• Published 4th Apr 2017
  • 853 Views, 4 Comments

My Little Pony: Lights and Shadows - Part II - OmegaTale

Equestria, the Griffon Kingdom, and the Dragon Lands stand upon the brink of war as an even greater threat continues to rise in the shadows.

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Chapter 17

With the sun having fallen beyond the horizon, the night began. The hour struck 8, the clock tower in Ponyville ringing its bell to declare it. Darkness took over the land and sky, but spirits soared even higher.

Everypony other than Rarity, Spike, and Starfall had returned to the castle, where the carriages were to arrive. They stood in the entrance hall, all in a half-circle facing the doorway and chatting to one another about their night and what they had planned.

The door to the castle opened wide, earning the gaze of everypony present. Rarity walked in, a proud, fabulous as she would say, look on her face. “May I present our carriage drivers this fine evening?” She lifted her hoof as Spike and Starfall walked up the stairs, turning so their backs were to the open doors, but looking inside towards everypony.

Spike had on his snazzy tuxedo, the one he had been bragging to them about for practically the entire year leading up to the gala. He went with black again, only this time his vest was a fiery red and his cup links were a golden color. His top hat was just a bit shorter than his old one, but this one was black with golden trim and a phoenix feather on its side.

Starfall’s attire was nothing short of magnificent, as was expected from a full-scale new design on Rarity’s part. Taking notes from older, more classical outfits, the pegasus was fitted with a light velvet ballroom coat. The trim and edgings were gold, and there were slots in the coat for his wings, which fit snug to his side, the opening having been made just small enough to not been overly noticeable. The sleeves down his front two legs ended with small, thin white fabric folded back over the velvet, just as it was done in the early times of the gala. His mane wasn’t done up, rather it was brushed and flowed into a more orderly, proper fashion, now sitting neatly on his shoulder.

Everypony happily gasped, admiring Rarity’s hidden work. They were all of them impressed, but none more so than Twilight herself. She had never seen Starfall all dressed up before, and this look fitted him really well.

“Now then, girls,” Rarity told them, having been waiting to say this once again. “Let’s go to the gala!”

The ponies, Shadow, and Spike all walked out to the two carriages, one in front of the other. Twilight trailed behind them, stopping just in front of Starfall. “Wow, Starfall… no wonder you were so adamant about not shopping for a tux.”

He smiled in return. “Wanted it to be a surprise.” He said, turning so they were side by side and lifting up his hoof to her. “Shall we?”

She smiled warmly in return, resting her hoof on his as he walked her to the carriages. Since there were ten of them all traveling to the gala together, the carriages were transporting four ponies each, with the fifth passenger as the driver. The stallions pulling the carriages were more than happy to do so for their friends.

Spike drove the first carriage, with Rarity, Rainbow, Pinkie, and Applejack inside. Starfall drove the second, which carried Twilight, Starlight, Fluttershy, and Shadow. With everypony in and ready to go, the stallions pulled the carriage north on the road, towards Canterlot.

The scenery was beautiful, Princess Luna had made sure that the moon shined in an unchallenged sky that night, illuminating the land in its ethereal light.

As Starfall kept his hooves on the reins, he peered around, unable to do much other than smile as he witnessed it all. The muffled sound of his passengers talking and giggling was only met by the sound of the hoof steps of the stallions and turning of the carriage wheels. He looked over at the window to see their silhouettes on the inside, then turned back to the road, taking a deep breath.

“Nervous much?” Thunderlane asked, glancing back at him, being one of the two stallions pulling their carriage.

Starfall shot him a look, but he was unable to make it too serious as he knew the pegasus was right. “What was your first clue?” He replied sarcastically.

The other stallion looked back at him, shaking his head as he chuckled. Thunderlane scoffed a bit, facing forward again. “Captain Starfall, frightened stiff by the Grand Galloping Gala.” He said with a chuckle.

Starfall grimaced at him and then gave the reins a flick. “Aren’t you supposed to be the carriage boy?” He snapped back. “Usually carriage boys keep quiet.”

With a cringe, the second stallion gave Thunderlane a look that said, “Ooooh, burn.” With a victorious snort, Thunderlane faced forward again, only smirking more.

Looking ahead at Spike’s carriage, Starfall sighed. He knew he was nervous, but it wasn’t like his nervousness had control over him. He was excited to be attending the gala, and knew that it would show upon their arrival.

The carriage door peeked open and Shadow stuck his head out. “Hey Starfall, mind if I join you or a minute?”

Scooting over on the seat, Starfall shook his head. “Not at all, come on up.”

Reaching out and onto the step, Shadow pulled himself up onto the seat beside the pegasus, having gently closed the carriage door with his hind leg as he did. “Thought you’d be kinda lonely out here.”

Thunderlane gave another snort in reply to that, but another flick of the reins got him to shut his trap. Starfall then looked over at Shadow for a moment before facing forward once again. “I appreciate that, thanks.”

It was quiet between them at first, Shadow had taken the time to do the same thing Starfall had, looking out and around at the beautiful landscape, especially the look of Canterlot from where they were on the road. Everything from the distant Everfree Forest, to the floating city of Cloudsdale was visible, thanks to the moonlight.

