• Published 28th Jan 2017
  • 1,002 Views, 15 Comments

A Princess' Request: Three Crates - FerociousCreation

After the events of the recent Summer Sun Celebration, Derpy has been busy with deliveries nonstop! And when Princess Celestia arrives to the post office to request a delivery to Canterlot, the alicorn specifically requests that Derpy would deliver.

  • ...

One of Three

The device Derpy set up was primitive; cliche even. The large crate rested on one side of the makeshift seesaw, facing away from the staircase. Derpy stood on the other end, slightly pressing her weight down, making sure everything was secure.

Too bad Arm Strong didn't believe anything about the seesaw was anything but secure. How in the world is she going to get the crate up the stairs with that?

Derpy stepped off the plank and briskly walked up the stairs. She overlooked her setup, adjusting herself to be center with the target in mind. “Let's do this!” The mare began to back up until she had a healthy amount of running space. Then, she charged.

Arm Strong wanted to look back, curious about the mailmare’s strategy, but kept his head forward. To the left, Arm Strong noticed Keen Eye staring at him. “Keep your eyes on the castle and not me.”

“But there is something wrong with your post,” Keen Eye replied, his eye quickly glancing elsewhere.

“And what would that be?” No warning was given when Derpy crashed onto Arm Strong’s back.

"Your post seems to be quite hazardous," Keen Eye smirked.

“Darn!” The mailmare swung her hoof in frustration, wishing the air was solid enough to punch. “I misjudged my jump.”

Under her flank of steel and pain, Arm Strong craned his head toward Keen Eye. “Can we swap our positions?”

Derpy quickly removed herself from Arm Strong and asked him, “Am I upsetting you?” Derpy’s frown grasped Arm Strong’s heart and he couldn’t be angered by her sorry, cute, and silly expression.

“N-no,” he said, his throat cracking. “I just think I should give you some space to do your delivery. After all, you seem to have various tactics in moving packages.”

“Princess Celestia did tell me to get these to her throne room by any means necessary,” said Derpy. A pang of worry struck Arm Strong, and he wondered if his life would be claimed because of the princess’ ‘by any means necessary’ demand. He quickly came up with a solution that may prevent anymore harm done to him.

“How about I take a few steps over away from my post a little and allow you your space to do your delivery?” Arm Strong suggested. “That way, I will be less likely to get crushed… again.”

Derpy pursed her lips in thought, then smiled, “That sounds like a great idea!” Keen Eye squinted at Arm Strong, knowing very well that moving from one’s post can lead to negative consequences. But Arm Strong had made up his mind and moved away from the stairway.

“I think you will be safe from my shenanigans,” said Derpy with a giggle. I pray to Princess Celestia that is true, thought Arm Strong.

Derpy looked at the box sitting alone, the object waiting to be delivered. “Alrighty! Time to return to work!” Her wings fanned out and the mare flew to the top of the stairs. Derpy tried to keep her right eye focused on the plank, but her eye kept rolling around in her head. After some time, the pegasus managed to hold focus.

Here goes nothing! “FOR PONYVILLE’S MAIL SERVICE!” Derpy cried. With knees bent and determination clenched in her breast, Derpy leapt into the air. The mare dove toward the upward side of the plank, all four hooves ready to stomp down on her target. Derpy’s hooves pounded on the jetting plank and sent the large crate soaring through the air. Both Arm Strong and Keen Eye watched the object lift into the air. It landed at the top of the stairs with a loud crash, the contents breaking and shattering from within.

“I did it!” Derpy exclaimed.

“She did it!” both Keen Eye and Arm Strong replied in unison. The guardsponies looked at one another and let out a laugh, surprised Derpy’s plan went through.

Derpy looked over at Arm Strong and said, “Hey, look! You didn’t get hurt this time!”

Arm Strong rolled his eyes, “Thankfully…”

With her obstacle cleared, Derpy proudly walked up the stairs and began to push to box down another hall. “Time to give Princess Celestia her package!” she exclaimed as she disappeared into the castle halls.

Arm Strong returned to his post before anypony could see him out of position. Keen Eye shook his head, a smirk wide on his face. “What’s got you smiling?” Arm Strong asked. “My misfortune?”

“I wonder how the mailmare is going to react to the massive flight of stairs to the throne room,” Keen Eye replied.

In a matter of seconds, the two guards heard Derpy cry out, “YOU’VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!”

Unable to control himself, nor allow the mailmare to struggle any further, Arm Strong walked up the stairs. “Where are you going!” Keen Eye shouted.

Arm Strong chuckled, having the last laugh, “You said before that I could help her with lifting the crate.”


“Thanks for insisting on helping me get this crate up the stairs,” Derpy beamed. The mare hovered over Arm Strong as the stallion easily pushed the crate up the long flight of stairs.

“I just felt that it was time somepony gave you a helping hoof,” Arm Strong replied, not feeling winded in the slightest. “You also looked like you needed a break.”

Derpy gave her arms a good stretch and agreed, “Indeed.” The long staircase was easily conquered with very little effort for both mailmare and guard. The large throne room doors towered over Derpy, making her feel smaller. “Princess Celestia sure does love a big door to her personal room,” she said.

“It helps emphasise strength and height of power,” said Arm Strong. He walked down the hallway and opened the door to the throne room. “After you,” he said, his voice echoing off the walls.

