• Published 17th Dec 2017
  • 215 Views, 0 Comments

Lost at Sea - Rainbow Swirl

A Stunt diver gets stranded out at sea and her only savior is, criminals?!

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My Story

First, to understand my story better you need to know a bit about who I am, my name is Ocean Wing, I am a stunt diver and love the ocean. I am a bat pony with a dull somewhat light colored blue coat with short cyan colored hair. My special talent is doing dangerous stunts in or around water. I love doing my stunts in the ocean compared to a pool or river cause there is not only more excitement for my audience but also gives me a brand new challenge with the constant changing conditions. On this particular day in September I was doing another show off the coast of Florida. For my first stunt I did a test of strength and durability. The task to complete was seeing how far down I can go and then coming back up in one breath. I got down to 250 meters! It was my best dive yet! I was so excited and felt a bit cocky as I began my second stunt. Just before I went down into the water I saw that a storm was brewing, I asked my manager about the storm and he said it was pacing by and wouldn't hit us. I was a tad nervous but decided to trust him. Afterall if I die he loses not only his job, but his pay check. With the second stunt the crowd would see me on a projector because the stunt was completely underwater. With a metal chair bolted to a big sturdy rock I was brought down by a small sub. This stunt was to see how long I could hold my breath while sitting in that chair. I know it doesn't sound like much, but I was down to 250 meters. At this point the pressure on me is about twice as much if not more than what it would be on the surface. With it all set up they began timing me, 30 minutes past without interruption. Me and the other crew members down with me were so far below the ocean's surface that we didn't get any waves or currents from the storm nearby. As I sat there contemplating life and playing a song in my head my crew members began to get worried about the growing storm over head. "maybe we should call this off, that storm is getting close and it's hurricane season." One of my crew members said as he sat next to my manager watching me. That crew member than reached for the walkie talkie to call it off when my manager grabbed his arm before he reached the device. "Oh come now, it's still sunny above and even if the storm comes it's not that strong and we are way below the ocean's surface. No currents could go down this far." My manager said in a sly somewhat happy tone as if he was part of an ad. "And this was Ocean Wing's biggest achievement yet, do you think she wants to remember this day being canceled." My manager said a bit more with a sly and conniving convincing tone. "Well, no." The crew member said slowly as he brought his arm back down and slumpt back in his seat. What I didn't know was that the storm was growing in size and coming straight for our set up. 20 minutes pass and I was nearing the hour marker when, a gust, like a small underwater breeze moved me. Breaking from my concentration I opened my eyes to see that the entire set was darkened with the crew members now having to use lights to see. I look up and even from this deep depth I could see the storm clouds above me. With fear and terror coming over me I gave my crew members the signal to stop and I got pulled back into the sub where my manager and crew members were. I took a deep breath and inhaled heavily, "I thought.... you said..... the storm.... would pass us..." I said in between pants as I sat on the edge of the moon pool. "Why yes, some clouds from the storm are over here but the bulk of the storm won't hit us." My manager said trying to recover from his mistake. "You know I don't dare do my stunts with a storm this close." I said with a stern voice and managed to get it all said in one go. My manager opened his mouth and tried to speak but before he did one of my diving crew members came up and said that another crew member was stuck and he needed help. Not caring about what my manager thought or said I dove into the water and swam over to the pony diver. One of the fins was stuck under a rock and the fin was securely fastened with multiple locks. Quickly I started unlocking each of the ten locks on the flipper with taking about 3 to 4 minutes each lock. I had one more to go and as I kept unlocking each one there was a stronger current. I knew that this was bad, with strong currents like this so deep I knew a hurricane was forming above. Finally the last one was unlocked and the diver broke free, quikly me and the diver began swimming towards the sub, but as I began to follow a big currant picked up and took me with it. It was fast like the undertow and was dragging me out to sea. I thought fast and swam up to the surface as fast as I could to breath and analyze my situation. When I got up I saw the funnel of the hurricane, it was large and growing. It took me a moment