• Published 13th Mar 2017
  • 1,727 Views, 31 Comments

The Modular Merchant - Pozzo

A new merchant in town offers a unique range of rare and highly deseriable items. They cost an arm and a leg. And other parts.

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Chapter 6: Fluttershy Gets Her Head In The Game (and also her limbs)

When Rainbow woke up the next morning, something seemed off. She raised her muzzle out of the book she had fallen asleep reading, and looked around her room, looking for the detail that would clue her in to what felt wrong. There was the jar on the side of her bed, of course, but she remembered what had happened last night, and that wasn’t it. Was the sun brighter than normal? No, not particularly, that couldn’t be it…

She looked down again at the dusty old book lying in front of her. There were a few other books scattered around the room, half-opened. Then she scanned the room again, catching her reflection in the mirror, Twilight’s brain very clearly resting inside her skull. Then she looked back down at the book. This pattern continued for another few cycles as her empty head started to piece together the crime scene. Empty jar. Dusty book. Brain in her head. She scratched her head, deep in through, although what she actually ended up doing was scratching at the rubbery organ in her skull.

“Hmm…oh, good morning, Dash!” said a tired voice in response to the physical contact. Twilight’s voice yawned. “Wow, I am beat, let me tell you.”

“How come? And why are there so many books lying around? I feel like I’ve woken up at your place or something!” asked Dash, yawning herself now.

“Haha, yeah, I can see why you’d think that.” Said Twilight. “Eh…Rainbow…”

“And I don’t even remember reading THIS” continued the blue pegasus, holding up Starswirl’s diary. “I mean, I know you would. But me? Hah, no way!” she said, laughing to herself as she turned it this way and that in her hoof. Twilight chuckled nervously in response without saying anything as Rainbow continued to think things over.

“”Yeah, the only way I’d ever read something this boring was if you, like, made me. Somehow”

“Dash…” said Twilight.

“But there’s no way you could make me. Unless you like, possessed me-“

Twilight thought she heard an audible click as Rainbow suddenly seemed to get it. The pegasus’s features slowly morphed from amiable bemusement into a frown.

“Heeey…wait a minute…Twi, if I go to sleep, and your brain is in my head…can you-“

“Yes, I can kinda take control of your body. Sorry, sorry!” said Twilight. Rainbow seen the brain in her head start to wiggle,as if it was physically embarrassed. “I just couldn’t resist having that book in front of me! Oh, the things Starswirl the Bearded was cognitive of, it’s out of this world! Do you know that when he first moved to Canterlot, he went into the busiest pub in town and-“

“Twilight! Focus! You can take over my body when I sleep! That’s…that’s…”

“I know, horrible, and I’m sorry.”

“What? No, it’s cool!” said Rainbow, hovering over her bed now. “That’s like, a pranksters dream! You could have done ANYTHING…and you just read some lame old books?” she finished, indicating the other discarded texts with a hoof. “You’ve even read some of these before! You’ve told me so!” Twilight coughed, somehow.

“Well…they’re good ones. That’s why I lent them to you.” Rainbow rolled her eyes.

“Urgh, you’re the lamest brain in a jar ever.”

“Well, technically I’m a brain in a head right now, like anypony else reall-hey, what are you-“

Rainbow reached into her head and scooped Twilight out of her head, before walking over and dumping her in the jar of water by the bed.
“You can stay in there for the afternoon and think about the missed opportunities. You could have pranked anyone, or done anything! Even if you do it now it won’t be the same….so, uh, don’t.”

Twilight remained silent, bubbling away passively, as Rainbow went down to make herself breakfast. She wondered what she would do today. Probably just hang about town, see if anything else was going on. Maybe go see Clearheart-she did still have her skullcap lying around, after all, and Dash really felt like she should get that back at some point, if only to get her mane back. At the very least she should check up on her friends and make sure they’re getting on ok. They all gave away big stuff like, you know, entire skeletons-maybe they’d run into bother? Dash was just thankful only had to trade away her silly old brain for her awesome jacket. What a deal!

