• Published 7th Mar 2024
  • 242 Views, 4 Comments

The Hopeless Shipper - randomkid

Fluttershy writes a shipfic about Twilight and accidentally sends it to her.

  • ...

A small mix-up

Fluttershy looked around at her class of young students, a slight smile on her face. Harry stood next to her, holding a happy looking Angel eagerly munching away at some feed in his hands.

"Alright class, what did we learn today?" She asked as she looked to the class. A small yellow and orange changeling raised their hoof. "Yes, Clementine?"

The changeling stuttered a bit, either a little unsure of their answer or just nervous to speak up. "Oh! That... That friendship can happen even if you can't fully understand each other...?"

Fluttershy beamed at the child's answer, giving them a soft nod. "That's right~ Friendship is possible with all creatures, even if they don't speak the same language, or speak at all. The friendship between a creature and their pet is just as important as with their other friends! And understanding somecreature you can't speak with is all about respect and empathy."

The students all took note of their teacher's words as the bell rung, dismissing the mare's class. As everycreature started to file out, Fluttershy called to them, giving them a reminder for the weekend. "Remember class. On monday, I want you to all come in with your projects ready on the topic of unspoken friendship." She got a few mutterings of acknowledgement from her class but they were more focused on the end of their school day.

Once all her students were gone, Fluttershy let put a soft sigh and slumped in her chair. Fluttershy never was a super social and outgoing pony. Being a teacher helped a bit, but it was still stressful. She nursed a soft bruise from when Harry accidentally fell on her during the demonstration. Harry noticed this and set Angel on Fluttershy's desk before giving his caretaker a light massage. Fluttershy smiled and lifted her head to look at her friend.

"Thank you Harry. Apology accepted. I know you didn't mean to hurt me." Harry let out an ashamed whimper but Fluttershy just shook her head. "It's alright. It wouldn't be the first time you fell on me. I'm alright."

That seemed to be enough to calm the guilty bear. Fluttershy relaxed more as Harry relieved the pain in her side. As she let her friend massage her bruise, her gaze went over to the picture on her desk. It was a framed picture of her friends, the first one in fact, taken the day after they defeated Nightmare Moon.

She smiled, remembering those old days. When was the last time she was with the girls? It was the council of Friendship about half a moon ago. Since then, the six struggled to find time for them to all get together. She turned to the door, getting an idea.

* * *

Fluttershy walked the halls, heading to the office of the one friend who still taught at the School of Friendship, Pinkie Pie. As she trotted on, she overheard several conversations. Ones about upcoming assignments, friends telling jokes nocreature understood except those two, a pony getting scolded for pranking somecreature else. But there was one thing that caught her attention, slowing the pegasus' trot.

"Would... You go out with me?" a purple scaled dragon asked a green colored fluffy maned kirin. The dragon held out a bouquet of flowers to his crush. The kirin's eyes went wide as he tackled the dragon to the ground in a hug, giving him his answer.

Fluttershy stared at the pair for a bit. It wasn't rare that she'd overhear some sort of confession while walking the halls, and young love was always cute to see. She smiled softly, but there was a slight twinge to it.

Fluttershy shook her head, breaking herself out of her daze. She resumed her trek to Pinkie's office, getting there after a minute or two. She knocked on Pinkie's door before carefully opening it to see if her friend was inside or not. "Pinkie? Are you here?"

When the door swung open, she found a colorfully decorated empty office room. She frowned a bit, thinking maybe Pinkie had gone home already. She stepped back outside and found Starlight stepping out of her office across the hall.

The yellow pegasus slowly approached, catching Starlight's attention as she closed her door behind her. Starlight waved and spoke with a cheery tone. "Hey Fluttershy! How was class today?"

Fluttershy waved back and gave the unicorn a tired expression. "Exhausting... But productive. Harry and Angel did a great demonstration today and I think the students are really starting to understand," Fluttershy said before glancing back to Pinkie's door. "You wouldn't happen to know where Pinkie is, do you?"

Starlight thought for a bit before chuckling. "Pinkie? She ran like a bat out of Tartarus screaming about needing to get home to Cheesie or something. I think Cheese is out of town so she's had her hooves full lately."

