• Published 8th Mar 2017
  • 1,060 Views, 19 Comments

Equestrian Civil War - IronCaptain19

(Cancelled) The Princesses pass a law that the eastern cities do not agree with and they won't go down without a fight.

  • ...

2 The Referendum

Author's Note:

The Pilot was successful, here is chapter 2!


All the ponies were getting letters in their mailboxes about the referendum. Some ponies showed support for the support for the EPD act and some were against it. Rallies were held in support of the act all over Equestria and most were interfered with protests, most being in the Eastern cities. The division Equestria is going through is harsh but it's better to let the citizens decide what's best for their nation.

In Baltimare it wasn't very pleasant. The ponies were mostly against this new bill and have shown strong resistance to the EPD Act.

"We must not let our beautiful town become a military waste land. With this act military defense would flood our streets. Ruining the peace we have here in Baltimare!" The Mayor said at one of the rallies against the Act.

The crowd cheered as he gave his speech.

In Ponyvillie it's just the opposite, most ponies show great support in this new bill.

"With this new EPD Act, Equestria can stop an attack before it even starts!" Princess Twilight said at a rally in favor for the bill.

The crowd cheered at the Princesses speech while chanting "EPD! EPD!".

In the rural areas of Equestria not much was going on to indicate if these ponies were for or against the bill.

Advertisements appeared in the mail the same day. Some ads saying "Vote No on the EPD Act and stop wasteful military defense that we do not need. Preserve Equestria's natural beauty!"

Others saying "Vote Yes and we will keep Equestria safe and happy!

Back in Ponyvillie the Mane 6 were also discussing the bill.

"I agree with this act and all but why do we need so much? I feel like we're overreacting a bit" Applejack said.

"But Applejack would you want another invasion? Or another magic problem developing right under our noses and not know?" Twilight replied.

"Yeah, I reckon you're right." Applejack said.

"Tensions sure are high around Equestria, so how do you plan to reunite everyone once this is all over?" Rainbow Dash asked Twilight.

"I'm not too sure but I'm sure things will turn out to be okay in the end!" Twilight said with a nervous smile.

"You alright sugar cube? You seem quite nervous." Applejack asked Twilight.

"N-no not at all! Everything is great, just great"
Twilight said nervously.

"Are you sure about that?" Rainbow Dash asked Twilight concerned.

"-sigh- Ok so maybe I'm a little worried about what will happens with the ending results, what if we loose the referendum? All hope is lost!" Twilight said.

"Let's not worry about that, be confident we'll win, and even if we don't it doesn't mean all hope is lost." Rainbow Dash said to Twilight.

"You're right, we can do this! And no matter what we have each other." Twilight said.


Today is the day the ponies decide if the EPD Act will be law, or be rejected. The polls first opened at 9:00am and so far the crowds were showing up in record numbers. From east to west ponies showed up to the polls. The polls would remain open untill 5:00pm and the votes counted the following day.

As ponies waited in line, some ponies handed out flyers to the crowd of last minute advertisements of Pro-EPD and Anti-EPD ads.

As the day went on more and more, more ponies showed up to the polls. Most did not want to disclose what they were for but for those who did were very loud about it.

At 5:00pm the polls closed but the line was so long the polls remained open an extra half hour for the ponies already in line.

After the polls officially closed the votes were stored somewhere safe before they were to be counted.


The polling ponies got to work on counting all the votes. After the counting is finished they are to deliver the results to Canterlot and the final tally will be held there.

After a long day of counting the votes, the results were delivered to Canterlot. After the results were delivered by city, it was time to count for a nation-wide tally.

The ponies waited anxiously before the results came in all over Equestria. The crowds started to gather at the Capital for Princess Celestia's announcement of the results.

In the meantime Twilight was getting ready for the announcement results as she would have to sit up there with Celestia.

"Oh I hope this goes well." Twilight said.

"Don't worry about it, everything's going to be alright." Fluttershy said comforting her.

"Don't worry darling you look fabulous!" Rarity said about her looks as she was getting ready.

"Oh wait you weren't taking about you, are you?" Rarity said embarrassed.

"No! I'm talking about the referendum. If this goes wrong, Equestria could be in danger!" Twilight said frantically.

"It's not like we're voting if Equestria exists or not. It's just a bill, and if this fails there are other things we can do to keep us safe." Applejack said to Twilight.

"Princess Twilight, it's time" A Guard said.

Twilight then walked up onto the stage and sat down next to Cadence.

Shortly after, Princess Celestia walked onto the stage holding papers. She put them down on a podium and began with the results.

"Citizens of Equestria here are the official results. I will begin with the cities before announcing the final nation-wide result." Celestia said to the crowd.

Celestia then began announcing the results for the specific polls in cities.

62.1% Yes
37.9% No

59.8% Yes
40.2% No

73.5% Yes
26.5% No

54.7% Yes
45.3% No

Dodge City:
48.9% Yes
51.1% No

Las Pegasus:
42.2% Yes
58.8% No

55.3% Yes
44.7% No

Crystal Empire:
51.8% Yes
48.2% No

Rainbow Falls:
40.7% Yes
59.3% No

23.3% Yes
76.7% No

36.7% Yes
63.3% No

11.7% Yes
88.3% No

And finally the final nation-wide result is:
51.9% Yes
48.1% No

"The refurendum has passed. The bill will become law. Thank you all for joining us today. Have a good evening" Celestia said before she walked off the stage.

The word spread quickly by mail for the ponies who could not be there. Once the letter went to the Baltimare mayors office, the mayor was in shocked as he read it.

"Wha-What? It's over... we lost? The Mayor said surprised.

"Well sorry sir but that's what the ponies want." Melody said.

"I guess your right" The Mayor said.

"Wait...What the ponies want huh? Melody! Can you show me the results again?" The Mayor said.

The Mayor scans the results very carefully and realizes something.

"Aha! You see there Melody? All the eastern cities voted against it and they voted for it so they get to do what ever they want on our land just because THEY said so? No, we the ponies on the east don't want this." The Mayor said.

"Well I'm sorry sir, we may have power in our own city but they have power to all of Equestria, we still respond to the main goverment in Canterlot, there's not much we can do." Melody said.

"Not on my watch" The Mayor said.