After breakfast, she took her Twi-Jar, put on her jacket and flew down towards Ponyville. It must have been later than what she had thought, because the town was reasonably busy and full of life. But again, something seemed…off. Was it just her, or did everypony look a little…different? Well, maybe not everypony, but enough to make her take notice. She landed down on the street and looked around. Sure enough, it seemed as though business had picked up for Clearheat-there were definitely more ponies who had clearly gone through some sort of deal. Some were smaller in scale than others-maybe a missing hoof or leg. Rainbow spotted Carrot Top being wheeled around by her friends, laughing gaily as she clutched a brown bag of something or another close to her chest.

“Oh, there she is!” said a voice behind her. Rainbow turned around to see a small crowd of townsponies pointing excitedly at her. She smiled and waved back at them.

“The one and only!” she said. Rainbow recognised one of the ponies as Berry Punch who, in stark contrast to some of the ponies Dash had spotted, seemed to have gained mass rather than lost it, her gut looking somewhat rounder and fuller than usual. She stepped forward, and there was a strong sloshing sound as she did so.

“Oh no, not you Rainbow. Uh no offense. We meant the Princess! That’s her, right?” she said. Rainbow realised they had been pointing at the jar. She raised it above her head so that everyone could see. The crowd gave a collective gasp of interest and even some applause.
“Wow, she really did give up her whole body! No wonder everypony’s getting in on the act!” said Berry Punch.

“Yeah, I noticed that actually…” admitted Rainbow. A pale yellow earth pony mare nodded in agreement.

“Yup, it’s like that Clearheart mare’s gotten the official seal of approval from the princess. She must be making a fortune! Well, in body parts, but still…”

“It’s strange, though” said a grey, young looking unicorn stallion to her right. “You’d think the stuff she’s giving away would be more valuable…”

“Oh who cares what her reasons are?” Said Berry, before holding up a large green bottle. “I got an endless bottle of wine-literally, as far as I can tell, and I’m something of an expert-and all I had to do was give her my lousy insides!” She slapped her belly happily. Rainbow was pretty sure she knew what was inside now. “Jokes on you Clearheart, I can drink as much as I want now!”

“Well, can you?” asked her friend.

“I intend on finding out! Come on, let’s go. Drinks are on me, hahaha! Oh, nice jacket by the way, digging the flames, Dash!”

The gang trotted away, leaving Rainbow to wonder about the effect Clearheart was having on the town, and the deep moral questions that arise when you begin to trade bodyparts for goods. Only she didn’t, because she was actually holding back tears of joy.

“Finally…someone complimented my jacket!” she said, bringing up the jar containing Twilight’s brain to her face and practically pressing her face up against the glass. “You hear that, Twi?” she asked. Twilight said nothing, leading to a somewhat deflating silence. Her urge to converse with her friend overtook her, and Rainbow had soon fished Twilight out of her jar and plopped her into place inside her head.

“Urgh…oh, I can see again. Hello, Rainbow!”

“Yeah yeah, hello to you too. Guess what-someone said my jacket was nice! I told you it was awesome!” said Rainbow, excitedly. “Wait till the others hear about this! Oh, speaking of which, any idea where everypony might be?”

“Well…I think today is Spa day for Rarity and Fluttershy, why don’t you try there first? Oooh, maybe we can get a little treatment too! Well, you at any rate, I don’t know if they know how to massage a brain.”

“Heh, true.” Said Rainbow, as she set a course for the spa. “What’s it like, by the way? Being a brain in a jar like that.”

“Hmm…” thought Twilight, thinking for a few seconds. “It’s…not terrible. It’s like when you’re up at night and can’t sleep, and you start thinking about…well, everything. Imagine that but more intense.”

“Sounds pretty terrible to me.” Said Dash, as she turned a corner. “Not surprised you like it so much though. You’ve always been a braniac.”
“Hehe, that’s very true! I don’t know how other ponies would handle it…”


Applebloom was pretty sure that they had now been in the jar for about 24 hours. She was basing this on the way that she could vaguely feel the glow of the afternoon sun coming through the window of the clubhouse, warming the glass that held her. It felt fairly pleasant, in truth, although a morbid part of her imagination wondered what would happen if the glass got too hot. She didn’t particularly want to find out what happened when you boiled brains. Still, she was quietly confident that they would soon be rescued. Applejack or Big Mac were probably just about to lift them out of their watery prison and back into their bodies.

Although, thinking on it…this had basically been like a holiday. No school, no chores, no nagging big sister asking her where she was going or what she was up to. It was just her, and her two best friends, and literally nothing else. A part of her would miss this, although she was looking forward to having something to eat again. It was a good thing Applebloom currently didn’t have a stomach, because otherwise she would be starving.

She felt something bump into her, and then there was a tired groan.

“Ooh…morning, Applebloom.” Said Scootaloo, sleepily. “Sorry, think I drifted into you there.”

“It’s ok, Scoots! And actually, ah think it’s afternoon, judging from the sun.”

“Oh, sure…wait, how did you figure that one out?”

“We’re literally just brains, Scoots, I’ve been doing nothing BUT think.” Said Applebloom. “What about you, have you thought about anything? Sweetie Belle was trying to explain her thoughts to me but ah didn’t really follow it.”

“Oh that’s easy” said Scootaloo. “I was thinking up the cool things I would rather be doing than floating around in a jar all day. I think I was up to 356 things. Want to hear them?”


“Too bad! Number one: Lying in my bed, instead of in a jar. Number two: Reading a comic book. Number three: Eating a hayburger. Number four: Riding my Scooter. Number five-“

“Ok, ah think you’ve made yer point-“

“No, Applebloom, not yet I’ve not! Number five: Petting a cat. Number six: Looking at a cool painting. Number seven…”

“What’s all the racket?” said Sweetie Belle’s voice, sounding like somepony who has just been woken up from a nice sleep. “Ah was this close to inventing a new number, and now my concentration’s gone!”

“Ah think Scootaloo’s lost it.” Said Applebloom, as Scootaloo continued her list in the background, voice remaining at a steady, yet slightly wobbly trill. “Poor girl, she just ain’t cut out to be a brain.”

“Clearly” agreed Sweetie Belle, before taking a deep sigh. “Well, might as well take a break. Wanna play a game?”

“Sure! How about eye spy? Oh wait…nah, never mind, not that…”


After hastily arranging to join her friends in their spa session with the sisters who ran the place, Rainbow was quickly dressed in the customary bathrobe with a towel on her head, which had the inadvertent effect of covering Twilight up. Rainbow had helpfully pointed out that the brain in her head actually belong to Twilight rather than to her, but trying to explain the situation only seemed to confuse the sisters further.

“Your friends are already proving rather challenging to service.” Said Aloe, as she lead Rainbow to the main room. “But we pride ourselves on our work, and we will do our best.” She said, as she opened the door and led Rainbow inside.

“Ooo, I wonder if I can still get a massage?” thought Twilight to Rainbow, who sniggered.

“Maybe you should get something for your skin. You’re looking awfully winkled.” She said. Aloe turned back and gave the pegasus a withering look as Dash quickly realised her error. “No, no, not you! You look great! I meant Twilight.” She said, pointing a hoof at her towel-wrapped head. Lotus leaned in close as she continued to stare at Rainbow, before nodding her head and opening the door to where the rest of the gang were being treated

As Lotus had said, it was a rather unusual session compared to what they were normally used to. Pinkie’s legs were each being attended to by Lotus for a hoof polishing and painting session, while her head was busy floating in the hot tub, floating on an inflatable life-preserver, humming happily. Rarity had been folded over a rack like a carpet, her head and forelegs dangling down over one end. She had a look of quiet relaxation on her face. Rainbow noticed a rather big stick lying down on the floor next to her. Finally, Applejack was lying down on a bed with a face mask on and cucumbers on her eyes, although she did hear the new arrival and look up.

