• Published 28th Apr 2017
  • 414 Views, 20 Comments

Option 2 - James Fire

At long last, Mana Spark can beat Sombra, but at what cost?

  • ...

Helloooo Nurse!

Twilight woke up several hours after putting her in the Royal Hospital in Vale City.

"Hnnngh. Wh... what happened? Why am I in a hospital?!" She tries to get up, but stops. "Owwww... That hurt. Why do I have a bandage on my chest?" She notices me sitting over near the door. "Mana! What are you doing here?"

Well, no avoiding it, now is there? "I am here to make sure you recover. The doctors and nurses here are specially equipped to deal with injuries that you went through, as well as having the required expertise to work on non-humans. They have had to patch me up a few times."

"What happened? Are we still in Equestria?" She seems very worried, and for good reason.

"As to where you are, you are in my home universe. Specifically, you are in the Royal Hospital in Vale City on Taledine. As to what happened," she interrupts me here, eyes lighting up with the knowledge that she can see where I came from.

"Oooh, can we look around?" She tries to get up again, wincing as she remembers she can't. "Maybe later? Is that why the ceiling is so high?"

This is going to take a while. Sighing, I reply "Yeah, we humans typically reach one-point-eight meters tall. We can look around if you want, my people are not averse to seeing other sapient species. But we should wait until you have recovered." A nurse walks in here, with a computer tablet in hand. "Speaking of, it is just about time for your Healing. Nurse?"

The nurse is a human woman, about one-point-four meters tall, quite short for our day and age. Dirty blonde hair, a light skin tone, and dressed in a simple white sterilized tunic and pants, with a multitude of pockets.

"Yes Aurthur. Would you care to assist? Your help could reduce recovery time dramatically."

"Yes, I think I will today. Are there any other patients that need Healing? Or perhaps some children, I am sure they would love my current form."

She looks at her tablet, "Yes, there are three other patients that may need healing. After you are through with them, I will show you to the children's ward."

I look over to Twilight, "Don't worry, you'll be fine. You should only need one more Healing session after this, then you can walk around as you please. Are the others ready, nurse?"

She tilts her head, thinking for a moment. "They should be. Supposed to arrive any minute now." At that, three other people walk in. Two human males, and a Krinsethi.

The Krinsethi are very talented at High Magic, but have next to no ability in the other types. This makes them very good for Healers. The Krinsethi are bipedal, and an average one stands at about one-point-one meters. Short, but they make up for it in other ways. For example, their muscles are about three times stronger than a human's for the same volume.

The two humans are two meters tall and dark skin, and one-point-six meters tall with a very well tanned complexion.

The Krinsethi is the one that speaks to me. "Your majesty." All three bow to me. "It is an honour to have you with us today. We thank you for taking some of our burden." We take up pre-assigned positions around the bed, and prepare. My job in here is to supply most of the mana required, and to finish undoing the spell that the sword placed on her. The three doctors are going to be doing the actual Healing.

They all establish a connection to me, which I start feeding mana into, while working on the spell. It is a relatively simple spell, but it is tied into the castees soul, or life-force, whichever you want to call it. I have to undo that binding, then I can dismiss it, otherwise it might take the soul with it. I finish unbinding it within a few minutes, and then just continue feeding mana to the Healers. After about ten minutes of this, they stop pulling mana from me, and close the connection. I notice a marked improvement in Twilight, now that that spell is gone. She seems more alive. The Healers finish up, and then leave, thanking me again.

Anyway, Twilight then asks, "and why did I need that? I feel like you did something."

Sighing, I decide to just tell her. "I basically killed you in order to close the portal to Hell. The only reason you didn't actually die is because I cast a spell which would keep you alive, or at least alive long enough to heal you. It has actually only been a day or so since that happened."

Twilight is just shocked dead at this. "Buh, wha? You killed me?! I trusted you!"

Not the expected reaction. "Yes I did. To save Equestria. Not only that, but here you are, fine, and on your way to recovery. Sure, without me showing up this would not have happened, at least, not yet, but Dethon would have eventually woken to reclaim his lost power. By my intervening, I stopped him."

"Right, save Equestria. Fine, you did it because it was necessary. Could you have not done it to yourself?"

That... was not a question I had been expecting. "Yes. I could have. My body, at least, would not have survived the ordeal, but I could have killed myself to seal the portal." A long silence interrupts our conversation, before I decide that I should get on with my duties. "I have children to attend to. I will speak with you later." I walk out of the room, and head towards the nearest desk.

"May I help you?" The nurse asks in a bored, but hopeful, tone.

"Yeah, I am King Aurthur. I believe I pledged my power to help speed along recovery?"

Nurse sifts through some files on the screen in front of her. "Ah yes, here you are. The Healing sessions are not for another few hours, so you can spend that time with the children. I believe they will love you."

Author's Note:

Okay, so. I actually have no idea how many more chapters before this ending is complete. There will be at least one more, maybe two, possibly more.

Hope you have all enjoyed the ride so far, and please don't get off. Getting off in the middle of the rollercoaster is dangerous.