Fluttershy nodded softly, knowing just how chaotic Lil Cheesie could get without momma Pinkie around. She sighed, a slight ache in her heart forming when she heard Pinkie would probably be too busy today. At least she still had three other friends she could spend time with.

"Oh, that's alright. Thank you Starlight. Did you have any plans today?" Fluttershy asked curiously.

"Oh! Sunburst and I were going take a trip up to the Crystal Empire this weekend. Flurry's been asking about us. You know how she gets when she's upset." Starlight seemed rather chipper about this trip. It did make sense. Starlight and Sunburst were basically Flurry's second parents with how much time they spent taking care of her. Any time Cadence and Shining weren't available, those two would jump at the opportunity to fill in. "Plus it'll be nice to have some us time. We're not needed until tomorrow but we're heading over early for a date~"

Fluttershy gave a weak smile, that ache growing a bit more. Two friends busy with other things. But she still had AJ and Rarity. Maybe they could go to the spa. "That's great Starlight. I'll see you monday then."

Starlight nodded and gave Fluttershy another wave before excitedly trotting off to meet with Sunburst. "I'll see you monday Fluttershy~!"

Fluttershy waved to Starlight until she was out of sight. The pegasus sighed, drooping her head near the floor. She looked out the window to see the rest of her home town.

Fluttershy shook and stood up tall, psyching herself up and out of her dour mood. "Come on Fluttershy! You have other friends that would love to spend time with you. I'm sure somepony will be available!"


The door to Canterlot Boutique swung open before Fluttershy could even give it a good knock. She was greeted by a large silhouette that took her a second to recognize. "Oh! Hello Yona~ It's good to see you~ Is Rarity here?"

Yona excitedly bounced, shaking the entire shop with her immense strength. She stepped back, letting Fluttershy walk inside as she spoke. "Fluttershy always welcome at Canterlot Boutique! Yona not know where Rarity went. Sandbar last saw her."

Yona called out Sandbar's name from the entrance. Fluttershy instinctively covered her ears and grinned sheepishly. It wasn't long before Sandbar joined them downstairs in the main storefront.

"Yeah, Yons? Something wrong?"

"Nothing wrong. Fluttershy looking for Rarity. Where she go again?"

Sandbar looked to Fluttershy and greeted her before rubbing his chin. "I think she said she had an important client to meet in Manehattan. She rushed outta here so fast she almost forgot the dresses."

Fluttershy slumped again, that ache from earlier returning. She spoke in almost a whisper, "Oh... That's alright then... I was hoping she would head to the spa with me but if she's in Manehattan... Maybe Applejack is available..." Fluttershy started to head to the door.

Yona took a step to follow after her before speaking up. "Why pony sad?"

Fluttershy did her best to hide the exhaustion in her smile as she replied to the yak. "I just wanted to see if any of the girls wanted to spend some time together. But it looks like most of them are too busy. I'll be alright Yona."

Yona and Sandbar looked to Fluttershy then to each other. Something was up but they weren't sure how to broach this subject. It was Sandbar who spoke up first. "Well, I hope Applejack's up for some fun. You deserve it for dealing with those kids. But I bet they aren't as bad as us~"

The three shared a laugh but Fluttershy's was a little forced. She shot them one more smile before heading off. She did catch the two move closer to each other as she flew away, Sandbar seemingly comforting Yona for something. That didn't really help her mood.

She picked up her pace, knowing she'd have to move pretty fast to get to Sweet Apple Acres before it got too dark. While flying, she passed over Sugar Cube Corner, overhearing the chaos occurring inside.

Screams and yelps of a familiar pink pony echoed from the upper floor of the sweets shop, followed by giggling of a newly born colt. The building practically shook as Fluttershy assumed Pinkie was trying to get Cheesie under control. There was the sound of a party cannon going off as streamers flew out the window followed by flour. Pinkie definitely had her hooves full with the child and Fluttershy didn't feel up to wrangling a child right now. So she kept flying to Sweet Apple Acres.