“Fluttershy?” she said.

“No, it’s us. Rainbow and Twilight.” Said Rainbow. Applejack took the cucumbers off her eyes and looked over. “Where’s Fluttershy?”

“She’ll be here soon, said she might run late. Hey, where’s Twi? I don’t see her.”

“Here!” said Rainbow, unfurling the towel on her head and revealing the pink lump of matter in her head. Applejack sighed, wearily.

“Oh, that’s right. Yer just a brain now.” She said. “Good, ah was thinking this spa day wasn’t weird enough.”

“Oh hello, Rainbow Dash. And you, Twilight.” Said Rarity, from her upside down position on the rack. “Can she hear us?”

“Yup! Oh, she says hi everyone.” Said Rainbow, waving her good to illustrate this, before pausing. “Oh, and…yup, she’s telling me to tell you to stop stressing out, Applejack, and that everything’s fine.”

“Yeah, take a chill pill and enjoy yourself!” said Pinkie, from her vantage point in the hot tub. “Come on in, the water’s fine!”

“Don’t mind if I do!” said Rainbow, taking the invitation that was meant for the grump orange earth pony. Discarding her bathrobe, she flew up and sank into the warm water, sighing loudly as she did so.

“Wow, I can feel how good that must feel to you, Rainbow.” Said Twi, wiggling in her skull cavity. “Oh, I don’t know if I should be in here. I don’t want to shrivel up.”

“Hmm, suit yourself Twi. Hey Applejack, catch!”

Applejack, who had just replaced the cucumbers on her eyes, snorted with annoyance as she took them back off again, only to see something blurring towards her. She reflectively caught the object, looked down, and realised that she was now holding Twilight’s brain in her hoofs. She yelped and, again acting purely on reflex, threw the slimy thing into the air, which might have went very badly for Twilight had Lotus not stepped in and caught her expertly out of the air with her hooves.

“Please do not throw things in the Spa” she said. “Now, I believe a good massage would work wonders for you, Princess…”

Rainbow lost track of time a little as, for the first time in a few days, she was able to relax and just hang out with her friends, sinking deeper into the hot tub and chatting with Pinkie about whatever came to mind. Aloe would occasionally stop her work on Pinkie’s detached legs to pick up the stick next to Rarity and, with a delicate kind of firmness, whack the loose skin like a drum. It didn’t look very relaxing from Rainbow’s point of view, but Rarity wasn’t complaining, so it must have had some merit to it. Off to the side, on a table fit for purpose if rather large for it, Lotus rubbed Twilight with extreme care but with obvious skill, and judging from the way Twilight’s brain stem moved from side to side like a dog wagging its tail, it seemed as though the spa pony had been right about a massage being just want Twilight needed.

“Ahhh…” said Rainbow, before deciding to submerge herself entirely in the water for a few seconds, letting it soak into the fur on her face. When she emerged her skull was mostly filled with the stuff, and she had a steady stream of it leaking out of her ears and under her eyes for a few seconds as it drained out, much to Pinkie pie’s entertainment. The now rather wet pegasus rubbed her eyes dry and then looked up, and saw a yellow torso floating through the air.

Rainbow Dash gasped, rubbed her eyes some more, and then looked again. Yup, there it was, approaching the now dozing Applejack slowly but surely, wobbling in the air slightly. The stumps were bright red, with bone clearly visible in the centre of each one, including the one at the top of the neck, which had a strange sort of silver collar wrapped around it. There was not even a tail, although there was no mistaking the blue and pink butterfly cutie mark that was clearly visible on it. The torso reached Applejack and bumped into her. She sighed and once again removed her eyewear, before practically falling over her bed when she saw what had nudged her.

