• Published 6th Jul 2012
  • 705 Views, 1 Comments

The Unloved Storm - mechafone

My Prototype story before SCSD was created.

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Chapter 1

Fireflies. Dozens of them, floating lazily about in the air, signaling each other, looking for the perfect mate. They drifted about quietly in the air, completely oblivious to the pink mare gently swaying back and forth to the unheard song in her head. She danced, pivoted, and leapt with a grace that was largely unseen by the ponies that were used to her usual blunt and sudden movements. Pinkie Pie danced among the fireflies. It was something she did while she was alone. For her, this was her escapism. So many ponies knew and expected her to be nothing more than a partying force of nature, a mare who cared for little more than parties. Her inner circle of friends knew better, but even they had no idea what she did when she was alone. She never told anyone, she didn't expect that they'd understand. But there was one that understood.

Finally, after about twenty minutes of dancing, Pinkie stopped and turned to look at the edge of the Everfree Forest, where this scene had played out. Her breath was only slightly faster than usual, her heartbeat quickly returning to it's normal beat. She glanced expectantly into the darkness, a slight frown on her face. Had he fallen asleep while she danced? "Sparky, you didn't...you aren't tired of watching, are you?"

A young and smooth voice returned her query, a hint of amusement evident as he said, "No. Never." Spark Storm emerged from the darkness of the forest. His coat was dark, almost black in the cool, midnight air. He had bits of pollen stuck in his hair, evidence of unrest while he'd waited for her. His indigo fur was slightly damp with condensation. He wasn't tall for a male Pegasus, barely taller than Pinkie Pie herself. His long tail dragged along on the grass as he approached her, his golden eyes shimmering with kindness. "Pinkie Pie, you could dance all night and I could never tire of watching you."

Pinkie Pie blushed prettily, and nudged his chest with a hoof. "Oh, Sparky! You keep talking like that and I'll -make- you watch me dance all night."

Their back and forth flirting continued between the two as Spark Storm escorted her home. Finally, at her door, Pinkie Pie turned to him and shyly glanced at her hooves, finding a pebble absolutely fascinating for a moment before glancing up at him again. "You know, Sparky...Sleeping in the forest is really brave, but you don't -" He cut her off gently, holding up a hoof to her mouth to shush her.

"Pinkie...I know what you're going to say..."

Pinkie's mouth turned into an infectious grin. "Well, DUH! I ask you every time you walk me home, silly! And the offer still stands..." Spark Storm smiled warmly and lightly pecked her cheek. "Yes, I know, Pinkie. And I'm still politely declining your offer, each and every time you ask me to come inside. Honestly, the whole song and dance..." He grinned cheekily as she returned the kiss on his cheek.

"...Is totally worth it. Good night, Sparky."

After seeing Pinkie Pie inside, and waving back to her from her open window above the shop, Spark Storm turned around and headed back for the Everfree Forest. As he walked, he put his mask back on. His smile disappeared, his body tensed. His senses went on full alert, and his wings twitched. His long, lame wings shifted, sending tiny electric lights along his back to use as extra-sensory electricty flowed along his back. It helped to identify the dangers that crept through the darkness surrounding the peaceful village. Most ponies didn't know about the dangers that lurked just on the edge of the Everfree. Timberwolves, Diamond Dogs, Manticores and other monsters made up the usual beasties that were constantly pushing the limits of what was an acceptable distance to the town. Even dragons sometimes got a little too close to the edge, but that was what the Defenders were for. Spark Storm just happened to be on that team, although he was the most removed member. Self-removed, of course. He didn't like being so close and personal with so many different ponies. He liked it up close and personal, one pony at a time.

Tonight was looking to be a peaceful night for once. Perhaps he'd be able to get a good night's sleep tonight. If he was lucky. Suddenly, fate decided that it wasn't a good night to get lucky. Spark Storm was halfway to the Everfree when he heard rustling to his left, some ten meters away from him. Two timberwolves had made a break for the village, completely missing the dark pony on their left. "Of course..." He muttered to himself. They came almost every night, in packs of two or three. It was like they were testing the borders, trying to see where the guard was weakest. Unfortunately for them, the guard here was no slouch.

Spark Storm took off at top speed, his long, flightless wings assisting in his speed. He overtook them easily, and stopped in front of them, wings displayed threateningly as he took an aggressive stance. His golden eyes stared at them as the wooden wolves came to a stop, their teeth bared with equal threatening intent. They growled quietly as he spoke to them, "Look here, pups. I'm in a good mood tonight, so I'd really appreciate if you'd just mosey on back to the woods. We can do this another time, hm?" He didn't really expect the beasts to comply, or even understand, but hey, he could hope.

The wolves did not comply, and instead opted to snap at his face. A big mistake. He leaned back into a backflip, launching into the air. Once he was facing the wolves again, his wings pushed him forward to launch at them like a missile. They barely leaped out of the way as he landed between them, then moved in for the kill. The air suddenly lit up with blinding light as electricity leaped from his wings and thoroughly singed the wolves, both crying out in surprise and pain. The wolves, though burnt and shocked, still stood, both now looking at each other. Did they really want to go through with this? Apparently not, as they turned tail and fled back into the woods.

Spark Storm snorted as he watched them go. The heat from his attack was slowly dissipating, the smell of burnt wood carried away by the gentle midnight air. He rustled his still sparking wings, and tucked them back into their usual place, draped awkwardly down his back and towards his tail. Good old wings...Can't fly, but they can cook. This thought amused him as he walked cautiously into the Everfree to find his shelter and stand watch, ever waiting, to protect the ponies that didn't want him around. Well, a couple of them did, and usually it was enough. It certainly didn't start out that way, though.

Remember, dear readers, that this was my prototype. Some things are different and some remained the same. Obviously Spark's relationship with Pinkie Pie was changed, as well as Spark's size. My inspiration to begin writing was thanks due to a friend on fanfiction.net. She put Spark Storm in her story about a group working for Celestia called Defenders, which prompted me to begin writing a backstory for Spark. This was the first attempt.