• Published 1st May 2017
  • 3,404 Views, 17 Comments

Mane 6 Foals! - TwilieTheFoal

The Mane 6 are turned to foals with Celestia and Luna taking care of them.

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Chapter 3- The Foals Wonderful Day (After their Nap)

Twilight woke from her nap. She saw Celestia and Luna waking all the other foals and checked their diapers only to find that they all had wet them during their nap. Luna and Celestia changed the foals again doing the same process. Then after they were sat down they saw Luna and Celestia magic a triplet stroller. The triplet stroller is a big stroller that can hold 3 foals at a time it also has features like a cup holder to put 3 foal bottles or 3 sippy cups. It also had a hood in case it was too sunny for the foals and got in their faces. But Twilight, Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie knew exactly what was going to happen..... they were going to go outside exposed. Rarity didn't like it at all and she started to cry and yelled 'NO' really loud and gripping onto things, all the others did the exact same because they were really really embarrassed to go outside where every pony else is.

Luna said "Oh, they don't want to go outside without dresses first dear sister".

Celestia smirked and said "That can certainly be arranged".

Soon all 6 foals were sitting on stools waiting for their dresses. Rarity was over the moon and could hardly wait to see her dress while every pony else was complaining and wished to not go outside at all. Luna took out Rarity's dress first. Her dress was a diamond blue color with purple frills, the dress even had her cutie mark on it. Twilight's dress was the same design except that hers was purple with hot pink frills and her cutie mark was on it. Fluttershy's was meadow green with light pink frills and her cutie mark was on it.

Celestia took out Rainbow Dash's dress out first, her dress was the same as Rarity's but was red with rainbow frills and her cutie mark was on it. Applejack's was country brown with dark green frills with her cutie mark on it. And Pinkie Pie's was bright pink with yellow frills and her cutie mark was on it. The mane 6 saw that it didn't cover up their diapers, but with being distracted and all the foals were placed into their triplet stroller buckled in and all safe.

As soon as all of the foals were strapped in they were out the door and outside where every pony was, they started getting a lot of attention. Soon enough a lavender unicorn with blue eyes and blue eye shadow with a curly blonde mane and tail, walked over to the stroller. Her cutie mark was a lily pad with butterflies coming out of the lily.

She said "Hello, my name is Butterfly Lily and I couldn't help but notice your really cute foals".

Celestia chuckled upon hearing this and at the fact that the 6 foals were blushing like crazy at Butterfly Lily's complements. It doesn't help when she starts ruffling their manes, cooing at them, and kissing them on their pretty little heads. Then she walked away and so they all continued their walk to the park. Once at the park Celestia and Luna set up their picnic lunch and let the mane 6 out of their strollers and onto the ground.
Princess Luna said " Ok young foals, these are your boundaries. From our picnic lunch to the playground and a little in between, that is where you are allowed to play . Alright young fillies".

The foals quickly responded "Yes Wuna and Cewestya".

And with that being said they ran off to the playground. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie saw a few colts and fillies playing jungle gym and went to play to, only to be stopped by a Colt who was obviously potty trained

He said " Halt, no diapee wearing babies can pway. Only potty trained ones like me. SO GO"!

But once the colt saw the 2 princesses playing hide and seek with Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, and Twilight he quickly said "Ok you can pway, but only if you cooperate and follow all wules ok".

The 2 fillies quickly nodded. As they entered the jungle gym area of the park, 3 fillies, one pegasus and two unicorns, trotted up to them and started to pick on them. The first unicorn said "Hey! No diapee wearing brats allowed."

The other unicorn said "How did you get past Billy! Billy is the toughest and most meanest colt ever, he would never allow foals to come near the jungle gym".

The pegasus stared at them for 2 full minutes before saying "Jungle gym isn't for wosers wike you. It's for bigger fillies and colts that are either potty twained or in potty twaining as in wearing pull-ups".

She emphasized her point by showing Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie her pull-ups.

Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash just stared at them before saying "Biwwy wet us in, he gave us a yes to be in here. So stop bein buwwies to us and pick on fiwwies your own wize. otay"!

They all just laughed at her for being so ignorant and actually making up a story. Seriously, they thought that Rainbow was just being a dumb foal and retorted "No! Billy made up the rules so you must be wying"!

But sure enough Billy came over and looked pretty annoyed at the three fillies and angrily said "Hey! weave them awone! why do you have to be so wude to dem"!

The fillies looked shocked to see Billy standing up for Pinkie and Dash. I mean Billy made the rule to not have foals in the jungle gym, so why is he breaking them. They were really confused. Billy quickly told Rainbow and Pinkie to play the hardcore jungle gym until he was done talking to the three mean fillies.
Billy then asked for them to huddle in a circle and then he quietly whispered to the three fillies "Ok, so the weason why I bein reawwy nice to dem is because Pwincess Cewestia and Wuna are their nannies. So in order to not be in twouble we have to pway nice and be nice so dat they won't cwy and wun to Cewestia to get us in twouble. Got it. So for now be nice"!

The three fillies just quietly nodded and when they looked back up they saw the 2 foals swinging on the rope like pros. For once the three fillies and Billy were impressed, but they never been impressed by a foal before... until now. Soon they saw Dash and Pinkie doing some crawling and back flips. But was even more impressed to see that they weren't afraid of heights. Billy observed this when he saw Pinkie and Dash scale half the rock climbing wall and then climb back down to go through the jungle gym tunnel. When the 2 foals were done all the fillies and colts (including the three mean fillies and Billy) clapped and cheered at them. After Dash and Pinkie accepted the praise they asked if they could play marehunt or hide n go seek. Every filly and colt chose hide n go seek. They chose Billy to be it after that they all went and hid. Billy started searching for them one by one. Dash and Pinkie were hiding in Celestia's tail. They saw Billy find the three mean fillies, a black and white unicorn colt in pull-ups, and a lime green pegasus with a darker green mane and tail. They giggled quite a bit until finally Billy came over and found both Dash and Pinkie in Celestia's tail. They were caught.

They went to find some pony when they suddenly heard an 'achoo' and looked in the bushes... and found a white earth pony filly with a light blue mane and tail. Then Pinkie Pie caught a glimpse of something orange so she looked behind the slide only to find a light orange colt with a darker orange mane and tail. They had caught every pony and were now hungry so they all went to their moms and dads while Pinkie and Dash ran to Celestia and Luna for food. The 2 foals saw their sisters (now that they are fully regressed they all just assumed that they were sisters) were already being fed bottle. Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash tugged on Celestia's mane to be fed. Celestia knew the gesture and instantly put over sized bottles of milk for them. They saw that they were from their triplet stroller, but they didn't hesitate when the bottle was in their mouths and instantly started suckling. After they finished their bottles, Celestia burped them and let them go play again only this time they (along with her sisters) engaged in a game of tag and Billy was it.

After all the fillies, colts, and foals were all caught they went their separate ways. The mane 6 went straight to Luna and Celestia, tired from all the playing and running. Celestia levitated Dash, Pinkie, and Applejack into their triplet strollers and buckled them in safely. While Luna levitated Twilight, Rarity, and Fluttershy into their triplet strollers and buckled them in safely. Once the 2 Princesses started making their journey back to the castle they heard nothing from the foals, upon realizing that they were asleep, Princess Celestia placed 1 sun pacifier into each fillies mouth. Luna did the same only they were moon pacifiers instead of the sun. Then the foals stirred a little bit but fell asleep again while sucking on their pacifiers until they were home. When they got home Celestia and Luna brought the foals to their nursery while they were asleep. All the foals had wet themselves, so Luna and Celestia quickly changed the foals diapers and put them in their cribs to rest until dinner.

Author's Note:

Thank you to all of the ponies that read this far into the book. Can't wait to see the comments!:yay: