• Published 4th Mar 2017
  • 3,337 Views, 18 Comments

Deserved Punishment - ExTor

More than once Rarity has lured in a friend under the pretense of a free massage and tickled them to bits instead. However, Applejack and Rainbow Dash decide to get vengeance.

  • ...

Rainbow Dash, More.

“…Thanks for doing this, Rarity. Heh, I wouldn’t admit it to anyone else but… after that day, I realized I still kinda wanted to, y’know, give this a try. I just wouldn’t trust anyone but you guys to do this, and I guess you’re the most obvi—“

Rarity smiled before hugging the flustered Rainbow Dash tight.

“Relax, sweetie! I know you’re not fond of having your feet touched, but, hopefully, this will take some of the edge off for you. Besides! This is a private room separated from all the rest, nobody you don’t want to will see or hear a thing.”

Dash seemed to regain a bit of her usual confidence after that, hanging her jacket up and kicking off her sneakers, revealing her blue t-shirt and lightly stained white ankle socks respectively.

“Guess I’ll take a shower, huh? I went for a run earlier so I guess I’ll spare ya any—“

“Oh no-no-no, don’t fret about me, whatever makes you most comfortable, darling.”

With that, Dash peeled off her socks and removed her shorts, letting them drop on the floor, before going for her shower.

Much like Applejack beforehand, Dash didn’t take too long, Rarity barely getting halfway through her magazine. Upon exiting the shower room accompanied by a gush of steam, Rarity noticed how particularly vibrant Dash’s hair looked when wet and washed. Oh, how she wished she could brush and style it!.. But one body part for her to peruse at a time was enough.

“Very well then, Dash, you have two options. You can either sit down in a chair, or you can lay face down on the massage table. Both would be quite alright with me.”

Dash contemplated it for a good half minute before deciding on the table. Rarity assumed that was because she would not have to actively watch what was happening. Still, with what she had planned, perhaps that was more a curse than a blessing…

The pegasus had gone through the settling-down process in much the same way as Applejack, perhaps a touch more conscious about showing off her bits and pieces, in spite of having kept a bra on. There was, however, one vital difference on Rarity’s part. Once Dash had placed herself on the table, the unicorn had pressed on the feet by their ankles, and, holding them down in such a fashion, withdrew an in-built restraint strap so as to go right over the ankles and keep the feet soles up. The part of the table where feet belonged to was already shaped just well enough to house them, with waterproof cushioning.

“Err, Rarity… what’s the strap for?!” Dash asked, voice slightly shaky already.

“Oh, that’s just for my safety, dear. Someone as sensetive as you might kick me… and with your musculature and strength, you might do some damage, that’s all.” A tease ended with a compliment - tugging at Dash’s pride was the easiest way to go about this, particularly obvious now that she thought the strap was completely fair.

Stroking the firm calves a little, Rarity tried her best to soothe Dash’s nerves.

“It’s fine, sweetheart, really. You’ll go on to enjoy this, I know you will.”

“First, we start with the basics. Your feet seem to be in reasonable shape, but it is always good to begin with a simple spell that gets rid of any loose skin, even what we can’t quite see. Makes the later ongoings much more effective. Oh, fair warning dear, it’ll tingle just a little.”

In reality, the regular version of the spell made for no feeling whatsoever - that was Rarity’s sneaky twinge. It was not all too bad however, though Dash’s shifting and shuffling certainly made it look like far, far more of a discomfort than it actually was. The twisting arcane energy fluttered up her blue soles, dissipating in mere seconds, Dash doing ten minutes worth of puffing and tittering during the process. Smiling widely and curvily, Rarity placed a reassuring hand on her ankle.

“See? Not so bad!”

“Heh… I k-inda tend to disagree, but... whatever, at least that part’s over…” Dash exhaled, letting her tense body go loose.

“Indeed! Which also means it’s time for the massage! I’m sure you’ll love this part, ooh-hoo-hoo… I remember my first proper foot massage, it was delightful,” Rarity giddily reminisced, wetting her hands with moisturizing lotion procured from a nearby drawer.