“I feel like you and I don’t talk as much,” Shadow said to him, tilting his head. “Why do you think that is? We are friends, right?”

Starfall chuckled and looked over at him. “Of course we’re friends, Shadow. We may not talk too often, but that’s just because whenever we’re around, so is everypony else. You tend to stick with Fluttershy, and I protect Twilight. It’s not like we’re avoiding one another.”

Being as he brought Fluttershy up, Shadow went quiet for another moment. “Yeah, no, definitely. Sorry, I’m just…” He trailed off, turning his head to Starfall, truly curious. “What do you think of Fluttershy?”

“What do I think of her?” He asked, glancing over at Shadow for a moment before focusing back on the road. “Well she’s the kindest pony in Equestria, that’s for certain. She cares about everyone, every pony and critter in all of Ponyville…” Now he trailed off, looking back to his companion. “Why do you ask? What do you think of her?”

Shadow panicked a little, facing forward quickly. “You pretty much nailed it on the head, I was just curious if everyone thought of her that way.” He said lightning fast.

Starfall shrugged his shoulders, facing forward as well. “Huh, that’s actually kinda surprising.”

“What do you mean, surprising?” Shadow asked, not sure he understood.

The pegasus shrugged again. “I dunno. I had this theory that you really liked her.”

The resulting, internal panic attack was way too real and noticeable. Luckily, Starfall wasn’t paying much attention to his reaction. “W-what would make you think that?” He replied swiftly, sounding a bit uneasy.

“Well, with you two being around one another as often as you are, I just kinda figured you had feelings for each other, but I guess I was wrong.” He sighed, shaking his head. “Listen to me; going on about you and her as if it would be any of my business.” He chuckled, continuing to shake his head.

Shadow watched him for a moment, glancing back at the carriage window. “So… you think she likes me?”

Starfall, looking back at the opposite window, sat back up straight, nodding. “Yeah, I’d say so. I could be wrong, sometimes two friends just really enjoy being around one another with no thought to going onto the next level. So maybe that’s what it is and I just… I dunno, just misread it.”

Facing forward once again, Shadow sat back in his seat, glancing over at the pegasus for a moment before looking around at the landscape again, deep in thought.

Fluttershy looked out the window as the other two passengers talked about what had happened at the previous gala. Shadow had just taken a step out to check on Starfall. Looking over to them, she asked, “Twilight? Starlight?” The two stopped talking, looking over at her in response. “Can I ask you something…? Something really personal?”

Starlight gave Twilight a look that said, “Oh, this ought to be good”. Twilight then looked over to the pegasus. “Sure, what’s on your mind?”

Looking extremely nervous, Fluttershy shakily asked, “Have either of you two ever… been in a relationship before?”

Now that was a shocker, Twilight thought. Fluttershy was the last pony in Equestria she thought would ever ask her a question like that. The topic itself was so personal that she and Starlight both kinda blushed at hearing it.

“Well… n-no, not really…” Starlight replied, looking over to the princess. “Twilight…?”

She let out a sigh, shaking her head. “No, I haven’t. But Fluttershy, may I ask why you want to know?”

The pegasus blushed deeply, keeping her head slightly lowered. “W-well, I was just wondering since...” She paused, taking a deep breath. “Since I kinda… have a crush on Shadow.”

Both Twilight and Starlight gasped just a little. “Fluttershy, really?” Twilight asked her. She nodded in reply.

Starlight smiled at her. “Is that why you two have been hanging out so much? Do you think he likes you too?”

The questions were more than enough to make Fluttershy go super-blush, almost tempted to hide her face. “I… I don’t know… I’ve never, umm…. I’ve never really…”

Twilight got up and took Shadow’s seat, hugging her friend. “I’m so proud of you Fluttershy, admitting that couldn’t have been easy. I think Shadow may just feel the same way about you.”

Fluttershy looked to her, wide-eyed. “You r-really think so…?”

Starlight then nodded. “Yeah, the more I think about it, he’s around you practically all the time now. You were his first friend that night he was released from the Tree of Harmony. I think he likes you too.”

Now Fluttershy’s nervousness turned into joy, smiling wide as she hugged Twilight back. Starlight moved up and joined in on the hug, the three feeling more close than ever.

Trumpets sound, ponies draw near, and bright fireworks light up the night sky. The gates of Canterlot Castle open as dozens of carriages arrive, forming a perfect line as they roll on through. All around them, ponies sing, their song having been in full swing.

Into the gala we must go, we’re ready now we’re all aglow! Into the gala let’s go in and have the best night ever!” The girls all looked out the windows as they continued to approach, wide and excited smiles on their faces as they watched the happy ponies singing. “Into the gala now’s the time, we’re ready and we look divine!

Memories of their previous visits flooded the ponies’ minds and hearts as the first carriage came to a halt. Spike hopped down from the coach seat and opened the door, bowing his head. Rarity, Rainbow, Applejack, and Pinkie all stepped out, their eyes shimmering at the sight of the castle at night once again. They managed to withhold their enthusiasm enough to walk towards the doorway like everypony else, although it proved to be a challenge for them, especially Pinkie.