Once she arrived, Fluttershy was met with a hectic sight. Apples, both the fruit and the ponies, were scattered about the property, ponies chasing after runaway fruit that moved like they had a mind of their own. Fluttershy groaned to herself, seeing exactly how this was going. She landed next to Applejack, who'd just caught a bunch of animated apples in a bushle. She was standing on top of it, wondering what to do when she realized Fluttershy was here.

"Howdy Fluttershy. Sorry if Ah look a little rugged. Some weird critter came out of the forest made a whole section of our orchard move on it's own. It's been a real hassle to get them under control." As she said that Applebloom jumped at a herd of apples with a large net, catching them. She had a victorious look on her face until one of the apples used a particularly sharp leaf to cut a whole in the net.

Fluttershy slumped and looked back to Applejack with a deep frown. "I guess you're too busy to spend time too..."

Applejack immediately picked up on Fluttershy's gloomy mood and knew something was wrong. She grabbed a heavy looking rock and placed it on top of the bushle of apples.

Applejack placed a hoof on Fluttershy's cheek and lifted her head to meet her gaze. "What's wrong sugarcube? You feelin' a little stressed and nopony else is free?"

Fluttershy's eyes watered slightly as she gave a quick nod. Applejack always could tell what was wrong with somepony with only a glance. And she knew she had to do something to help.

"Why don't yah head inside? We should have this under control soon. Then we can have a nice dinner with friends. Would that make yah feel better?"

Fluttershy nodded as she wiped away the tears that had started to well in her eyes. This is what she really needed. Somepony to put her first tonight after such a stressful day. She muttered a soft, "Thank you Applejack," before heading into the barn.

Inside was the final missing Apple, or technically, Belle. Sugar Belle was inside the house, seemingly baking something for dinner. Sugar Belle didn't see who entered so she called out to the pony entering.

"I know you're hungry, but dinners not ready yet, silly~" When she stepped into the main room to see Fluttershy she paused, clearly not expecting her. "Oh. Hi Fluttershy~ Are you joining us tonight~?"

Fluttershy nodded and happily approached Sugar Belle. "Applejack invited me~ It was a rough day at the School today."

Sugar Belle seemed delighted to have another pony to bake for tonight. She bounced slightly and urged Fluttershy to follow her into the kitchen. "You have to try this new recipe Fluttershy~ I've been working on it all day~"

Fluttershy was more than happy to walk with Sugar Belle and try some pastries. While she wasn't as big of a sweets addict as Pinkie, Fluttershy loved some sweets every now and then. "What flavor is it?"

"It's Apple, Pear and Sugar Plum! I uh... Thought it was fitting." The mare giggled softly and pulled the pie out of the oven before placing it on the table.

"Are you sure we can try it now? I don't want to eat before everypony else is ready." The pie did smell delicious, baked to perfection. She'd never tell either pony directly, but she always preferred Sugar Plum's pies compared to Pinkie's.

"They should be back soon. We're just getting prepared~ I need a taste tester after all." Sugar Belle was her usual upbeat self when a red stallion's head popped in through the window. His expression worried Fluttershy. It seemed like he had some bad news.

"Oh no... What's wrong dear? Is it not going well?"


"Are you sure you don't want me to come help?"


"Well... Do you know how long it'll be until the family can join us?"


Sugar Belle frowned before gently nuzzling against her husband. "We'll be in here when you're ready. I love you dear~"

"Ah love you too. Just sit tight and we'll be as soon as we can." With that, Big Mac went back outside to help the rest of his family.

Fluttershy's mood had plummeted once again. She made a frustrated squeak that caught Sugar Belle's attention. Fluttershy was face down on the table, the rest of her body slumped on the ground. "Oh... Why is it so hard just to spend time with my friends...? We saved Equestria from basically everything at this point, but we can't even see each other?"

Sugar Belle approached and gently pet the pegasus' head, doing her best to speak in a calming tone. "Oh I know what you mean. Me and my friends from the village struggle to meet up too. But that doesn't make you any less close. I'm sure the next Council of Friendship will come along sooner than you think~"

Fluttershy didn't stop Sugar Belle but it didn't seem like she was really helping. "But I don't want to only see them for the Counsil of Friendship... I miss us all being here... Together..."

