• Published 3rd Feb 2017
  • 1,127 Views, 13 Comments

Oh Spike We Hardly Knew Thee - 5u0myn0n4

A story cataloging the darkest times that befall Spike the Brave and Glorious. Spike experiences difficult situations, and is challenged to not give up no matter how grim things may seem. Twilight and friends must help in any way they can.

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Chapter 4: Where am I?

Originally published on August 10th, 2017

Where in Equestria was Spike? Well, he was right here. But where was here?

Spike still lay sound asleep, as if nothing was wrong, but things were very wrong. He started to wake up slowly, yawning as he did. His vision was still bury from waking up, when he started to notice something wasn't quite right. He sat on his knees, and looked at his hands, he noticed they were handcuffed together. He panicked when he noticed this, and tried to pulled them apart, to no avail.

He wore himself out, and fell flat on his back. He surveyed the situation while laying back. Spike was in a dark and cold steel room, there was a steel bed, but not much else. Spike stood up to examine the room. He walked about half way to the wall, but suddenly his neck got caught caught on something. Spike only just now noticed around his neck, was a metal collar of some kind, attached to a chain connected to the floor in the center of the room.

Spike looked around in fear. What was this place? Why I here? Spike thought.

Surely this has to be a horrible nightmare. No way this can be real.

"If this is some kind of terrible nightmare, Luna can you please end it? I'm scared."Spike's request was met with silence.

Could it be this wasn't a dream? How could this be possible?

"If there's anyone here at all, please show yourself. If that's okay..." Spike's voice trailed off, fearing what could possibly be lurking beyond these walls.

It was mostly silence for what felt like an hour. But then suddenly, Spike heard hoofsteps from behind the door. It was the sound of heavy hooves against a metal floor. He knew he wasn't alone, his heart sank and quivered in fear wondering what lurked in the shadows.
The hoofsteps grew louder and louder, until they stopped just before entering the door. There was nowhere to run, all Spike could do was cower. The noise stopped but the door didn't open, which seemed odd.

Somepony, or something knocked on the door.

*knock knock*

"Wh-wh-who are you?" Spike asked. "And what I am I doing here?"

"I am your owner." a voice behind the door said. The voice sounded quite evil, as you would expect. Pick your favorite evil doer voice for this character.

"No you're not, you're just a door, and doors and I have a complicated relationship." Spike said sarcastically. Obviously the voice was coming from behind the door, but Spike was messing around. Anyone who's tried to have a conversation with another person with a door in between knows it's not easy and quite annoying. Spike had similar feelings. He didn't want to talk with some pony who couldn't even see.

He didn't need to guess any longer what was behind the door, as eye holes on the door opened revealing two sinister eyes.

"Is this better?" it asked, as their eyes gazed into Spike.

"Eh somewhat, but do whom do I owe this conversation to?" he asked.

"My name is both irrelevant and for you to never know. But if you insist on attaching a handle for the sake of reference, you may refer to me as Henry." he said.

"Henry? What kind of name is that? I've never heard of a pony with a name like that." Spike said.

It was true Henry was not a very pony like name, but it wasn't actually the pony's name. No pony knew his actually name, so they just called him Henry.

"Okay so let me get this strait, you're Henry the pair of eyeballs attached to a door." Spike giggled. For being trapped and held prisoner, he hadn't lost his sense of humor yet. Key word is yet.

"No you idiot." Henry snapped. "I am the most powerful pony you will ever meet." he said.

"I ain't buying it, if you were so big and powerful like you said, you wouldn't be hiding behind the door like a little coward. I don't blame you. Not many ponies would dare mess with Spike the Brave and Glorious." he said.

The door unhatched and began to open, revealing Henry's true physique. He was a tall gray horse, wearing a black jacket. A hood covered the top of his head. The most striking thing was how study he looked. He was big, and had a study build.

"Satisfied?" Henry asked.

"...Somewhat." Spike answered, trying to conceal his fear.

"Now that we got the introduction out of the way, how about telling me what in Tartarus going on!" Spike said.

"Let me explain things in a way so even your dim witted mind can understand" Henry began. These words hurt Spike inside, but he waited to let Henry finish.

"You now belong to me, and you will be doing what I say from now on. Any task I request, you shall fulfill." Henry said.

Before Spike was dumbfounded. It was a lot to take in. Before he could say anything, Henry spoke again.

"This concludes today's lecture." he started to walk away.

"Wait! I have so many questions still! Where are we? When are we? What are these 'tasks' you speak of? If this is today's lesson does that mean there'll be more? And most importantly, why do you suddenly own me instead of Twilight? What authority do you have to decide who I belong to?" Spike concluded after a long breath.

Henry took a deep breath before he gave his answer.

"You are in an undisclosed location. Several important tasks shall be demanded. Many lessons will be enforced. And you belong to me because you're sitting right here in my captivity." Henry stated.

"No further questions will be taken. You will remain here until you are needed. Dismissed."
Henry turned around and began to walk out. Spike wished he could run out the door but he couldn't because he was still chained to the floor.

"Wait so that's it?" Spike interjected. "Just because you captured me doesn't mean you own me! You're a bully and a thief and I will never do anything you said!"

Henry seemed to ignore, and trotted out the room and shut the door. Spike thought that was it, but the eye holes of the door opened. Henry continued to speak.

"I captured a dragon, isn't that reason enough for ownership?" he asked.

"No! Twilight is who I really belong to. She is a good friend and I'm her No. 1 assistant. You on the other hand are evil and I will never do your bidding."

"Mmm hmm, Twilight eh." Henry said. "Do you honestly think that Twilight Sparkle cares about you?"

"Of course she does, she's been my friend for as long as I've been alive, and she'd do anything for me!" Spike said. Twilight was a touchy subject.

"Mmm hmm, ponies and dragons living together. You keep living that fantasy." Henry said.

"This whole place feels like a fantasy, that is to say it doesn't feel real." Spike said.

"If you want to stay alive, here's my advice; forget everything you learned from those namby pamby ponies taught you, because all of it is wrong. When I'm done with you, you will learn the true power of dragons." Henry said.

"Never." Spike said.

"Hmm, are you sure?"

"Absolutely sure." he said in defiance. After Spike spoke, a huge surge of electricity ran through Spike.

"AAAAAHHHHH!" Spike was electrocuted.

"If you ever attempt to speak up against me, you are wearing a shock collar that will shock you if you attempt to do so." Henry said.

"That's... that's messed up." Spike said exhausted.

"If you don't like being shocked, then best you do as I say."

"I'd rather die than serve you." Spike said.

"Well at this rate, don't be surprised if you eat those words." Henry said.

The eye holes shut and Henry trotted away.

Henry left leaving a lot of questions unanswered. What was so bad about dragons and ponies living together? Spike found that most ponies were fine with who he was. Aside from that one day earlier in the week.
What horrible things would Henry force Spike to do?

Spike was just left in the dark, both figuratively and literally. All he could do is sit and wait. Wait for what exactly is what really worried Spike.

Spike was still chained to the ground, so there was very little he could do, besides sit... and cry. And cry he did. He was trapped, and he missed his friends. Who knows if he would ever get out of this one.

Normally this would be where the chapter ends, but a few more things happened.

Spike sat in the dark for an unknown amount of time. There was no way of telling time, so it was hard to say, but after what felt like a substantial amount of time, hours perhaps, Henry was back.

The steel door opened and Henry walked in.

"Your time has come dragon." Henry said.

He flipped back his hood revealing that he was a unicorn. He used the magic to undo Spike's chain holding him to the ground. And then he dragged Spike by the chain connected to his shock collar out of the room, and through some dark hallway.

Spike tried to pull the other way, but he wasn't strong enough to overcome Henry's magic.

"Let me go! Where are you taking me!? HELP!" Spike could do nothing as he was dragged... somewhere. To do something...

Where was Spike being dragged? What horrors awaited him? Who the heck is this Henry character? And how and why did he capture Spike?

Stay tuned and find out in Chapter 6!

That's right, Chapter 6. From now on, chapters will alternate between Spike chapters, and pony chapters. Even number chapters being Spike, and odd number being ponies. So next chapter we will see the ponies' POV again. There may be some exceptions say if there are events big enough in either that warrant two chapters, then that mixes things up. And of course much later on, the two stories will... collide...