The carriage was brought forward by a valet pony as the next pulled up. Starfall stepped down from the seat as Spike had, opening the door, only this time he bowed his head for only a moment, looking back up. Shadow emerged, stepping down he turned immediately, holding out his hoof for Fluttershy, who took it with a blush as he helped her to the ground, the two of them continuing together. Starfall offered his hoof up to the door, which Starlight took until she got to the ground. Upon offering it again, Starfall was met with the sight of Princess Twilight stepping out and smiling down at him. She took up his hoof and he helped her down, walking her to the door as the carriage was driven away.

Twilight took in a shaky breath. “This part always gets to me, you know?” She said to him quietly so only he could hear. “Walking up to the door.”

Starfall muffled a chuckle, peering over at her only for a moment. “Yeah, I think I’ve got that feeling too.”

She smiled at him and they both faced forward, walking through the door behind the rest of their friends. As they entered, the announcer blew his trumpet, continuing to place it down to the floor. “Presenting her majesty, Element of Magic and Princess of Friendship, Twilight Sparkle!”

Heads turned and there was momentary applause as Twilight walked in, nodding to and waving to a few, accompanied by her royal guard. The others were waiting just inside the entrance hall, watching with giddy smiles as they loved hearing it every time. It was the first of many times, Twilight imagined, that Starfall would be walking her into the gala, so she took in the moment.

Soon after they walked to their friends, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo came galloping in to their sisters’ sides, hopping in excitement. They had been in their own carriage, pulled by Big Mac, as they had once again been chosen as their sisters’ plus ones.

“We’re here at the gala again!” Sweetie cheered.

“Woo whoo!” Scootaloo replied.

Rarity gave a fitted laugh before grabbing Sweetie and scooting her to the unicorn’s side. “Sweetie Belle, precious one, remember how I told you to at least try to contain your excitement? This is the gala after all, you must remember to control yourself.”

The little unicorn offered a sheepish smile, as did the other two. “Y-yeah, sorry Rarity.”

Apple Bloom trotted up to her. “We’re just real excited is all.”

Rarity nodded to them. “I understand, truly I do. Just try to be calm and collected, like the rest of-”

“Spitfire!” Rainbow yelled out, making Rarity cringe as she was interrupted. She flew over to her fellow Wonderbolt, who was standing with Soaren and Fleetfoot.

“Hey, hey, Rainbow,” Spitfire said back, the two high-hoofing. “First gala as a Wonderbolt, are ya excited or what?”

Rainbow did a flip in the air, despite being in her dress. “Totally!”

Rarity watched her with a blank expression. “…us.” She finished, shaking her head as she turned back to Sweetie, who just shrugged her shoulders with a wide smile.

Chuckling at the sight, Applejack shook her head too. “Ah think ah’m gonna go try and socialize with RD, see y’all in a bit.” She said to the others, walking over to Rainbow, followed by Apple Bloom, Rarity, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo.

The moment the music resonated in Pinkie’s ears, a huge grin covered her face. “Must dance! Must dance! C’mon Spike!” Not giving the little dragon much choice, or time to react, the pink mare grabbed him and disappeared in a flash, headed for the dance floor in the ballroom down the hall from the entrance.

The remaining ponies laughed lightly at the sight, now looking to one another. “So, what should we do first?” Fluttershy asked, mostly looking to Twilight as she was the only other one there who had attended. “Should we join Pinkie and Spike?”

Twilight was about to reply when she then noticed Princess Celestia elegantly walking down the steps, stopping upon the interval, overlooking the entrance hall. “Celestia!” She said aloud, earning a smile from the princess. With Starfall letting down her hoof, she trotted up the steps, hugging Celestia, who did so back.

“Twilight, I’m so proud of you.” She said, pulling away from her, smiling warmly. “You look lovely, Rarity’s design, I presume?”

“As always.” Twilight replied happily, so relieved at having the chance to talk to her mentor without some great threat looming overhead. Starlight, Fluttershy, Shadow, and Starfall walked up to them as well, each of them bowing their heads.

Celestia only felt happiness at seeing them all, each of them dressed stunningly so. She looked over to Starfall, smirking. “My, my, Starfall. I haven’t seen that style of clothing in ages, I had no idea you were so classical.”

With another slight bow of his head, Starfall replied, “A night as fine as this, princess, I couldn’t imagine myself dressing any other way.”

The princess then turned to Shadow. “And you, Shadow, I can’t say I’ve ever seen such a design, it suits you very well.”

Shadow gave a respectful bow of his head. “Thank you princess, you are too kind.”

While they were all talking, a unicorn pony walked up the steps, standing beside Starlight as she waited for the chance to speak to Princess Celestia. She had black fur and a brilliant, green mane and tail which were done up quite well. She had on a rather simple dress, much like Starlight, only it was a silver color. Her eyes, most notably, were an ethereal green color, which was much more vibrant and eye-catching than the color of her mane and tail. She turned to Starlight, head tilted slightly. “Hey, I know you, you’re Princess Twilight’s pupil, right?”

Starlight looked to her, smiling almost awkwardly. “Yeah, that’s me, Starlight Glimmer.”

She dipped into a small bow before replying, “Emerald Night. I’ve never been to the gala before, I thought I’d dressed well… although, I see everypony else’s dresses and it makes me think I undershot it.”