to get out of this shocked state and realized that I was a good 3 to maybe even 4 football fields away from the shore and the landmass looked more like an island as I tried to think, "what can I do, what can I do, WHAT CAN I DO!!!" My mind drew a blank, nothing could come to mind of what I could do. I looked up again to see that I was even further away, I know realized, I wouldn't be getting back there, at least, not on my own. A few hours past and from the time I started my show at midday was now night time. The sky was clear, the moon was bright, and all the stars could be seen so bright. If I wasn't stranded I'd take it all in as a pretty sight. But the happiest thing I could think of was that i'd die looking at a pretty sky. Some how, some way, I was able to stay afloat through the night and sleep into the next morning. My wings were outstretched to keep me afloat and I laid still like a log. As the blazing sun gazed its burning rays onto me I thought of all the ways I could die out here. A shark can pull me down and tear me apart, I could lose my consciousness and fall into the water and drown, or the sun could burn me into dehydration. These and many other scenarios played in my head as I floated along. I closed my eyes for what seemed like seconds as at least an hour or two passed. Then, thump, what, my head hit something. I opened my eyes and sat up, I turned around to see, a bed. Not a normal bed you sleep on though, it was a seaweed bed. At least I always called them that, it was a ball of seaweed and other materials that just float in the ocean; and it was huge. Bigger than any raft I had seen, with joy and hope breathing me back to life I quickly and clumsily climbed onto the savior raft. As I called it, with great relief I laid down on the dried seaweed and twigs as I swiftly drifted off to sleep. I woke up to the sound of, what seemed like a running engine. I looked up in disbelief as in the distance, no, it couldn't be. Right by the setting sun, I saw, a ship!! It was my ticket to ponykind, home, my life!!! I was getting ready to jump off, when I paused, What if it's a mirage. What if I leave this raft and can't get back. But if I stay and I let that boat leave it could be my death. It was a 50 50 shot and I had to gamble my life over a raft or a boat. On the chances I found the raft again I gathered all the strength I had I ran and jumped into the air outstretching my sore wings. Being a bat pony my wings do not like heat and with having thin membrane it was easy to get a sunburn on my wings and I wanted so badly to close my wings and stop the pain but the urge to get to safety and home kept my wings open as I glided through the air. To my great relief it was indeed a boat. With my wings now wavering and giving up I fell just short of the boats deck. Luckily enough the boat had long chains on each side that hung just above the waters surface. Quickly I rushed over and grabbed one of the last chains as the boat sped by.Now as I dragged alongside the boat I hoisted myself onto the somewhat thick chains. Once I got to the middle of the chain I passed out do to so much exhaustion and energy use. It was about the middle of night when I woke up, when I did I heard the clopping of two sets of very unsteady hooves stomp across the boat's deck. I climbed up the chain and was about to go over when I thought, wait, just to be sure let's make sure that these are good ponies. Because even though in my exhausted state I knew That pirates and evil ponies roam these waters quite often. So quietly a snuck back down onto the chain and looked through the small hole where the chain came through. In the middle of deck spreading from the main quarters of the ship to almost 2 thirds of the decks length was covered in, fur? Some magically lit lanterns illuminated the deck so I could see furs of all different shades of brown with one or two white at the very end. I knew from my sister who is seamstress she taught me how to tell different furs apart, using that knowledge I looked at the fur as closely as possible and could see that it was downy fur. What that means is, is that this fur was from the coats of some sort of baby animal because downy fur is the undercoat of any animal and is only visible this way in a baby's coat. Suddenly the two stomping stallions walked onto the deck. As i hid in the shadows of the hull I could clearly tell that they were drunk. The men held onto each other like good buddies as they almost fell ontop of each other. They clumsily walked past me and then thumped onto the deck as they began to chat. Listening closely I could listen in on their conversation. One of the stallions had a deep ascent heavy voice that sounded like he was from africa, the other was clearly american from that country texan accent he had. The african stallion said in a deep bellowing voice, "We are, hick, gonna be, hick, rich." The stallion said happily in between hiccups. "hick, yea friend, all these baby seal coats will sell, hick, BIG BUCKS." The texan said. SEALS?! I said