“I… guess this doesn’t sound bad… yeah, y’know what, let’s… let’s get started!”

“That’s the spirit, sweetie!” cheered Rarity, sliding her hands down Dash’s twitching arches, getting them perhaps a little overzealously coated. Dash’s feet quivered plentifully under the first genuine consensual contact they were receiving… pretty much ever. One could count the number of times someone came in contact with her bare feet on a single hand, and at that, most were accidents, while the majority of the others simply ended less thanwell for the perpetrators.

Rarity’s oily fingers pushed into the balls of her feet, swirling side to side, before trailing downwards over the arch all the way to her heel. Each toe was given an individual moment of affection, Dash’s twitching now having been traded in for slow, pleasured scrunches as the pegasi huffed and moaned under the attention her feet were receiving.

All those days spent running, playing soccer, kicking behinds in martial arts, and any other laborsome process her feet had been put through were all melting away under Rarity’s graceful, but experienced touch. Considering her lifestyle, regular massages should really have been a necessity, the Wonderbolts received them before and after every performance. This was nothing but a massive, massive favor to Rainbow Dash. Absolutely. After all this was done? Oh, that pony had better lend Rarity her thanks. Of course she should.

And then… not everybody was going to be any gentle on her. The masseurs and masseuses of the Wonderbolts would not just up and adjust themselves to that one spunky new pegasus who squeaked if you even looked at her sensitive bits. So there was absolutely no other way than to... break her in within a friendlier environment. None whatsoever. That was, most obviously, the only reason she was there. Nothing else was going on. At all.

For now, though, the particularly intense massage continued until Rainbow was a sweaty, shuddering mess, Rarity’s keen nose picking up a very familiar, lewd scent on the air. Sensitive feet indeed, sensitive enough to be a direct link to her nethers. Things were certainly getting interesting now.

“Ohh… my…. fffuck… that was…”

“Language, sweetie! But yes, veee-eeery intense. I’m more than glad you’re enjoying this, I really am.”

“Enjoying… yeah… that’s... one word for it… so what now? Ya think you could just… do it a little bit more? I was kinda close to— um, falling asleep, just relaxin y’know, heh…”

“Of course! And no need to be shy, dear. It’s completely natural, we all get a little flustered when our most touchy spots are exploited. So, you just lay there and enjoy yourself, it’ll be our little secret...” Rarity cooed, leaning over and whispering breathily into Dash’s flickering ear.

“Oh and, I’m sure you won’t mind but I think I’ll up the intensity, just a liiittle.”

The look of smudgy, melty content on Rainbow Dash’s face was absolutely savorable. The unicorn failed to restrain herself from giving her a soft little hug, eliciting a tiny “heeey!” and a flick of the acute ear. She then sighed, with a perky smile on her face, and gave the pegasus a pat on her back.

“Okay, maybe a lot.”

Rarity quickly made it away from the athlete’s arms and head, to the drawer and back.

“W-wait, what?!”

Rainbow’s back arched as a makeup brush pampered her feet, the impossibly soft, feathery strands getting inbetween her toes, and everywhere else.

“Aaah! Aaa-aaa-aah, heheheheeelp!.. ooohohoho waaaaaaahaaait n-not thereherehere!” Dash giggled and panted, unable to tolerate the unbearable sensations that felt like some improbable mix of tickling and pleasure that made her toes splay, letting the fibres have even more access to her most intimate areas. Her brain tried to deny what her more feminine parts were experiencing, the mixed signals from her feet pushing all the right (or wrong) arousal buttons.

“Oooh, so we like this, now do we?” Rarity teased, sniffing the increasingly heavy scent on the air.


And with that, the brushes now fixated completely on the stems of her toes, swishing mindlessly back and forth as Dash’s whole body went berserk.

“I’m sorry sweetheart, what was that? You wanted the brushes on your toes? Well, whatever you say, Dashie dearest!”


