• Published 30th Nov 2011
  • 4,598 Views, 99 Comments

Kidnapped1-5 - Jaiden

  • ...

Meanwhile back at Earth

"WHERE IS HE!?" Kim shouted

"Calm down ma'am he probably got lost, have you tried his phone?" A policeman replied.

"Yes i have! And no. He wouldn't have gotten lost, he has been walking from that school for a year now!"

"We have a patrol car searching down that road and up the housing estates, if this is a Abduction we will know about it soon enough."

"Thank you officer"

"Just doing my job ma'am" As the policeman finished his sentence he left the house and said something into his radio, quickly got into his car and signaled Kim to get in

"We could have something, get in i'll take you." The officer said

As they drove down the slightly curved road that Zac had been walking not a Hour before they came across a hole in the ground with several more officers around it.

"Is this it? A hole in the ground? Zac wouldn't have fell down the- THAT'S HIS BAG!" she said worryingly

The police officers had set up a diversion and blocked off that part of the road, so the officer stopped the car and got out, Kim followed.

"Have you found him? Is he down there?" Kim demanded to know.

"So far ma'am we have no signs of him, but his bag being here suggests that he fell here." The officer replied

"Wait a moment. Zac would never be so blind as to fall down a obvious hole. Someone must have pushed him." Kim explained

"Well if someone DID push him down there then we have a proble- Woah!" As the officer started to say 'Problem' a Owl flew down said hole and didn't come back up.

"What in.. This could lead to somewhere ma'am we are going to have to bring in a rescue team and send someone down there." The officer explained and lit up the hole with a flashlight. "Seems quite deep." He said.

"Well as long as you get Zac back im fine with it." She said through closed eyes.


"Oh there you are Owlicious!" Twilight said. (Cookies to anyone who gets that reference)

"Who." The Owl sounded serious.

"Is there a problem?" Zac asked.

"Owlicious seems to have stayed at your world until just now apparently." She replied

"Wait the portal is still open?!" I said worryingly.

"Yes." *Sigh* "I can't close the portal. It stays open forever." She sadly said.

"Twilight what have you done! My people will probably try to send someone down here to come get me!" Zac said

She walked over to the portal and peered through it. "I can see something! It looks like a light.." She explained


"Im going in" The Rescue operator said

"Just be careful. We operated a scan earlier to see how deep the hole went and it was so deep that it was off the scale!" Another operator Replied.

"We have ten thousand meters of cable here ma'am we, will find him." A officer explained.

"Oh good. I hope he is okay.." Kim said. Almost sobbing.


"Alot of my friends are away on a trip but i can show you the two that are here." Twilight explained

"Alright then." Zac replied

As the two walked out of the front door Zac got ALOT of stares from other ponies

I guess they have never seen a human before..

Walking through the town Zac noticed a few things; there where no birds flying overhead although he did see something.. Blue fly over him however, it was too fast to examine. Alot of the houses are uniform, apart from the odd house that had a garden in it, and it seemed very cheerful, there where no shady characters that looked like they had committed a crime.

Twilight and Zac finally approached what seemed to be a area that housed wildlife, with a small cottage siting in the middle of it.

Wow it is kinda cool here, more cheerful than back home.. i guess i could get used to living here.. Well that is if the rescue team doesn't find me..

Twilight told Zac to stay a bit further back and out of sight. Twilight also told him that the pony he was about to meet was very shy. Zac was shy also but he had started to grow out of it.

"Hey Fluttershy. You know I said to you yesterday that i was going to open a portal and experiment on the creatures there." Twilight began to say but Zac's thoughts cut him off

Oh no they ARE going to experiment on me.. I had better get out of here!

Zac began to run but his shirt had been caught on some wire mesh that caged in some rabbits.


"Zac? Zac you can come now!" Twilight called.

Zac didn't reply

Twilight started to walk to the corner where Zac was supposed to be hiding but he wasn't there..

"Oh no.." Twilight said.

Zac had gotten free of the mesh and ran behind a hill so he could see Twilight but she couldn't see him.

Damn mesh almost got me caught..

"Fluttershy! Zac must have heard me and thought the wrong thing! i'll get Rainbow Dash and Rarity. You search the area!" Twilight commanded.

"Okay." Fluttershy replied.

Twilight teleported to Rarity which gave her quite a shock

"Wahaha! Twilight darling you mustn't do that! I could have ruined my latest design!" Rarity Fumed.

"No time to talk Rarity! The creature that i bought through the portal has run away! We have to get him back! Do you know where Rainbow dash is?" Twilight said

"I do believe she went to.. Umm. Oh! Yes! That's right, she went to her home to look for something!" Rarity replied.

Twilight casted a spell that allowed her to walk on clouds and teleported to Rainbow Dash's House.

She furiously knocked on the cloud-door. "Rainbow Dash! We have a problem!" Twilight screamed.

Rainbow dash appeared through the floor next to her "What is it Twilight?" She sounded bored.

"You know you didn't have to come through the floor? Whatever. The creature you captured ran away when i was talking to Fluttershy! I need you to search for him!" Twilight Explained

"Sure. He put up a good fight but i know how to beat him this time!" She boasted, Then flew away.

Twilight teleported to the ground and started to search for him as-well

Damnit. That Pegasus is searching for me. Better retreat to the treeline.

Zac was wearing a almost full-on ghillie suit that he had worn for school for a costume contest. The leaves and branches where in his bag so all he had for camouflage was his t-shirt and trousers. It worked effectively because he had reached the treeline and blended in perfectly!

Hahah! They will never find me now! I need to get back to the library so i can get home!