• Published 3rd Feb 2017
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Naked and far from home - FFS

What does it mean to be Sunset Shimmer?

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Dear Princess Celestia...

Who am I?

I am Sunset Shimmer.

But, what does it mean to be Sunset Shimmer?

I remember a lifetime ago; the tender embrace of a loving mother, the kind words of a caring father. I remember warmth and happiness, and I remember being carefree.

I also remember death, when it came for the mother that loved me, and the father that cared for me. Death turned everything I had ever loved against me. It turned my warmth into an icy chill, turned my happiness into despair, turned my carefree summer days into dreary winter nights.

Then, you were there, and all my vision was blinded by the most beautiful, most powerful, most radiant light I had ever known.
You took me into your home, gave me all the comforts for which I would never want again, and gave me a light to chase away the darkness that had consumed me. In return, you asked only that you be allowed to instruct me in the ways of the world, in magic and politics, and for want of your warmth and light I gleefully accepted your tutelage.

In time, I even came to accept you as a surrogate, a replacement to the mother I could never have back. But I dared not speak up, dared not tell you how I felt in fear that you would reject me. I was your student, your pupil and protégé, no more and no less. I would never be the daughter that I wanted to be.

I will never begin to guess what compelled you to show me the mirror that fateful spring afternoon. Maybe you knew what path my future would take, and wanted to show to me the way that you had already seen. Maybe you were curious to know whether I was worth further investment. Maybe you were looking for answers only I could provide you. I cannot say, and there are times that I wish you had not shown it to me, for I no longer see a way to reach the path you showed me.

Maybe in another life, the future you saw would have come to pass. Maybe, the me that you saw in that mirror has made you prouder than you can possibly imagine. Maybe the day has come where we rule Equestria together, as mother and daughter. But in this life, there is only the sadness of a destiny broken for want of power.

The power that the mirror unveiled to me… I will not lie to you and say that I did not desire that power. I did, with all my heart. I wanted to defy your expectations of me, to shatter every obstacle, to surpass every goal, to prove that I was worthy of going beyond the limitations you had placed on me. I wanted to be your equal, because to me, that was the only way to ever get you to acknowledge me as somepony more than just your student.

I should have been patient, as you asked me to be. That power would be mine, in time, and had I known then what I know now, I would not have acted with the haste that I did. I would not have went behind your back to seek a truth I felt you had concealed from me.

What is it that the mirror shows us, do you know? Does it show us things that are? Things that once were? Things that have not yet come to pass? Or are the things it shows lies, meant to turn ponies astray and lead them down a twisted and false destiny? When I saw myself in it, pulsing with a great aura, wings on my back as you watched me with pride, I thought for sure that this was my destiny. That I was meant for alicornhood, and that in my ascension you would finally accept me as your daughter. But the harder I worked to achieve that, the further away that destiny seemed.

For my every attempt to learn the secrets of ascension you rebuked me, and I once again began to accept the hopelessness of my desires. You would never allow me to ascend, and you would never allow me to become your daughter. You cannot imagine the rage I felt within my heart when this thought came to me, and I thought nothing of burning my bridges, one by one. I was angry, and in my anger I lashed out at everypony within spell’s reach of me. I became something that you never wanted me to become, because I would never be to you what I wanted to become. And when I crossed over to the other side of the mirror, my anger only grew with each passing year.

How many years has it been since that time? It seems so long ago, and yet at night my dreams are filled with these thoughts as though they happened only yesterday. I have to ask myself every day whether what I have made for myself is real, and when I realize, every day without fail, that it is, I ask myself whether it was worth it.

There is a part of me that still wishes to be angry with you, to curse your name for damning me to this place so far from home, but in my heart I cannot bring myself to be angry with you any longer. Though I deeply longed to be your equal, to wield the power that would have at last convinced you to accept me as your daughter, I cannot be mad at you for what has become of me. My actions were mine and mine alone. Nor can I rightfully call this place my damnation, as for the first time in my life I have come to experience the magic of true friendship. I cannot say in truth whether the place my actions have led me to was worth the journey it has taken to reach. To at last feel the warmth of the magic of friendship is no small joy, but there are times that I find myself wanting for something warmer.

Princess, I do not know whether you will receive this letter, and if you do I do not know if you will have forgiven me my actions all those years ago. I pray that you have, but were our places reversed I would have a hard time forgiving myself for the things I have said and done to you. But I pray that you can find it in your heart to forgive me, even though I do not deserve it.

I love you, Princess, though I perhaps could have shown it better. You were my mother, whether you wished to admit it or not, and you were my guiding light, a light so strong that even when it went out I could find no replacement, not even among my friends. Their light may have saved me from myself, but it was your light that warmed me when nothing else could, and right now it is your light that I long for most of all. Even if you never forgive me, I will survive, but if by some small measure you find that you can forgive me, I ask only to feel the warmth of your light once again, and to know that I am safe in your embrace as I was all those long years ago, even if it is only for a moment.

Your former student,

Sunset Shimmer.

Sunset Shimmer sighed, taking one last look at the blank white envelope in her hands as she visualized the contents of the letter within. There was no postage, and in place of a proper address it was marked with the plain and simple “Dear Princess Celestia”.

A hurried glance around the empty courtyard revealed the bacon-haired girl to be thoroughly alone. It was dark out, sometime in the middle of the night, yet Sunset had found herself unable to sleep, plagued by thoughts of regret that she had managed to dispel only by transcribing her thoughts into tangible words. Standing before the statue that housed the other side of the mirror’s portal, she found herself lost in thought.

Hers was not a problem that she could bring up with her friends. Hailing from this world and this world alone, they would simply not understand, and nor could she bring herself to write to Twilight Sparkle about her problem. The words she had poured onto the pages of her letter, those words were her; her heart and soul, and nopony but their intended recipient should be privy to them.

Fear took hold of Sunset’s heart, and she knew now that if she went through with her actions, that once that letter left her hands, she would never be able to take it back. Swallowing her fear, Sunset touched the mirror, letting the appendage soak up the coolness of the portal’s surface.

As she shoved the envelope into the mirror portal, Sunset breathed a sigh of relief, letting go of a breath she had been unknowingly holding back.