• Published 26th Jan 2017
  • 2,723 Views, 108 Comments

A Rubber Pony in Equestria - Lightbuster30

After being defeated by Kuma, Luffy finds himself in a strange land as a pony. These are his adventures.

  • ...

A Chaotic Party

The Mane 6 couldn't believe what they were seeing. After what felt like ages Twilight spoke. "Luffy" she started. "HOW COULD YOU BRING THE URSA MAJOR HERE?!"

"I tamed him." Luffy responded.

"You, you tamed it? How?" She asked dumbfounded.

"I got lost on the way back from the sanctuary."

"How did you get lost? It's a straight path upwards south of the sanctuary." Rainbow questioned.

"Yeah south. Down is south right?"

"Noooo." Rainbow answered.

"Really? Guess that explains why I ended up in the sanctuary. Anyway I got lost and tried catching some fish. I caught a huge one but then this jerk 'points his hoof at Luffen' came outta nowhere and snatched it before I could cook it. We ended up fighting over it and I won. Felt kinda sorry for him though, so I caught some more really huge fish for him, and he helped me get out of the sanctuary. I guess he just sorta followed me after a bit afterwards."

"Mr. Luffy" Rarity started. "Has occured to you that it followed you because it expects you to feed it?"

"Nah he just does what I ask. Now, 'ushers to Luffen and points at Fluttershy' APOLOGIZE!" At this Luffen got on his stomach, and started grunting at Fluttershy.

Fluttershy looked nervous for a moment before responding. "Oh well I guess it's ok, we did wake you up and attack you."

"See? He is actually really sweet when he isn't trying to kill us." Luffy said while rubbing Luffen's stomach.

"Luffy I think it's very nice that you made Luffen your pet, but he needs to go back to the sanctuary." Twilight said.

"Aw c'mon why can't he stay?" Luffy whined.

"Well fer one it's a huge wild animal. Applejack spoke. Fer two it's a HUGE wild animal! Even if yah tamed it completely, It's sheer size makes it a walking wrecking ball!"

"But" Luffy tried protesting.

"You could always visit each other." Fluttershy suggested.

With a sad sigh Luffy admitted defeat, and had Luffen go back to the sanctuary, promising to visit once every few weeks. As Luffen lumbered away Rainbow came to to Luffy. "Ok just WHAT are you?"

"Rainbow Dash!" Twilight said in an apprehensive tone.

"I don't know what you mean." Luffy responded.

"I mean how are you able to tame an Ursa Major?"

"It's no big deal."

"No big deal?! You punched that thing out and made it your pet!"

"I agree with Rainbow." Rarity spoke up. "You have incredible strength that only a few ponies can actually attest to. It's quite the wonder really."

"Oh well I've been fighting huge beasts as a kid. My grandpa would throw me into the forest every week to toughen me up."

"Your grandfather threw you in a forest as a kid?" Questioned Twilight. "How horrible!"

"Nah Grandpa Garp is a nice guy, he did it all to make me into a strong marine like him, but I wanted to be a pirate."

"This Garp feller is one of them nasty marines the princess was talking about?" Asked Applejack.

"I don't think every marine is a big jerk, I've seen a few good ones out there."

"If you say so Luffy" Applejack said skeptically, and they headed for the party.

The party was great. There was food, dancing, music, all of ponyville and the princesses. Luffy was devouring everything in sight before he noticed princess Luna from his dream. "Bhey gron I bough fu? (Hey don't I know you?)

"Uh lets wait until thou have finished consumption of thine meal before we speak further." She said akwardly.

"What the hay man?!" Rainbow shouted.

"Ya varmit keep yer hooves to yer own plate Luffy!" Applejack yelled at him. Luffy was swiping food from people's plates.

"What a barbaric appetitie!" Rarity commented in disgust.

"Oh my, I hope there is enough for everypony." Fluttershy said worriedly said.

While everypony else was either disgusted or in awe of Luffy's eating habits, Celestia simply watched with an amused look on her face. "How dare thou stealith food from my sister!" Luna shouted at Luffy, who had dared to swipe food from Princess Celestia herself. But this wasn't the end oh no. Luffy's next eating act was the most shocking of all. While Luna was chewing him out he wasn't paying attention, and ended up inhaling all the food on the table.....along with the table itself.....and Spike, who didn't let go and was halfway in Luffy's mouth as a result.

Twilight shrieked at the sight. "AH! SPIKE! LUFFY YOU'RE EATING SPIKE! SPIT HIM OUT! SPIT HIM OUT!" She yelled while gripping Spike by the legs, eventually getting him out.

"Oh gross dude! Ever hear of mouthwash?!" Spike shouted at the now bloated Luffy, who's only response was to spit out a leg from the table.