Sugar Belle's ears drooped realizing just how down her friend really was. She wanted to help in any way she could. She opened her mouth to speak when a sudden wave of dizziness struck her. She wobbled a bit but Fluttershy saw it and caught her.

"Are you alright Sugar Belle...? What was that?" The concern for her friend had temporarily overcame her depression.

Sugar Belle stuttered as she tried to come up with something to say. In the end she decided to go with the truth. She didn't want to lie to Fluttershy when she was in this state. "Well... Don't tell anyone this but... The Apple family is about to get a bit bigger~"

Fluttershy immediately froze in place. This was great news, amazing news even. One of her friends was going to become an Aunt. But it just heightened that aching feeling she'd been feeling all day. "Wow... That's great..."

Sugar Belle regained her balance and walked over to the table, starting to cut a few slices of pie for her and her friend. "I know~... We've been trying for a while now and it's finally happened. We want to keep it a surprise for now, but it's all been worth it once we see the look on everypony's face~ Now, do you want any-" when Sugar Belle turned back around, Fluttershy was gone. She just stood there, pie slices at hoof but no pony to serve it to.


Fluttershy sniffled as she flew away from her friends orchard. She just couldn't handle it anymore. Everyone seeming so happy and content when she was felt so alone. She wasn't heading in any particular direction, just away from the orchard. But while flying, the tears started to blur her vision. While trying to clear her eyes, she bumped into what felt like a cloud. She was about to get angry at a cloud flying so low when she realized it wasn't any old cloud she bumped into. It was Rainbow Dash's house, floating low to the ground so she could hear anypony coming to visit her.

She huffed and landed in front of the door. Rainbow's house was always so breathtaking to Fluttershy. The beautiful mix of clouds, she sheer size of it, the flowing rainbow pools. It made Fluttershy's home pale by comparison. She didn't knock on the door. It wouldn't do any good. Rainbow hadn't come back to Ponyville in a while. Ever since Twilight's coronation, Rainbow has been traveling all over to perform with the Wonderbolts. And her husband, Soarin.

It started with her, Fluttershy's oldest friend. Fluttershy knew that Rainbow didn't leave her because of some stallion. She was living her life long dream, flying with the Wonderbolts, her icons since fillyhood. But it didn't help that when they started dating, Rainbow got increasingly busy. Even when she was in Ponyville, Rainbow was either practicing for the next show or too exhausted from the last one. They never got any time together. And Soarin was always there, right next to her.

Then it was Pinkie and Cheese. While Pinkie didn't move away, the reckless pony already had a child with Cheese, making it so what little time Pinkie had off from work she was with them. She didn't resent Pinkie for having a family now but... Why did it seem like their friendship was the cost? Twilight already moved back to Canterlot and Rarity's growing popularity kept her from staying in one place for too long. The only constant was Applejack. And Applejack has always been busy on the farm. Fluttershy was a pretty patient pony but it was getting to be too much. She couldn't even remember the last time she saw her friends all together except during the Counsil of Friendship. She huffed again and lightly kicked the ground, sending small puffs of cloud free from the structure.

Fluttershy plopped her flank on the cloud floor, trying to compose herself and keep from breaking down completely. She whimpered softly before her eye caught a picture frame in the window. It was the picture of Rainbow and Soarin from the Grand Galloping Gala. And that was it. The straw that broke the camel's back. She flew off again, ready to throw herself in bed and cry herself to sleep. She took off to her cottage, her tears leaving a damp trail behind her.


It was about an hour of crying that finally calmed the pink haired mare down enough to register her surroundings. She had a few of her critters nearby for support but Fluttershy didn't seem to even notice them until now. She looked around at her animal companions and tried to calm their worries.

"I'm so sorry little ones... I didn't mean to worry you all. I just... Why can't I be happy for my friends? They're off doing what they want... Living happily with their new families. But I'm just here. Still alone with my animals..." Fluttershy hugged the pillow she was holding, tears staining the case.

