• Published 17th Dec 2011
  • 1,182 Views, 2 Comments

The Aces - Blackout

The concept of war wasn't part of daily Equestrian life, which is why you and your team was created

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Foul Play

His ears are ringing from the sound and his chest feels preassurized from the shock wave, which blows snow over him and his men.

"Damnit Colonel, give us a warning before you set off something like that!" the soldier behind him shouts. He had forgoten to give them a warning, normaly he didn't have to, but these men havn't been able to adjust to the loud sounds of explosions going off in thier face.

"GO!" Blackout commands as his team rushed through the opening he blasted. Everything would have gone off without a hitch if it wasn't for the introduction of sound that made his eyes go wide. It was indeed gun fire, but unlike the rapid bang sound of his rifles, this was a popping sound. This was the signature sound of a Kalashnikov rifle, a Grimlin gun. Grimlins were known to have extensive knowledge in technology but never associated with anyone, unless it was to cause trouble, and if that was the case then what are Gargoyles doing with thier guns? But he pushed aside this thought as he realised that his men would be in trouble. As the last pony moves through the wall, Blackout turned to find bodies of both sides on the ground, and around them are white puffs of snow jumping from bullet impacts. He rushed to the nearest available cover, behind the hole he just blew open. This was bad, a team of young soldiers who didn't know how to fight against armed Gargoyle warriors, and nothing solid to stay behind. Blackout quikly realises that the team is thinning to only about ten ponies. In an act of despiration and in dire need of help, he shout out a command at the top of his lungs to blow the wall.

To the relief of Blackout, his shout was followed by a loud roar, and another shockwave, and another wall of snow to cover the Colonel and his men. Soon another boom went off, and another shockwave, and more snow. The rapid bang sound of Equestrian rifles invaded Blackout's ears, only to be drowned out by the popping of the Grimlin made weapons. He was still out-gunned, but he wasn't dead yet. He would not let the death of the young stalions be in vain. Drawing his knife from under his left arm and pulling his pistol from the holster on his hip he ran strait into the frey. Maby it was just dumb luck but every time he pulled this reckless stunt, he emerged alive and still able-bodied. In a confusing scene of stabs, slashes, pot shots, and punches, Blackout's colleagues had followed suite. The valliant act had mad progress but hit a dead end when the gunfire stopped and the three leaders were backed against each other, covered in blood, not even knowing whom it belongs to, and breathing heavily from the glorified mosh pit they created. They became surrounded by Gargoyles with barrels aimed at them, a single move and thier dead. Equestrian soldiers were pushed into the middle of the circle, some already bound in ropes. An opening in the circle is made for a rather intimidating looking Gargoyle with nicley decorated armor, a sword, and a Grimlin pistol at his hip. He had a smug grin on his his face as he slowly walked up to the now captured ponies.

"That was very brave of you, running into the battle like that." he said as he spoke to Blackout, now bound and pushed on his knees. "I'm afraid that bravery can get a pony so far before he hits a wall."

"So what are you going to do, throw us in the Gulag?" Mig said sarcasticly.

"I'm afraid I don't take prisoners, and I've always wanted to kill and Ace, now I can kill all three of you."

"Just one minute." said Blackout, "I've got a question. Why do you have Grimlin guns?"

"Ah yes, these contraptions he calls a gun, well Mr. Kalashnikov was very eager to get his invention out to the world, and we gargoyles have made a good sum of coin from our past victories. We used these new funds to buy these weapons and fortunatly it encouraged the Grimlins to become a little more social, in a good way."

"So, you've been buying things from the Grimlins."

"Yes Colonel I" the Gargoyle stoped, "we have." The stuter caused Blackout to ponder why this living building decoration use "I" when he was a Brigadier, he was no General, or one of thier Prime Ministers. "Enough talk, soldiers!" the Gargoyle comanded "Take these ponies to a proper execution site and line them up with the Aces last." The soldiers complied and brought everypony to thier hooves then proceeded to move them to a clear spot and lined them down with the three Aces at one end. There's the gate, just run for it. Blackout mused to himself, but he knew that escape by those means would be suicide, and disloyal. He would rather die with his friends then run off alone and fail the mission. The three watched helplessly as the Brigadier went down the line, looking into each soldier's pleading eye's with his own, beady, souless ones, and pulling the trigger of his pistol. With each gunshot the three grew more angry, angry that this smug bastard is mercilessly killing the young ponies that Celestia herself entrusted thier safety with them. They had to act, or think, or do something to get them out. Ten ponies left, one bullet left in the gun, three soldiers to the left, two to the right. Blackout's mind raced with observations as he planned his attack. Through facial expressions, body motion, and lip talking, the Aces managed to form a quick plan they would try while the Gargoyle was reloading his gun.

"Now!" Blackout shouts and the three rise up, thier hooves were tied in front of them so they could still use them. Mig and Gear Head threw thier arms around the necks of the two soldiers on the right and Blackout reach for his knife with his mouth. He proceeded to clumsily cut the rope until it snapped and his hooves were free. The guards on the left had little time to draw thier weapons as the now free Aces gunned them down. The Brigadier took off before they could get a shot at him and entered the compound. Ignoring the cowardly leader, the Aces then turned thier attention to the remaining Gargoyles surrounding them.

"Take care of the men, I'll destroy the compound." Blackout shouted over the gunfire. With that statement, he bolted for the large concrete structure. Smashing through the front door and shooting any ressistance in the room. Taking the time that an empty room can offer, he takes anything he can use to get to that murderer that is now hiding in the building. Reloading the Grimlin rifle in his hooves he slowley opened the door to the next room. Two hostile targets, he observed as he shot one in the chest, knocking him to the floor. He turned to aim at the next Gargoyle and shot him twice in the head, killing him. The Gargoyle on the ground pointed his gun at Blackout but wasn't fast enough and had another bullet enter his chest, piercing his heart. With another room cleared, Blackout moved down a hall into the next room, which had machines spread out. Ten targets. Quickly Blackout reach for a grenade he picked up from a dead Gargoyle. He held it for two seconds before tossing it into the center of the room. He dove to the ground and faced away so any shrapnel wouldn't hit his face. The explosion went off and smoke and dust was force up while sparks and electricity from the machines flew. Blackout snapped back to his bipedal position and raised his rifle, scanning for any survivors, none. To the left of the hall was a metal door that led to lower levels.

"Great there's more." Blackout said to himself. "At least this means he didn't away." Checking his ammo, he walked up to the door and slowly opened it.