With a nod, Starlight completely understood that feeling. “I know what you mean, but I’ve just never gotten into dressing up all that much. At least not in the kind of clothing my other friends are wearing. It’s all very beautiful, it’s just not…”

“Me.” They both said in unison.

Emerald smiled, earning one from Starlight as well. She then looked back at her friends, who were still speaking to Celestia. Looking back to her, Starlight said, “Hey, you want to find somewhere we can get a drink? I imagine there has to be a punch stand, or something around here.”

The other unicorn looked up at Celestia, sighing before nodding her head. “Yes, I’d like that. I was hoping for a chance to speak to the princess, but I suppose I have the rest of the night to try.”

The two unicorns walked down the steps, better introducing themselves as Twilight watched, smiling at seeing Starlight find somepony new to talk to. She turned back to Celestia just as Shadow began to speak.

“May I ask if Princess Luna is here as well?” He asked, curious.

Celestia kept up her smile, slightly shaking her head. “I’m afraid Luna must watch over the night, as is her duty. Even so, she finds events such as this tiresome, as she is already weary from her nights watching over the Dream Realm.”

Something then stuck out to Fluttershy as a question Celestia may be able to answer. “Umm… not to keep asking you so many questions, princess, but you wouldn’t happen to know what happened to Discord, would you? I haven’t seen him since… well, since the summit.”

The question was a worrisome one indeed, working its way into removing Celestia’s smile. “I’m afraid I do not, dear Fluttershy. No pony has seen Discord since, though I imagine he is somewhere in his realm, where he is most at rest.”

Fluttershy nodded in reply, feeling a bit down from the answer, though it didn’t last. “I’m sure he’s alright, wherever he is.” She said with optimism.

“So, Miss Spitfire, Starfall’s dad really taught you at the Wonderbolt Academy?” Spike asked her, having managed to escape the pink dancing machine in the ballroom.

Spitfire nodded. “Yep, though he was only a part-time instructor, I learned more from Nimbus than any other at the academy. He knows his stuff, would probably still make a wicked Wonderbolt coach.”

Scootaloo’s face lit up in excitement. “That’s sooo cool!”

Spike looked impressed, glancing over to his right, only to be grabbed and picked up by Garble, who held him upside-down. “Letting your guard down a little too easy around these ponies, aren’t ya Spike?”

The little dragon crossed his arms while upside-down. “Not funny Garble.”

“Ha, totally is.” Garble chuckled.

Ember walked up alongside the red dragon, poking at his side. “Put him down.”

Garble looked over at her, scoffing. “Bah, you’re no fun.” He flipped Spike over and caught him by his tail, dropping him to the floor.

Ember helped him up, then receiving a hug from him as she awkwardly hugged him back. “C’mon Spike, quit it, you’re embarrassing me…”

Spike pulled back, chuckling to himself. “Hehe, sorry, forgot you’re still iffy with hugging.”

“Howdy there, Ember.” Applejack said, everypony else having turned to them. “Glad y’all could make it.”

Rarity then lifted her hoof in a poise of elegance. “Yes, tell us; what do you think of the gala?”

Ember shrugged her shoulders, but then thought about not wanting to hurt the unicorn’s feelings. “It’s nice… really fancy and-”

“Boring.” Garble filled in for her, earning a smack from the Dragon Lord.

“I didn’t say that… I was about to say, unique.” Ember continued, trying at a smile.

Before they could say much more, Rarity caught sight of King Gale, who had arrived before them and was walking around with one of his guards. She went eerily quiet, causing everyone else to look over to see him as well. The griffon stopped when he noticed them looking at him, offering a nod of his head before continuing on, as a sort of preference to a greeting.

Rainbow grimaced. “I still don’t like him.”

Spike shrugged. “At least he’s better now than he was.”

“Very true,” Rarity added. “To be honest, I’m surprised he agreed to come, after everything that’s happened.”

Thorax came walking over from the entrance hall. “Hey there everypony, I’m not late, am I?”

Spike ran up to him, the two of them hugging as well. “Not at all, Thorax! I’m so glad you could make it.”

The changeling king smiled. “Wouldn’t miss it.”

Pinkie was still going at it hard, jumping and twirling around like she always did at the beginning of the gala. Numerous ponies now knew of her antics, and so many stallions went along with it best they could when she was near, which excited her even more since she was used to no pony even trying.

Starlight chuckled at the sight, honestly surprised that so many were trying to keep up with her. Turning back to Emerald, she sipped at her punch glass. “So, Emerald, where are you from?”

The unicorn smiled, having also been watching Pinkie. “My family just recently moved up north. We’re in Canterlot now, but I imagine we’ll be moving along again soon. We never stay anywhere for very long.”

With her head tilted, Starlight replied, “Oh? May I ask why?”

Emerald just lightly shook her head, laughing lightly. “Couldn’t tell you, we’re just weird like that, I guess.”

The two laughed at that, turning back to put their glasses down, having just finished. “I’m guessing you’re here as a plus one then? I hear these tickets are really hard to come by.”

