• Published 24th Jan 2017
  • 4,661 Views, 17 Comments

Twilight and Sunset Fart - The Dark Wolf

Rainbow Dash pranks Princess Twilight with fart powder, while Sunset Shimmer has a gas attack of her own.

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Twilight Sparkle

Author's Note:

I loved the part in 28 Pranks Later where Rainbow Dash pranks Twilight with a whoopee cushion. Not only does this mean farting is canon in the show, but I really like to see Twilight fart (even if she didn't technically fart in that scene, it seemed like it). This is one of the reasons I jumped at this request.

Again, quality's probably not the best, but I did what I could after using up all my fantasy power in my last story.

Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends were sitting around a table inside her castle having tea. The map wasn't calling them on any friendship missions today.

Rainbow Dash was thinking about new pranks. She brought a container of fart powder with her, and was trying to think about which pony to use it on. Pinkie Pie just found it funny. They'd have farting contests when they were alone. Applejack didn't find it funny, but she didn't feel any shame of it either. She'd definitely throw her in for consideration. Rarity? It would be absolutely hilarious to make the ladylike unicorn fart, but she'd put her off for later. Fluttershy? She was too sensitive, it would just be plain mean to do this to her. Twilight? She'd be a good place to start. Plus, it would be pretty funny doing this to a princess. Twilight would be frustrated if she found out it was her, but she wouldn't hold it against her for long. At worst she'd have Pinkie Pie give her a revenge prank.

Rainbow Dash pointed in a direction with her hoof. "Princess Celestia!" she said.

All the other ponies turned their heads. While they were distracted, Rainbow Dash sprinkled fart powder in Twilight's tea as fast as she could, then sat back down on her throne. "Gotchya!" she said.

"That joke's a little old," said Applejack.

"Lighten up, Applejack!" said Rainbow Dash, pretending to be annoyed so no one would suspect she had something bigger up her sleeve.

After about five minutes, Rainbow Dash watching Twilight intently, Princess Celestia did enter the room. The other ponies bowed their heads.

"Good morning, Princess Twilight," said Celestia. "Would you like to go for a walk with me?"

"I'd love to!" said Twilight, and they walked out the door.

Rainbow Dash was a little disappointed. She'd surely miss Twilight farting. She hoped Twilight would call off the walk with Celestia and race back to the castle. But then, she'd probably stay clear of her too, and it would look suspicious to follow her. She also hoped Celestia wouldn't give Twilight a hard time if she farted in front of her.


Twilight and Celestia were walking along a path, talking about magic and friendship, when Twilight felt a gurgling inside her. She started walking a little slower.

"Are you all right, Twilight?" said Celestia.

"I'm fine," said Twilight, hoping to hide her discomfort from her.

About a minute later, Twilight could feel the pressure build up, and knew she was about to fart. She tried to hold it in, sweating profusely. She'd be too ashamed to fart in front of anyone besides Spike, especially Celestia.

Then, Twilight couldn't hold it anymore.


Twilight farted loudly, which lasted about five seconds. She blushed beet red and giggled nervously. To her surprise, Celestia also giggled.

"I'm so sorry!" said Twilight nervously. "That wasn't very princesslike of me!"

"That's all right, Twilight," said Celestia. "I think it's kind of funny."

"Really?" said Twilight, farting again while still red in the face.

"Really," said Celestia. "Want to hear a story about a time I held it in for an entire speech?"

"Maybe some other time," said Twilight as she let out another wet fart. "I don't really find it that funny. I mean, no offense."

"None taken," said Celestia. "If you want, you can return to the castle until you're feeling better. I'll wait at Sugarcube Corner for as long as it takes."

"Thank you, Princess," said Twilight. She farted again, and blushed, but Celestia only giggled again. As Twilight ran off, Celestia looked around to make sure no one was looking, and let out an airy fart of her own, chuckling to herself.

Twilight flew as fast as she could back to her castle. She farted four more times on the way there, each fart loud and wet, but only about a second long.

She reached her castle and ran toward her bedroom, hoping to get their unnoticed. As far as her friends knew, she was still with Celestia.

Then Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie came out from behind a corner. "Hey Twilight!" they said!

Twilight was startled and fell on her butt, accidentally farting loudly. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie laughed.

"It's not funny!" said Twilight.

"Yes it is!" said Pinkie Pie.

A lengthy fart made its way out of her butt, which was very loud. Twilight blushed. Why was she farting so much? And what were Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie doing in this hall?

"You didn't have anything to do with this, did you?" said Twilight.

"Nope," Rainbow Dash lied.

"I didn't," said Pinkie Pie. "Cross my heart and hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye!"

"Can I just get to my room now?" said Twilight, trying to hold it in, but she could feel another big fart coming.

"You don't have to be ashamed of farting in front of us!" said Rainbow Dash. "Just let it all out! None of the other ponies can hear you, they're still in the throne room!"

"Fine," said Twilight. "But don't tell Applejack, Fluttershy, or Rarity." She turned around so that her tush was facing Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie, closed her eyes tight, and...


Twilight blushed as Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie fell on their backs and laughed their butts off. The air was thick with the smell of her fart, but the other two mares didn't seem to mind.

"Can you not laugh at me?" said Twilight as she let out a wet fart for about half a second.

"We can't help it!" said Pinkie Pie. "It's just too funny!"

"I don't think so," said Twilight.

"You really need to learn to lighten up," said Rainbow Dash. "Here!" She raised her leg and let a loud fart of her own.

"Me next!" said Pinkie Pie, and she farted higher-pitched, slightly shorter than Rainbow Dash.

"Are we turning this into a contest?" said Twilight. A loud, wet fart only slightly lower-pitched than Pinkie's made its way out of her butt, but she didn't bother feeling embarrassed this time.

"Why not?" said Rainbow Dash as she farted again.

"Oh, what the hell," said Twilight. "Just don't tell anyone else." She raised her butt in the air and farted as loud as she could, for about eight seconds.

"Nice one, Twilight!" said Rainbow Dash. "But you've still got a long way to go." Rainbow Dash farted twice as loud for 11 seconds. Then Pinkie farted for about nine seconds, again higher-pitched than Rainbow or Twilight.

As the three mares continued to take turns farting, Twilight realized that she thought this was fun. They'd have to get together and do this again sometime, as long as no one else ever found out.

Rainbow Dash won the farting contest by a landslide, with a 15-second fart, by which time the effects of the fart powder had worn off. Sure she wasn't going to fart again for a while, Twilight made her way to Sugarcube Corner, where Celestia was waiting patiently while eating a cake.