• Published 15th Mar 2017
  • 1,895 Views, 35 Comments

We Gotta Get Outta This Place - Sense of Humor

The mane six journey into the heart of a recently developed island to rescue a personal friend, but the island is not as barren as predicted and it's inhabitants are not as anyone would ever expect..

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Page 4

Cadence still frowned. "And you have all the peas and diapers? Every last one of them? Nothing's missing?"

Sunburst nodded dutifully, as well as confidently. "Yes. And her Whammie has been put in an area I can very quickly reach! " He paused. "I also brought some of Twilight's other toys. I think we'll be just fine until you get back..."

Cadence glanced down at the tiny foal hugging her hooves and forced a small smile." Good." She leaned down to nuzzle Flurry Heart, who giggled and nuzzled her back. "Okay Flurry Heart. Mommy will be back soon...and Daddy will too. "

"Teeheehee!" The infant had a general understanding of the terms Mommy and Daddy, at least.

"Please take good care of her." Cadence urgently told Sunburst. " We should back in two days, at the latest."

"Yes, your majesty!" When the Alicorn princess turned to reluctantly leave the room with her luggage, she was a cough from Sunburst. "Your majesty? I know you'll find him."

Cadence smiled at him and left.

"We believe that using these for flight will lead to a safe entry and exit of the island, your majesty. Four layers of chrome steel make for a pretty housing. Attacks will be next to impossible without a cannon." Celestia blinked as she regarded her first advisor, and then the "vehicle" He was suggesting. She was familiar with it; it was a rather large, armored carriage that that had a boxed in compartment for the pegasi flyers and a slot for them to see through when they flew into combat. Combined with the huge carriage room for unicorn passengers, and you had a flying tank on your hooves. "It'll also cut down on the means to travel to the island by a lot of carts."
"If I may," Celestia watched as one of her scientific advisors pointed at the armored carriage. "I don't mean to object to using this, but I don't believe this is necessary given that the fauna on the island might not be large or hostile. Plus, the island is surrounded by a massive wall of lighting storms. I fear what would happen to a carriage full of ponies in a steel enclosure..."

"He has a point." Celestia agreed with him and continued. "However, I believe if we cast lightning repulsion spells, we should avoid any chance of electrocution. Going in with these carriages would be better safe than sorry."

"Very well, your majesty. That is very true." The scientific advisor nodded in agreement. "We wouldn't want out large search party encountering trouble...speaking of which, here is something I'd like to show you both."

He presented to them a small mechanical pillar with his magic, showing many metallic compartments and grooves within it. Celestia noted the oddly familiar nose cone on the device. "This is something Princess Twilight helped me construct. In short, it is an explosive device that will be able to give a map of the island's different sections so that we have a better understanding going in, since it is so...unusually large."

The princess perked up worriedly, her eyes staring down at the mechanism. "We're dropping bombs?"

"Scientific instruments, your majesty. And not nearly the magnitude of other bombs." He said. "It'll allow for our quickest search and rescue mission."

She thought hard over the device for what seemed like minutes, before she reluctantly nodded. It could very well damage parts of the ecosystem, but she wanted this search expidition to go as quickly as possible. Everytime she saw many of her gaurd and subjects preparing to head to the island, the more a subtle voice prodded at her brain. "Very well. We will use this as well. See to to that you spread these amongst the soldiers."

"So that's why so many stallions from Canterlot's gaurd are here?" Starlight asked curiously, trotting alongside her former mentor as much as she could manage. Her luggage, while very small in number, wasn't exactly light as a feather. She blamed it on the amount of bug spray and books with useful information about islands, mountains,preserving peace and a few other things. Twilight seemed to have brought a lot of books herself, but her Alicorn physique seemed to make the load feel like nothing. "That makes sense. I mean, I figured that the island might have it's share of predators, but I never thought there'd be anything there that warrants the name 'Monsters'."

Twilight wearily smiled, as if half her attention wasn't on Starlight and she was just now putting in full focus. "Yeah. I'm sure it's nothing too dangerous though. Nothing moreso than what Equestria has to offer." She looked around somewhat gratefully at the busy ponies preparing for the ship's departure, before her gaze returned to the unicorn. "Thanks again for coming with me and everypony else. With you and everypony else's help, I know we'll have Shining Armor back soon."

"I'm happy to help." Starlight claimed truthfully.

"Hey, is that a camera?" Twilight suddenly noted the specifically shaped box hanging by a lanyard around Starlight's neck.

The mare looked down as well. "Oh yeah! Even though we won't be on this Island for too long, I figured that I'd document the things we see using pictures and I'll write down things about them in my journal!"

"D'oh! You're thinking ahead so much!" Twilight wiped a tear from her eye proudly , but soon she noticed something coming onto the ship behind her friend. When the unicorn looked,
Twilight and Starlight exchanged exasperated glances with each other, but the latter was the first to speak. "Are you super sure you needed to bring all that luggage, Trix?"