She nodded, letting out a dreamy sigh. “Yeah…”

Starlight managed to hold down a chuckle at seeing her response. “Alright then…” Just as she was about to inquire as to what Emerald meant, somepony lightly tapped her shoulder, causing her to turn.

“Excuse me, you’re Starlight Glimmer, yes? Do you know where I can find Princess Twilight?” The unknown unicorn asked.

Celestia laughed lightly. “Tell me, Twilight, have you been to see Cadence and Shining Armor recently? They’ve begun preparations for a great festival to be held there soon.”

“That sounds like Cadence alright,” Twilight replied. “Unfortunately, I haven’t seen them since the summit, what’s the occasion for the festival?”

“According to an ancient tome they found, the alicorn that founded the Crystal Empire has a birthday that comes in a few months.” Celestia said happily. “And so they plan on hosting a grand celebration every year on that day to honor her.”

Fluttershy’s eyes lit up in awe. “Oh, how wonderful.”

Starfall stood in silence, watching them with a smile. He felt very relaxed, very at ease about where he was now. Being Princess Twilight’s escort, seeing Celestia again, and no longer under any stress, it was great. This relaxation certainly wouldn’t last long, however.

“There you are, Starry.” A stunning voice spoke out from behind him, making him freeze up for a moment, slowly turning around.

In between Starlight and her new friend, Emerald, there stood a true beauty of a unicorn. She had the lightest shade of blue fur that was almost crystal-like. Her silver mane and tail were flawless, brushed to perfection as a few strands from her mane rested over the side of her face. She had on a gorgeous gown, which was white silk, fluffed on the trim and edges to give a kind of cloud-like look to it. There were sparkles in her mane, tail, and on her dress that added an extra level of brilliance. A spiraling design of flakes were added to her front legs, giving off the look of a winter flurry. Her golden eyes looked to the royal guard with a kind of expectancy.

Starfall stood in general silence, a smile creeping onto his face, although it took a while for it to do so. The unicorn chuckled, shaking her head. “What? You thought I’d miss the Grand Galloping Gala?”

Twilight turned, a little confused, but smiling none the less. “Who’s your friend, Starfall?”

Starfall looked over at her, a hilariously shy smile on his face. “Twilight, this is my sister, Auraglow.”

Completely blindsided by this, Twilight looked slightly shocked. Auraglow smiled at her, bowing down like a lady. “Princess Twilight, so great to finally meet you. I’ve been meaning to visit my brother in Ponyville, but I’m afraid my schedule has proven stubborn.”

Twilight shook her head, clearing this daze from it. “No, no, of course you are busy, your parents expressed how little time you have to yourself, even though you visit them as often as possible.”

Auraglow laughed lightly. “Yes, but it’s an honor, truly it is, to know that my little Starry,” She said, hoofing Starfall’s cheek in a kind of tease. “Is the royal guard to the Princess of Friendship herself.”

Chuckling slightly, Twilight looked over at him. “I like to think we’re both honored for that.”

Looking from them to Celestia, Auraglow bowed her head. “So good to see you again, princess.”

Celestia offered a smile. “Always a pleasure.”

Remembering something of interest, Fluttershy said, “Excuse me, Miss Auraglow?” She earned the unicorn’s gaze. “We have a friend who we know would just love to meet you.”

“So, Thorax,” Ember said, her arms crossed. “We haven’t really been able to talk, you and I. You’re a king, right? I always thought changeling hives needed a queen.”

Thorax stuttered just a bit. “Ah, well… yes that is a common misconception.” He said, still sounding a bit off from hearing what she said. “The hive hasn’t had a king in… well to be honest I’m not sure it’s ever had a king before. Queens are extremely rare in our species, so I can’t imagine there will be one anytime soon.”

Ember raised a brow, curious. “So queens are completely different all together? They’re not just regular changelings like you were at some point?”

Seeing Thorax having a difficult time in answering that, Spike jumped in. “It’s a complicated thing, I’m sure, but I’m gonna go out on a limb and guess that talking about queens isn’t quite something you’re comfortable with.”

After a short, silent pause, Thorax shook his head, kinda looking away a bit.

Rarity rested a hoof on his shoulder. “It’s perfectly fine, darling, if you’re the first changeling king in history it’s completely understandable that you would be nervous talking about having a queen.”

Seeing that she more or less spelled it out, Thorax’s ears went flat to his head. “Umm… thanks Rarity…”

She replied with a wide smile. “Anytime darling.”

Twilight and Fluttershy joined them, big smiles on their faces. “Hello everypony, good to see you all again.” Twilight said, turning to Rarity. “We have somepony we’d love for you to meet.” Stepping aside, Auraglow joined the group, along with Starfall, Starlight, Shadow, and Emerald. Rarity’s eyes went super wide and she gasped, hoof rising in surprise.

“Miss Rarity,” Auraglow said, having truly been excited to meet her. “This is such an honor, I absolutely love your designs.”

Eyes still wide open, mouth agape, Rarity suddenly felt dizzy and fainted, forcing Applejack and Rainbow to have to catch her.

Auraglow muffled a small laugh, looking around at them. “You’d be surprised how often I get that.”

As Spike brought over a fan to try and give Rarity some air, Twilight looked to Auraglow, having so many questions, but knowing that she shouldn’t start by bombarding the unicorn with a questionnaire. “So, Auraglow, do you come to the gala every year?”

