• Published 31st Jul 2012
  • 549 Views, 12 Comments

And then they came... - IceFire

Blue Moon Is very normal. Until one day.

  • ...

Late night studying

As a joke, an idea that was formed on a strange conversation, as they do :)

BlueMoon stared out the window at the moon she was named after. It was a beautiful night, 20 years after the last blue moon, and a great colour. She jotted down notes in the Manehatten library and hummed to herself a new tune, she believed that they called it something like 'The Moons like Jagger'? Yea, something like that. Blue was happy to finally have some peace and quiet, almost all night there had been some party going on and personally, she found the whole concept extremely boring. Blue closed her eyes for a moment, content to work.

Baby you light up my world like nobody else, The way that you flip your mane gets me overwhelmed, but when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell, You don't know, Oh oh, You don't know you're beautiful

Blue's eyes shot open and she gave a growl of annoyance.
"OH COME ON! CAN'T WE HAVE ANY PEACE AND QUIET HERE????" Blue's hoof flew to her mouth, that was the definite loudest she'd ever been! And rudest. But as she listened she could hear others shouting at the singers too. She looked down at the five colt culprits. They were probably drunk with no-where to stay after the party. Sighing, Blue called upon her inner kindness. She turned around and marched downstairs from where she had been viewing the beautiful moon and shoved the door open.
"You know that someponies prefer quiet to drunkards screaming THEIR HEADS OFF don't you? So how dare you just go and- wow that’s a lot of fillies." Blue looked of at the horizon where she could distinctly head hundreds of screaming mares.
"WHAT THE-" Blue's draw dropped as she saw the cutest five colts singing, and as she thought about it, studies were boring, and who wants to be locked up in a library when you can be with a few hot stallions?
"Why hello there guys, what are you doing out here at this time of night? To my disappointment, they stopped looking, and turned around.
"Not more fillies! Haven’t we been tortured enough?" The blonde colt had a sexy accent Blue couldn't place. Blue shook her head vigorously and looked at them.
"What do you mean? You've just come waltzing up my street, screaming your heads off!" I screamed, not entirely understanding the colt.Aa dark haired one begun to talk fast.
"We annoyed a unicorn called Twilight Sparkle, and she did something to us, she said she would take it off us after an hour, but then she tried to seduce us, and now every mare we see tries to!!" Blue assessed the situation quickly and shoved them into the library.
"A library? That was where she lived! A library!"
"Maybe it's a sign. You know, that a library filly got us into this, a library filly will get us out." That accent again, Blue thought. Something about Leprechauns...
"Hey, you're a unicorn aren't you? Fix us!" They all looked at Blue with pleading eyes, and she couldn't help but try.
"Well what has happened to you seems to be a version of the Want it Need it spell, but in a wider range, so every mare that sees you is affected, not just one pony. This Twilight Sparkle, I've heard of her, she is the bearer of the Element of Magic, and she would have a lot of magic, so it won't be easy to break. I might be able to reverse the magic, but I will need Twilight to be present, so while I ready my spell, you find her." Blue looked up at their faces and smiled at the look of hope. One of them trotted up to her and patted her on the back. As soon as he got within a few hoofs from her however, her eyes went half lidded and she nuzzled him.
"Or you could just stay here with me." She fluttered her eyelashes and looked at the colts through them. They looked sooo handsome just standing there... They began to back off and Blue shook her head, having already figured out what was happening to her.
"Stay back. The spell only affects me when you come close, I don't seem to be affected too much and that may be because I don't have many relationships, romantic or otherwise. Go now, find Twilight Sparkle." Blue settled down and started to read A spell guide to seducing and romance it basically said what Blue had figured out, Twilight had used the Want it Need it spell, the only thing she didn't know was that it could be used on dolls as well. Blue carried on reading , to make sure that there was nothing she had missed, and 10 minutes later the colts came back, carrying an unconscious mare on their backs. A thought crossed her mind, but she shook it out of her head as soon as it arrived.
"Are you alright? You had a strange expression on your face..." Blue shook her head and muttered a 'yes.' She started to trot towards them, but decided against it when she remembered the spell.
"Lay her over there and I will begin." Blue levitated her book as they dumped Twilight on the table and stepped back. Blue stepped up to the table, read a few lines more in her book and then closed her eyes. Her horn began to light up, resting on Twilights lavender horn. She added more power and sparks began to fly around the room. Soon a purple glow encased Twilights horn and the five watchers. All seven rose off the floor and (in Twilights case) the table. Lavender and bright blue aura's surrounded them and eventually it was all they could see. It is working! it really is working Blue thought as she poured in even more magic. But Twilights eyes were slowly opening and her magic was fading. Blue put all she had into one last effort, but she needed Twilights support. The room danced and her magic flickered. The five colts rushed to help the one who had tried to save them without even knowing their names, although as they thought about it they didn't know her name either...

"Uugh... I feel terrible..." Blue groaned, bringing a hoof to her forehead with the terrible migrane.
"Hey she's awake!" Blue could only distinctly hear them, it sounded like they were underwater. Her eyes flickered open and she saw five extremely hot colts looking down at her... And then her memories came back. She jerked her head to rid herself of the spell.
"Stay back, I'm fine. What did you do with Twilight?" They still looked concerned, but stayed a metre away from the chair she was lying on never the less.
"We had to knock her out, she was acting flirty."
"Oh" Blue quickly thought through the situation. Obviously, being an Element of harmony, the magic only affected those with strong friendships and as she had no friends, it didn't effect her. But... More and more she was beginning to count the cursed colts as her friends. What if the spell took hold of her too? What would her new 'friends' think of her then? One of the colts began to talk, snapping her out of her daze.
"Why do you ask?"
"Oh, well as my plan didn't work-" Blue was interrupted by one of the colts.
"Wait, what was your plan?" Blue took a deep breath and started a lecture.
"Well my plan was to take control of Twilight's magic, trace it's recent magicings and unravel her spell, thus causing you to not be cursed. But to do so I had to have you her and near, so I had to put a barrior between us, deflecting the spell power. But in doing so I drained my magic completely. I'm afraid right now I can barely lift a paper clip." Blue gave a snort of annoyance and stomped. The colts looked at her with worried expressions and she smiled at them to show she was ok.
"Obviously, I am going to need a new plan." An idea blossomed in her head. She grimaced. A long night was ahead of her.

Comments ( 12 )

Dear Princes Celestia.
Today I have learned that my writing style should stay as first person, because in this fan fiction I had to replace almost all of those "I's"that I had written with "She's".
I have learned my lesson and from now on my fanfictions will be in first person.
Your faithful student

2012Sorching summer comes, in order to thank everyone, characteristic, novel style, varieties, low price and good quality, and the low sale price. Thank everyone

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$33 True Religion jeans, Ed Hardy jeans,LV,Coogi jeans,Affliction jeans

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give you the unexpected harvest

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Nice. Let me guess. One direction. :pinkiegasp:

Besides a couple of spelling and punctuation mistakes (Hardly noticable ones) this was a brilliant story. Post the next part NOW. Or else.........

Huzzah! The name Blue Moon has given me an idea!


Did the image work?

And then they came... in op's ass.

1009301 No. :fluttercry: at least not on my computer:(


It hasn't come up on mine either, I was hoping it would come up on yours. Oh well I'll email it to you.

I'm guessing you and peppermint-patti were talking about this. :pinkiegasp::rainbowlaugh::unsuresweetie::trollestia::twilightoops:

Haha,nah, it was friend from south

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