• Published 31st Dec 2016
  • 1,682 Views, 69 Comments

Love Can Be Found Anywhere - Redrose99875

After recent events, Fluttershy moves to Las Vegas, where she meets new friends, including a chaotic one.

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Chapter One:Las Vegas

Fluttershy stared out the window of the plane, she saw many clouds and a proud blue sky, she looked away, she was not that fond of heights, well... more like falling from them, but still. At last after what felt like hours, the plane had landed

"All passengers, please stand up and grab your things once the plane comes to a complete stop, Thank you," said the pilot over the P.A,

Fluttershy grabbed her suitcase and her pet carrier and got off of the plane.
Fluttershy found her way to her apartment room, she unlocked the door and entered, the first thing she did was open the door of the pet carrier, Angel quickly hopped out stretching and started squeaking complaints about how cramped it was in his carrier, Fluttershy sadly smiled

"I'm sorry Angel, thank you for staying in there the whole time, I think you deserve a treat," she said,

Angel's ears twitched as the rest of him stood still, Fluttershy took five carrots out of her bag and put them on the ground, the rabbit came racing towards them and started nibbling away, though not before giving her a squeak of thanks in acknowledgment, Fluttershy giggled slightly and started unpacking.Her room was really nice, it had four windows, a bathroom with walk-in shower/bathtub and other things behind one door, her bed was a four-poster that was extremely comfy, there was a mini kitchen, with a stove, there was a mini dining room, the room had a walk-in wardrobe, a closet, there was a little table beside her bed,and there was a good-sized T.V, under it was a fireplace.

Once she was finished unpacking, she changed into a fresh set of her usual clothes, which was a white tank top, a light green skirt with thin, light pink lace, there was a white butterfly, a light pink butterfly, and a butterfly that was a normal shade of pink on the left of the skirt, she wore knee length socks that were pink with white spots, she wore boots with a white edge at the top, and a white heel at the bottom, she wore pink eyeshadow and she a little hair clip with a white butterfly, she then decided to go outside.

"Be good Angel, I'll be back in a couple of hours," said Fluttershy on her way out, she took the elevator down and went outside.
Fluttershy looked around, it was an extremely busy city, though it was full of nice people, then suddenly a girl came up to her, this girl's complexion was lavender, she had dark purple hair with magenta highlights that was in a bun, she wore black glasses over her eyes that matched her hair, except without the highlights,she wore a plaid skirt, and a maroon vest over a light blue shirt with long sleeves, she had black ankle shoes with purple legging socks that came up to her knees

"Hey, you look lost, do you need a map?" the girl asked holding out a map

"Oh yes, thank you," Fluttershy said taking the map

"It's no problem, this is a big city, so it's pretty easy to get lost"

"Yeah, I'm new here by the way,"

she chuckled "I've noticed, I'm Twilight Sparkle," the girl said holding out her hand

Fluttershy took it"I'm Fluttershy," she said

"Well, it's nice to meet you, and if you have any questions about this place, I live in that apartment over there," said Twilight pointing over to the same apartment that Fluttershy lived in

"I live there too"

"Well, in that case, I'm on the seventh floor"

"I'm on the tenth"

"Well, I guess I'll see you around then, I gotta go, bye," said Twilight waving goodbye before walking away

Fluttershy waved back, then she started looking at the map Twilight gave he when she suddenly got pushed over, into a puddle of mud

"Oops, sorry," said a girl who kept on running, Fluttershy didn't see much of her, but she caught a glimpse of rainbow hair

"RAINBOW DASH, YOU COME BACK HERE AN' HELP THIS GIRL UP,!!!" said a female voice that had a southern accent, Fluttershy looked up and saw a girl with an orange complexion, she wore a brown cowgirl hat that covered some of her straw-colored hair that was in a ponytail, she had white freckles on her face, a pair of brilliant green eyes, she had a white shirt that was green around the neck and had rolled up sleeves,she wore a blue jean skirt with a brown belt with a red apple in the middle, and she wore brown boots that had red apples on them, the girl suddenly sighed and knelt down.

"You okay sugar cube?" she asked holding out her hand

Fluttershy took it as she was helped up

"Ah'm sorry 'bout Rainbow Dash over there, she loves ta run, but Ah don't reckon she meant to knock ya down," the girl said rubbing the back of her neck, "I'm Applejack, but sometimes you can call me A.J," she said shaking her hand up and down

"Oh, it's fine, I'm Fluttershy, it's nice to meet you," said Fluttershy putting on a smile

Applejack then walked closer and asked"Hungry?"

Fluttershy's stomach rumbled at the mention of hunger

"Um,.... a little?"