She nodded. “I try to, yes, but these past two years I’ve been out on tour, so I haven’t been able to, but this year I made sure I wouldn’t miss it.” She turned to and smirked at Starfall. “Good thing too, I would’ve hated to miss my brother’s first gala experience.”

Starfall sighed, shaking his head. “You know I’ve been here before-”

“On guard detail, yes, I know.” Auraglow cut him off, chuckling. “But standing there like a statue, and joining in with everypony are two far different things, little brother. And just look at you! That is the best look I’ve ever seen on you.”

He let out a breath, clearly embarrassed. “…thank you.”

She then giggled to herself, turning back to Twilight. “I’m only teasing him, it’s something siblings do best.”

Twilight giggled as well. “Oh believe me, I know.”

Starlight cleared her throat to get Twilight’s attention, which it did. “Twilight, this is Emerald Night.” She said, gesturing to the unicorn, who then bowed her head in respect at meeting a princess. “This is her first gala too, she’s who I disappeared with when you were talking to Celestia.”

Twilight smiled at her. “I noticed, I’m so happy you found somepony to talk to so quickly.” She then looked to the new unicorn. “Nice to meet you.”

Emerald smiled nervously. “Wow… oh, umm… nice to meet you too, princess.”

With a small laugh, Twilight replied, “Just Twilight is fine. Any friend of Starlight’s is a friend of mine.”

Letting out a rather suppressed, light laugh, Emerald looked around at all of them. It seemed like the orchestral band playing a song pulled her out from her daze. “Ha, yes, that’s so very kind of you.” She then turned to Starlight. “Would you excuse me, I’ll only be gone a moment.” Trotting out of the ballroom, she disappeared from sight.

Starlight watched, but then turned back to Twilight. “She’s just nervous, probably never met a princess before.”

With a sigh, Twilight nodded. “Yes, that certainly does happen.”

As they talked, Starfall and Garble stood silently next to one another, after having given each other their usual nod. “I imagine you’re feeling a bit out of place.” Starfall chuckled.

“Yeah? What was your first clue, feather brain?” He scoffed.

Starfall shrugged his shoulders. “Call it a hunch.” He then looked over at him. “So should I expect to see you and Ember dancing anytime soon?”

Garble shot him a glare, but then they both laughed a bit. The dragon then chuckled, shaking his head. “It could be worse… guess you ponies aren’t half as bad as I thought you were at throwing parties.” He proceeded to punch the pegasus in the shoulder. “Don’t let that go to your head.”

With a responding chuckle, Starfall replied, “Duly noted.”

Still standing up on the interval between the staircases, Celestia watched as more and more ponies walked in and through the halls, a few coming to meet her. When it seemed that most everypony had arrived, she descended the stairs and entered the ballroom, watching from just behind the crowd of ponies.

Twilight and her friends were chatting and having a grand time, as they always did. It seemed Pinkie had danced her fill for the moment, joining them and leaving the dance floor empty, everypony still socializing and greeting one another.

It always made her smile, seeing her subjects so happy. Fine music, friends all around her, and the knowledge that all of their worries had been cast aside, it was enough to make her smile on even the hardest of nights.

Burdened by her own choice she was soon to make, Celestia kept up her smile. Not for the ponies around her, not for her image as a princess, but for her, as what could very well be the last Grand Galloping Gala she ever attended. She smiled because she wanted to remember this night for all the happiness she felt, and for what it meant to her to truly be loved by her subjects.

The pain quickly became too much to bear, however. Not knowing when the last day of her rule would begin… when he came for his answer. When she would have to… the very thought gripped her tight, refusing to let go and ease the pressure. Very soon she was standing all alone just inside the ballroom door, everypony having inched further in, leaving a sizeable gap between her and the ponies around her. She closed her eyes and lowered her head, a half-choked breath being released silently as she felt a tear roll slowly down her face.

Hoof steps tracked her from behind, the pony walking around and in front of her, though she remained immobile and near oblivious to them. “There, there, dear princess…” A dark, familiar voice spoke softly to her. “Nights like these are too rare and special to ruin with tears of sorrow.”

Eyes opening, she slowly looked up to find a most horrifying, yet breath-taking sight.

His once red cape was now a deep, dark purple color. The armor beneath the cape was now a near ancient style of attire that hadn’t been used in centuries, made for special occasions such as this. It was black, with red edging and a kind of gray trim, the sleeves reaching the top of the hooves. There was no crown on his head, freeing his mane as it had seemingly been brushed and groomed to look formal, more appealing now than ever. His intense eyes looked upon her now only with a calmness, a temperance, which stunned her.

“Speechless, are you?” He asked, smiling at her. “I thank you for that compliment.”

Celestia struggled with words, incapable of speech for the first moment or so. “Som… Sombra…?” She replied, her mind trying to comprehend it all. “What are you doing? Somepony will-” Stopping, she took the time to notice a kind of sphere of magic about him that was very faint, and required her focus to identify. She looked to him, squinting. “A-are you…?”

He nodded, glancing around the room. “Your subjects see only a stranger…” He turned back to her. “You, my dearest Celestia, are the only one who can see through it.”