Rarity smiled smugly, the word “bitch” was the trigger she needed to slowly drag her sharp, purple nails down Dash’s soles, scratching between every wrinkle of ticklish skin that presented itself during Rainbow’s immense struggles, only stopping to let Dash get a cough out of her throat. Though even then, a lone nail drew a lazy figure eight over a modestly sized blue foot. A few minutes of the scratchy nails treatment later…


The moment Rarity knew Dash climaxed, she dug her thumbs right into the middle of Dash’s soles, helping her ride out what would have been the most intense feeling of her life. After she was sure the waves of pleasure had dissipated, Rarity got up and moved over to where Dash’s head rested. Immeasurably sweaty, messy hair and teary, pleading eyes aside, her tongue was lolling out of her mouth, drooling. A mixed reaction if ever there was one.

Mixed after such a terrific high meant receptive. So, so much more receptive - the azure pegasus’ mind had to be absolutely swirling with emotion. The unicorn herself gained a blush just by thinking of ways to get her to squirm some more, to give her more deliciousness to witness.

“Sooo... it seems you quite enjoy your feet being toyed with, hmm?” Rarity teased, and grinned to herself, heading out closer to the door, picking up the sneakers with the snocks inside of them. “I wonder… oh, hey, Dashie. Look, those are your friends! They just wanted to visit you, see how you’re doing without them.”

With that, Rarity gently shoved Dash’s snout into her own shoes, nose nudging the socks. After a borderline indescribable sound, the pegasus quit breathing for a few moments, and rolled her head back and forth, probably contemplating just how much she would - or would not - want these back on. Dash even managed a cough of disgust at having to experience her own smell, which clearly showed Rarity that she was fresh enough once again, if such things mattered once again. How she squirmed from all this… Rarity both loved and hated witnessing it, as did Rainbow herself. Though causing her whiny moans and groans was fun, some comfort was necessary.

“There there, it’s alright! Lets just be honest. We enjoyed ourselves today didn’t we?” Rarity queried, gently stroking Dash’s matted rainbow hair before giving her a quick kiss on the forehead. “Y-yeah… I guess… fuck though… I didn’t think I could cum so hard… but all that was so— argh, I’m so confused… thanks, though… I think I kind of needed that… maybe.”

Rarity smiled once again.

“It is all quite alright, dearie. And while we’re on the topic of needs... you think you could help out mine a little too?”

“Heh… well, I’m a bit worn out so as long as I don’t have to get up, sure. Do you want me to eat you ou—“

“No no! Heehee, don’t get me wrong, that does sound lovely, and I do adore your forwardness, but lucky for you, my satisfaction requires even less effort on your part.”

Dash titled her head.

“Huh? How? Wait you don’t… oh… OH NO. RARITY. WAIT!” Dash’s watery eyes tried to plead with Rarity again, who was spinning a pinwheel between her fingers. “I’ve always wanted to try one of these on someone… I bet they feel really good. I guess you’ll just have to tell me. Don’t worry though, I’m sure it won’t take too long for me to finish up… freehand.”

With that, the points on the pinwheel pushed into Rainbow’s sweaty, oily, blushing sole, rolling all the way from heel to toe, causing shrieks with every turn. Who knows, Rarity thought, maybe Dash would finish again before she did. Either way, she was sure she would be thankful for it later… probably. Maybe.


And that was the mare whom she played detective for out of sheer generosity of the heart. What a nasty, morbid, heat-inducing, heart-throbbing, juic— ATROCIOUS turn of events. Inconceivable! CLEARLY, acting in such a way towards her, especially what with the predicament Applejack had placed her in, was uncalled for. Then again, unfortunately, Rainbow Dash was absolutely never one for manners.

“Hoo, daaamn, Rarity,” the pegasus said lewdly, still grinning straight at her. “Do you even KNOW what I’m gonna do to you?”

A loud “Ahem” emerged from atop of the white unicorn, AJ reminding her friend that she existed. And was simultaneously performing teasing massage on a patch of untreaded fur on the back and running her fingers all the way from the hip to the armpit on one of the sides.

“Yeah-yeah-yeah, YOU’re gonna ruffle and caress her,” Dash spoke over the loud “SOHOHOMMMEBODYYY”. “How about you marry her right here if you’re gonna barely touch her anyway?”