Everypony was glaring at Luffy who had eaten everything. Just when things looked bad they heard an giggle behind them, followed by hysterical laughter. It was Princess Celestia, who was rolling on the floor unable to control herself. "Hahahahaha! H-he ATE the table! Hahahahaha. Oh I'm sorry, I can't hahaha!".

"Sister! Please, control yourself!" Luna pleaded. But it was useless, Celestia kept laughing, and soon everypony was laughing with her. Eventually the laughter died down, and when it looked like everypony would go without food, Pinky Pie revealed she had bought backup food just in case Luffy ate it all. What she DIDN'T expect was for him to eat the table. As for Luffy? He was forbidden from touching anymore food unless given willingly.

Amazingly a new table appeared for the food, only this one was different. It had a serpentine shape with mix matched animal parts. Meanwhile a pink cloud appeared over Luffy's head, raining chocolate milk on him. "Cool! It's raining chocolate!" Luffy shrieked with joy, while drinking it, bloating him even more.

"I know right?" Pinky asked while joining Luffy. "Didja know that cloud is made of cotten candy.

"COTTEN CANDY?! EVEN COOLER!" Luffy yelled while jumping to the cloud and chomping it. By this point Luffy's stab wound couldn't take the stretching and opened for a moment, letting chocolate leak out. "OH SHIT! A LEAK!" Luffy started freaking out. Chocolate then started gargling in Luffy's mouth, and he had to force it down. "Ugh I think I drank too much chocolate." Celestia had her hooves over her mouth barley able to contain her giggling. A voice rung through the room at that moment.

"Hellooooooo everypony!"

"Oh great it's HIM" Rainbow sneered.

"Why yes it is HIM." A figure in the shape of the table rose from it leaving the table behind. "So sorry I'm late, but my inter-dimensional travel services were down for a few weeks. You wouldn't believe how hard it was to get it fixed!"

"What are you doing here Discord?" Rainbow sneered even more.

"Why Dashie am I not allowed to visit my best friend's recovery party?" He said appearing next to her pulling her cheek. He noticed Luffy and turned to him. "Oh and you must be the little pony who saved Fluttershy's life. You truly have my thanks!"

"Oh lay off him Discord!" Rainbow told him. "Watch yourself around this guy Luffy."

Luffy didn't say a word for a few moments. This time it was his turn to be stunned. His stunned face swiftly turned to one of excitement. "Woah cool! It's a talking snake-goat-chicken thing! Awesome! Do you wanna join my crew?"

Discord was taken aback by Luffy's excitement over him. Most ponies would be instantly annoyed at him, and tell him to buzz off. This one seemingly adored his wacky antics and instantly wanted to be friends with him. "Why yes I am a talking snake-goat-chicken thing! But I prefer Discord. As for your offer." Discord suddenly appeared next Luffy in a classic pirate getup. "Going on fun adventures, causing chaos across The 7 Seas? It's awfully temping but I'm afraid I must decline." He turned to normal.

"I refuse."

"Wait you what?"

"Your refusal. I refuse it."

"Sheesh and I thought it was my job to make no sense!"

"Just join already!" Luffy sounded so demanding.

"Look. Kid. Tempting as your offer is, I can't join up with you. I have obligation to friends of mine in Ponyville." Discord's eyes darted to Fluttershy as he said this.

"Aw well I guess if you have friends, I can't just pull you away from them." Luffy said dejected.

Discord felt a tad sorry for Luffy. Not only did he save his best friend, but he appeared to genuinely like his chaos, and wanted to be friends, which is more than he could say for most ponies be met. "Aw are you feeling down? Well look I can't accept your offer, but what I can do is give you this." A silver string with a small I shaped whistle appeared around Luffy's neck. "Consider it a token of friendship for helping Fluttershy in her time of need. If you were to blow into it, I would hear it and come to your aid....or not....what can I say? I can't hear it when I'm sleeping!" Discord said defensively.

"Wow so cool! What other tricks can you do?" Luffy asked.

"Tricks? Dear boy tricks are no more than illusions. What I do is all too real." Discord said. *CHOMP* During their conversation Celestia had teasingly levitated a cake right behind Luffy, outside his field of vision, or so she thought. In one bite Luffy swallowed it along with the plate it was on, causing giggles amongst ponies.

"Real huh?" Luffy said thoughtfully. "Could you do this?" He whispered something in Discords ear.

"Why of course, such a feat is literal childs play for one such as me." In that instant an ethereal piano appeared and began playing a cheerful tune.

"Hey now whats this song?" Applejack asked.

"I don't know. But I LOVE it!" Pinky responded.