Instead of taking the crate along with her, Derpy walked into the throne room. It was her first time entering where Princess Celestia sits, and Derpy wanted to take in everything. A long rug ran to a pair of large chairs, which Derpy assumed one was for Princess Celestia, and the other was for Princess Luna. Large windows allowed the sun to illuminate the room in a bright spectacle. Derpy assumed the alicorn was almost always propped up on her throne, sitting proud with her graceful stature. Instead, the alicorn was on all four hooves standing beside a white unicorn.

The pegagus’ entrance alerted Princess Celestia and the unicorn, breaking them from whatever talk they were having. “Ah, you have arrived,” the princess smiled. “Have you brought what I have requested?”

“I’ve got the first package right behind me!” Derpy gestured to where the large box was sitting. “It was quite the challenge, but I had Mr. Arm Strong assist me.”

The unicorn beside the princess gave Arm Strong a stern look, “Aren’t you supposed to be posted somewhere?”

“I-I’ve been stationed at the base of the stairway, in front of the castle entrance,” Arm Strong answered, following a “Ms. Raven” out of respect.

“Raven, you shouldn’t worry,” Princess Celestia said. “I did tell Derpy Hooves here to get the packages here by any means necessary. If she needed somepony’s help, then by all means, she can use a single guard.”

“I suppose,” Raven said. She pushed up her spectacles and asked, “Derpy, if that is an okay name to call you by?”

“Mmhmm,” Derpy nodded.

“Right. Might you bring forth the package?” Raven then looked to Arm Strong. “You may leave.”

“Yes, mam!” the guard saluted. Derpy passed him before he even moved, but he caught up with her with haste in his step. “Did you say this was the first package?” Arm Strong asked.

“Yup yup!” Derpy beamed. “Now, I know what you are thinking, but I don’t need your help with the other two crates. I think I have an easy way on getting them here to the throne room now that I got a system that worked for me just a while ago.” Arm Strong’s eyes widened, and he worried if he had to endure more rounds of being crushed by other crates. A pat on the shoulder brought him out of his frightened state. “Trust me, Mr. Arm Strong. I know what I am doing.”

Arm Strong cracked a light smile, and nodded before leaving without another word. Derpy shrugged, not bothered that the guard didn’t say goodbye. She assumed he needed to get back to his post before Raven gave Arm Strong another mean look. Still filled with strength, the mailmare shoved the crate into the throne room. “That’s quite some strength you have to push that,” Raven said.

“It comes with the job,” Derpy said. She smiled when she stopped pushing the large crate, glad one of the three boxes was where it needed to be. Derpy rounded the crate and approached the princess. “Here is the first,” the pegasus bowed.

“Lucky for you, you have a few more hours to get the others here,” said the princess.

“By the way,” Derpy began, “what is in this crate, or rather in the crates you are having me bring? I mean, whatever is in it is now broken. Was that your intention? To have whatever was inside break?”

“Do you know what a glass mural is?” Raven asked.

Derpy scratched her head before replying, “Isn’t it a picture made of pieces of glass?”

“Correct,” Princess Celestia answered. “That crate is full of colored panes of glass. Or rather, it was filled with panes of glass. Thanks to your clever delivery ways, the glass is nice and smashed in this one I assume. Once all three crates are here, I will have glass mural artists pick out the most appropriate pieces of glass for what I am requesting.”

Derpy let out an exaggerated “OOOOHHHHH,” the truth about the crates and their contents. “Wow, that makes so much sense! What is the mural going to be about?”

“I believe you are aware of the unicorn by the name of Twilight Sparkle who lives in Ponyville,” Raven said. Derpy nodded, remembering the party Pinkie Pie set up for the Twilight. “The glass mural is going to feature Twilight Sparkle and her friends defeating Nightmare Moon.”

“It will also be a reminder that anypony can be reclaimed by what is right,” Princess Celestia continued. “And I am glad my sister has seen that.” The alicorn formed a soft smile on her lips, her eyes closed in thought.

“I am happy for you, princess,” Derpy beamed.

“Thank you,” said Princess Celestia.

“It makes us all happy to see the two regal sisters reunited,” Raven smiled. “And the mural is going to be placed over there.” Raven gestured to the middle window to Derpy’s left. “The window there is facing the west, exactly pointing where the sun sets. A positive notion of Princess Luna seeing the light.”

Just the idea of what the glass mural might look like motivated Derpy to get the other crates even faster than the first. Derpy turned around and said, “Now that I know the true reason behind this delivery, I will be sure your request is completed within one hour!”

“Oh, don’t overwork yourself,” the alicorn reassured. “Just be sure the other two crates are here by the afternoon.”

Derpy shook her head, “But this mural is more than just Twilight Sparkle and her friends defeating Nightmare Moon. This is about your sister! And as a loyal subject to the regal sisters, I will work even harder until my task has been finished.”

The alicorn beamed, “I am overjoyed to see such a pony willing to work above and beyond what is expected of you.” Princess Celestia looked at Raven, “Reminds me of a certain pony who helps me keep everything organized.”

Raven flushed, “I’m just doing my job, princess.” The unicorn’s ears fell back, humbled by Princess Celestia’s compliment. Raven turned her attention toward Derpy, no longer wanting to be flustered in front of company. “Speaking of doing jobs, whenever you wish, you may leave to receive the remaining two crates.”

“Yes, mam!” Derpy soluted. The gray walked with motivation in her step, ready to finish the task in under sixty minutes. At the top of the staircase, Derpy scratched her chin, pondering how to get the last two boxes to the throne room in. She told Arm Strong not to assist her with the other boxes, so he was out of the question. What to do… she thought. From below, something moved into view. A large crate. And Arm Strong was the one pushing that large crate.

Author's Note:

Here is a longer chapter after a long wait.