Evidently, they stared at each other for a while, with only Rarity’s disgruntled, moan-heavy laughter filling in the silence. For some reason, she tried to move her hands somewhere, but there was nowhere to go. By that point, she had been pushed a bit up on the table, her face now butted against the padding.

“Oh, you know what, Rainbow? As a matter of fact…” the merciless, roguish, strong, at least six feet two inches tall, muscular, naturally attractive weight on top of the mare said, shifting as it did so. “...I am!”

The tickling relented for a few moments, but not for much relief. Something cold slipped itself around her helplessly sparkling horn. Oh, dear. Oh, she knew what that was for. Oh, she knew, she knew, she knew. Oh, how did this turn so sour so quickly, and how did she only put one of those disappearing from her secret collection and Applejack seeming particularly grinny during one of her visits together… now. The sparks stopped.

“...woah. Shit, AJ. Hell, I could use that if Twilight ever… nnnrgh!” the pegasus shuddered at whatever thought that brought her. “Good thinking, though. Where’d you even get that?

“Oh, gee, Rarity, I totally forgot to give you back the ring you lended to me. You, gal, are the picture of honest generosity, I can tell you that for a fact!” the earth pony replied in the other direction, but gave a clear enough answer. Rarity quickly began to gather forces so as to start burning with anger at how someone who preached honesty and got her into THIS on that excuse could go about STEALING her SECRET property, and then USING it like THAT… But her mind had been teased out of its denial stages, and more than one unreturned borrowing, suspicious favor, and curiously transpiring friendly visit came to it as possible explanations. Realistically, especially with the two last points, there was quite enough ground for AJ to do something like this for months now.

Meaning that the blame for arranging this was not on her, it was on the pegasus, who had saved her from a moment of rib tickling by offering the earth pony tormentor a high five, AND THEN MOVED A STOOL UP TO WHERE RARITY’S FEET WERE.

“NNNNNNNNNNNNNN! NNNUUAAAAHHHAHAHAHAHAAOOOH! I’M VERY SORRY VERY SOOHOHOHOHORRRYYYYY I’LL MAKEITUPTOYOUUUUUUHUHUHUHUHUHUhuhuuuu.. uuuhuhuuuuh… UUUUUUUUUGHHGHHHGGHGHGH!” she shrieked and shrieked, almost sobbing and bawling by the end, pouring all of her dramatic expertise into availing herself of an electrifying fate. Her body did not lay idly either - before the “strrrghhhhcrrrch” of the chair being dragged along was done, they had bent at the knees again, and the soles of her feet plomped somewhere in the area of Applejack’s torso. Even touching the little bit of loose fibers of her shirt tickled. By all the good in the world, how fortunate that she had not had a pedicure as recently as she could have.

“Damn right you will!” the pegasus yelled back, and her strong, dexterous hands pulled down at Rarity’s calves. “Watch me, I’m pedicuring! Har-har-har-har-har!” Before even that mockery of a tease was done, the in-built strap of the massage table secured her feet in their segregated slot. Who even designed such a thing?

Her mock laughter was, far and wide, overshadowed by the unicorn’s own genuine one. It was an incredibly high-pitched gasp at the first touch of a finger on her heel, and an almost ear-shattering squeal as it began to move. The length of time she kept the squeal up for was greatly extended when the rest of Dash’s fingers immediately joined in, not wasting much time testing or teasing - they did everything, everywhere, all at once. Chaos in pedal torment form. Wiggling at the heels, touching the pads, scratching the arches, gliding across the balls, finding their way to the stems and the spots between… all of that in order, in combinations, at once.


Rarity was not exactly terrible with her health, but coughing began a mere four minutes into that ordeal. She would tell as much from the clock on the wall, but counting did not seem very important at the moment. The time was gathered by one of AJ’s remarks, as she continued to be gentler on her upper body, having to more or less do it rodeo-style on top of a very thrashy ticklish pony.

“Thaaaaaaaaat’s what I’m talking about, thaaaaaat’s riiiiiiiiiight,” Dash was heard saying among very audible, borderline comedic villain cackling. “Oooooo, I’m Rarity, I give friends free massages and shit! Look at me, I’m so generous, hwah-hwah-hwah!”