Several animals chirped in worry for the yellow pegasus, hoping to offer some ideas to help her relax. "No Mr Beaverton Beaverteeth... I don't think food will help..." A squawk came from a nearby bird. "I already tried flying... It didn't help." One more voice chimed out from the chaos. Angel thumped his foot loudly before bringing over some paper and a quill.

Fluttershy looked to the parchment for a bit before taking it in her hoof. "A story...? I haven't written one in years. I... I didn't feel the need to." She examined it again, a fond memory passing her mind. "Maybe your right. Now is a perfect time to cheer myself up. But... What to write?"

Fluttershy's mind immediately went to her friends. Her breath caught a bit as she steadied her quill. The one she wanted to see the most now was Twilight. She was the busiest of them all, so Fluttershy settled on a story about her. Her and a certain orange pegasus Fluttershy remembered seeing the princess ogle a few times. It was perfect.

The quill glided effortlessly along the page, the story spilling forth from her with ease. Her creativity sparked life and soon she was focused on her writing. It wasn't anything special, a simple love story between a princess and her royal guard, but it was her creation and she loved it. It made her happy to have made something, even if she had no intention to show anypony.

When she finished, she really did feel better. She scooped up Angel and hugged him close, snuggling the bunny despite his pleas to let go. "Oh, Angel that was a lovely idea~ Thank you so much~ I feel so much better now. I just needed that out of my system."

Finally, the bunny squirmed from her grip and stomped, looking rather cross with her. Fluttershy sheepishly grinned and started to fluff his tail that she'd messed up. "I'm sorry Angel. Thank you for the suggestion." Angel seemed at ease now, accepting her apology for now.

As she fluffed Angel's tail, Fluttershy's eyes drifted back to the quill and paper. She finished up with Angel before grabbing the quill again and grabbing a new piece of paper. She started writing words that were definitely familiar to her.

Dear, Princess Twilight Sparkle...


Fluttershy woke up rather late that morning, sleep not finding her until late in the night. The letter she wrote last night was a simple one, just telling her about her day and asking how Canterlot was treating her. Fluttershy knew that Twilight was fine, but the simple gesture of writing a letter to her friend was relaxing. Her morning however, was anything but.

Animals cried and chirped and squawked to get the caretakers attention, all starving for their morning meal. Fluttershy scrambled to get everything in order and get the right food to the right critters. Her breakdown last night involved her leaving her cottage in a sad state of affairs that made it hard for the pegasus to find what she wanted.

Fluttershy's letter sat on the counter, nearby the story she'd written last night to calm her mind. As she brought the food over to the squirrels, it took her just a second too long to realize she was pouring the wrong bag. Bear chow tumbled out, leaving the small mammals in a confused state. As soon as she noticed that, she tried to correct her mistake but one of the squirrels got antsy, jumping up on the counter to reach the right food. The squirrel found himself on unstable ground as he landed on Fluttershy's letter to Twilight. He slipped, scattering the pages on the floor. In a last attempt not to fall, the squirrel grabbed at the counter but only found purchase on the story, scattering more paper with the letter, down below.

Luckily, before the squirrel could hit the ground, Fluttershy swooped in and caught him, breathing a sigh of relief. She scolded the small beast. "What did I tell you about being patient Nutella? You almost got hurt. And you made a mess. Say you're sorry." Nutella chattered out an apology and Fluttershy set him down on the ground before grabbing the proper food.

Once everyone was fed and happy, Fluttershy started to pick up the pieces of paper on the floor to put them back when she suddenly heard the clopping of hooves. Fluttershy gasped and quickly folded the pages away into an envelope. "The mail pony is here already! I have to get this letter to Twilight now!"

She rushed outside, just in time to meet the mail carrier. She happily handed over her letter, hopeful the princess would send her a letter back soon. Unfortunately, Fluttershy's letter still laid on the floor of her cottage, unknown to the pegasus as the envelope with her new story made it's way to the main character's mailbox. Fluttershy just went about her day, humming a soft tune as she headed towards her sanctuary.

Author's Note:

It has been a long time since I wrote a fanfic, so I'm a bit rusty. But I felt after all this time I needed to write this. Thank you for reading, and if you catch any grammatical errors, leave them in the comments and I'll try to correct them.