to myself in shock, I was no animal expert nor was I an active member of the eco community but I did know for a fact that even hunting regular seals let alone the babies were illegal. And in Florida they were making a huge fuss about stopping the fur black market in New York. That's where they must be headed I thought, before the stallions clumsily stood up the texan said, "let's go get another drink." And the stallions held hooves as they clumsily walked back into the cabin. I sat in shock as I said, "I'm on a boat with black market dealers." I couldn't jump off as that would most certainly mean death, but I had to get something to eat and drink or I would die. Everyone on the boat seemed to be celebrating so I slowly hopped onto the deck then walking in the shadows on the side as I made my way to a staircase and a hallway that had the door to the cabin with the celebrating sailors. I quickly walked past the door and into another cabin further down. I woke up fireflies in a lantern just above the door and saw that it was a small galley. With great relief I went through the galley and made a nice salad with ranch dressing and a cup of water. With this I thought, where am I gonna eat this? I thought back and remembered there were crates underneath the stairs. Maybe there was a closed off opening in the boxes where I could eat my food and possibly sleep. To just my luck there was an opening and I was even happier to see a life boat on the side. As I ate my food I thought back to when I was a child, my dad was a sailor and he always told me and my sister that if we ever wanted to be a stowaways on a boat the lifeboat was the best place to be. I thought of that memory fondly and realized it truly was the best place to be. There was a top covering It so you would be sheltered from rain, with the canvas no one could see you unless they took it off, and it has blankets and life vests in a compartment which made a very comfy bed. It was a perfect little hide away. Before I went to sleep in my new bed I overheard the captain speak to himself just outside the boat, "We should reach New York tomorrow morning." He said happily as he stomped up the stairs and into another room. Yes, I can be home soon. Then I had a little parade of happiness marching around in my head before I paused and thought, I should do something about this boat. These ponies are criminals and should be stopped. Throughout the night I thought of what I would do in the morning. Next morning came around and I heard the ship dock and the bustle of ships loading and unloading could be heard all around me. I waited for quite a while before I peeked my head out of the boat. I lifted the canvas slowly as I crept out of the boat once I saw the coast was clear. This was quite a feat for me at the moment with so little energy to use and my body now aching from all the strenuous work over the course of my days at sea. Despite that I got out of the boat and was able to casually walk out of the dock with no problems. Before I left though I caught the number and name of the boat I was on before I left. Once I went into town I asked a young lady where the police station was, she kindly directed me and and I said thank you before running as fast as my stiffened muscles could carry me. Once I turned a corner about 3 blocks down the station was in sight. I slammed through the swinging doors of the police office and skidded on the polished floor and banned my head on the hard wood reception desk knocking me out. When I woke I was in the police stations infirmary with a local nurse standing by me. She turned and saw I had my eyes opened and smiled before she said, "Good you're up, how are you feeling." I was so wiped out from my ordeal I quietly groaned as I attempted to raise my hoof but my muscles cramped and ached with so much pain that it wouldn't budge. "That's okay, you must have done a lot to get yourself this worn out." The nurse said striking up a conversation. To tired to even nod I closed my eyes and passed out. From what the nurse told me I slept for two days before I actually could function like a normal pony again. Once awake but still sore I told the police my entire story. The press got ahold of the story and my face was in every newspaper for at least 3 weeks straight. Stranded for days and criminals! Stunt Diver Ocean Wing Found!!!! Ocean Wing Caught the Criminals!!!! Many other headlines such as those were up all over town and the rest of Equestria. Just within the first day of the news getting ahold of my story my sister came to New York and brought me home. It was pretty uneventful from here, almost everypony I saw wanted an autograph, press begged for more info, the bad guys got caught, oh, and I fired my manager. I still stunt dive but now I always have at least 2 to 3 crew members that are specifically involved in the weather updates because I do not want to go through that again.

Author's Note:

This is a short story I made up, I hope you like it.

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