“Rainbow, you mind giving her a break? Girl ain’t got much air in her left.”

Judging by how the next thing she felt was as many fingers as Dash could have pulled through her scrunched up toes, on those very toes, that argument did not work. It stood true, though. She laughed very laborly now, and her body was extremely confused, in more than one way.

“Hey, Rarity! Call me a bitch and I’ll let you breathe!” the pegasus shouted over the laughter she was causing, and caused Rarity’s head to shoot way up, ears completely folding over, eyes so large it was good nobody could see them.

“NNNOOOOOOOOO!!!” she screeched in panic. Her mind, her heart, her thoughts… not under her control, not anymore, and now being toyed with. What cruelty - what indignance! Have these two ever, at least once, heard of consent and good sense?! Why, why, why? What had she done to deserve being tricked into becoming a merciless exploitation tool for their hungry, lusty needs?


“Hear that? She don’t wanna breathe, I don’t let her breathe!” Dash came to her own conclusion, causing a palpable sigh from AJ, who had, in fact, withdrawn her hands from the unicorn’s sides for the time being. “Oh, hey! Rarity, sure not tired from all the wiggling you’re doing down there, are ya?”

“NNUAHAHAHEHEHEHEH, heeeeee, HEEEEEEE!!!” the mare squealed back in return, at least some of the pegasus’ fingernails remaining on her toes, pinching and digging into the stems. “NNNOOHHOHOHO WHYYY???”

“Oh, what’s THAT? They ARE? Oh, DEAR, that is so AWFUL to HEAR!!!” the blue mare in charge glomped down on the proverbial scenery, bits of vengeful spittle landing on Rarity’s torture-sweaty feet. “Well, I wouldn’t be a GOOD FRIEND if I didn’t HELP YOU OUT! AJ, bend back for me.”

“Rainbow, you’re a hypocrite,” Applejack replied, but did arch backwards, inadvertently increasing the pressure onto… parts… of her victim. These parts burned with a flame of unsuppressed heat. Or, well… Not in the way that she would prefer them to be. Especially not with what that pony’s hands were doing - they did not hang idly. They went all over her back with gentle, pressing touches, occasionally pushing a bit deeper in, especially focusing on bits that would normally not be very available. An actual massage, if a slightly intrusive one. Most absolutely not one needed when trying to stay on the sane side of things while being tormented beyond worldly belief on her feet!

Those feet were, indeed, thrashing around to the best of their ability. At least, up until Dash’s hands gripped them tight, and, after some ticklish struggle, fastened something thick, clothy, and bendy around the big toes.

Rarity only half put together where that came from when more calls for torture came from the side of Rainbow Dash. Conveniently, her laughter had gone quiet for that moment, being replaced with subtler giggles and coughs.

“Raaarityyy! Call AJ “a bit chubby” and I’ll let you go!” the pegasus shouted at her. The exploitation of the formerly elegant unicorn had been going on for just about fifteen to twenty minutes by now, and her mind could only be so rational.

“Aakkahahahha… Akkhhhahahhehehe… Kheheheh… Applejahahaaack… A— ehkheee! A… J… ihihisss… isss… a bihhhhhmmffppf… a bit ch—”

“Woooooooooooooooooooooooow,” Rainbow droned loudly, louder than Applejack’s own sigh of exasperation. “You just called Applejack a bitch. Well screw you too, Rares, guess you want us to go harder on you!”


“Yeeeah you do,” Dash chuckled, letting her fingers loose over the much more acceptible white (now quite a bit pinkish) soles.


“Hey, what? There a problem?” she asked in annoyance, not even having to raise her voice so much. “I don’t think there’s a problem. Well, she sure didn’t.”

“Rainbow, how ‘bout you let me have a go at her feet there, hm?” Applejack’s voice sounded more gouding, haggling. Or, so Rarity could tell, mostly occupied by how her tummy vibrated with each attempt at laughter, and those vibrations were starting to pile up into quite an ache. “Ain’t like I’m untarnished none.”

