• Published 9th Aug 2017
  • 2,718 Views, 11 Comments

The Nightmare Worgan - Darkinfinity666

a Human now Worgan Displaced in Equestria... what can go wrong? apparently... Everything

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Chapter 2 - Nightmares for Nightmare

(Unknown - Unknown- Sal'Ador's P.O.V.)

I look around me, there is blood everywhere, on my armor, on my fur... on my face, I am holding my axe, there are pony bodies everywhere, they are anthro of course, I remember this... this was when I first arrived in equestria, just a few minutes and already, so many ponies where... dead.

Celestia and Luna are in front of me, they are in their battle armor, and with their weapons. Luna with her War Axe, and Celestia has her golden Warhammer, my body starts to move on their own as I Lunge at them, but they are much better at this than me as Celestia hits me in the face with the warhammer, sending me back a few feet and doing some damage, I lunge again but Luna Dodges and Celestia hits me with her hammer again.

I use Death Grip on Luna and bring her towards me as I then use Blood Strike on her, it does a ton of damage, but not enough, i growl again as i swing with my axe, but she dodges and she slices at we with her War Axe doing some pretty decent damage to me, i use blood strike again but she jumps back so that she is next to her sister.

they pull out 6 gems, 5 that are rubee like from the legend of zelda and one that are in shape of a 6 pointed star, I Growl at the sight of them as I saw my red glowing eyes reflect of the surface of the 6 pointed star one, they i tried to lunge at them again as they started to glow, I growl as they send a rainbow beam towards my direction, i get up as i stare at the beam, i Use a Anti-magic spell that i think should have worked.

the beam then hit me as i started to turn to stone, Roar in anger as i throw my axe at the royal sisters and use some spells towards them, but none of them work as i am fully turned to stone.

at the time, I had no idea what I was getting into.

(Everfree forest - Present - Sal'Ador P.O.V.)

I Open my eyes as i look around, I Try to get up but I collapsed as I felt searing pain in my foot, I grunt in pain as I start to calm down, I need to assess the situation I am in I thought as i look around, there is a medium-ish hole going through my right foot, i have my armor and my battle axe at least, and i am in a forest, how i did not notice it first is anyone's guess, i get up as i start to heal

"okay, so far i am in a forest, with a wound on my foot and there are possible bears and other wild animals that will try to kill me" I say out-loud as I grab my axe to protect myself, I start to think back to the fight with Luna, me becoming free, and getting my axe, which i shouldn't be proud of because now the possibility of the whole of equestria is gonna hunt me now.

I decide to take a look at my surroundings right now, because knowing where you are is a key part to survival, the trees i can use to make a good lookout on top of them, or I can travel somewhere else where it is cold, because death knights usually are in cold places, but then i again it might be better I stay in this forest, there is a small lake nearby and a cave entrance, i don't really know if i need to eat and drink, or if i don't need to, but i'm going on a hunch and say that i don't need to

I travel further into the forest, hopefully away from ponies, and away from the princesses, but I am most certainly sure that I will not meet the princesses again, besides, i'm just one tiny insignificant villain, they have other bad guys to worry about.

I start to hear growling behind me so I quickly turn around and use death grip on the thing that i making the growling sound as i then use Death strike on it, which does a large amount of damage

The creature i just attacked is a large wolf like creature that is made of wood, it has glowing yellow eyes and is growling at me, I wish I knew more about this world or that i had fire powers, but i will just have to make do with what i have, I use dancing rune weapon to summon another weapon to help me attack this wooden wolf as I take a swing at it, doing some damage to it but it swipes at me and tries to bite me, but i just jump out of the way as the rune weapon attacks the wolf doing some major damage as I use death strike on the wooden wolf shattering it to pieces.

I start to hear more growling as i see about 3 more wooden wolves come towards me, i get ready as the Dancing rune weapon spell wears off and the largest one lunges towards me, I use death strike on the wolf to bring it down as a then use blood boil, and then marrowrend, then I use Blood Strike to finish off the wolf, use death grip on the other with and then use Death strike and then marrowrend, then I simply attack the wolf with my axe finishing it off.

I use death grip on the last wolf, but this one attacks me when it gets near me, but i jump back and I can tell I am out of range of any of my main attacks so I wait for the wolf to lunge at me, which is does and i use Death Strike than Blood Strike, and the marrowrend to finish the wooden wolf off, i let my attacks charge up as i look at the defeated wolves, they are made out of sticks and twigs, which i should be able to use for a fire, but i need to look out for anyone that is looking for me

I start to head deeper into the forest, not really caring where I go.

(Canterlot castle throne room - Present - Twilight's P.O.V.)

When I got the letter from princess celestia that a powerful enemy of her's escaped I gathered the girls and we started to head to the throne room, the guards were how they normally are and there is nothing new inside the throne room, except that both Celestia and Luna are wearing armor and have weapons with them, celestia has a golden warhammer while Luna has a midnight blue battleaxe.

"Princess Celestia, you sent a letter telling us to come here?" I ask serious about this whole ordeal "yes, yes i did, we sent you because an old enemy of ours has escaped." Celestia says "pfft, I bet i can take it on by myself" Rainbow dash says.

"no you can't!" Luna says "the first minutes it appeared it already killed thousands of ponies without even trying" Luna finishes, Fluttershy is shaking like a leaf, while Rarity is disgusted "what ruffian would do that to countless poor ponies!" Rarity says, "Ah don't think this is just a ruffian rarity" Applejack says.

"We need the elements of harmony send this evil back to stone" Celestia says, everyone else nods.

Author's Note:

I would appreciate it if you tell me how i can improve, because i am not the best at this, i know more people that a much better at this and give me some pointers