• Published 25th Apr 2017
  • 326 Views, 3 Comments

There's Always Time - Stella Huntress

They say there's never enough time, but when it comes to saving the world. You make the time.

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A Step in Time

Chapter 1

Drip, drip, drip the sound of water falling from the stalactites above hitting the growing puddle outside roused me from my dreamless sleep. I slowly open my purple eyes adjusting to the dancing flame of the torches lining the sandstone colored cave wall. As my mind kicks into gear, I am immediately aware of one thing. Dang it, I’m going to be late to school again. Ms. Doo is going to kill me, I thought as I bolted towards the training hall.

If she’s in the playful mood then she’ll just use you as a training dummy. If not, I’ll have to go see the headmaster. I galloped even harder upon that thought. No one wanted to see the headmaster. Due the war, he had been put under so much stress, that his fur had begun graying even at his young age.

I finally got to the hall and took tentative steps towards the entry. peeking in I see Ms. Doo in the middle of explaining how to disarm a stronger opponent in battle. As she turned to draw a diagram of what she just explained, her metal wing clanged together. I took my chance to sneak in. Hopefully the silent hoof approach she taught, will be enough to get me to my seat.

You’d better have a good reason for why you’re over ten minutes late Doolots!” Ms. Doo said. How the, she didn’t even turn around.

Sighing in resignation, “There is no good reason mam’.” I cast my gaze towards my hooves, as I heard Ms. Doo approach.

“You know what your problem is? You’re a slacker. If you had any of the drives your brother has, you would be able to make it to my class instead of being late, yet again.” She berated. “I know you’re smart. So instead of lazing around like a useless log, maybe you’ll know that making my class is, the most important thing to your safety on the field!” She said. Her rose colored eyes portraying enough anger to kill a pony. “Do you think that this is some game!”

No mam,” I said my voice wavering slightly. Avoiding looking directly in her direction, I see my fellow classmates turned and are watching. I may have been yelled at almost daily, but it doesn’t make it any easier.

"Since you think sleeping is more important than learning to defend yourself, maybe you can explain to the headmaster why you’re late again.” She said pointing a dirt covered, yellow hoof to the door.

I rushed out the door headed down the nearly dark corridor towards the headmaster's room. Why can’t I seem to wake up on time? I go to sleep on time with everyone else. As I approached the room a luminescent white light flashed and I was teleported into the crystal chair across from the gray-maned unicorn sitting in an orange overstuffed chair. Looking around, I noticed several chalkboards full of complicated magical spells. Several giant books were set on the shelves beneath them depicting Starlight-Knows-what. A map depicting the land once known as Equestria was on the wall behind him. Several spots were circled in red and several others were crossed off in black.

"Ahh Ms. Doolots, late again?” Sunburst said in a tired tone. At least he doesn’t seem to be in a terrible mood.

"Yes, Sir.”

“Ms. Doo’s class again?"

“Yes, Sir,”

“Is it just because you’re tired, or is there another reason?” Sunburst questioned setting his glasses down on the oak desk to his right.

“To be honest, Sir, I don’t know. I just feel, sometimes, like, I just want to give up. I don’t even know why you guys chose me to be here. I just wish I could go back to being a normal pony.”

“We chose you because you have a knack for being sneaky and being able to think on your hooves. If I remember correctly, you were the one who stole from one of our elder members and found us with your brother. You've learned why the princesses had forsaken us. After that, there is no way back to being just a “normal pony” as you put it.”

He opens a drawer in his desk and ruffled a few things around. He places down a small wooden case. In the center of the top was emblazoned with a purple and pink shield, a sword crossing diagonally across the shields’ center. Opening the case he withdraws a light red crystal. In the center of the crystal was what looked like the elemental symbol for fire. The edges of the crystal were covered with gold, reaching up towards the top where they seemed to be interwoven.

“I want you to have this. It was given to me many years ago by a close friend of mine when I was feeling like you do now. It gave me the fire to keep fighting, to keep moving on. Like what I was doing mattered. Hopefully, it does the same for you.” He said as he levitated the necklace over to me.

“Are you sure Sir?” I asked moving my hoof over the necklace now around my neck.

"Yes. There are a few things you should be reminded of. One, we take care of our family. Every member former or newer is part of our family. You can turn towards any of us, even Daring Doo. I know she doesn’t seem like it most days, but she truly just wants what is best for all of us. Two,” he trailed off as a white teleportation spell activated. As the spell ended there stood a seafoam unicorn with violet mane, my older brother, Seafoam stood next to the chair I currently sit in.

“Sir, we have good and bad news,” Sea said wheezily, trying to catch his breath.

“Well out with it Mr. Seafoam,” Sunburst said getting out of his chair.

“First, We have found the black crystal, well, where it was before Queen Chrysalis got it.”

“What, that’s excellent news. Show me.” Sunburst said ecstatically stepping over to the map.

“We have found that it’s in the mountainous Unicorn Ridge. There seems to be a cave in the southwest base of the mountain.” My brother said highlighting the portion of the map.

“Excellent news indeed. Now we have a place, and we know that she didn’t have the crystal when they invaded Canterlot the first time. Now onto the bad news.”

“The outpost have informed me that,” He was cut off by a siren being sounded. Everyone who had lived in the caves, dreaded the day it would finally sound. It had only one purpose, to inform us when the changelings were upon us. Starburst looked out the door only to slam it shut a second later. The sound of metal clashing against metal was heard.

“Okay, Liza there isn’t enough time to tell you everything. You and your brother need to go back in time to get the stone before Chrysalis can get her hooves on it. You must stop her.” Sunburst said as he was making runes on the cave floor in chalk. Grabbing several ingredients from the cabinets from behind his desk and mixing them together before pouring them around the rune circle. In just a couple moment a giant portal opened. Orange magic flowed towards the center of the portal.

“Why can’t you go as well?”

“Because I need to remove all magical resonances that are left over from this spell so they don’t expect what we’re doing. NOW GO!”

I spared one last look before running in.

Author's Note:

Any feedback positive or negative will be greatly appreciated.