Applejack then brought out an apple and put it in her hands"Try that" she said

Fluttershy took a bite out of the apple, and her eyes immediately lit up, she never had an apple this tasty before,

"This is delicious!!!" said Fluttershy,

Applejack put on a proud smile "Glad ya like sugar, if ya need any more of those sweet apples, just come to Sweet Apple Acres, we have the freshest apples around, I gotta go now, I'll see ya later" she said as she waved goodbye as she walked away

Fluttershy waved back, she was about to go back to her apartment, when she heard a scream, she then felt a pair of hands grabbed her shoulders and turned her around, she saw a girl with a white complexion, she had a two beautiful blue eyes,she had the most elegant curls in her royal purple hair, she had a hairclip with three blue diamonds,she had a light blue shirt with puffy, mid length sleeves, she a purple ribbon with two blue rings in the middle that went around her waist, she had two golden bracelets, one one each wrist, she had a light purple skirt with a pyramid of two blue diamonds on the right of the skirt, and she had two purple boots with a diamond at the top of each, this girl had a look of horror on her face

"DARLING!!!WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?!!!!!" she shrieked in panic

Fluttershy looked down, she just realized that she was covered in mud

"Don't worry dear, I'll clean you up right away, you poor thing." said the girl pulling her towards what looked like a spa
A few hours later, Fluttershy and the girl having a steam, it was absolutely relaxing, suddenly the girl spoke up,

"I apologize for freaking out earlier dear, my name is Rarity, and yours?"

"Oh, Fluttershy, it's fine Rarity." said Fluttershy smiling

"That name is Perfect for a pretty girl like you." said Rarity with a smile

Fluttershy blushed"Th-thank you, but I-I'm not that pretty"

Rarity scoffed"Please, I know beautiful when I see it, and I can see that YOU Fluttershy, are beautiful, inside, and out"

Fluttershy smiled a bit at this, though she still didn't agree with Rarity

a few minutes later, the two girls walked out to the reception office, Fluttershy was about to pay, when Rarity stopped her hand with hers

"Ah-Ah-Ah, I'll pay for this darling"

"But it's really no-"

"PLEASE, dear, I INSIST," said Rarity as she paid for the treatment

"Thank you Rarity," said Fluttershy

"No trouble at all darling, maybe we could do this more often?"

"Of course"

"Well, it's getting a bit late, I should probably be off, it was lovely meeting you dear, goodbye"

Rarity waved goodbye as she walked off, Fluttershy waved back, the sun had already gone down, she started to walk back to her apartment

when suddenly she heard a shrill voice purr "Evening Gorgeous, to whom do I owe the pleasure?"

Fluttershy squeaked and turned around in alarm, there was a tall man with a gray complexion, he had fierce black hair, a pair of green eyes with red irises, he wore a black tux with red shoes, he looked like Satan, though Fluttershy could barely make out his appearance in the dark.

"Um,.....I-I-I, uh" Fluttershy stuttered

"Calm down, my sweet little doll, I simply just want your name," he said cupping her chin in his hands

Fluttershy ran as fast as she could at the moment, but she stopped at a dead end, she then felt a pair of arms grab at her legs, she turned around, he was smiling menacingly, he leaned in towards her face closer, and closer, Fluttershy closed her eyes, ready for the worst.

Sombra felt a pair of strong hands grab him by the back of the neck and slam him towards the ground on the other side

Fluttershy's eyes opened and she saw one figure up and another on the ground, then she saw a hole in the fence

"RUN" yelled a voice

Fluttershy stood up and ran faster than she did last time, she didn't stop until she was home
Fluttershy embraced Angel bunny panting, Angel embraced her back squeaking questions about why she was out after dark, Fluttershy quickly explained everything to her precious bunny, Fluttershy was terrified, who was that man who chased her, why was he chasing her? who was that figure who was standing up? Fluttershy cleared her head of these thoughts as she made herself dinner,
Fluttershy watched some nature documentaries, she then turned the T.V off, to get ready for bed, she changed into her pajamas, they were a green shirt and pair of pants that matched with white butterflies and she wore purple slippers she felt scared that someone might have been watching her through the windows, but as she checked them, no one was there, she decided to open her music box and listen to the tune, she listened to it for a few more minutes, she then felt a lot better, she decided to put her bunny to bed,

"Angel please get into bed, it's past your bedtime," said Fluttershy trying to get Angel to settle down, but Angel kept saying he wasn't tired, but Fluttershy saw the tiredness in his eyes so she sang this song

"Hush now, quiet now
it's time to lay your
sleepy head, hush now,
it's time to go to bed"

Angel's eyes drooped, but he would not give in easily

"Drifting off to sleep
an exciting day behind you
Drifting off to sleep
Let the joy of dreamland
find you"

Angel was now on the floor, sleeping, Fluttershy giggled and picked up her pet and put him into bed singing

"Hush now, quiet now it's
time to lay your sleepy head
hush now, quiet now it's time
to got to bed"

Fluttershy then got into bed herself but one question remained, who was that voice?.

Author's Note:

I do not own the song in this chapter, it belongs to Lauren Faust, and whoever wrote it:twilightsmile:, so far I got two thumbs down, but that won't stop me:yay: