• Published 5th May 2017
  • 533 Views, 14 Comments

Midnight Rangers! - mentalshock

A young thestral mare ran away into a nearby forest trying to get away from the town bullies. Her and her friends find some interesting items in the rubble of a "temple."

  • ...

Episode Five: Just Another Day pt.2

Gold and Spell were at the local Recreation Center. Ever sense becoming Rangers they hung out there using the equipment to sharpen their skills. During this last sparring match between the two their Morphers bleeped, and displayed a screen showing Flicker marching towards town, in uniform, through the snow.

"Hey guys be careful. Some copycats are running around. I don't know their plans, but they are just as if not stronger than us. I managed to fight back after some boost in power," Flicker relayed to them as they ordered drinks from a new employee at the center. This employee wore a white uniform with the center's name written across it. They returned to their bench by the mat were another new employee in a matching uniform except green had finished setting out towels. The two claimed a towel each, and sat enjoying their drinks.

"So what do think about Flicker's message?" Spell ask after taking a breath and setting the drink down.

"Not sure. We should at least watch out for these copy cats." Gold stated just before his second gulp. Both stallions blinked in confusion, looked at their drinks, then fell over sideways. When they came to Spell was chained up hanging above a large vat of cooking oil. Gold on the other hand tied to a chair. Both looked around frantically noting they had been morphed while two Copy Rangers stepped into the light.

"Alright this is how it is going to work!" the one in green states drawing her bow.

"You are free to go if you can save your friend," The one in white continued, "And can defeat one of us in one on one combat."

"You will take turns as the one in need of saving," Green returned to speaking, "Between each save we will knock you out and switch you between chains and rope." At that Spell fell limp again as a strange creature latched on to his helmet.

Gold clenched his fist and shouted, "Fine I'll play your sick game," He throws his hand forward pointing at the bad copies, "We'll be gunnin' for you after this though." With that said he gets to work finding a way to save his unconscious friend.

***** Mean while *****

Silver was in the shuttle with Steel looking over the Zords in their hanger bays. One of the Zords began to tip over. Steel seeing the Rover Zord move Morphed to catch it. Positioned with a wide stance, and bent forward slightly Steel was pinned under the Zord. Silver panted Morphing into her uniform.

"What happened?" Silver asked laying on the floor as the area between it and the Rover Zord was so small.

"Perhaps it's a technical difficulty?" Steel guessed trying, but failing to lift the mobile hunk of space metal, "It ain't budging. Silver you'll have to find a way out of this."

Silver nods to her friend and begins to look around. She turned on to her stomach trying to climb out. Every time she got even a little bit out somepony forced her back under the Rover Zord. Steel groaned as more weight was added. The sound of metal straining above them made them worry. Silver began to give off a dark mist as she continued trying to get out to find help.

"Silver, you okay?" Steel strained to hold up the weight his muscles throbbing as they seem to expand.

"I think so. What about you? You're growing!" Silver gasps as the mist fully engulfed her, and carried her out from underneath the the giant Rover. Steel just set the Rover Zord back where it belonged. Silver reformed partially floating in the dark mist.

"That was..." Steel began.

"Strange?" Sliver asked.


*****Back where ever Gold and Spell are*****

"Yah!" Gold yelled colliding swords with his doppelganger. Spell had awoken his power by then. He flew up into the air to give ranged support against his own copy. They had managed to drive them back further and further until the copies were to worn down to keep fighting. They retreated away as a light zapped them away leaving smoke in their place.

"What was that about?" Spell asked doing a magical sweep of the area.

"I have no idea." Gold replied dispelling his weapon

"Me either," Both rangers spun around to be face to face with Flicker's copy. The copy continued to speak, "We were not ordered to attack you two this time. Our master will be pleased with their courage, but they made a stupid choice by not waiting for the rest of us." With that and a flash of light the Purple Copy Ranger was gone.