"It does have a cheerful tone of adventure doesn't it? Rarity said with admiration."

Luffy was gleefully singing to the song. It wasn't long before everypony got into it, even the princesses and Discord were singing and dancing to it.

Yo-hohoho, Yohohohoo,
Yo-hohoho, Yohohohoo,
Yo-hohoho, Yohohohoo,
Yo-hohoho, Yohohohoo,

Gather up all the crew!
It's time to ship out Bink's brew!
Sea wind blows to where,
Who knows?
The waves will be our guide!
O'er across the ocean's tide,
Rays of sunshine far and wide,
Birds they sing of cheerful things, in circles passing by!

Bid farewell to weaver's town!
Say so long to port renowned!
Sing a song, it won't be long, before we're casting off!
Cross the gold and silver seas
The salty spray puts us at ease!
Day and night to our delight,
The voyage never ends!

Gather up all the crew!
It's time to ship out Bink's brew!
Pirates we, eternally are challenging the sea!
With the waves to rest our heads,
ship beneath us as our beds!
Hoisted high up on the mast our jolly roger flies!

Somewhere in the endless sky,
Stormy winds are blowin' by!
Waves are dancing, evening comes,
It's time to sound the drums!
but sailor men may never fear!
Tomorrow skys are always clear!
So pound your feet and clap your hands till sunny days return!

Yo-hohoho, Yo-hohoho,
Yo-hohoho, Yo-hohoho,
Yo-hohoho, Yo-hohoho,
Yo-hohoho, Yo-hohoho,

Gather up all the crew!
It's time to ship out Bink's brew!
Wave good-bye, but don't you cry
our memories remain.
Our days are but a passing dream, everlasting though they seem
'neath the moon will meet again, the waves our lullaby!

Gather up all the crew!
It's time to ship out Bink's brew!
Sing a song and play along
For all the oceans wide!
After all is said and done,
we all end up skeletons!
So spread your tail, from dawn till dusk, upon these boney seas!

Yo-hohoho, Yo-hohoho,
Yo-hohoho, Yo-hohoho,
Yo-hohoho, Yo-hohoho,
Yo-hohoho, Yo-hohoho.

"That was quite possibly the most beautiful song I've ever heard!" Rarity said. "Luffy just what WAS that song?"

"Oh that was Bink's Sake. My musician Brook plays that all the time. Apparently it has an affect of making everypony happy and cheerful, don't know why though."

"Ooh a musician? That sounds lovely! I'll bet he is a real gentleman. What is he like? Rarity went on asking questions.

He is an afro skeleton, he is kinda a pervert, and he makes hilarious skull jokes.

"Jokes? Do tell!" Pinky inquired.

"Ok ok. What do call a singing skeleton? A natural BONE singer!" He and Pinky were the only ones laughing.

"You have...a talking skeleton for a musician? How in tarnation is that even possible? Applejack asked confused.

Oh well he ate the Yomi Yomi no Mi so when he died he could come back to life. Unfortunately his soul couldn't find his body, and by the time he did it was a skeleton.

Fluttershy looked a little sad hearing this. "But doesn't that bother him?"

"Nah I don't think he minds. I think he kinda likes it."

Fluttershy perked up at this, and with that the party went on. There was much dancing and singing. And after all was said and done Twilight offered a place to stay seeing as how the Cakes couldn't afford to have Luffy live in their shop. But only so long as he promised her some experiements with his devil fruit.

"Now that was a party!" Pinky shouted.

"Yes it was certainly...unique." Rarity quipped remembering Luffy's eating habits.

"I know it was great! I don't see why you guys hate that Discord guy so much."

"He brainwashed us and turned ponyville upside down!" Rainblw said.

"Well hs isn't doing it NOW. So I guess he is still awesome."

Rainbow tried to come up with a counter argument, but Luffy made a good point, even without the Elements of Harmony his friendship with Fluttershy was enough to keep him in line.

"Well I'm glad you liked him Luffy. I think he really liked you too." Fluttershy agreed with Luffy.

"Well just be careful Luffy." Applejack warned. "Discord may be reformed but he is still a massive prankster."

"Ohh a prankster?" Luffy suddenly got a big grin on his face.

"Oh great now look what you did Applejack!"

"I don't know what you're talking about Rainbow, no idea." But everypony could see right through his poker face.

"I hope you don't, cause if you do, I'm not sure I want to think about it."

With that everypony began heading home. And Luffy headed for Golden Oaks with Spike and Twilight. Who knows what adventures lie in the future. Find out next chapter.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the delay. Internet was down for a few days. Next chapter is a "Fun in Equestria" chapter. Enjoy.