• Published 14th May 2017
  • 448 Views, 1 Comments

ranger's plight - count of hollow shades

ranger is a lunar guard from the small town of hollow shade and he is going on vacation in the city of fillydelphia. little does he know that the nobility of the town has been collapsing from a mystery illness. now he must find the culprit. Soon.

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the cleaning mare hate her job, cleaning up after the fat cats. Sure, spend more money in one night then most working ponies will ever see in their lifetime, it is not like they care what their tithes and rents go too. Bucking aristocrats.she had too admit though, the fillydelphia museum of art is certainly more peaceful at night. Gah, more food on the floor. For so called pillars of the community they are certainly slobs. Wait, who is that in the corner. “Ugh, look buddy, sleep off the cider at home, hey wake up” something's wrong why is he not waking up? “HELP, SOMEPONY GET A DOCTOR”

I hate my job, wait that is not quite true. I love being a lunar guard, I hate paperwork. Some criminals just deserve being hit with brass hooves. Usually I don’t get into trouble here in hollow shades, thestrals for the most part keep a low profile. Especially small town thestrals, savage in a fight, but even tempered.

“Hey ranger, I hear the diamond dogs have been stirring up trouble in ponyville.” that is my partner silver smith, I always envied his red coat, mine is a muddy brown. He calls me by my last name, everyone does, I like it better than forest.

“Think they will try to raid the undertown again?”

he chuckles “that lot can barely take one mare without messing up” I don't agree with his conclusions. Much of hollow shades is under the ground, a place the diamond dogs will feel right at home. That and our ancient enmity from when we claimed these hills for ourselves. How did I get here? my cutie mark was not crossed sword or nothing, it is a book. Sure, it has a shield on the cover and I soak up military history, tactics, and strategy like a sponge. Sure, I graduated from the academy. But I only did okay in blade training, and I do not like to fight. Well...I do like to fight, what I don’t like is hurting anyone.

“Forest, what is floating in your head, boy” my father never really understood my thought process, he tries but… “you have vacation time” he is also my boss

“but dad, I don’t wanna”

“cut that out, anyone who knows what gargantuan means can speak like an adult. Besides it is mandatory, so get those leathery wings flapping. Who knows, maybe you will finally find a girl”


Could be worse, could be going to manehattan. “Okay, the train to fillydelphia is arriving soon, wish me luck” normally I don’t like large cities, but fillydelphia is a very old city with tons of museums and historical sites to visit. I should have a ball “oh dear, I will miss you sweetie” “mom, I will be fine. Fillydelphia is a relatively small city, so I won’t get lost. And I have plenty of bits.” *CHOO CHOO* “see you all later”. They wave at the train as I fade into the distance.

Let's see armor, helmet, hoove-blades, an apple to drink later, a moth for when I get peckish, what else.

“Tickets, pleaseees” he seemed a little shocked, not surprising seeing as I am a head taller than most ponies, have cat’s eyes, and I am holding a hoof-blade.

“Don’t worry, I have a permit for these. Besides you can always tell when a thestral is about to commit violence, the wider the pupil is the higher the heart rate and adrenaline output.” odd that did not seem to assure him. “Oh, you are here for the ticket. Here you go” he let out a squeak, punched the ticket and dashed out the door. Odd, so let's see what places are on my map. Hope they have a tour of pen’s stable.
In the hospital, baron ferro lies in a coma. The doctors have never encountered anything like it before, the only thing that they found was a fiber in his stomach that appears to be from a feather.

In the city park 2 figures in trench coats exchange words. “Your research goes poorly, the mistress is displeased.” the 1st pony is large, a stature that suggests a dock worker. A farm laborer, or a hired thug.

The 2nd is smaller, but it moves in such a way that is reminds ponies of a dancer. “Science is slow. The failures of the initial trials gives us vital data, the product will be finished by the deadline.”

the 1st figure leans in closer “it better be... For both our sakes”

The city of fillydelphia is ancient, one of the oldest in equestria. Billy pen came to equestria during the great freeze, he hoped to create a place where all sentient species could exist in harmony with each other. Dragons, griffins, zebras, and many others make their home here. They feud sometimes, but they still get along fine. That is until the best zebra apothecary in the city was found in a coma….

In the dark pit in a bad neighborhood a creature Writhes. It thinks of its purpose “a Failure again, what is wrong with the formula. I use the best ingredients. I use precise measurements. Could it be the magic? Matters not, the event is happening soon and this will tip the balance of power in our favor, but i need time. How can i keep the cops off my fl..” then it saw a newspaper sitting on the desk. The headline said in big, bold letters, prominent zebra and unicorn citizens targeted, has gang violence returned? Then it got an idea, a brilliant idea, an awful idea, an awful brilliant idea. Then a laugh rang out of that grim room.
Oh boy, Oh boy, I am finally here. I am in fillydelphia!!! The train station here is much nicer than back home, the marble and concrete make a startling contrast to the wood and stone. I grabbed my luggage and exited the station, the city is a brilliant sight of brick, glass and steel. I think that this will be the best vacation ever!

Author's Note:

I could tell you what the fiber means, but it is more fun to see your explanation. tell me what you think it means in the comments.