and then my family and I went on a cruise; so I had no service at all. (It was killing me inside! No wifi and internet for a whole week?! I couldn't even text! Much less update my story on here.)

Quick question; does anyone know how to copy the link of a story? I have seen blog posts where you could click on the title of a story and it would take you there. I know how to copy and paste a link to a story, but I can't seem to figure out how to actually copy and paste the story title itself and being able to click on that instead of a long

You know what I mean?

It would be a lot easier for me to do that than to just simply write it and have you guys scroll through my other stories to find it (I know I don't have a lot of stories up yet, I only mean if one has A LOT of stories and you have to scroll through like 3 pages to find the one you are looking for)

any help would be greatly appreciated!!

Unfortunately, their reunion did not last long. The creatures walking on two legs came into Discord's isolation room and literally dragged Fluttershy by the hair: pulling the two apart from the warm loving hold within their lover's arms.

Something inside Discord snapped. Just as a scientist was approaching him cautiously to put the muzzle back on him, he broke free of the chains binding him and without even thinking, launched himself at the one dragging Fluttershy away. Biting and clawing him until he lost his hold on the pony and was on the floor, screaming in pain and fear as he tried to defend himself against the draconequus' onslaught.

Discord grinned in satisfaction. He wanted to feel them suffer under his own claws without his magic. They brought pain and fear to his wife and himself without magic. Well; two could play at that game.

There was a deafening sounding bang, like a firework that detonated right above Discord's head. He felt the pain like a lightning strike as quickly and suddenly when he heard the booming thunder from above.

Fluttershy watched in horror as her husband crumpled to floor completely motionless. One minute he was fighting the beast that was holding her, and the next he was on the floor as if he were...dead...

"Discord!" Fluttershy screamed and ran over to her husband.

The scientist who fired the shotgun stood there in dumbfounded shock at what he just did.

"You idiot!" Shouted the scientist that had been viciously attacked and was sitting on the floor. His face was covered in blood due to the nasty scratches the creature left. "Why did you do that?!"

The one who shot the draconequus raised his eyebrows in complete confusion at the question. "It...it was attacking you sir, i-it was going to kill you if I didn't-"


The younger scientist shrank back from the other man's shouts. Seeing this, he took a calming breath and sighed. He than looked over at the motionless draconequus with the little yellow pony weeping over it's still form.

"Put it in isolation and do whatever you can to stop the bleeding." He ordered.

"Discord..." Fluttershy whispered, bending her head close to his. She gently nudged his chin with her nose. He didn't stir.

Fluttershy felt tears roll down her cheeks.

Whatever had hit Discord had struck him in the upper chest; his soft, downy fur there was now clumped and sticky with dark red blood. Fluttershy was relieved to hear that he was breathing, although it was very weak and came in short and shallow breaths, it was there nonetheless. It was truly a miracle.