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chpater 1


you wake up in the middle of a forest and you have no idea of what your doing there you check around for clue of where you are but nothing the forest look so normal but your clothe is dirty "great there goes my pair of shoes all in vain because of being lost on a stupid forest" i said getting sarcasm about it when i decide on getting out of here i walk on what it look like a road and about 12 minute i got out of the forest and continue where the road takes me until i reach a tree house sorta.

i knock on the door when a feminine voice said "coming" i waited patiently on the door when the female open the door i was so surprise that she was a pony "fucking god this must be a fucking nightmare god god god please give a fucking sign that i am not dreaming" i said getting scared because you know being in front of pony that talks she had a horn that began to glow and a bucket with water appear out of nowhere and splashed into my face the water was so cold that was a medicine to wake up from a dream and still i wasn't dreaming all this but instead i was living it she told to go inside the library and sit on the couch while she make tea to calm down because i was so fucking nervous about the whole problem about being with a talking pony

a little later she came in with a tea pot and some cup she sat next to me rather with a odd look on her face and ask me what i was "well where to begin first i am a human second i am a jack of all trade (what i mean in the with the jack of all trade is that he does a lot of stuff he's good at) third my name will be a secret until i decide to tell you ok" i said making myself clear she nod in agree and with that i ask her where i am she said "you are in equestria the land of friendship" with that i said in my mind "don't you mean the the land of talking pony fuck now i need to ask her to take me back home because this is so fucking stupid" "excuse me twilight sparkle would you mind telling me how i would get back to my home" i said rather a little upset.

she see that i am getting upset and said "i don't know how i would get you back to your world but as long you stay maybe you change your mind" saying that cheer me up a little but still i don't know how i would get adapted being with pony and other creature around here so i decide to ask her if she take me on a tour around ponyville she jumped out of the couch she was sitting on and started talking fast because almost no one ask her to make a tour around ponyville but i was happy to make her happy (NOTE:the character will always be random so look out for sudden change in the human character)

after 10 minute of we left the library we walk for 2 hour and it was very interesting all the place i saw and pony twilight make me met and we stop i ask twilight where are we she said "this is sugarcube corner and where here to eat something silly don't you get hungry" she said that i forgot that i hadn't eat anything all day but i didn't complain about it

after we got in we were welcome by a pink pony with pink mane and the mane was all fluff and wiggle but something was odd after twilight was talking to her and finish she went to the kitchen to make what twilight order but when catch her saying something about hacksaw and axe and knife i really got freak out and ran to twilight and act like everything was normal but it wasn't normal but the i decide not to worry about it but i got and idea i was so bore i decide to make a prank on twilight for what happen early with the bucket and went to find a bucket when i found one i filled it up with water and when inside and make the prank "hey twilight was soaked wet and clueless" i said and she said "you by the looks of it" then the bucket disappear and all the water fall in me i got a little pissed of because it was a good prank and we both burst into laugh and shared the same feeling of laughter but then the pink mare got out of the kitchen with a happy expression on her face and said "here is your order twilight and may i ask who the weird guy here" "thank you pinkie pie and he's a human and he's name is a secret even i don't know it but you can call him what ever you like ok" she said trying not make me look like a bad guy here then pinkie pie said "okie dokie lokie i'll call him mr.human does that sound ok to you" i said in replied "that sound nice pinkie and yes you can call me mr.human until i decide to tell you my real name" with that we head out of sugarcube corner and went back to the library and eat what twilight bought at the sweet shop when we reach the library suddenly somepony came bursting out nowhere and both twilight and me got scared of a cyan pegasus with rainbow mane and the pegasus said "what wrong with you two you look like you saw a ghost" then twilight said "rainbow dash next time you do that i am going to rape you" after twilight said that i burst into laugh and laugh like 10 minute then when i stop laugh both ask "what was funny" i said "seriously your going to rape her if she does that one more time i would see how your going to do that" then twilight said "if you keep with your stupid stuff i am going to rape you instead" i challenge her and said "yeah right i dare you" twilight then grab me with her magic and took me to her basement and hook me up and tie me to what it was some kind stuff related to BDSM (sorry but i don"t know how to make it more mature in this part is some is helpful enough will you help me in this part thank) after all was over they were all asleep and i was on the floor naked i said to myself "good job you fuck two pony good job" then after i thought that i went to sleep.

i read this 3 time for spelling error but there are minor one and the story is all random so you may find it bad or good is because is random and like i said before i need some help for the sex part in the story thank you all for read the first chapter