• Published 1st Mar 2017
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Therapy With Doodle Noodle - Yosh-E-O

Princess Luna sends Spike and Yosh to seek guidance in understanding their 'feelings' and 'emotions' from one of Canterlot's leading therapists

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Chapter 5 - Emotional Release

“…It’s hard,” pouted Yosh. “I feel so useless.”

“Why do you feel ‘useless’?” asked Doodle while she silently levitated a quill and notepad up to take notes.

“Because…,” groaned the dragon-duckling. “I can’t do anything.”

“You’re talking,” stated the therapist. “And you seem quite able to use your arms and legs.”

Yosh got annoyed.
“But not like I used to!” he quacked.

“What do you mean?” she asked in a soft tone.

“I can’t read!” he huffed. “I can’t write! I can’t even find my way around without asking for help or bumping into everything!”

“Oh, sweetie,” she said gently. “Are you sure you ‘can’t’ read, write, or find your way by yourself?”

Yosh felt himself break down as tears formed in his eyes.
“I’m just useless!” he burst.

Doodle Noodle used her magic to enhance the aura she had put around the dragon-duckling.
“The word ‘can’t’ is a pretty strong way to describe someone with talents like yours,” she said.

“What talents,” sobbed the dragon-duckling as Doodle’s magic eased down his anxiety enough to allow him the flow of tears without the physical pain he was experiencing from his chest and stomach.

“What if we talked about what makes you happy?” asked Doodle. “Surely you have things in your life that make you happy.”

“Uh, huh…,” the green, dragon-duckling whimpered.

“I’d start with how you are very smart,” she said.

“Smart?” he sniffled.

“Yes,” she continued. “You have already started to discover ways to get yourself around without needing constant help.”

Yosh felt at the metal rod he had been using. It wasn’t quite the ‘white cane’ Snowdrop, or rather Princess Luna, had shown him, but it did the job.

“Right,” beamed Doodle. “You found something that ‘you’ knew would ‘work for you’.”

“But,” Yosh whimpered while shaking his head. “I still run into things and look totally stupid.”

“How long have you worked with your ‘little helper’?” she asked.

“Uh…,” he thought aloud. “Maybe about two weeks.”

“And how old are you?” she asked.

“Ten going on eleven,” he replied.

“So,” she said while reducing the effect of her magical aura on the dragon-duckling. “You’ve gotten pretty good in two weeks with something brand new. You are learning to see in a whole new way and are doing so even faster than you learned how to actually see.”

The dragon-duckling was confused.
“Huh?” he wondered while feeling at the metal rod.

“You also were able to ‘know’ what was in this room with just your ears and imagination,” she continued. “Take a moment to listen and tell me where everything is, sweetie.”

Yosh felt something good inside himself as he started to listen and point out where he heard the fountains, noticed the chiming triangle, and knew where Doodle Noodle was.

“That’s it!” cheered the mint-colored Unicorn. “It’s all a matter of learning to use your other skills to become all everyone knows you can be!”

“”I…,” sputtered Yosh. “I guess I never thought of it that way.”

“We all need a little help to discover who we are through the help of our friends,” remarked Doodle. “I do hope you see me as a friend.”

“I do,” sighed Yosh. “I just really miss being able to see the world around me.”

“And that’s okay,” assured the therapist. “It’s a feeling you may have for a long, long time. Fortunately, it is not a bad feeling as long as you remember how you are still growing and finding ways to be all you and everyone around you know you can be.”

Yosh was surprised.
“It’s okay to be sad?” he asked with a quack. “But I’m supposed to be the happy, cheerful one. Not one who whines and complains all the time.”

“Oh, sweetie,” soothed Doodle. “Nobody expects you to always be happy all the time. Just know that you are allowed your feelings and experiencing them is what will help you become stronger and more confident.”

“Really?” he asked.

Doodle removed the aura she had on the dragon-duckling and smiled.
“Really,” she said. “And I want you to know that I’m here to help you discover how to use your feelings to be the best, dragon-duck you can be. To find happiness in your life despite how much hurt losing your vision has caused.”

“You are?”

“I…,” sputtered Yosh. “I can do that?”

“Actually,” cooed Doodle Noodle while moving towards Yosh and extending her hoof. “’We’ can do it together.”

Yosh ‘heard’ and ‘felt’ Doodle draw close and instinctively reached out to her.

“That’s it, sweetie,” she soothed while allowing the dragon-duckling to cuddle her. “You’re never alone. Spike out there cares about you lots, too, and I know will give plenty of hugs and support as you continue to realize how much you still have to give despite this little setback.”

Yosh only sobbed and sniffled as he nuzzled against Doodle’s body. He felt the most relieved he had since before the tragedy of losing his sight occurred. Up to this point, such joy was only afforded to him in his dreams. To feel it while awake was freeing in so many ways.

“Now, sweetie,” said Doodle while rubbing his back. “How about I see you again tomorrow and we can continue to work on ‘feeling’ great both while asleep and awake?”

“Uh, huh?” he whimpered. He did not want to let go of his cozy hold on Doodle Noodle.

“How about we go and see your pal, spike?” suggested Doodle while helping Yosh to his feet and using her magic to give him his makeshift cane. “I’m sure you two will have a lot to talk about being the best you each can be.”