• Published 4th May 2017
  • 1,004 Views, 5 Comments

Comet Tail's Secret Crush - TPC-2k16

At a young age, Comet Tail had always felt strong feelings for a certain alicorn.

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Comet Tail's Secret Crush

“Again, I just have to try harder." A young Comet Tail says as he stands in the front of his magic kindergarten class, besides him being a potted plant, the plant although appeared to be dead.

"I don't know. I think you've done all you've can." Says Mrs. Fiddlehoof, his, and the class's, magic kindergarten teacher.

"No no, I got this." Comet says confidently with a smile, then focusing on using all of his magical energies into reviving the plant.

After about a minute or two of deep concentration along with deep, heavy breathing techniques, unfortunately all that Comet can muster out of his horn is just one small, single spark.

Feeling embarrassed after all that, Mrs. Fiddlehoof, noticing the level of embarrassment appearing all over on Comet's face, comes to his side, trying to comfort him. "Now now. Many unicorns of your age group haven't yet master the art of revival. Maybe you should just try something less advanced." She said to him, trying to make him feel better.

Comet, trying not to shred a single tear. "I suppose."

Just then, a young Twilight Sparkle, taking notice of the scene that just happened right in front of the class, jumps right out of her seat and walks over to the dead potted plant.

"Revival aye? I know just the spell." Twilight says before she starts to concentrates on her own magical abilities.

After a minute, looking practically like a pro doing it, a spark comes out from Twilight's horn and directly to the dead potted plant, the spell occurring.

After several seconds, the plant soon rises up back from the dead, instantly being at full bloom again.

Taking notice of what she's done, Twilight puffs up her chest confidently, proud of her doing.

"Very nice work young filly. You always seem to know what exact spell to use, and how." Mrs. Fiddlehoof congratulatory says to best student in class. (No offense to everypony else.)

All the while, Comet Tail, looking at what Twilight had just done to the same plant that he struggled with, blushes a deep shade of red, walking on back over to his desk, head low in shame.

'How does Twilight make it seem so easy? What with her lovely mane, and tail and..., flank? What!? No, she's just some regular ordinary, smart, beautiful pony who's probably not interested in me.' Comet thinks to himself while at his desk, hiding his still blushed face from anypony else.

Comet Tail was, as his parents would say, different from everypony else.

However, when compared to Twilight Sparkle, he was just like everypony else.

Also the fact that Comet may or may not have a bit of a crush on her.

'I just knew that Twilight would've been impressed with me if I revived that plant.'

Comet opens up his notebook on his desk, flipping open to a page with what looks like has a checklist titled: 'Spells to Impress Twilight Sparkle With.' A bunch of hearts alldrawn by her name.

On the list are different spells. One being a balding spell, and another being a hair growth spell. Both having X's marked next to them, meaning failure.

Towards the bottom of the twenty spells, the plant revival spell, Comet marks an 'X' by it.

'Well, how will I impress her now?'

Comet gets a sad thought in his head, turning his head up to face the teacher, then looking over towards the desk that seats Twilight Sparkle, who appears to be digging deep into the big, most likely, probably heavy book on her desk.

Fifteen minutes later and the students are all dismissed to their next class.

Right as when Comet is making his way out of the classroom, still in a sad funk, Mrs. Fiddlehoof, noticing, calls out to speak to him.

"You see, I would just like to know why in the past month you've been showing the class all these different types of spells, only for you to fail at them? Why, if it wasn't for Twilight Sparkle always constantly coming to your aide and doing the same exact spell for you, and it working much better for her, you'd just look silly in front of everypony. And so I ask, everything alright with you?" She asked him, sounding most definitely concerned.

Trying to hide his sadness, Comet says, "Oh uh... I just like to show everypony my magical abilities. That's all." Comet puts on a fake, sheepish smile.

"Okay." The teacher said, worried.

Being formally dismissed by the teacher, Comet now then leaves the classroom, making his way over to his locker only to have a surprise while on his way there.

Not looking where he was going due to his sadness, he just so happens to bump right into Twilight, who's also not looking where she's going because of her being really engulfed with the same book from earlier.

Bumping into each other, Twilight falls backwards, dropping her book, and losing her place in it.

Comet also falling backwards, causing his notebook to fall to the floor. The notebook just happening to open up to his checklist.

After becoming undazed from it, Comet reacts quickly, grabbing his notebook as fast as he can. A slight sense of accomplishment coming over him before he happens to see his crush on the floor in front of him, Twilight still looking dazed from their collision.

Feeling a slight bit embarrassed, Comet gets himself up off the floor, trotting on over to lend her a hoof, Twilight, after finally regaining her vision, gladly takes it.

After finally starting to realize who he bumped into, Comet's face blushes a little, starting to act nervous, and feel a slight sweat.

"Well, uh, sorry 'bout that. Better get on my way and-"

"Sorry too. It's just this book," Twilight holds the big, heavy book up with her magic to him, "is really interesting. I'm sure there are many spells that you can do in here." Twilight interrupts him, showing a small, friendly smile.

"Oh." After hearing what Twilight just said to him, while also thinking for a second. "Well then, does that mean I can borrow it for a while? If it's ok with you."

"I guess. Just promise to bring it back to me tomorrow during lunch, okay?" Twilight said approvingly.

"Okay." 'Wow!' "Thanks again." Twilight hands him the book, Comet taking it and soon immediately asking himself of how heavy this book actually is. Watching Twilight soon after walking on back to where she was originally going.

"She likes me." Comet says happily, looking down at the book with a smile.

Back at his house later that night, Comet's lying on his bed, all stretched out, constantly looking back and forth at the book Twilight said he could borrow.

Another thought had occurred to him that day also. 'Does Twilight like me too?'

After thinking for so long, he decides to give the idea a rest, shutting his eyes close for at least maybe a minute or two.

Twenty five minutes pass before Comet Tail's mother, Blossom Tail, knocks calmly on his bedroom's door, opening it up just a peek.

"Dearie. Sorry for waking ya, but I feel I should tell you the good news." She says, waking Comet up from his slumber, soon after motioning his hoof to have her continue on with what the good news is.

"Well, I'm sure you know who Twilight Sparkle is, right?" She asks him first as she opens the door wider and walks on over to his bed, all the while a slight red blush coming over Comet's face just from her question.

"Uh... yeah. What about her?" Comet plays it off, trying to hide his true feelings towards her.

"Well, I heard that earlier today, she took this very hard, very advanced test. Hatching open a dragon's egg. And to everyone's surprise, she'd pass!"

'Hatching open a dragon's egg?' "Yeah, is that all?" Comet says playfully, wearing a fake, sheepish smile.

"Well, I've heard because of this, Princess Celestia herself has then decided to take her up as her own. Meaning she'll move on from magic kindergarten, and have her move onto the next level of her studies. Aren't you happy for her?!" Blossom Tail whinnies excitedly for Twilight.

Comet on the other hand, being shocked at this latest bit of news.

His mother would leave him be soon after, leaving her son to think about what he's just been told.

'Will I ever see her again? What about her book, and...'

Comet looks back over at the book on the bed, then thinking of what to do next.

"Twilight gave me this book for a reason. To help me improve my magical abilities. And that's what I'm gonna do."

Author's Note:

(Part of the Background Story Challenge on Equestria Amino.)