• Published 4th Apr 2017
  • 511 Views, 2 Comments

New beginning. - zman123

Having finally been pardoned of her crime by Celestia, Lightning is left in the care of Fluttershy and friends in the hope that she will be able to start anew. But as Lightning sadly learned, wounds can heal but scars remain.

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chapter 1

Lightning Dust and Fluttesrshy sighed slowly, and painfully as they walked hoof in hoof towards the library where Twilight and the others were sure to be waiting already.

Twilight had very reluctantly after a lot of prodding agreed to give Lightning a face to face meeting and a room in the castle. She stated however, that she was doing this as a favour for Fluttershy, and nothing else.

Lightning closed her eyes, struggling to repress a fresh flow of tears from escaping her eyes. Part of her felt joyful, she had waited so long to meet Fluttershy and her friends now that it almost felt like a relief. She had wanted for so long to tell them she was sorry, that she was wrong. To plead for forgiveness that even now she felt was undeserved.
The other part wanted nothing more than to turn back and run but she quickly pushed any sentiments of hesitation to the back of her thoughts and resolutely continued walking forward.

She had to do this, she just had to. Whether they forgave her or not was not her place to say and it would be selfish to demand they did when she had already wronged them so greatly. Not to mention that though she was no longer a Wonderbolt, it would be an insult to every moral she stood for to break her word that she made since that awful day, that were she ever given freedom once more that she would begin by apologising to the five ponies she had wronged since she could not do it while chained up in a cell.

It was the least they deserved after the crap she gave to them.

"It'll be alright. I'm sure Twilight would be happy to give you another chance." the yellow pony Fluttershy suggested, looking at her friend with sympathetic eyes. It was a long time since she had trusted any pony enough to look at them in that way.

Lightning only shook her head, too caught up in her thoughts to reply. It would not be alright. Even if by some miracle Fluttershy's friends were to forgive her then and there and agree to put the whole incident behind them, her regret would not lessen one bit.
She had made her bed and now she had to lie in it, so to speak.

Never again would her smile be so carefree as it once was. No amount of comfort could undo the pain she felt now.

But at least she could lessen the pain she had caused to Rainbow Dash and her friends. That would make her feel a bit better. At least then she wouldn't be a completely selfish psychopath. That would at least be something

They walked slowly through the streets of Ponyville. Despite her deep regret, Lightning managed to look up from the ground she had been staring at for the duration of the walk and to wave to the townsfolk, even wearing a shy grin.

A few waved back nervously in reply but most simply turned their heads away the moment they saw Lightning.

Lightning smiled slightly. So this was Ponyville. This was the town where Fluttershy and her friends lived.

Fluttershy would pause when they passed Sugercube corner, Rarity's boutique and Applejack's farm to briefly introduce Lightning to them. Lightning only nodded gratefully, at a loss for words. This town, small as unimportant it must have seemed, was like a paradise, simply put.

"And here we are" stated Fluttershy when the grand and impressive edifice of the large castle of Princess Twilight loomed over them. "This is Twilight's castle."

Half filled with amazement that one of Fluttershy's friends was in fact a mighty alicorn Princess with a castle this large and luxurious, half still fighting the fear she had of confronting Fluttesrhy's friends and giving them the much deserved apology which by now would long be too little, too late, Lightning's reply came only as a gentle nod once pie

She was still pondering how she would best word the apology she was about to give so that Twilight and Fluttershy might have the slightest inkling to believe that Lightning truly was the slightest bit sorry for what she had done.
Rainbow Dash hates you, Fluttershy had warned Lightning time and time again. "So be careful. Twilight probably feels the same by now." begged Fluttershy.

"We don't have to do this Lightning Dust." Fluttershy explained to the cyan Pegasus, seeing the clear fear present in Lightning's twitches and her rapidly blinking eyes.
By now, Lightning had broken out in a cold sweat. Her head felt burning hot yet her body, freezing cold.
But with a long and deep breath, she suppressed her shudders which had been growing the entire day and sadly shook her head.

"I have to do this Fluttershy. I just have to. If I don't then the sad memories will never leave me." They would never leave Lightning anyway, but an apology would at least give her some semblance of a chance to improve. She had to do this, not only for Rainbow Dash and her friends or Fluttershy, but also for herself. She had to prove to herself that she wasn't completely evil.

"Please understand Fluttershy if Twilight doesn't forgive me" pleaded Lightning and Fluttershy could only nod as Lightning gently knocked on the door and begged to see Twilight.

"Come in then" came the rough, gravelly voice of Applejack, Twilight's friend and the best apple farmer for miles around. She made a killing from her fertile apple orchards, from what Fluttershy had told her.

Lightning sighed as she looked back at Fluttershy one more time, eyes half closed and hoof trembling as she slowly stepped inside with Fluttershy following.

The shine and glimmer of the beautiful crystal walls amazed Lightning, but that amazement was belayed by the terrifying sight at the end of the entry hallway.

There around the table, in five beautifully carved tall thrones, sat Princess Twilight and her friends. Lightning Dust recognised them as the renowed Fashionista Rarity, the apple farmer Applejack and the gleeful and humorous premium Party thrower Pinkie pie (her pink goofy mane would have identified her if Lightning hadn't been told her name).

Rainbow Dash was for some reason nowhere to be seen. Probably trying to avoid me, thought Lightning sadly.

So these were the heroes of Equestria, minus Dash. The ponies who had saved Equestria from destruction and worst countless times.
The ponies who had entire entries dedicated to them in the papers, never mind that, entire papers dedicated to them each and every week.

The ponies who, to not know their names you would have to be a newcomer to this place from some distant, xenophobic land you wouldn't find on any map.

Every pony knew Princess Twilight, Celestia's apprentice and her faithful friends.

Lightning Dust had not noticed Twilight at first from how far across the room she sat, on her throne which was finer still than those her friends were seated on.

She did not look very much like a princess with her straight, plain hair.

It was those majestic wings that though folded away, were still incredibly eye catching and difficult to ignore.

They made Lightning gasp. She had seen other Alicorns before but Twilight brought new meanings to the word Princess with her mere presence. And yet her rescuer was in fact close friends with this proud majestic creature who commanded respect without a word.

She had barely looked at Lightning Dust, but already Lightning was completely mesmerized by the sight of that large, shiny horn and those sleek, faboluos wings that sad to say, would have brought Spitfire to tears of shame and envy.

Of course, they were not half as marvelous as the small, humble wings of kind Fluttershy.

Fluttershy in a strained stutter, introduced Lightning Dust.

The look the others gave her was far from friendly.

Lightning glanced back at Fluttesrhy who only nodded encouragingly.
And took a deep breath as she turned back to face Twilight who even now sat in cold silence, as lost for words as Lightning.