• Published 12th Mar 2017
  • 279 Views, 2 Comments

Power Heroes vs Dangerous 6 - Nightmarity19

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Chapter 4 Thunderstruck

Thunder clouds rolled in as Dash hit a lightning punch to Gilda's face as she began to fall down, not before she dragged Dash with her causing a crater to form near the highway having both girls on the ground struggling to stand.

"Had enough Dashie?" Gilda asked breathing heavily.

"I'm just getting started" Dash said, rushing her into a body kick then a shot in the kidneys.

Gilda coughed up blood after that shot and feel to her knees twitching then looking up to see Dash knee her in the face knocking Gilda out cold.

"Dash do you need any-oh I see you already had it handled" Applejack said running over to her.

Rainbow was grateful. "Did Rarity take care of Starlight?" she asked.

"Yea she did" Applejack responded.

"Good cause we need to find Chrysalis and hopefully Celestia in that regard" Dash said.

A radio feedback came from Pinkie's transmission that Twilight transferred to hers to listen.

"Power Heroes it is I Kate Taiga we may have met before and I just wanted to tell you that Tia is under my care, I wish you all the best" Kate said.

Everyone was either stunned or pissed off which was Applejack, Twilight, and Rainbow Dash.

"That bitch is going down!" Dash said getting angry.

All agreed.

Nightshade avoided another punch from Fluttershy but another one hit home as she slammed into a wall breaking her spine in 4 places, paralyzing her. She let out a blood curdling scream before Shy adding one last punch that shut her up. Twilight and the others waked up and saw what happened and Shy smiled nervously messing with her index fingers while also looking down in shame.

"Look on the bright side at least we don't have to deal with her anymore" Dash said.

"Anyway Shy did Chrysalis happen to pass by?" Applejack asked.

"Yea I did but she's not going anywhere" Shy said pointing to an already knocked out Chrysalis courtesy of Fluttershy.

"Good job Shy...again" Dash said cuffing Chrysalis.

Once the police left with the so called 'Dangerous Six' came out his jet to pick up the heroes before flying away on their way back to HQ. All exchanged smiles and high fives except Twilight who just stared outside looking at the city she and her friends must be protect with their lives. After hearing what Kate said, she felt like even though they won the battle, in the back of her mind war was coming fast.

Princess Celestia wherever you are please let us know that your safe and sound Twilight placed her hand on the glass closing her eyes.

"Unf!" Celestia fell to the hard concrete floor she was bind by chains around her wrists and ankles.

Kate circled Tia as a way to intimidate her but so far it wasn't working. She gave her one hand punch that resulting in broken jaw born and 4 loose teeth dropping on the ground.

"If your trying to force me to be a part of your sick little game then I'm sorry to disappoint you" Celestia said standing up a bit.

Kate said nothing and slammed her face into pavement. "I don't care I just need you to tell the truth and maybe you'll walk out alive"

"I do believe that Solar Flare is a part of me but getting her to come out is a tall order" Tia expressed.

That was something Kate didn't want to hear. She didn't care how bad this was, all she wanted was for Celestia to tell her how to awaken Solar Flare so she can destroy Metropolis and those heroes in the process.

"Awakening something like this can help me take out those misfits you have playing heroes" Kate said.

Celestia's mouth was bloody but it turned into a broken smile as blood dripped down. "They are the strongest set of heroes this world has ever known" she proclaimed.

A kick across the face sent Celestia's face to have a bad bruise and fall over to the side, looking up as Kate pressed her foot on Tia's larynx and started to crush her out of anger. The phone rang that took Kate's attention away so she could answer it.

"Yes master?" Kate asked holding her phone close to her left ear.

"I do hope that you breaking Celestia is going rather smoothly" he said.

"Almost master she proves to be more difficult than originally anticipated" Kate said disappointed that she wasn't finding the results her master was looking for.

"No matter, keep up with your research and keep me posted about any findings" her master said sternly and hanging up the phone.

Kate put the phone down then turned to a battered bruised Celestia who was laying on her side panting from being in so much pain courtesy of Kate.

Kate walked over to her and grabbed her by the neck almost breaking the larynx. "I'm going to ask you again Celestia: How do I bring Solar Flare and do not lie to me because then I'll force you by breaking more of your bones" she threatened.

"Ok the way to bring out Solar Flare is by finding the dark spell book then reading an incantation labeled Beast Darkness once that has been used you'd have Solar Flare to do your sinister dirty work" Celestia explained gritting her teeth.

"And where do I find this dark spell book?" Kate questioned.

"It's deep within a museum in Washington D.C. but you'll never get past security" Celestia continued to say, doubting Kate's chances of getting that book.

She loved a challenge if the person who challenges her doubts Taiga at the same time. Kate smirked, leaving the basement with Celestia still on the ground.

That book will be mine and no one is going to stop me Kate got in her car then drove away on a mission for that spell book.

Comments ( 2 )

I like the story so far:pinkiehappy::moustache:

8014676 Thank you very much cause I try my best to do what's best to please everyone with my writing

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