The mountain of suitcases gave a laugh that sounded like Trixie. "Ha! Of course! You never know what you might need on a search party, Starlight!"

"Like strobelights?" Twilight rolled her eyes.

"Exactly!Now will you two give me a hoof already?"

Spike eagerly closed the door behind everypony who entered last and hurried to find his place next to Twilight. It was 9:53 AM, and despite all of the ship's inhabitants getting a nice night's sleep in, nopony seemed particularly energized. Even Pinkie pie was still clad in her pajamas and still warmly hugging Gummy. Princess Celestia, with slight bags under her eyes, stood at the front of the crowd of ponies ready for the beginning of the search party. Her Captain of the Guard was one the speaking however, no doubt to arrange everypony as his Princess desired. "The plan is to make a quick sweep of the surface of the island, dropping sparse amounts of our seismic mappers to understand this place more. Going into an uncharted Island on foot is a bad idea, and you'd be lucky to survive a night with any unknown dangers--"

"Ahem." Celestia tilted her head at twilight briefly, who's posture seemed to sag a bit more.

The Captain coughed and nodded all in one motion. "So, be prepared even when we do create the map of the island. Princess Celestia and I don't want to lose anyone out here because of bad decisions. Understood?" A simultaneous nod answered his question. " Now, we've got a good 10 minute preparation for everypony before we sanction everypony into their flying carriages. We'll have soldiers dispersed in numbers of three alongside scientific and rescue personnel. The luggage we take will be placed into two specific carriages to avoid everypony having to carry everything with them."

A projected behind the crowd flashed to life and displayed a outline or the island, the interior blank and shapeless for now. The island's shape was irregular and sported lots of jagged edges, somewhat like a burned piece of paper. "This island is surrounded by a never-ending wall of storm clouds as you all know. It is constantly spewing lighting, pounds of rain and hail depending on where one would enter from. Princess Twilight has helped us determine that the weakest part of the wall is on the southern end, so we'll get the least resistance traveling through there."

Twilight's wings closed as she finally landed amongst the busily moving ponies, eyes scanning the huddled bodies as they piled into the carriages and dragged along luggage with them. Repetitive sounds of just ingredients metal and scraping leather filled the ocean air, signaling that a portion of the total number of pegasi were strapping themselves into the tug stop. Her eyes traveled from the large military carriages to the view on the horizon.

It was both beautiful and frightening to the young Alicorn, seeing this collossal structure made entirely by nature's fiercest art; lightning painted it's interior with frequent streaks of hot puprle and claps of thunder that boomed louder the closer the giant ship neared. Nothing in the history of Equestria had ever occured in similarity to what she was seeing. Who knew how tall it was? 300, maybe 480ish hooves tall? It rivaled the height of Celestia's castle for certain...but since it apparently formed a ring around the entirety of the island, it's length would go unchallenged by anything made by pony hooves.


The purple horse yelped in surprise at the sound of Princess Celestia's voice in her head, and turned to see the real thing behind her with a sheepish grin. "My apologies, Twilight. Perhaps warning you would have been a better idea? I was just testing our mental communications."

"I see." Twilight shrugged. "And I definitely hope that it doesn't stay that loud for long. I like talking normally...Speaking of which, I guess you are about to board your carriage with Luna and Cadence?"

Celestia beamed hopefully down on Twilight. "Yes we are. Any chance that you'll be joining us? Or would you like to join your friends?"

Twilight snickered softly before turning in the direction of a certain pink mare. "I promised Pinkie we'd be flying into the island on the same carriage. I made the mistake of making a Pinkie promise, and you know how she is about those. " The smirk still remained. "I think she just wants to cheer me up. Tell me we'll find him fast, you know..."

The higher royal frowned slightly. "You believe that, right?"

"Huh? Oh, of course. I haven't doubted for a second, honestly. " Twilight explained, and was about to reassure her more before the Captain's voice was heard through a megaphone. Due to the distance she was away from him, it was difficult ro figure out what he had told everypony. But everypony did start moving faster after he spoke. "W...What did he say?"

"I believe he said that we are about to make the journey past the storm barriers into the island. " Celestia nodded respectfully and began to head away from Twilight. "I'll keep in touch with you."

"Of course, Princess!"

When Twilight neared Pinkie soon after, the light colored mare grinned as wide as ever."Aw, you and Celestia are always super duper friends! I bet you guys are gonna talk the whole way to the island! You know with the telephonetic stuff."

Purple eyes rolled above a smirk. "Telepathic stuff, Pinkie. And we couldn't do that even if we wanted to. It's not exactly going to be easy getting through the storm clouds and into the island. We have to be ready for anything."



"Yeah, Pfft! You, me and everypony else? We've been through worse than a little rain!" Pinkie Pie said dismissively. "I mean, what's the worst that can happen?"

Author's Note:

Took me forever to put this crummy chapter up!
I still hope you like it...

The next chapter is going to be like action on steroids, so expect a bigger chapter.