He took in a breath, staying strong as she asked, “Is it time?”

Sombra’s eyes were unreadable, they remained there, in that state of absolute calmness. A peculiar note filled the air, Octavia had just arrived, beginning to play her cello up on stage. His smile widened, still having a hint of sinister intent hidden away in it. “For my offer, no, not yet…” Lifting his hoof, he offered it to her. “So how about a dance?”

Feeling her focus on everything else slip away, the question echoed in her ears for what felt like an eternity. Why was he doing this? If he were to be discovered, surely he knows how difficult it would be for him to escape them all. But then again, he was allowing her this night. He knew he could demand her answer now and be taken away from them all, but instead he was choosing to wait, giving her what she hoped would be the rest of the gala to be with her subjects.

Slowly, she lifted her hoof up and onto his. His smug expression stayed, unchallenged, on his face as he turned, the two of them walking past the crowd and onto the open dancefloor.

Twilight, seeing this, smiled at the sight of Celestia starting the slow dancing with the stallion. From her eyes, and the eyes of everypony else, he was a big, gray furred unicorn with a rather standard, yet charming tuxedo on, a rose fitted on his vest pocket. Octavia led the small orchestra, weaving a slow, graceful song into the air.

Everypony turned to watch now as Celestia and Sombra began to dance. Having been raised when and where he was, the unicorn king was quite talented, leading her as they went on. The feeling was reminiscent of a time before, and so Celestia, even if the moment wasn’t enchanting to her, couldn’t stop her small, warm smile from appearing. He twirled her around slowly, the two moving as one, having both become magnificent dancers in their times as rulers.

“Would it truly wound you so badly to come away with me?” He whispered to her, not missing a single step.

Celestia, also staying perfectly in rhythm, replied softly, “If the prince I knew were to come back… if he were to stay here with me, neither of us need be wounded.”

He smirked at her as he dipped her slightly, returning back into the steps. “Words spoken softly but with the greatest of regret. I offered you my heart and you turned me away for another… I am all that remains of that foolish prince.”

She looked to him with eyes full of sincerity. “Sombra… I-”

He shook his head. “There is no use speaking of it now. What mistakes were made in the past led us here, to this moment.” He spun her again, holding her from behind. “And this time… I have a feeling you will make the right choice.”

Watching Princess Celestia dance with the stallion made Fluttershy blush, as it made her think of Shadow. It was the most flustering of feelings, and knowing he was standing right there by her side just made it grow stronger.

“…Shadow?” she asked, earning his gaze. “Could you ever see yourself… falling in love with somepony?”

Although she was timid when asking, the question itself was bold and unexpected. “I think I could… if I ever found the right partner.” Looking down a bit, the nervous mare rubbed at the floor a little, which made Shadow blush a bit as well. He looked back up, continuing to watch the princess and the stallion dance. “She’d have to love animals,” He said to her, a small smile on his face. “Big and small, just like me…” Fluttershy froze in place as he kept speaking. “I would prefer she have a good circle of friends, ones that accept me even though I’m a bit different…” She glanced up at him, her blush growing in size and intensity. He looked over at her. “She’d have to be warm and sweet, nurturing and gentle… with a heart so kind it makes you believe she was too perfect for the world around her…”

She became teary eyed, looking to him as he turned to her completely. His golden eyes told her all she needed to know, holding the softest of gazes upon her.

Lifting his hoof up, he said, “Just like you.”

It took Fluttershy a moment to react, but she lifted her hoof up onto his. Slowly, he led her out onto the dancefloor. Her nervousness at others seeing her dance was non-existent, in this moment, she was lost in his eyes. Her other hoof being taken up by him, the two began to dance.

Shadow moved about elegantly, surprising Fluttershy with his ability, as he had become far better than the last time they danced at the Hearth’s Warming Eve party. He managed a glance over at Rarity, who winked at him, impressed by how well their dance lessons turned out.

Fluttershy felt it all fall away, all of her suppressed worries and doubts about herself being erased by this shadow pony, who slow danced his way through them and into her heart. This was the happiest moment of her life.

With the second pair joining the princess, others began to join in, and before long there were dozens out on the dancefloor. Rarity, having been offered a dance by a unicorn, was the first to join. Applejack was brought out by Soaren, the Wonderbolt. Rainbow, after some hesitation, joined in with a pegasus. Spike and all three of the CMCs danced apart from them, not quite knowing what they were doing, but having fun in the process.

Pinkie stood watching them, her elbows up on the table with her head rested upon her hooves. She sighed, wishing somepony would ask her, though she knew better; everypony already knew how hyper she was, they’d never think she liked to slow dance.

“Pardon me, pink pony,” A voice spoke to her. She turned to see King Gale standing up straight, looking down at her with a rather serious expression. “Care to join me?” He offered, lifting up his talon.

She paused, looking at his talon before looking back up at him with a giant smile. “Really?!”

He nodded. “This is a dance after all.”

Grabbing the griffon while letting out a shriek of excitement, Pinkie raced over to join everypony else, making Twilight giggle to herself. Call the griffons what you want, they sure had recovered their pride since Pinkie and Rainbow had gone to Griffonstone.

