• Published 15th Mar 2017
  • 357 Views, 6 Comments

The Trotting Dead - AstraPony

Rainbow Dash wakes up in a hospital after a flying accident with no idea where anypony is or what happened while she was out. While Rainbow survive the horrors that lie ahead?

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Rainbow Dash is sleeping in her bed, dreaming peacefully of flying with the Wonder Bolts. Suddenly her eyes flash open. "The tryouts!" Rainbow says as she jumps out of bed and makes a mad dash to the kitchen. "No time to eat," she says, but at that moment her stomach pangs with hunger. Quickly running around the room looking for a breakfast she can take to go, Rainbow Dash spots a bowl of apples on the counter, fresh picked from Sweet Apple Acres. She grabs an apple and is out the door.

As she beats her wings effortlessly, zooming faster and faster, Rainbow Dash can't help but remember when she was a little filly that had just learned how to fly. It had taken lots of effort then and her wings had always been sore even after the smallest flight. She is brought back to reality at the sight of the Wonder Bolt Academy. Every time Rainbow sees it she can't help but gaze in awe. Their was her destiny, to be a Wonder Bolt. Rainbow Dash had dreamed of this day ever since she was a little filly. Finally she landed. "Is this a dream?" she thought. Even though she knew it was real, it felt very dream-like. A large group of ponies had already arrived. Rainbow could see a white stallion standing in the front. He was clearly the coach.

"All right, listen up!" said the coach in a gruff voice. "You all know what you are here for. Honor, glory, pride, but most importantly, the title of a Wonder Bolt. I'm not going to say that you can do it, because chances are," he took a pause, leaving everypony hanging on to his last words. "you can't. Only one pony will go home a Wonder Bolt. Does anyone have any questions?" Rainbow rose her hoof.

"When do we begin?" Rainbow Dash said with confidence.

"Right now. Head to the starting line!" the coach barked. Just then, one mare bust into tears and ran off.

"One gone already? Pfft. This will be EASY." Rainbow said to herself. When she got to the start line she immediately got in position, front down, wings spread and ready to fly. The coach approached the side of the the start line.

"You will be flying through an obstacle course. The first pony to successfully complete it will be declared a Wonder Bolt. No cheating. There are officials watching your every move. Good luck." he preped his whistle. "On your mark!" Rainbow Dash's heart pounded at those words. "Get set!" Rainbow Dash was ready. It was now or never. The whistle blew and, in an instance, Rainbow Dash was gone. The first half of the course was easy, she twisted and turned in and out of obstacles; but as the second half commenced, the obstacles got tougher and the other pegasusi were catching up. Suddenly, a broad, black stallion with a yellow mohawked mane slammed into Rainbow Dash.

"Ahhhh!!" Rainbow screamed in terror as she lost control. Then a young mare, as a result of not being able to slow down in time, also slammed in Rainbow. She lost control even more and plummeted toward the runway. Then everything went black.