“What in equestria-“

Everyone now looked over and gasped in surprise, spa ponies included, although Twilight didn’t really react for obvious reasons. There was a soft giggling sound, and then a pony seemed to fade into view beside the bed.

“Sorry, I couldn’t resist” said Fluttershy, as she appeared out of thin air.

“Fluttershy, what on earth have you done to yourself?” said Rarity from her rack, trying to move her head to get a better look. “Oh, can someone take me off this thing now? I think I’ve got my fill of it for one day.”

As Rainbow retrieved Rarity and took her over to Fluttershy, she noticed that she was slightly transparent. She explained that the torso she had carried in was her actual body, and that she had just came back from visiting Clearheart.

“That collar I’m wearing is what I got in return. This is called Astral Projection. I remember reading about it as a little filly. I can project my inner self and still do stuff as normal, but now if I want to hide, I can just do this…” The ghostly pegasus faded out of view, before quickly returning.

“So now you can hide whenever you want, wherever you want? Yeah that sounds like something right up your alley” said Rainbow, to a nodding Shy. “And as long as your body’s safe, you can’t be hurt either.”

“That’s right, so I’ve no excuses not to go looking for the biggest, most dangerous animals now.” Said Fluttershy. “In a way, this makes me feel more confident in myself. It’s like I’m not really here…”

“And for that you let that mare lop your head off? And yer arms and legs?” said Applejack. “Am I the only one here that thinks this is all nuttier than a fruitcake?”

“Applejack, you’ll soon be the only pony in town not to have had something changed. You’ll look terribly out of fashion.” Said rarity, as Rainbow held her up by her forelegs in front of the farmpony.

“Ah don’t care!”

“Even my sister and I are considering it.” Said Lotus, scratching her chin.

“Oui” confirmed Aloe. “As long as we can still service our clients, we could make big improvements to out establishment with the right purchase.”

“Ok, fine, I’m leaving then. Maybe I’ll go give that Creedance Clearheart Revival mare, or whatever she's called again, a piece of my mind.”

“Oh I’m sure she’ll be happy to offer you something in return for that.” Said Rarity. “Though I can’t guarantee it will be anything expensive.”

“Ah, phooey!”

With that final, parting curse, Applejack stormed out of the Spa, leaving Fluttershy looking rather upset looking.

“Oh, did I cause that? I’m sorry everypony. I’ll just…go then…” she said, sniffling a little, before fading from view.

“No, don’t go Fluttershy, she’ll come around to it eventually!” said Pinkie Pie, her head hopping out of the pool impressively and landing by the yellow torso on the ground. “She’s just being typically stubborn. Give it a few days.”

“Yeah, she’s always like this” said Rainbow from the tub. “Stay and enjoy yourself a little in the meantime. I mean, look at Twilight, she’s having the time of her life!”

“Oh yes, she is very tender” said Lotus, as the brain under her hooves visibly relaxed. “You will be even easier to work with, I imagine. Please, Ms. Fluttershy, join your friends.”

Fluttershy did not reappear, but her torso was soon floating towards the massage table, which was answer enough.


“…number two hundred and forty five: Walking around town when it’s not too hot, but not too cold. Number two hundred and forty six: Finding bits under your bed when you don’t expect to. Number two hundred and forty-“

“You’ve done that one.”

“Yeah, twice I think.”

“Really? Shoot. I might have to revise this list. Anyway, number two hundred and…uh…where was I?”

“I dunno, Scoots, ah kinda tuned out round about number a hundred and fifty.” Said Applebloom, her brain actually sinking lower into the jar in a show of sheer boredom. Scootaloo was silent for a bit.

“Well…ok, I’m lost. I’ll just start from the beginning. Number one…”

The two other brains groaned.

“Your sister better find us quickly. I don’t think I’ll make it through another attempt. This is the fourth, isn’t it?”

“Yup. Sad, really…”