With Starlight having gone to one of the tables to sit and watch the dancers, Twilight stood alone, smiling as she saw how happy her friends all were. It seemed like their previous changes were gone, and everything had returned to normal. Such a powerful night this was.

She sighed, her smile only deepening. This was what she wanted to feel; having everything so perfect, all of her friends content and worry free, Equestria safe, and all of their troubles nothing more than bad dreams, replaced with happy ones of this night.

Starfall stepped up beside her. “It’s even better than I imagined.”

“It always is.” She replied, looking to him before turning to watch the dancers once more. “I remember the first time my friends and I came here for the gala. We tried so hard to make it our best night ever, but it only happened when we came together in the end.”

Her royal guard smiled. “I don’t believe I’ve ever seen you so happy.”

She smiled at hearing this, but then the truth came like thunder in her heart. “Unfortunately, it can’t last forever. When we go home, all of the chaos may very well just start over again…” She said, her happiness dimming away a little.

Turning to the princess, Starfall replied, “Even if it does, we’ll get through it, together.”

Hearing him say that helped, returning a small smile to her. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to ruin it…” She sighed as she continued to watch her friends. “This night couldn’t get any better…”

He paused, looking out at their friends, his eyes then closing. He thought about it, and there was no longer any reason to avoid this any longer. Opening his eyes, he looked to her, seeing how beautiful she looked, dress aside, just her… Twilight Sparkle. He took a half-step forward, slightly turning to her. “I can think of a way to make it better…” He said softly.

She looked to him, not understanding at first, but then all of a sudden catching on.

Lifting his hoof, he smiled to her. “May I have this dance?”

Stunned, Twilight blushed, her voice leaving her in that moment. When the moment passed, she lifted up her hoof, resting it upon his gently. “…yes.”

Auraglow, who had been watching her brother from afar, saw this and made her move. She walked up onto the stage, whispering to Octavia, who in turn faded her music to tell the others.

As Twilight and Starfall walked out onto the dancefloor, Frederic Horseshoepin, who was on the piano, began the song, which started with piano notes alone. As the princess and her royal guard proceeded, a number of the dancers stepped aside, wanting to watch. Auraglow stepped out onto the front of the stage, the sight of her little brother with a mare on his arm making her smile. As the two reached the center of the dancefloor and turned to face one another, Auraglow began to sing.

Oh, dreaming about our younger years. You were always there for me, always made me feel so free. Now nothing can take you away from me. We’ve never walked this road before, but I’m ready now… we could be so much more.

Resting one hoof upon his, and the other on his shoulder, Twilight felt her heart race as he held her hoof, placing his other on her side. Moving slowly at first, they began to circle the floor, lost in each other’s eyes as they reacted naturally, immediately becoming one as they moved.

Baby you’re all that I want, when you’re lying here in my arms. I’m finding it hard to believe, we’re in heaven. Love is all that I need, and I’ve found it here in your heart. It isn’t too hard to see, we’re in heaven.

The two took no notice to the ponies watching, only focusing on one another. Both of their faces were slightly red, but they lacked their grip on reality enough to smile, completely transfixed on each other. He twirled her around, the two continuing with her back up against him until he spun her back around, reuniting their gaze once again.

Oh, once in your life you find someone, who will turn your world around, raise you up when you’ve fallen down. Now nothing can change what you mean to me. There’s so much more to say, but just hold me now… cause our love will light the way.

The entire dancefloor had become a magical sight, as if told from the pages of a fairytale. Auraglow smiled on, watching them with the happiest of hearts, overjoyed at finally getting the chance to help make a difference in Starfall’s life.

Baby you’re all that I want, when you’re lying here in my arms. I’m finding it hard to believe, we’re in heaven. Love is all that I need, and I’ve found it here in your heart. It isn’t too hard to see, we’re in heaven.” Picking up some speed, Auraglow too become lost in the music. “I’ve been waiting for so long, something to arrive, love to come along. Now our dreams are coming true, through the endless years to fall, I’ll be standing there by you!

Moving as elegantly as the musical notes that filled the air, Twilight and Starfall danced on. Along with the dozen or so ponies that remained, the ballroom became what it had been built for, a place for dreams to begin. The pegasus spun his princess around, who returned to him, their eyes locked onto one another’s as the music slowed even more, the moment softening to the most magical of feelings.

Baby you’re all that I want, when you’re lying here in my arms. I’m finding it hard to believe, we’re in heaven. Love is all that I need, and I’ve found it here in your heart. It isn’t too hard to see, we’re in heaven.

As the song came to a close, each of the dancing duos slowed. After one final dip, Starfall pulled Twilight back up into the embrace, now held close to one another. She pressed her head under his, hugging him. He hugged her back, resting his own head on top of hers, the both of them with their eyes closed. Twilight had claimed this before, but now it rang true beyond a doubt; this was the best night ever.

Auraglow hummed, then saying the final words of the song. “We’re in heaven.

Author's Note:

The finale has begun!
The big night begins! We get Season 1 feels as several characters are experiencing the gala for the very first time!
Dancing, music, friends, what else could a pony ask for?
Don't leave yet! The finale ends with this next, final chapter of Lights and Shadows Part II!