A “prffft” and a “gurrrh” were followed with… respite, glorious, wondrous, amazing respite. Whole seconds of it. They were enough for Rarity to almost scrunch up into a ball where she lay, coughing and giggling, enjoying her newfound not-really-freedom. Then, of course, she heard what the two of them were saying.

“Yeeeah, you were going easy on her in there, anyway. Hoo boy—” Dash added a whistle, evidently opening up a… drawer. Oh dear heavens, a drawer. “—this is gonna be fun! All right there on display. Hey, catch! I shoulda used this, but bwah, guess we can swap later again.”

“What’s this meant to be, Rainbow?” AJ asked, taking her place by Rarity’s feet. That pony gave her a pat on the head and a gentle tap on her calves upon departing. Those two things were enough to push out the first tears to come out of the suffering unicorn’s eyes, somehow. If Dash found out… Oh, Rarity wished she would not. “It’s… pink?..”

“Some oily stuff, Iunno. It looks the ickiest, so let her have it. Oh, hey, have this too!” The unicorn already knew what Dash must have thrown Applejack’s way, and began to tear up in full. It was a good release, actually. Nothing to be ashamed of.

“Now, let’s see, what— oooh. Oooooooh. OOOOOOHOHOHOHOOOH!!!” That loud exclamation set every single alert within the unicorn’s mind and body. This thing she knew as well, and it was the only object that could elicit such a response from the vengeful pegasus.

“Ap-p-phhfhfhf… Applejack… Applejack stop her now no plehe… phfff… hfff… You can’t just… uhohoh… Oh I’m not made for… ooohhhhhnonono…” she pleaded babblingly, trying her best to turn herself backwards and look AJ in the eyes with her own, which did not need any additional theatrics to look convincing. “I’d… I’d neheheh… nohohoh… ohhh noooo…”

“They keep THIS sort of stuff here? Amazing.”

“Shuuush. Shush now, shush-shush-shush,” she felt the earth pony calm her, barely sounding mocking in so doing… “Liar-liar.” ...for the time being.

“Oh no you can’t tell me you’re going… to… ohhh…”

“Yep, I remember that night, alright. Dont’cha tell me they keep gags here, this thing’s yours. And ta’ think that Aloe and Lotus said you were gonna have Fluttershy, of all ponies, here in this room this week. You ain’t got no shame, girl.” About the only thing worse than hearing this... was hearing the dreadful bottle pop open, and a brushy object swoosh-swish within it.

The unicorn’s sweat was mixed with tears, and her grin and pleading eyes were mixed with exhaustion. She gripped her head, many, many thoughts rolling through it, like… pinwheels… oh sweet heavens make it so she… so she… checksthelowdrawer… The denial and the confusion, it all melted together, into a mushy, pink mess, sweaty, giggly, and raspy.

Even more giggly, and squealishly pleady, when a deligh— DISASTROUSLY soft, wet makeup brush began to go up and down one of her soles.

“Now that thing feels good…” Applejack murmured from behind, leading the brush to roam freely all over the place. Bits of her loose mane fell on the other sole, itching, tingling, almost enough for her to wish - ask - that she use her other hand to alleviate that.

This confusion over what to feel was bad enough. It got worse when an index finger knocked on her head again, gently so. She opened her eyes, arm resting on forehead, and stared at Dash. And the holed ball gag, which dangled in front of her, like a pet’s toy.

“Hey, Rare. This is your friend, am I right? He’s come to see that you do something nice for me,” The pegasus bent down, and sunk her snout right into Rarity’s, touching it, scrunching them up together, eyes squinted, and an evil, evil, evil grin on her face. “Shut up and screeeam,” she whispered maliciously, in a tone that would only not be funny if you were teased beyond belief, tickled for half an hour, menaced and tricked, and enjoyedeverysecondof—

“Nooooooooo,” Rarity opened her mouth wide in a quiet scream, and moved her head to the side so that the straps would be easier to apply.

For someone who was so, so up and forceful about her own little desires and needs with others, the graceful fashionista clearly had a bit of a hard time accepting parts of said desires in regard to herself. But it was fine. She had trustworthy friends who could help her out with that.

That she did. For quite a while...

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